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#Court #GregoryWong
Actor Gregory Wong Raises Three Finger Salute After Leaving Court

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#Court #GregoryWong
Actor Gregory Wong Raises Three Finger Salute After Leaving Court

Protestors had broken into and entered the Legislative Council Complex on 1 July last year. The police had then charged former president of the Hong Kong University Students' Union Althea Suen, spokesperson of the Hong Kong Civil Assembly Team Ventus Lau, actor Gregory Wong among 11 others for "entering or remaining in precincts of Chamber", with charges of rioting added later.

The case was mentioned at the district court this Thursday, with Judge Justin Ko accepting the defendant's request of acquiring legal aid before consolidating the trials. The case would be mentioned again on 16 October at the West Kowloon Magistrates’ Courts.

Gregory Wong raised the three-finger sign, a gesture inspired by the Three Finger Salute in Hunger Games and a gesture symbolising the three demands of the recent Thai protests, while leaving the court. The three demands of the recent Thai protests include: the dissolution of the House of Representatives of Thailand and fresh legislative elections, a halt on the oppression of dissidents, and a revision of the Thai Constitution.

Source: Stand News #Aug21
#HealthCode #SocialCreditSystem #MassSurveillance

District Councillors: Universal COVID-19 Test is a tool for mass surveillance and suppression

Source: Stand News #Aug23

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#HealthCode #FailedState #SocialCreditSystem #MassSurveillance

District Councillors: Universal COVID-19 Test is a tool for mass surveillance and suppression

The Hong Kong SAR Government announced that the voluntary universal COVID-19 Test will take place starting from 1 September, 2020. Many Hong Kong Citizens have been worried that their personal information might be collected and sent to China. Pro-democracy district councillors have been opposing this plan of the government.

In a street both held on 21 August, Tsuen Wan district councillor Roy Tam Hoi-pong, of New Democrats, pointed out that the Hong Kong government has appointed a China owned company, Sunrise Diagnostics Center (#SCD), for running the test. As a Chinese company, they are not qualified for Hong Kong standard and they do not have a valid license to handle the COVID-19 testing. Tam said the government's intention is to achieve its political agenda in the name of “public health concern”.

Tsuen Wan district councillor, Roy Pun Long-Chung, also stated that the government has borrowed several Caritas Community Centers as temporary testing centers. Many community centers are equipped with an elderly home. He worried that this would increase the infection risk of the elderly, “the Government has completely ignored their lives.” Pun has received many residents’ complaints and was told that many employers has requested their employees to provide COVID-test result before going to the work.

Sai Kung district councillor Gary Fan Kwok-wai criticised the government for failing to put public health as the first priority. Instead, the authorities has postponed the LegCo election and suppressed civilians' rights in the name of pandemic prevention. He described the universal COVID-19 test is a needle in a haystack. The test is not an effective pandemic prevention measure due to its high cost and low efficiency. Moreover, civilians worry that the government may collect and send their DNA sample to China.

Moreover, the “Health Code” might be transformed into a “social credit system” as in China for mass surveillance and further suppression of rights.

Fan said, “China has set many bad examples. With a health code, the code of a healthy reporter changed to yellow and red. (In the health code, yellow means medium risk and red means high risk.) Thus, he couldn’t go anywhere or get onto any transportation. The hotel became his prison.” He called for civilians to boycott the universal testing scheme.

Jeff Au, Strategy Director of the think tank Community Development Initiative (#CDI), said that the current privacy ordinance doesn’t include DNA and biometrics data and Privacy Commission for Personal Data Hong Kong should extend the ordinance to cover these areas. He has recommended the establishment of an independent committee to monitor the testing procedure, technology management and laboratory operation.

Source: Stand News #Aug23
#RoyTam #RoyPun #GaryFan #JeffAu #NeoDemocrats
#AsiasFinest #PoliceLie
Full record of police's lies in their testimony: Thirty officers repeatedly rebuked for lying, sophistry, and unfounded speeches.

Part 1

Source: Stand News #Aug19
#Court #PoliceState

Read Part 2
#AsiasFinest #PoliceLie
Full record of police's lies in their testimony: Thirty officers repeatedly rebuked for lying, sophistry, and unfounded speeches.

Part 2/2

Only two police officers have been punished for false testimony in the past 5 years. No one was with prosecuted.

The Security Bureau responded to Legislative Council Member Jeremy Tam Man-ho’s question in July this year. In the past five years, a total of 2 police officers have been disciplined for questioning the credibility of their testimony by the court. In 2016, one person was issued a minor disciplinary report. The other person was sentenced to be "reprimanded" in 2019 after a disciplinary hearing; no police officer was prosecuted.

However, the Security Bureau has not disclosed which case the police officer was disciplinary action involved.

Shek Su-Ming pointed out that he has no impression on cases that police officers will have consequences if they fail to testify, whether it is prosecution or internal condemnation for "false oaths".

Ng Chung Luen said: "The law says that (police officers) giving false statements can theoretically be prosecuted." He mentioned that false statements are criminal offenses. "Will the Department of Justice require the police to investigate? I haven't seen that happen yet. I didn’t notice that the Attorney General would investigate.”

Some of the police officers who were criticized confessed anonymously

In a number of cases, the Department of Justice has avoided being "undergrounded" as a reason, and applied to the court for an anonymous order for police officers who will appear in court to give evidence. Some officers criticized the police officers for giving anonymous confession as Sergeant A and Officer X. The public has no way of verifying their true identity.

More than half of the 21 cases which a police officer gave evidence but were not accepted by the officer, 13 cases were assaults on the police. Most of the cases were based on footage collected by the defendant to overturn the charges.

Source: Stand News #Aug19
#Court #PoliceState

Further reading
Part 1
#FailedState #Society

Picnic on the Stairs with a Stranger

Since it became mandatory to wear masks outdoors and dining-in was banned, I had been curious about how people had lunch if they did not have an office. So I bought a take away meal to see for myself.

At the stairs, I saw a cleaner sitting and preparing to eat.

“May I sit here and eat with you?" I asked.

"Sure! Where else can you sit if you don't sit here? But don't sit too close to me, I'm dirty right now!" the man said with a laugh.

Continue reading

Picnic on the Stairs with a Stranger

Naturally, we started to chat with each other. This man is a typical grassroots citizen living hand-to-mouth. His home is a sub-divided room, his and his wife's income together can barely pay off their daily expenses. They are living a hard life. I asked more about the details and found out that his outsourcing company was laying off employees. With fewer employees, this man needed to take one-and-a-half shift and work over 12 hours a day.

Under the pandemic, would he not be afraid of getting infected during cleaning?

"How can I be afraid? I can't live if I don't work. My wife and I are grateful that we can still work!" The man laughed and kept talking.

From our chat, I gathered that this man was dissatisfied with the government’s inadequate pandemic prevention. Thought, he did not think his words carry much weight. He was already satisfied that he could work indoors. He was curious why I would be sitting on the stairs with him and told me to work hard because Hong Kong needs young people.

It suddenly started pouring outside and the rain sprinkled onto the stairs. The man had to move to another spot and finish his lunch very quickly.

"I need to get back to work. Take your time,” the man smiled.

After this chat which lasted just more than 10 minutes, I felt melancholy. Why are there still people struggling for a living in this cosmopolitan city? Why is it that they cannot even sit down comfortably to have their meal?

Those callous people in power who are sacrificing the health of every Hong Konger for politics, are you ashamed?

Source: https://www.facebook.com/269527513556165/posts/925804377928472/
Some #censorship examples of our "lovely" government did for the new text book of Liberal studies.

Are they gonna rewrite the history as well?

#CultureRevolutionHK #LiberalStudies

“Fake news” - China News Agency Xinhua deliberately reported disinformation of protest in Minsk

(16 Aug) China official state-run News Agency, Xinhua, reported a mass rally held in Minsk, Capital of Belarus, supporting government on 16 August. Around 70 thousand people gathered in Independence Square, Minsk. Pro-government camp organised the protest showing their support to the government, Alexander Lukashenko, and prosperity and peace of the country. Mr Lukashenko said on the scene no vote-rigging in the election of the president and not instigating people for violence. He continued that army of Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has been already garrisoned at the border of Belarus and the country will be turmoil if re-election of the president.

The presidential election of Belarus held on 9 August with five candidates including the incumbent president, Alexander Lukashenko. The Central Election Commission finalised the result on 14 August and announced Mr Lukshenko won with 80.1% votes.

Editor’s Note: News in many western media such as the Guardians, BBC, CNN, etc., reported that tens of thousands gathered in Minsk for the biggest protest in Belarus history against the government.

Source: The Guardian, Xinhau News
Summary by: Hong Kong Echo

Further reading:
Beijing softened rhetoric after being attacked repeatedly by the US but critics believes it is only stopgap
Thanks to our motherland

#Belarua #Protest #Minsk #FakeNews #Xinhua #ChinesePropaganda
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#GoHKVideo #PrinceEdward831
One year of 831 terror attack

That one night
That one MTR exit

Would anyone tell me
that nothing happened there

Tell me
that the cops who attacked passengers
were only actors in an amateur film

Tell me
that the blood they spilled
were only cheap stage props

However large the crowds, can they endure violence?
However many the flowers, can they avoid destruction?
If it were all for selfish gains,
would people keep returning
no matter the season or weather?

It's been a year.
Is it nothing to you?








#HongKongProtests #HongKongChronicles #PrinceEdwardStation #OneYearAfter #NeverForget #NeverForgive
Not Binding to a Bank Account, China will Push Digital Currency in the Greater Bay Area, Aim to Replace Notes and Coins.

Source: Unwire #Aug15

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Not Binding to a Bank Account, China will Push Digital Currency in the Greater Bay Area, Aim to Replace Notes and Coins.

In July, Lithuania, an Eastern European country, was the first in the world having a digital currency issued by Central Bank. Now China's Ministry of Commerce is preparing to launch a test on digital Renminbi. It announced the proposal of "Overall Plan for Comprehensively Deepening the Innovative Development of Trade in Services" yesterday, which stated several eligible regions across the country to become digital RMB test sites.

These test sites include the Jing-Jin-Ji region, Yangtze River Delta region, Midwest China, and the Greater Bay Area (Pearl River Delta). The People's Bank of China (PBoC) will formulate policies to support the development of the digital currency, then will promote in Shenzhen, Chengdu, Suzhou and the Xiongan New Area, as well as in the winter Olympic venues, before expanding to other regions, based on the results in these pilot areas. The PBoC has collaborated with multiple internet companies, such as DiDi and Meituan Dianping, to study the application of digital currency.

Fan Yifei, Vice Governor of the PBoC, said that China's digital Renminbi was the effort to replace banknotes and coins, and to maintain the attributes and key features of banknotes while satisfying the need for portability and anonymity. Unlike WeChat and Alipay, which are popular in China, digital RMB does not require any bank account or bank card to be tied for payment.

At the video conference held by the PBoC on August 3, it mentioned that the testing of the digital currency had started smoothly, and would actively promote its research and development (R&D) in the second half of this year. Although the digital RMB was being tested on a pilot basis, the Governor of the PBoC, Yi Gang, stressed that this was just part of the R&D process. It does not mean that China officially launch the digital RMB, nor there is a timetable for its launch. He believed that the research, development and application of legal tender could meet the public's demand for legal tender in the digital economy and enhance the convenience, security and anti-counterfeit standard of retail payments.

#Renminbi #DigitalCurrency #PBoC

Source: Unwire #Aug15

Trump hints at banning more Chinese firms, Alibaba included

Source: Stand News #Aug16

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Trump hints at banning more Chinese firms, Alibaba included

US President Donald Trump considers more Chinese companies sanctions and Alibaba could be the next target.

Asked at a press conference whether other Chinese companies such as Alibaba would be banned after targeting TikTok, President Trump replied, “Well, we're looking at other things, yes.”

According to a recent CNN analysis, Trump called Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, a friend of his after Ma said he would donate supplies to the US for fighting the pandemic. Still, Alibaba might become the next target. In a statement made earlier this month, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the expansion of the Clean Network programme. He called on US allies around the world to prevent intellectual property, including COVID-19 vaccine research, from being stored and accessed on Chinese cloud-based service providers as such as Alibaba, Baidu, China Mobile, China Telecom and Tencent.

Source: Stand News #Aug16
#Alibaba #JackMa #CleanNetwork #Pompeo #US #Trump #Sanctions
Canada-wide Rally Urges Ottawa to Protect Hong Kongers' Freedoms and Sanction Officials

Rallies organized by Canada-Hong Kong Link and Ontario Universities Hong Kong Awareness Group were held in nine cities across Canada on Aug. 16 to call on Ottawa to take “immediate action” against the controversial implementation of the national security law in Hong Kong, by offering a "Safe Harbor Program' for Hong Kongers at risk, invoking the Magnitsky Act to sanction responsible Chinese and HK officials, and introducing legislations to stop foreign interferences in Canadian politics.

Atrocities committed by the CCP were also openly addressed by speakers at the rallies to inform the masses about the party's numerous violations against basic human rights.

Source: Epoch Times #Aug16
#Ottawa #nationalsecuritylaw #MagnitskyAct

In China, Ambulence Sends a Patient Directly to a Funeral Home

In mid-June, a female student in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province of China, suddenly fainted in the classroom and was taken to the medical room of het school.

Her school called an ambulance. According to the mother of the girl, the first responders sent her daughter ditectly to a funeral home, citing she showed no signs of life. Since the funeral home refused to accept a person without any death certificate, the girl was then sent to a hospital. The girl passed away.

The official response states that taking the girl into the ambulance was an action only to appease the family members, which was compliant with the regulations.

Source: iCable News

#China #ChineseHospital #ChineseFuneral
#HongKongChronicles #LastYearToday #Aug25
Hongkongers: "This was how we spent our August days in different districts last year"

The photo was taken on August 25, 2019, capturing a scene at Yeung Uk Road, Tsuen Wan, just before the arrival of the water cannon truck.

Source: Kenji Wong #25Aug2019
#AntiELAB #Hongkongers #HongKongProtests #NeverForget #NeverForgive