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DC member Chiang Man-ching condemns EDB’s political interference in HKDSE

Secretary for Education Yeung Yun-hung criticised the HKDSE history exam question about the second Sino-Japanese war for being hurtful to Chinese people and misleading earlier. He asked the HKEAA to cancel the question. Northern District DC member and Chinese tutor Chiang Man-ching knelt outside of HKEAA today, he had also been collecting signatures to stop the HKEAA from cancelling the question and condemn the EBD for interfering. Chiang pointed out that candidates this year already experienced the anti-ELAB movement and COVID-19, and they had to deal with EDB’s political interference after the exam. He described the EDA as “fell into enemy hands”, and the HKEAA was the “last line of defence”. He urged the HKEAA Secretary General So Kwok-sang to stand strong.

So was not present, and the petition letter was received by a representative of the HKEAA.

Source: Inmedia HK #May18
#HKDSE #Education #CulturalRevolution #WhiteTerror #EDB
Government Blames Liberal Studies for Generating Different Opinions in HK

In an interview with China-funded, pro-Beijing newspaper Ta Kung Pao, Carrie Lam drew an analogy of education in Hong Kong to “a doorless chicken coop without supervision".

Responding to the criticism launched by the Chinese Communist Party media and Beijing loyalists on Hong Kong public exam for "not being patriotic", Lam reiterated that the issues raised by Beijing would be dealt with as the future of Liberal Studies would be announced this year.

Conjoining Beijing, Lam blamed subjects like Liberal Studies for having been "infiltrated" and that "some people intentionally disseminated false and biased information in schools". Lam concluded "stringent control is required."

Since Beijing's open attack of Hong Kong's legislature and education system, the local population are worried that China's "Cultural Revolution" tactics will be applied in Hong Kong.

Source: Now News #May11 #LiberalStudies #Censorship
#RTHK #Headliner #Censorship
Hong Kong Public Broadcaster Suspends Political Satirical Show After Being Attacked by Police and Pro-Beijing Forces

Image from the show

Ng Chi-sum, one of the key members of Headliner as well as news commentator, spoke on public broadcaster RTHK's sudden decision of halting Headliner on May 22, 2020.

Ng believes the "suspension" of the Headliner would probably be a permanent one. He added that even the programme is allowed to return one day, it would only bear the same title but without the essence and spirit.

RTHK's Headliner is a popular news commentary programme which has been running on and off for 30 years in Hong Kong. Accompanied by satirical sketches, parody songs and derivative works, the show is known for its criticism, sharpness and humour toward social issues and problems. Outspoken of governance failure, the show has amassed many keen supporters in the local population.

During the Anti-extradition bill Movement in 2019, the show continues to speak out for the public and bring spotlight to police brutality and governance crisis.

Hong Kong police commissioner Chris Tang, various police-related organizations and Beijing loyalists had through different channels reprimanded the show for "distorting" the fact and the image of the police.

Watch the English-subtitled "Shock Report" in Headliner

Since the handover in 1997, the show had been attacked by Chinese officials, China-owned media and Beijing loyalists including former Chief Executive Tung Chee-Hwa. Although each time these attacks sparked concerns over the gradual erosion of the freedom of speech, the tension had never amassed to the cancellation of the entire show.

On 19 May 2020, RTHK issued an apology while announcing that the long-running Headliner would be suspended until further notice. Considering the removal of episodes which the police force claimed to be "inappropriate", this somehow indicates the source of pressure and the cause of the programme suspension.

After firing on the education system and exam authorities, the Hong Kong government is also increasing its contol over the media lanscape: As a public broadcaster, RTHK has been repeatedly challenged by the authorities, despite the station's popularity, good ratings and compliments for its impartiality during Hong Kong protests.

In addition to cutting RTHK funding, the government ordered RTHK's to vacate one of its buildings in Kowloon Tong. On top of Headliner, the Education Bureau also stopped RTHK from making Education Television Program, one role RTHK has been playing for decades.

On 19 May, the government ordered a full review of RTHK's programme production and editorial processes and called for any staff found to have committed "negligence or errors" to be disciplined.

Source: Ng Chi-sum's Youtube; RTHK; Stand News #May19
#CulturalRevolution #ShockReport #NgChiSum #TsangChiHo #WongHei

Cultural Revolution 2.0: From Hong Kong Limited Edition to World Edition
#ChinesePropaganda #Brainwashing
China Describes Hong Kong's Education System as "Toxic" and "Lawless"

Chinese Communist Party-owned media People’s Daily commented on the reform of Hong Kong's education system. It criticised the HKDSE history exam question about the Second Sino-Japanese war for being “toxic” and “lawless”. It advised the Hong Kong government to “cut the toxic people out of the system, like a warrior cutting his poisoned wrist to save himself”.

Source: Commercial Radio
Image: Financial Times
#May16 #HKDSE #History #PeoplesDaily #Propaganda #Censorship #Education
#CCPPropaganda #Education #Brainwashing
Former Chief Executive Condemns HK's Secretary for Education for ignoring Xi’s opinion

The "803 HK" is a bounty website formed by CY Leung, former HK's Chief Executive and current chairman of CCPCC. Leunv applied for a judicial review at Hong Kong's,High Court on Oct 3, 2020, requesting the Court to order Secretary for Education Kevin Yeung to disclose the personal information of the teacher who was disqualified because of accusations of "professional misconduct" recently.

On Oct 4, Leung quoted from CCP secretary-general Xi Jinping “為官避事平生恥”, which means as a public servant one should not hide away from any challenge. Leung’s post implied that the Secretary for Education should follow Xi’s saying.

Leung also called the Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union (#HKPTU) as a "union of bullies", claiming that “chaos will continue as long as HKPTU exists”.

In his post, Leung described the disqualified teacher and HKPTU as an "overbearing driver" and a "bully". The Education Bureau, on the other hand, was described as a "traffic warden" who hid away from the public’s demand to disclose the teacher’s personal information to avoid trouble. Then, Leung criticised the “traffic warden” for ignoring Xi’s famous quote, and shirking the responsibility to the judge.

Leung said the Bureau should “be strong” and not be afraid of the “bully” HKPTU.

Source: Apple Daily #Oct4

#CYLeung #Smearing #CulturalRevolution
#Education #Censorship
Experts in Education Sector Criticise the Hong Kong Government for Firing a Teacher without Allowing Him to Defend

A teacher at Alliance Primary School, Kowloon Tong was deregistered by the Education Bureau for "promotion of Hong Kong independence" in early October.

James Hon, former chairman of the Council on Professional Conduct in Education (#CPCE), explained that normally if a case is handled by the CPCE, the decision of firing the teacher would be made after considering the complainant's and defendant’s statement at a hearing. However, in this case, the teacher was fired without being given a chance to defend.

Hon criticised the Education Bureau for treating the teacher unfairly and that it was very inconceivable for the teacher to be fired just because of one discussion section.

Leung Yan-wing, former council member of the CPCE, criticised that there was no academic rationale for the Education Bureau to fire the teacher. He also suspected that the Bureau’s decision was based on political correctness considering the fact that the Bureau has announced to change the contents of textbooks in Liberal Education recently.

Leung worried that this case would serve as a warning to teachers and stop them from initiating discussions of controversial topics from their professional perspective, which in turn will cause a huge damage to the profession of education.

Source: Apple Daily #Oct10


#CulturalRevolution #Teacher
#FailedState #Education
New #HKU Pro-Vice-Chancellor Candidate is Reportedly a Chinese Communist Party Member, Lawmaker Challenges Hiring of Mainland Chinese Scholars a Practice of Cronyism

On Oct 22, 2020, it was reported that the Selection Committee led by the University of Hong Kong president Zhang Xiang recommended 2 candidates from Tsinghua University to be the pro-vice-chancellors (university deputy heads) for this oldest university in Hong Kong: Shen Zuojun (申作軍) was nominated to head research while Gong Peng (宮鵬) for academic development.

This will be the first time a Mainland Chinese scholar will become a pro-vice-chancellor at the University of Hong Kong.

Shen specializes in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. He was also the chief scientist of the intelligent supply chain of JD.com, China's online shopping platform. According to the website of Tsinghua University's Department of Industrial Engineering, Shen is a Committee member of the Chinese Communist Party (#CCP) representing the Engineering Department. Following a media inquiry, Shen’s name as a CCP committee member was removed.

In Hong Kong, Yip Kin-yuen, a lawmaker representing the Education sector told reporter that the appointment, once confirmed, means that three of the top management team of HKU have all worked in the University of California, Berkeley before. Yip described it an “extremely rare situation” and casted doubt that “could it be a practice of cronyism?”

Source: HK Citizens News #Oct23
#CulturalRevolution #CCPControl
#CCPControl #CulturalRevolution #NationalSecurityLaw
HK Police National Security unit is set to open multi-platform snitching hotline for “intelligence”

Source: Apple Daily #Oct29

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#CCPControl #CulturalRevolution #NationalSecurityLaw
HK Police National Security unit is set to open multi-platform snitching hotline for “intelligence”

HK police was said to be planning to launch a multi-platform hotline as early as November this year to gather intelligence for enforcement of the National Security Law.

According to government source, informants’ identities will be kept secret and, information will be shared only among national security unit personnel.

Lawmakers reprimanded the hotline arrangement, feared that it could encourage Cultural-Revolution-like purges, turning the city into a silent and lifeless place. The arrangement was compared to an act of ethnic cleansing aimed to silence dissidents, detrimental to economic development in Hong Kong.

Source: Apple Daily #Oct29

#CulturalRevolution #CCP
Pro-Beijing Newspaper Accuses Teacher of Spreading HK Independence with "Wrong Historical Facts"

A teacher from Alliance Primary School in Kowloon Tong was accused of "spreading Hong Kong Independence with a plan", and was the first teacher to lose teaching qualification due to "professional misconduct".

On November 10, 2020, a pro-Beijing newspaper Sing Tao Daily exclusively disclosed the said case, stressing that the teaching materials used had "misled" students with "incorrect historical facts".

The newspaper report also quoted an anonymous primary school principal commenting the teaching arrangement as "biased".

The vice chairman of Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union and former pro-democracy lawmaker Ip Kin-yuen expressed regret over the leakage: "If someone has tried to influence the court appeal through leaking [confidential information], it is unethical".

Source: Stand News #Nov10

#FreedomofSpeech #CulturalRevolution #Education #Teacher
#Mainlandization #Sinicization
#Poll: 64% Respondents Consider #HKU's Appointment of Mainland Professors as Vice-Presidents as Against Principle of Fairness

The governing council of the University of Hong Kong (#HKU) appointed two professors from mainland China, Max Shen Zuojan and Gong Peng, as vice-presidents. Shen is suspected to be a Communist Party member but the council clarified that the allegations are found to be unsubstantiated.

The Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (#PORI) has interviewed 5,767 Hong Kong citizens in November 2020. The survey asked the question: 'The University of Hong Kong recently appointed two scholars from Tsinghua University, Max Shen and Peng Gong, as Vice-Presidents. How much do you consider the appointment to comply with, or not comply with, the principle of fairness?'.

89% of the pro-democracy respondents said the appointment did not comply with the principle of fairness. A total of 64% of respondents, pro-democracy or otherwise, considered the appointment 'not quite comply', ' very much not comply' and 'entirely not comply' with the principle.

Dr. Chan King-ming, associate professor at the School of Life Sciences of Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) and the former chairman of the Teacher's Association of CUHK, said that this appointment clearly shows the mainlandization and Sinicization of HKU.

Chan added that when he was the union chief a few years ago, a number of his colleagues at CUHK complained the use of Mandarin during meetings, 'it is now mainlandization, not globalization.'

Chan mentioned that since many mainland Chinese scholars had returned to China from the US, Hong Kong had become one of their preferred destinations. He worried that these scholars are being intentionally installed in different universities and organizations in Hong Kong. He added that HKU's appointment this time was related to the earlier change in the governance structure, such as the direct interventions occurring in the governing council and the Court. Such things had actually happened 15 years ago at the university.'

Chan also criticized that this appointment had already posed threats to academic freedom and institutional autonomy, and noted that the issue of resource allocation was involved here as a number of scholars had been invited to work in mainland China, especially the Greater Bay Area.

Regarding the National Security Law, Chan remarked that chilling effect had already been brought by the reporting hotline set up by the Police's National Security Department, and 'Cultural Revolution 2.0' had come. Some students had begun self-censoring as they changed the names of their online accounts.

Source: InMedia #Nov6

#AcademicFreedom #University #Academia #CCPControl #CulturalRevolution
#NationalSecurityLaw Hotline in Hong Kong Receives 10,000 Messages In One Week

More than four months has passed since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law in July 2020, Hong Kong police announced earlier that its National Security Department has launched a reporting hotline for people to provide national security-related information and report suspected breaches of the law.

In their reply to the reporters' inquiry on Nov 15, police stated that they had received nearly 10,000 messages as of November 12.

As to whether they will initiate any investigation regarding the reports, police dodged the question.

The China-owned South China Morning Post quoted the government sources that among the nearly 10,000 messages received by the 'National Security Reporting Hotline', some are repetitive, but some are constructive.

Source: Stand News #Nov15
#CulturalRevolution #PoliticalSuppression
CCP-run Newspapers Accuse
Mask Company in Hong Kong of National Security Law Breach

Source: Stand News #Nov17

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#CulturalRevolution #PoliticalSuppression
CCP-run Newspapers Accuse
Mask Company in Hong Kong of National Security Law Breach

"Yellow Factory", a company selling facemasks since April 2020, was accused by China-funded media Wen Wei Po and Ta Kung Pao for breaching the national security law that was forcefully implemented in Hong Kong in July 2020.

Yellow Factory had temporarily closed its stores in Mong Kok and Causeway Bay, in addition to its online shop.

The two China-run newspapers cited pro-Beijing supporter and lawmaker, who comdemned the company for "inciting hatred and violence" and "infuencing young people".

The article reprimanded the printing of the acronym "FDNOL" which hints at the pro-demicracy slogan “Five Demands, Not One Less”, on the masks. The Company's slogan "Get Well Hong Kong, the Fight of Our Times Against the Pandemic" and the packaging printed on the masks produced by the company were also harshly criticized by the Chinese Communist Party's mouthpiece for "inciting protest spirits".

Source: Stand News #Nov17

#NationalSecurityLaw Hotline in Hong Kong Receives 10,000 Messages In One Week
#AcademicFreedom #University
Cultural Revolution 2.0: China-run Newspapers Slam HKUST Professor for Breaching National Security Law

The Education Sector and academia in Hong Kong have been targeted by the pro-Beijing forces and Chinese Communist Party (#CCP) mouthpiece.

The CCP-loyal Wen Wei Po and Tai Kung Pao have published a series of reports which slammed Dr. Lee Ching-kwan, a professor of sociology at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (#HKUST), for her speech delivered in an online forum held by Hong Kong Democracy Council (#HKDC) in May 2020.

The CCP-owned newspaper accused Lee of "advocating Hong Kong Independence" and "violating the national security law".

Organizedby HKDC on May 26, the discussion topic of the forum was: "Is this the end of the 'One Country Two Systems'?".

The speakers included the former leaders of now-disbanded Demosistō Nathan Law Kwun-chung and Joshua Wong Chi-fung, as well as Benny Tai Yiu-ting, who is a former law professor of the University of Hong Kong (#HKU).

The video of the online forum was deleted on the Facebook page of the HKDC. According to the video spread by the Beijing-loyal presses, Lee said in English, "I think it helps not to think Hong Kong as a Chinese city. We don't belong to China...I don't think. We belong to the world."

Lee Ching-kwan was the Dr. Chung Sze-yuen Professor of Social Science at HKUST and the sociology professor of University of California, Los Angeles.

Source: Stand News #Nov20

#Censorship #Academia #UCLA #Professor #LeeChingKwan #CulturalRevolution
#CulturalRevolution #Education
HK Education Chief Denies Charges of Turning Liberal Studies subject into pro-China National Education

Source: Apple Daily #Dec5

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