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Police Arrested Demosisto's Member at the Hong Kong Airport for conspiracy to commit criminal damage

Demosisto, a pro-democracy group with founding members including Joshua Wong and Nathan Law, stated on its social media page that their committee member Li-li Wong has been arrested by the police when she was about to leave Hong Kong in the evening of 9 January 2020 to observe the presidential election in Taiwan.

Li-li Wong was arrested by the police at the departure for "conspiracy to commit criminal damage" and potential connection with the occupation of the Legislative Council on July 1, 2019.

Source: RTHK

#Jan9 #Demosisto #policebrutality
100,000 face masks obtained by Demosistō to be distributed

Joshua Wong announced that Demosistō has successfully purchased 100,000 face masks from the U.S.. The masks would be distributed through District Councillors and available for purchase in a discounted price on Demosistō website. The main cost had already been covered by Demosistō.

Source: Demosistō #Feb11

#FaceMask #Demosisto
#FaceMask #Shortage #Feb17
Pro-democracy Group Demosisto Announces the Procurement of another 1.2 million Face Masks for Hongkongers

From Joshua Wong's Twitter:

#JoshuaWong #Demosisto

Agnes Chow applies for judicial review of search warrant that allowed police to obtain data of Facebook page’s subscribers

(16 Apr) Demosisto members including Joshua Wong and Agnes Chow were arrested on suspicion of “inciting others to participate in an unauthorized assembly” outside Legislative Council on 12 June 2019. In February 2020, they were informed that the police had obtained 3 court warrants to inspect the data in their phones now kept in the police headquarters. Subsequently, the police had even obtained a warrant to inspect data of Agnes Chow’s Facebook page subscribers at the Facebook headquarters. Joshua Wong and Agnes Chow applied for judicial review in High Court yesterday to overturn these warrants. A Facebook spokesperson said that Facebook had not passed any details of Agnes Chow to the police, and that the police had not been to Facebook’s Hong Kong offices.

Agnes Chow said that she received a call from Facebook’s Hong Kong offices earlier in the evening, informing her that at the beginning of this year, the police had requested numerous times for data from her Facebook page, but since the data of those users are held by Facebook’s American company and protected by American law, outside of the jurisdiction of Hong Kong courts, Facebook had denied such requests and not handed over anything.

Full translation:

Source: Apple Daily

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Proofreaded by: Guardians Of Hong Kong

#Demosisto #JoshuaWong #AgnesChow #WhiteTerror #Facebook #Privacy #PoliceState
#FirstHand #Jun19
Demosisto activist Joshua Wong to join the pro-democracy camp’s primary for the Legislative Council election

Jannelle Leung, Kwun Tong District Councilor, showed her support on June 19.

#JoshuaWong #Demosisto #JannelleLeung
Perhaps the Last Remaining Freedom of Speech: HongKongers Buy Out Apple Daily Newspaper at 3am

To show support for #NextMedia and #AppleDaily, many HongKongers said they would still purchase a copy of the newspaper even if it is blank.

At 2am, many people went to Mongkok to look for the latest copy of the newspaper. This is one day after the newspaper's headquarters had been raided by 200 police and its founder Jimmy Lai, his two sons and 4 other management executives had been arrested.

A 26-year-old man bought 50 copies to give out to his colleagues, family, neighbors and friends and to share the last remaining moment of free speech.

Reporters on the scene were also buying a copy for themselves. Before 3am, Apple Daily was sold out in many stalls in Mongkok.

In addition to the personnels related to Apple Daily, police arrested former #Demosisto member #AgnesChow, former #Scholarism member #LeeChongChak and
"#HongKongStory" member #LeeYuHin on the same day.

Source: Joshua Kwan @ USP #Aug11
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Arrests under the National Security Law

3 people were arrested for possession of HK Independence Flags and Republic of China Flag on 1 July

Source: https://bit.ly/2PGJ2XH


4 former members of Student Localism group including convener Tony Chung Hon-Lam were arrested on 29 July

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/29/hong-kong-student-activists-arrested-under-new-security-law


5 Pan-democratic legislators and 1 former student leader were informed that they will be arrested for memorial over 4th June 1989 vigil.

Source: https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/en/component/k2/1542240-20200806.htm


Jimmy Lai, his two sons and 4 other Apple Daily executives were arrested on 10 August for charges related to the violation of the National Security Law.

Related articles:
https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/24063 ; https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/24069


Agnes Chow, former member of the now disbanded Demosisto group, was also arrested on August 10 for inciting subversion of the state under the National Security Law.

Related articles: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/24090


Former Scholarism member Lee Chong-chak and "Hong Kong Story" member Lee Yu-hin were also arrested on August 10 on suspicion of violating thd national security law.

Related article: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/24095

#JimmyLai #AgnesChow #Demosisto #Scholarism #NationalSecurityLaw #StudentLocalism #AppleDaily #NextMedia #PoliticalSuppression
#HumanitarianCrisis #CCP
Wall Street Journal: "Jimmy Lai, China’s Lie: In today’s Hong Kong, promoting democracy makes you a criminal"

The Wall Street Journal (#WSJ) published an article titled "Jimmy Lai, China's Lie" in the name of the newspaper's editorial board. The article describes how advocating democracy makes one a criminal in Hong Kong.

On Dec 2, 2020, the founder of Apple Daily #JimmyLai and two senior executives of Next Digital were charged by the police with fraud. In the hearing on 3 December, Judge Victor So Wai-tak, whk is an appointed Judge for the National Security Law (#NSL), refused Lai's bail application.

Lai is rejected bail for the first time and will be detained in Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre until the trial to take place on April 16, 2021.

"No one is better known across the world for advocating democracy in Hong Kong than Jimmy Lai. So when Hong Kong police picked him up Wednesday on dubious fraud charges, China was sending a clear message: If you oppose us anywhere in the world, we will crush you" wrote WSJ.

"However, the fraud charge is not as serious as some of the others he already faces, especially on national security, its purpose is to dirty him up before he goes to trial on the others."

The WSJ article also mentioned it is no coincidence Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow and Ivan Lam were sentenced to prison for participating in 2019 protests against a proposed extradition law on the same day. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rightly denounced the sentences as "appalling."

WSJ believes that Beijing is testing the position of Joe Biden, who is on board as the new U.S. President next month, to see if he will be different from Trump Administration.

The article supports the U.S. to consider adding more Chinese officials in the sanctions list and review Hong Kong's legal system. It emphasizes the U.S. has to refuse to accept "Chinese Community Party's (#CCP) Lie".

The article wrote, "We trust Joe Biden is paying attention." However, Biden is not eager to get trouble with China. But Chinese leader Xi Jinping has his own priorities.

WSJ described, "He [Xi] is testing whether a Biden Administration—especially one seeking a climate accord—will look the other way on China's behavior in Hong Kong and elsewhere."

WSJ urges for sanctioninh more Hong Kong officials, following how the Trump administration has voiced for Hong Kong and sanctioned Chief Executive Carrie Lam and ten senior officials in Lam's team since the Hong Kong Autonomy Act effective in August.

WSJ also hopes the U.S. to consider adding more officials the list and evaluate Hong Kong's legal system.

WSJ continues, "If lease disputes can be criminalized to go after political opponents, perhaps the government should advise U.S. courts that contracts in Hong Kong should no longer be presumed reliable. The sooner Mr. Biden makes clear these and other moves enjoy bipartisan support, the better he will be in his own coming dealings with China."

At last, the article believes that "the most powerful message the U.S. can send to China is moral" and quoted Alexander Solzhenitsyn's essay "Live Not By Lies" written in 1974 that "the best way to resist was to refuse to participate in the everyday lies all Communist regimes depend on."

"With regard to Xi Jinping, China's lies is about everything from the origins of the coronavirus to his incarceration of more than a million Uighurs.
China is now claiming that Jimmy Lai, Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow and Ivan Lam are criminals for taking a stand for democracy. Insisting on the truth may not immediately set them free. But the lack of moral credibility is the regime's biggest vulnerability, and refusing to accept its lies must be the starting point of any U.S. China policy."

Image: Stand News
Source: Wall Street Journal #Dec2

#NextMedia #JimmyLai #JoshuaWong #AgnesChow #IvanLam #Demosisto #Court #Trump #Biden #US #Sanction #Xi
#FreeAgnes #PoliticalPersecution
#AgnesChow: Trying Hard to Adapt to Life in Prison

Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Agnes Chow, a former member of #Demosisto, was arrested and imprisoned for 10 months on charges of inciting, organizing and partaking illegal assembly.

A friend of her visited Chow during the Lunar New Year and wrote on her Facebook afterwards. She said Chow’s life in prison was mostly about reading, listening to the radio and looking forward to receiving letters.

She said Chow has just finished reading #NorwegianWood and wanted to carry on reading books by Japanese authors #HarukiMurakami and #KeigoHigashino.

Chow told her friend to send gratitude to her supporters, saying that she is working hard to adapt to prison life.

"During the time in prison, my mental and health conditions have not been well. I hope I can take a break and regain my health once being discharged in June," said Chow.

Source: Stand News; #Feb16

#Prison #Reading #HongKongProtest
UK House of Common Raises Concerns on the Severe Downturn in Hong Kong’s Situation. Minister of State for Asia Refuses to Comment on the Freezing of Former HK Legislative Councillor Ted Hui’s HSBC Bank Accounts
The House of Common of the British Parliament hosted an urgent inquiry on the imprisonment of Demosisto’s Secretary-General Joshua Wong, Chairperson Ivan Lam, and party member Agnes Chow on 7th December. Responding on behalf of the UK government, Minister of State for Asia Nigel Adams expressed his concerns on the issue of Hong Kong and the series of cases targeting pro-democratic activists, including the arrest of the three youngsters mentioned above and the media mogul Jimmy Lai from Next Media.
Adams had already expressed his concerns for the aforementioned cases to the Hong Kong government as well as to Beijing senior officials, asking them to adhere to their international obligation. At the time of the inquiry, there were judges from UK’s Supreme Court amongst the group of overseas judges at Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal. Adams reiterated that UK judges had always played an important role in supporting judicial independence in Hong Kong, and that this independence was key in the success of Hong Kong. As a result, the UK government had wished to carry on in this aspect. However, the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law in July had brought up real problems and contradicted with China’s promise to protect Hong Kong’s fundamental rights and freedom under the Sino-British Joint Declaration. UK’s Supreme Court had been in constant communication with the UK government, examining the situation in Hong Kong and the stand from UK judges.
Parliament members questioned Adams why the UK government was not doing more when the situation in Hong Kong was becoming increasingly severe. They used the freezing of the bank accounts of former Hong Kong LegCo member Ted Hui as an example, suggesting that the UK government could perform countermeasures and sanction Beijing’s banks in return. In his response, Adams reiterated the government’s original stand, stating that he would not comment on individual cases and believed the business community would have their own judgement on Hong Kong’s situation under the newly imposed National Security Law.
Dissatisfied with the response from Adams, former Conservative Party Leader Iain Duncan Smith described the freezing of the bank accounts of Ted Hui and his family as an “outrage”, and that the UK government should stop these actions at once. However, Adams still did not respond directly but reiterated instead that China had made historical promises and would like to see China adhere to those promises.
#UK #China #HongKong #UKParliament #HouseofCommon #TedHui #BankAccountFrozen #Demosisto #JimmyLai #JoshuaWong #IvanLam #AgnesChow #NigelAdams #HongKongNationalSecurityLaw #CourtofFinalAppeal #SupremeCourt
Source: Stand News #Dec08

#Separation #Hongkongers
On #MothersDay, Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Activists, remanded or exiled, Pay Homage to Their Mothers

Source: Stand News #May9

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#Separation #Hongkongers
On #MothersDay, Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Activists, remanded or exiled, Pay Homage to Their Mothers

Usually on Mother’s Day, many families would go out and celebrate. However, some are less fortunate this year in Hong Kong.

On May 9, 2021, exiled former #Demosisto leader #NathanLaw posted a photo with his mother on Facebook. He said this festival reminds him of the many pro-democracy protestors who became separated from their families. “Only until justice is done can family warmth return.”

Nathan Law recalled, “no matter how busy I am, on Mother's Day, I can always let go of my work and sit before a dinner table with my family.”

He admitted he saw festivals as an excuse to step away from work, but this year he thought of all the protestors who were forced into leaving their own families due to political oppression.

“For everyone who is remanded, imprisoned, or exiled, there is always a mother at home waiting for their return, waiting for days, for months, for years.”

He hoped there can be a new meaning for Mother’s Day. “Please remember those behind bars and oceans apart.”

The facebook page of democrat #TakchiTam, who is remanded on National Security charges, also posted a video that was recorded earlier of him singing the song “Mother, I did no wrong.”

In the video, he said the festival also reminded him of all the young men and women exiled or imprisoned due to the movement. However, he believed when people are united in their pursuit of justice and truth, a new family will be forged.

[Editor's note: “Mother, I have done no wrong” is a song written in remembrance of the 1989 June Fourth Massacre in Beijing. The title is a reference to a famous banner raised by the pro-democracy students who went on hunger strike in Tiananmen Square in Beijing.

The lyrics sing:

“We want no one to define right or wrong.

We want no one to convict others at will."]

Source: Stand News #May9


#JuneFourth #Mothers #Exile #PoliticalSuppression #PoliticalPrisoners
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Agnes Chow Released After Being Jailed for 10 Months

On June 12, 2021, pro-democracy activist #AgnesChow, member of the now-dissolved #Demosisto, will be able to leave the prison Tai Lam Centre for Women.

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Chow has been jailed for 10 months after the court convicted her of surrounding the Police Headquarters on June 21, 2019 during the #AntiELAB movement.

Despite her young age, Chow's long time engagement with Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement and her courageous behaviour in defense of rights and freedom have earned her the title of #RealMulan among the supporting netizens.

Source: Internet #Jun11

#PoliticalPrisoner #NeverForget #NeverForgive #HongKongYouth
#FirstHand #Jun12
Agnes Chow Welcomed by Pro-democracy Citizens as She is Free from Prison

At around 10am on June 12, 2021, pro-democracy activist, #AgnesChow, walked out of Tai Lam Institutional Center after serving a 10-month jail term for surrounding the police headquarters in Hong Kong during the #AntiELAB movement.

Watch Animation:

Despite the rain, supporting citizens welcomed Chow and chanted "Add Oil" to her, as she was ushered by her friends and other pro-democracy activists to a private vehicle in white.

Her fellow activists #JoshuaWong and #IvanLam, also former members of the now-disbanded #Demosisto, were also convicted in the same case but with a longer sentence. They are still in prison at the moment.

#FreeAgnes #PoliticalPrisoner #PoliticalProsecution
#PoliceState #GrearFireWall
Hong Kong Police demand Website Builder to Disable Pro-Democracy Website "2021 Hong Kong Charter"

Source: Stand News #Jun3

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#PoliceState #GrearFireWall
Hong Kong Police demand Website Builder to Disable Pro-Democracy Website "2021 Hong Kong Charter"

The 2021 Hong Kong Charter and thre Hong Kong Liberation Coalition (#HKLC), two websites launched by exiled Hong Kongers and those living overseas, suddenly became unavailable on June 3, 2021.

According to the former leader of #Demosisto #NathanLaw, after certain negotiations with #Wix, the website builder of #2021HongKongCharter, they were able to obtain a letter issued to the company by Hong Kong Police.

In the letter, the Police demanded Wix to disable the website in 72 hours due to suspicion of its violation to the #NationalSecurityLaw including incitement of secession and subversion against the Chinese government and collusion with foreign forces.

In the evening of, 2021 Hong Kong Charter was restored. Wix posted on Twitter explaining that the website was disabled by mistake and it has already resumed its operation. Wix apologized and promised to review its policy to avoid repeating the same mistake.

Source: Stand News #Jun3


#Internet #WhiteTerror
#FirstHand #June4
Assembly in #London: #Hongkongers and #Ulkranians In Solidarity

Photo album: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/32822

At Downing Street, London on June 4th, 2022, Hongkongers and Ukrainians organized a fight against dictatorship assembly. The solidarity movement voices support for the fight for freedom across mainly Hongkongers and Ukrainians.

Exiled activist #NathanLaw, a former legislator in Hong Kong and the founder of #Demosisto, was the first guest speaker of the event. He said to the crowd, "no matter where we are from, we are all escaping from the dictatorship regime."

He said that not only Ukrainians but also Hongkongers have been following the Russian invasion news.

Carman Lau Ka-Man, a former Wong Tai Sin District Councillor in 2019, was the next one to speak, urging overseas Hongkongers to do more when they were able to and to help those in Hong Kong who are suffering in jail or under suppression.

"Perhaps 1989 seems quite long ago, but let's not forget what we did in the year of 2019."

#BenedictRoger, the founder of #HongKongWatch, brings a yellow umbrella to the event, saying the umbrella is not only for rainy weather, but also to symbolise the dignity of the people who fight for democracy and the movement against dictatorship regime.

A Ukrainian representative spoke and emphasised that Ukraine is a geographic buffer between Russia and Europe, protecting the whole Europe from Russia. She urged the world to stop using fuel supplied by Russia in order to stand with Ukraine.

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#Resistance #Solidarity #FightForFreedom #RussianInvasion #CCP