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40% of citizens rated Chief Executive Carrie Lam with zero mark
Chung Kim-wah: The result indicates complete rejection

On 28 July, Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institue (PORI) published the latest result of popularities of Chief executive and HKSAR, and the assessment of the social environment by citizens. Chief Executive Carrie Lam was rated with score 28.9 in the latest survey with 40% of people giving zero mark. Her net popularity was negative 53%.

Honour director of PORI Chung Kim-wah stated that the popularity of Chief Executive had been low in the last half-year, and at least 40% of interviewees on average gave her zero mark. Carrie Lam's act in the past has cemented the public's disapproval of the government, as shown by the zero marks given, which indicated complete rejection of Carrie Lam.

Director of PORI Dr. Chung Ting-yiu emphasised PORI will not participate in anything related to election coordination, and they will only publish results with the spirit of science. "It is up to the public on how to analyse and use the result of survey."

Source: Immedia HK #Jul28
#LegCoElection #ProvisionalLegCo #PublicOpinionPoll
HK's Democratic Party to entrust a third party to conduct a public survey to decide whether to serve the extended LegCo terms arranged by Beijing

Citing the coronavirus pandemic, the HKSAR government postponed the Legislative Council Election, originally supposed to take place in September 2020, for a year last month. Despite the criticism of intervening Hong Kong's affairs, China's Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) has announced the extension of the term of incumbent lawmakers by a year. The pro-democracy front in Hong Kong is currently caught in a dilemma of whether to serve or boycott the coming LegCo term.

On 20 August, 2020, Democratic Party announced to entrust a creditable polling organisation to conduct a public scientific survey and emphasised to respect public opinion as to the basis of their final decision.

Chairman Wu Chi-wai stated that even the Democratic Party tended to stay, they would let the public decide if they stay or boycott.

Seven incumbents lawmakers from Democratic Party include Wu Chi-wai, James To Kun-sum, Lam Cheuk-ting, Helena Wong Pik-wan, Roy Kwong Chun-Yu, Ted Hui Chi-Fung, and Andrew Wan Siu-kin.

Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (#HKPORI) has conducted a relevant latelt and the results are to be published on 21 August 2020. HKPORI deputy CEO Chung Kim-wah stated that the result might have high deviation since the survey sampling is not universal and therefore it can only be taken as a reference . Thus, another representative public survey will be arranged, and the result should be ready before 30 September, berfore this term of Legislative Council officially ends.

Some incumbent lawmakers in the democratic front released a joint declaration on 17 August concerning their intent o stay on. However, Raymond Chan Chi-Chuen from People Power and Eddie Chi Hoi-dick from Council Front have expressed their stance openly that they would boycott the next council. Cheng Chung-tai from Civic Passion has already declared that he would stay.

[Editor's note:
Civic Party stated in a press conference held on the evening of August 2p that they inclined to stay in the council but will support the Democratic Party's proposal by letting the public decide in an opinion poll.]

Source: Stand News #Aug20
#NoElection #Postponement #DemocraticParty

Reading the 3-part Series on Democracy Front's Debates on Whether Incumbent Pro-dem Lawmakers shall Serve in Extended Term Under Beijing's LegCo Arrangement:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:
#Poll #HealthCode
Public opinion: a large majority of 76% Hong Kong citizens reject “Health Code”

Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (#HKPORI) conducted an online poll “We Hongkonger Survey” from August 17 to 20, collecting citizens’ view on the government’s proposal to introduce “Health Code” in Hong Kong as a screening mechanism for only the “healthy one” to enter eateries, shopping malls and other public places.

Among 23,000 respondents, a large majority of 76% rejected the proposal while only 15% showed support and 8% claimed neutrL.

Analyzing based on respondents claimed political orientation, 96% of pro-democracy respondents (sample size: 21,345) rejected the proposal, 1% supported while 3% were neutral. Among the remaining sample of 1,700 non-democracy supporters (including pro-establishments, the moderates, and those without political orientation, apolitical and not belong to any political camp), over half of them (55%) rejected the proposal while 29% supported and 13% claimed neutral.

Source: Stand News #Aug21 #MassSurvelliance #CCPControl #SocialCreditSystem
#PublicOpinionPoll #Anaylsis
Should Incumbent Lawmakers Serve in Extended Term Under Beijing's LegCo Arrangement?

HK Public Opinion Research Institute (#HKPORI) released two sets of survey results from online discussion groups and phone interviews, randomly sampled.

Q: The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has extended the current LegCo term for no less than 1 year. Do you agree or disagree for incumbent lawmakers to serve in the extended term?

Survey results:
• Online opinion groups: Agree 35%;Disagree 47% Sampling threshold +/- 1%
• Random phone interview: Agree 37%;Disagree 41% Sampling threshold +/- 3%

A few reflections are offered by CUHK lecturer and research Dr. Leung Kai-chi:

1. Methodology

Two sets of survey results were devised from different methodologies,
Since netizens and political figures were involved in mobilizing citizens to register and take part in this survey, this set of survey result can be used as a reference to those being politically influenced.

Interviews via phone calls (including landline and mobile) were randomly sampled, not being directly influenced by political opinion leaders. These set of survey result can be regarded as an overall reflection of the mass population in Hong Kong.

2. Beyond Methodology

Leading researcher of the survey, Dr Leung Kai-chi explained, “methodology cannot be a solution to all the problems as some are matters of value judgement.” For instance, should a lawmaker make a deciaion in accordance to HK people’s opinion or his potential supporters? In the same light, should legislators of Functional Constituencies only look into opinions of his/her constituency, disregarding the rest? Should there also be a middle-ground / alternative solution, or should lawmakers only follow a dominant opinion with an absolute majority support?

Dr Leung admitted that many disagreements may arise. He said “I do not have an answer to them. Hopefully, we can face these questions unruffled and in unity.”

Source: Dr Leung Kai-chi’s Facebook #Aug21

#ProvisionalLegCo #Methodology #LeungKaiChi

Further Reading:

#HKPORI Public opinion poll: a large majority of 76% Hong Kong citizens reject “Health Code” https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/24410
#PoliceState #WhiteTerror
Police Commissioner: Saying "Police Beating People to Death" is an Attempt to Violate National Security

Hong Kong police commissioner Chris Tang spoke on TV on the eve of the year-mark of 8.31 Prince Edward Station Attack. Tang tied Hongkongers' concern over the police use of excessive force to a national security issue. Concerning the circulation of the saying of "police beating people to death", Tang described it as a "violation of national security".

According to a survey conducted by Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (#HKPORI) last year, nearly half (47.5%) of the respondents agree with the statement that "police have committed murder at the Prince Edward station on 31 August 2019".

Source: Stand News #Aug31
#ChrisTang #PoliceCommissioner #PrinceEdward831
#HongKongProtests #LegCoElection
Hong Kong Netizens Call For Protest on Original #LegCo Election Day; Retired Cardinal Demands the Government to Restart Postponed Election

Hong Kong's Legislative Election, which takes place every 4 years, was initially scheduled on Sunday, September 6, 2020; however, Chief Executive Carrie Lam postponed it for a year by invoking the Emergency Regulations Ordinance and citing the coronavirus pandemic as a reason.

Netizens called for a protest in Kowloon on the original election day to rally against the National Security Law, the health code and the postponement of the election.

Retired cardinal Joseph Zen of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong demanded the authorities to “retract the decision and restart the election”. Zen wrote on Facebook that while citizens “should refrain from taking part in illegal activities or troubling the (riot) police”, they could make whatever noises possible at whichever premises for 1 minute: "It could take place in front of a window, at doorstep, on a car--using horns, drums, gong; clap hands; hit a pile wood; play music, or a song. Is it an expression of anguish or is it an agonized demand?"

Zen also quoted that the latest poll by the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (#HKPORI), which indicated 70% of Hong Kong citizens considered the outbreak abating. It is therefore the right time for the government to restart the postponed LegCo election as soon as possible.

Source: Stand News #Sept5

#JosephZen #Cardinal
#Poll #LegCoElection #PublicOpinion

96% of Pro-democracy Hongkongers Want Legislative Election As Soon As Possible

After the Hong Kong government delayed the LegCo election by a year, the "We Hongkongers" Initiative of the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (#HKPORI) conducted a survey on whether the Legislative Election should be held as soon as possible.

The email survey ran from Aug 31 to Sept 3 and received 14,691 replies, of which 12,293 were from pro-democracy supporters, and 1,254 support other factions. After factoring in weighted adjustments, 68% respondents supported holding the election as soon as possible, while 27% did not.

Among the pro-democracy supporters, 96% were in support; among other fractions, 36% supported it, while 55% were against it.

Dr. Kenneth Chan, a member of the Election Observation Project and an associate professor of politics and international relations at Hong Kong Baptist University (#HKBU), said that the results indicated the vast majority of Hongkongers believe the election should be held as originally scheduled.

"The pro-democracy supporters showed it very clearly. 96% of them believe they were robbed of an election." Dr. Chan blasted Chief Executive Carrie Lam for pushing back the election date for over a year, with no scientific basis. Dr. Chan stated that, as of Aug 31, over 77 countries and regions have held elections despite the pandemic. He further criticized Carrie Lam for giving the impression that that most countries had postponed their elections, calling it misleading.

Source: Ming Pao #Sept5

15 Pro-Dem Legislators' Stay in #LegCo to be Decided by Public Opinion Poll

The pro-democracy legislators' decision of whether or not to stay in the Legislative Council for the next year has been up to debate, after the Carrie Lam adminstration postponed the Legislative Election by a year.

15 pro-democracy legislators had decided to use a public opinion poll to determine their stay in the Legislative Council, with the Democratic Party entrusting the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (#HKPORI) to conduct one.

Chairman of Democratic Party Wu Chi-wai stated that they would leave if half of all participating supporters believes that the pro-democracy camp should leave the Legislative Council.

Participating legislators include seven from the Democratic Party, five from the Civic Party, Claudia Mo from HK First, Fernando Cheung from the Labour Party and Shiu Ka-chun from the Social Welfare functional constituency. Leung Yiu-chung from the Neighbourhood and Worker's Service Centre also expressed that he would take the polls to account.

HKPORI Director Prof. Robert Chung believes that the Institute had decreased the gray area in the current threshold, but stated that "politically neutral" participants would also be taken in account, causing the percentage for those in favour or against the stay to be both not more than half.

When asked about the protocol for such an event, Wu stated that they would take different information into account before making a political judgement.

As for why they were only taking supporters of the participating legislators into account, and not towards all pro-democratic supporters, the Democractic Party stated that it had once considered for all supporters of the pro-democratic camp to participate, but Prof. Chung denied the request stating that the legislator's citizen authorisation came from their supporters.

Prof. Chung had been adamant on Friday, stating that were pro-democratic legislators not tied down, they should not have asked for authorisation.

Source: Ming Pao #Sept5

#DemocraticParty #WuChiWai #RobertChung #Methodology #PublicOpinion #Authorization

Read the 3-part Series on Democracy Front's Dillemma on Whether Incumbent Pro-dem Lawmakers shall Serve in Extended Term Under Beijing's LegCo Arrangement:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:
Democratic Front Supporters Have Split Opinions in #LegCo Exit #Poll

On Sept 30, 2020, the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (#HKPORI) released the result of an opinion poll commissioned by the Democratic Party, which asked the public whether the pro-democracy legislators should stay in the extended term of the legislature despite the absence of an election.

The result shows a split picture: 47.1 percent of the supporters of the pro-democracy legislators said they should serve for another year, while 45.8% oppose, leaving only 1.3 percentage points of difference.

Democratic Party chairman Wu Chi-wai said it is up to the legislators to make their own decision based on their political judgement, as either side has exceeded 50% of votes.

In a press conference on the same day, 15 pro-democracy lawmakers including Wu announced that they will stay. Wu said he hopes to delay the Government from passing more draconian measures and keep different resistance fronts running.

Legislator Ferdinand Cheung said he personally wanted to leave, but he felt he has responsibility to stay on. He emphasized that holding different opinions does not mean splitting up and different resistance tactics need connection in the future.

Civic party legislators Alvin Yeung and Tanya Chan will quit LegCo, citing personal reasons.

People Power's Ray Chan and Council Alliance's Eddie Chu Hoi-tik had filed their formal departure to the LegCo's secretariat one day before the release of the poll result.

In a radio program on Sept 30, 2020, Chu explained that his action recalls the democracy front's boycott against the Provisional Council. Chu admitted that leaving the position might bring him some restriction; however, when being a legislator, he has many topics to look into but could not address them deeply. In the future, Chu will focus on the #Save12HKYouths action, preservation campaigns and climate issues.

Chu reiterated that different resistance strategies can coexist. He advised those who want to pursue a politician's life to think how Hong Kong can grasp hold of its own fate.

Dr. Robert Chung, the HKPORI director, confirmed the accuracy of the poll, as only 0.7% (18 interviewers) were voided by the system.

According to Chung, a majority of establishment supporters and centrists hoped the pro-democracy lawmakers quit.

Source: Commercial Radio #Sept29
#Poll: 96% of the pro-democracy respondents and 44% Non-democrat Supporters See Police Arrest of RTHK Producer a Political Prosecution

Source: InMedia #Nov13

Read more
#Poll: 96% of the pro-democracy respondents and 44% Non-democrat Supporters See Police Arrest of RTHK Producer a Political Prosecution

Between November 9-12, 2020, the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (#HKPORI) has conducted an online survey with 4,489 individuals, on whether the police arrest of Bao Choy Yuk-Ling, an editor-director of the Radio Television Hong Kong (#RTHK), was politically motivated.

Results show that 96% of the pro-democracy respondents and 44% of non-democratic camp supporters agreed that the arrest was politically motivated.

Dr. Benson Wong, the Honorary Director from the “We HongKongers” initiative, found the results rather surprising. He said that when the non-democrats were asked to answer controversial questions, they tend to respond with “I don't know", but only 2% of respondents chose this answer in this survey.

Wong believed that this means “they know what they are responding to”.

Dr. Wan Kwok-Fai, a senior lecturer of the Department of Journalism and Communication at the Hong Kong Shue Yan University, admitted that the opinions of the non-democrats were "more difficult to grasp". He believed that perhaps 44% of respondents did not consider the connection between the 7.21 Yuen Long Triad Attack and Bao Choy herself, but rather the need for the government to "handle" the public broadcaster RTHK "politically".

This therefore led to different interpretations of the question, resulting in the lack of a clear trend in the survey results.

Wan stated that the arrest was a political retaliation on journalists. He is worried that this would further restrict the survival of online media and citizen reporters.

Source: InMedia #Nov13