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#Sanction #LuoHuiNing #US #CCP #Statement
CCP Official in Hong Kong Responds to U.S. Sanction: I don’t have any assets in the U.S.

Source: Stand News #Aug8

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#Sanction #LuoHuiNing #US #CCP #Statement
CCP Official in Hong Kong Responds to U.S. Sanction: I don’t have any assets in the U.S.

The Treasury of the United States announced the sanction of 7 Hong Kong and 4 Chinese officials, including PRC's Hong Kong Liaison Office Head Luo Huining, Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office Director Xiao Baolong, Vice Director Zhang Xiaoming, and Office for Safeguarding National Security Director Zheng Yanxiong.

Chinese official Luo stated that the fact that he was sanctioned “proves he did the right thing for the country and Hong Kong.” He also pointed out that he did not own any assets in the US, so the sanction was “a waste of effort”. He added, “Of course, I can send $100 to Mr. Trump so that he can freeze it.”

The Liaison Office issued a statement to "strongly oppose and condemn" the sanction. The spokesperson stated that they were "not scared of any barbaric behaviour" and if the US thought the so-called sanction can make China compromise, they have “forgotten the times, made wrong plans, and wasted their efforts.”

It was also reiterated that the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong aimed to fill the loopholes in the existing laws, however, foreign politicians have been anxious since the implementation. The Office for Safeguarding National Security criticised the US for violating the basic principles of international laws and for sanctioning officers on the ridiculous bases of “limiting the political freedom in Hong Kong”. It was suggested that these US politicians showed their intention of supporting rioters, and they were just like “clowns”.

Source: Stand News #Aug8
Next Digital Limited releases statement condemning arrests and raid

Next Digital Limited has released a statement on social media, condemning the arrest of the founder of Next Digital, Jimmy Lai, and other executives of the media group, under the national security law.

In the statement, Next Digital's spokesperson was direct in addressing the apparent abuse of power executed by the police in their raid.

At the same time, the statement also reaffirmed its readers that the staff of Apple Daily will remain steadfast and fearless, and will continue speaking and publishing the truth in the face of persecutions and adversities.

The statement was posted together with a picture of Next Digital Limited's building, with a few police officers around it. The picture was captioned with large, contrasting and bolded words which read "We Shall Fight On - Statement of Next Digital Limited".

Click here for full statement.

#Aug10 #Statement #FreedomOfPress #WhiteTerror #NationalSecurityLaw
#HKUSU #Statement
Students' Union of University of Hong Kong: "Hongkongers, We Shall Give Our Lives to Freedom"

The University of Hong Kong Students' Union released a frontpage statement on #AppleDaily on #Aug14. Conveying Hongkongers' determination to pursue freedom, the open letter quoted #WinstonChurchil 's speech in the #WWI and #HannahArendt 's works as well as the struggles for democracy in #Taiwan and #SouthKorea. The letter goes:

“Students were arrested, a newspaper office was raided, election was turned into ‘mere figurehead’, and a professor was dismissed. All of these are merely the prologue to a long gloomy night. It seems that the future of this city can only get ever duller. We might be weak confronting the totalitarian party-state, but we are not alone.

We have the free world walking with us."

The message is clear: "Hongkongers, We Shall Give Our Lives to Freedom"; and

“Through blood, toil, tears and sweat, we will strive on."

Read the full version here: HKUSU #Aug14

A Painful Event: why only a woman and a child in the Uyghurs game poster and why Twitter of Taiwanese board game “Reversed Front” Suspended

Source: SurveyCake, ReversedFront



A Painful Event: why only a woman and a child in the Uyghurs game poster and why Twitter of Taiwanese board game “Reversed Front” Suspended

The idea behind the Uyghur illustration in “Reversed Front”

Some asked us why the character designs for different camps look valiant, but only the Uyghuria camp is illustrated as a woman and a child? This is because the developers wish all players would remember The 2014 Yarkand Massacre.

The drawing here is to commemorate thousands of Uyghur women and children who died in the 2014 Yarkand Massacre. They have been brutally killed by Chinese soldiers.

//The village men were at the mosque. Chinese government soldiers and police came to where the women were praying with their children and began shooting them to death.

Full translation:

Reference 1:

Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#Genocide #YarkandMassacre #Uyghurs #China #Killings #Ramadan #CCP #Xinjiang

#Statement #Visa
#Australia Allows Hong Kong Passport Holders to extend their stay for five years and apply for permanent citizenship

Source: Minister of Home Affairs, Australia; Stand News #Aug21

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#Statement #Visa
#Australia Allows Hong Kong Passport Holders to extend their stay for five years and apply for permanent citizenship

Australia inplements new visa arrangements for Hong Kong students, temporary graduates and skilled workers that comes into effect on 21 August 2020.

Around 10,000 Hong Kong passport holders currently residing in Australia will be able to extend their stay for five years and apply for permanent citizenship afterwards.

Australia's Acting Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Alan Tudge said "Australia and Hong Kong have always shared a close relationship".

“Australia has a long history of attracting Hong Kong's best and brightest who have contributed significantly to our economic growth and job creation, and we are committed to ensuring this is further strengthened," Mr Tudge said.

“We know that recent events in Hong Kong mean that many highly talented individuals will want to remain in or relocate to a free, democratic country like Australia, and these new arrangements will ensure we're attracting those who create jobs and opportunities for Australians."

Source: Minister of Home Affairs, Australia; Stand News #Aug21

#Statement #Save12HKYouths
Hong Kong's Maritime Transport Services Industry Trade Union Demands Authorities to Release Data from Navigation Surveillance Radar

The full statement is as follows:

//12 Hong Kong residents are suspected of being arrested by the Guangdong Coast Guard within Hong Kong’s waters. Our association requests the Hong Kong Marine Department to release the navigation surveillance radar information and data as evidence.

The Chinese Coast Guard on August 26 announced in WeChat that on August 23 at about 9 o'clock, they intercepted a suspected illegal cross-border vessel in Chinese waters just outside Hong Kong southeast and detained 12 Hong Kong residents.

Our association demands the Hong Kong Marine Department to release the radar images of the navigation surveillance system as evidence to substantiate the actual position of the vessel at the time, verifying whether the Guangdong Coast Guard had cross-border enforcement. It will also serve to relieve the general public’s concerns and to protect the safety of local marine operators and passengers. //

Source: Maritime Transport Services Industry Trade Union

#Statement #PressFreedom #Unfreedom
The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong Speaks Up for Press Freedom for All; China Spokeperson: "There is no absolute press freedom that is above the law"

Source: FCCHK; RTHK #Sept23

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#Statement #PressFreedom #Unfreedom
The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong Speaks Up for Press Freedom for All; China Spokeperson: "There is no absolute press freedom that is above the law"

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong (#FCCHK) issued a statement on Sept 23, 2020, opposing to the police's restrictive new accreditation policy for journalists in Hong Kong.

The FCCHK described the police's move as "another step in the erosion of Hong Kong’s once cherished press freedom as it would give the police — rather than reporters and editors — the power to determine who covers the police".

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club challenged if The Hong Kong police is, as they claimed in their letter, "always respect press freedom and their rights of journalists."

The FCCHK said, "If that is the case, they should welcome free and unfettered access to their operations, and should encourage open reporting instead of trying to restrict the number of journalists covering its operations. A force that is proud of its discipline and confident its officers follow established protocols and guidelines should have nothing to fear from the spotlight journalists shine on it."

On the same day, China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson in Hong Kong condemned the Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong for "meddling with Hong Kong affairs". In their statement, China claimed that there is "no absolute press freedom in the world that is above the law"; "Hong Kong is China’s Hong Kong"; and "to engage in journalism in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, one must strictly abide by the laws of China and HKSAR and consciously accept legal supervision."

Source: FCCHK; RTHK #Sept23


#ForeignMinistry #China

Statement by Over 48 Online News Outlets, Sept 22, 2020: "We Will Keep Reporting: A Petition Against Police-determined Media Whitelists"


Journalism Schools and Student Reporters Groups Denounce Police’s attempt to Re-define “Media Representatives”


8 Press Associations and Unions in Hong Kong Call On HK Police to Withdraw Unilateral Revision of "Media Representative"

#IFJ #Statement #PressFreedom
International Federation of Journalists Condemn Hong Kong Authorities For Imposing State Control Over Journalists

"This is another level of state control clearly at odds with press freedom. It also shows the excessive overreach by authorities against journalists and media workers in Hong Kong in a bid to control critical media coverage.

The IFJ strongly objects to any move to limit access to journalists and the narrowing of the definition of a journalist as dictated by police which have no capacity to make such a determination without the consultation of journalists.”

Source: International Federation of Journalists #Sept23


Joint Statement by Over 48 Online News Outlets, Sept 22, 2020: "We Will Keep Reporting"

#Statement #PressFreedom
Hong Kong Jounalists and Press Unions might Take Legal Action in a bid to Safeguard Press Freedom

Journalists, media groups and unions in Hong Kong have voiced opposition to HK Police’s unilateral redefinition of “Media Representative” in Police General Orders.

Source: Apple Daily; RTHK #Sept24


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#Statement #PressFreedom
Hong Kong Jounalists and Press Unions might Take Legal Action in a bid to Safeguard Press Freedom

Journalists, media groups and unions in Hong Kong have voiced opposition to HK Police’s unilateral redefinition of “Media Representative” in Police General Orders.

In a press conference held on September 24, 2020, eight media unions called on all media organizations to stand in solidarity against the police's latest act. They pointed out that it is evident that the police is treating the media as their enemy.

The vice-chairman of Hong Kong Journalists' Association (#HKJA) Ronson Chan said that the Association was currently seeking legal opinions and might submit a judicial review.

The Association condemned the police for misleading the public over the 'benefits' of the amendment. Chan emphasized that the change of definition would restrict news reporting in all areas, cordoned or not.

The Association also rejected the police’s accusation of “fake journalists” which has no factual backup.

The HKJA Chairman Chris Yeung expressed worries over the police's treatment of the press. Yeung challenged he police's subjective claim of assisting the reporters when their operation efficiency is not undermined.

The HKJA raised 3 demands:

1. The police must immediately withdraw the amendment; otherwise, the Association would seek solution via possible legal actions.

2. The police shall stop imposing restrictions on media arrangements by setting up interview areas and cordoned areas.

3. It is hoped that the police will respect press freedom and the right of media as it has openly pledged.

Civil Rights Watch also issued a statement expressing grave concern over the police's violation of press freedom guaranteed by the Basic Law and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

The Watch pointed out that police’s act will create “unreasonable obstacles to front-line journalists”, undermining personal safety and legal rights of the press.

Source: Apple Daily; RTHK #Sept24

Related News
International Federation of Journalists Condemn Hong Kong Authorities For Imposing State Control Over Journalists

Joint Statement by Over 48 Online News Outlets, Sept 22, 2020: "We Will Keep Reporting: A Petition Against Police-determined Media Whitelists"

Journalism Schools and Student Reporters Groups Denounce Police’s attempt to Re-define “Media Representatives”

8 Press Associations and Unions in Hong Kong Call On HK Police to Withdraw Unilateral Revision of "Media Representative"
#Britain: China Breaches #JointDeclaration; #EU: China Contradicts its International Commitments

Britain released a second #statement in response to "Beijing’s imposition of new rules to disqualify elected legislators in Hong Kong".

British foreign minister Dominic Raab called it "a clear breach of the legally binding Sino-British Joint Declaration".

The statement said, "China has once again broken its promises and undermined Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy. The UK will stand up for the people of Hong Kong, and call out violations of their rights and freedoms. With our international partners, we will hold China to the obligations it freely assumed under international law."

The European Union also comdemned China for "further significantly undermin[ing] Hong Kong’s autonomy under the 'One Country, Two Systems' principle, and the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms in Hong Kong, contrary to China’s international commitments."

Source: UK Foreign Secretary; EU #Nov12

Image: InMedia
#Save12HKYouths #BringThemBack
Hongkongers in Taiwan Demand China to Release 12 Pro-democracy Youths on 100th Day of Detention

This is their #statement on #Nov30:
"For 3 months since the abduction of the 12 Hongkongers by China, there is no news apart from the official account of the arrests and charges. This is a violation of justice and human rights. We demand the Chinese government to:

1. Release and return the 12 Hongkongers.

2. Admit that cross-border arrest is illegal.

3. Ensure a fair trial despite the arrest and prosecution.

Lastly, we hope you'll persist not only for the 12 Hongkongers, but also to bring down the tyrannical regime.

The 12 HKgers are:

-Andy Li (29), HK Stories member
-Cheung Chun-fu (22), OpenU Student
-Cheung Ming-yu (20)
-Yim Man-him (21), Student
-Lee Tsz-yin (29), Surveyor
-Kwok Tsz-lun (18), HKU Student
-Cheng Tsz-ho (17), former MTR trainee
-Liu Tsz-man (17), Student
-Wong Lam-fok (16), Student
-Tang Kai-yin (30), Sales
-Wong Wai-yin (29), Technician
-Kiu Yeung-yu (33)"