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A short video summarizing Hongkongers' 10-month struggle for human rights and the rule of law

Watch it to understand the story behind Hong Kong, and how the people of the Pearl of the Orient fight against the tyranny.

Hong Kong has been a wrestling arena for China and Britain for more than a century. It is, more accurately, a battleground between the #authoritarian and the #democratic world.

In 2019, the HK government insisted on passing a controversial extradition amendment bill, causing thousands of young people assembled to thwart it, and leading to marches which at the peak gathered 2 million citizens. Over these 10 months, riot police has fired over 10 thousand canisters of tear gas, conducted forced entries into university campuses, and used disproportionate armed force to disperse protesters.

An unidentifiable number of missing #Hongkongers , many of whom were still in their teens, tragically ended up as corpses on the sea, while the police considered the deaths unsuspicious.

Both the HK government and the Chinese central government have never ceased eroding Hongkongers' liberty. The HK government is planning to implement the notorious "Article 23 (of the Basic Law)" which empowers the same to enact laws to arrest anyone on the grounds of treason, secession, sedition, or subversion against the Chinese government.

By witnessing what has happened to numerous human rights activists in Mainland China, no one in Hong Kong should feel safe. What can we do to protect Hong Kong people from the autocracy?

#HKprotests #HumanRight #China #BasicLaw #StandWithHK #FightForFreedom
The #UK Government’s new global human rights regime will see the introduction of ‘Magnitsky-style’ sanctions. The legislation will soon be placed before parliament. Such sanctions will allow the UK to impose restrictions on those individuals responsible for egregious human rights abuses across the world. This may include imposing sanctions on senior police and administration figures in Hong Kong, to protect the rights and safety of #Hongkongers as well as the #autonomy and #freedom of its people.

#HumanRight #Sanction

Britain has obligation to denounce the abuse of colonial laws

Chris Patten, former governor of Hong Kong, states that the law would be used in contravention of the UN Covenant, and the Hong Kong government should explain why it does not abide by the UN Convention. He also urges Britain to step in on the deteriorating political situation in Hong Kong on 30 April, as Beijing representatives and supporters have alarmed observers with intrusions on the city’s semi-autonomy. Why would he say so? It is because Britain has legal obligation to maintain Hong Kong’s legal and judicial system unchanged for 50 years after 1997.

The Chinese government has failed to honour the Sino-British Joint Declaration. Would those convicted activists be released from jail once the colonial laws are removed? Will Hong Kong remain unchanged at least until 2047?

Lastly, the author wishes to quote some words from Edward Leung, one of our prescient activist: "Hong Kong now faces a much harsher political prosecution with elected legislators being disqualified and protestors getting multi-year jail sentencing. We urge the international community not to stand by and abandon the brave, dedicated and courageous individuals who have made enormous personal sacrifices for a better Hong Kong."

#HongKong #Britain #China
#democracy #BasicLaw #HumanRight





US Senator Jim DeMint: I’ve changed my mind about China, America should too

“I’ve changed my mind about China,” said former US senator Jim DeMint, “America should too.” Having belief in free enterprise, markets and trades, DeMint supported George Bush’s agenda of letting China into #WTO, which according to him, was a hard but right vote as he had believed. However, never would he realize was that the dictators of China were so capable of corrupting the world into their benefit. Instead of playing under the rule they prey on America, and the rest of the world alike. Human right in China remains a disaster, but international organizations and #US congress are too intertwined with it to make any move. And eventually, it leads to the loss of American sovereignty and interest. America cannot be truly free nor safe if it continues to depend its necessities on a hostile adversary.

this pandemic has given its warning. The question is, how far can #America get away with blaming them, be it #China or international bureaucrats, who have no reason to serve America’s interest by definition? Letting these people get away with their shady business is an indisputable failure of the government that Americans need to wake up into and call a change on.

#Dictatorship #HumanRight

Further reading:
International Assistance Sought to Relieve Hong Kong's Plight

China's undertaking of "one country, two systems" and high degree of autonomy are gone as the National People's Congress (NPC) has introduced a draft decision of national security law for Hong Kong.

Once passed, the decision would allow the NPC's Standing Committee to entirely bypass the local legislative process in Hong Kong.

Joshua Wong has been exerting unwavering effort in seeking international assistance to Hong Kong's democratic movement.

He has talked about how China revealed the truth of COVID-19, whereas Hong Kongers have been standing at the forefront against China's #totalitarianism.

Joshua hopes that the international community would not, just for the economic benefits that China has to offer, indulge China in trampling further on human rights.

He urges the U.S government to execute the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, to impose sanctions on China, and to include human rights terms in relation to Hong Kong into trade treaties it is about to conclude with China.

Joshua asks again the international community to stand with Hong Kong on the issues of #democracy and human rights.

#StandWithHK #freedom #HumanRight #China #NationalSecurityLaw

Further reading:
Uighur exiles in Turkey persecuted by CCP's long arm

Istanbul has become the largest diaspora hub for Uighurs in exile. Uighurs and Turks share close linguistic, religious and cultural ties. For decades, Turkey has supported Uighur refugees fleeing from China.

Over the past few years, however, Turkish government's attitude towards #Uighur diaspora has changed due to China's growing diplomatic and economic influence over the country.

A dossier obtained by Axios dated from 2016 to 2017 provides rare proof that China is putting direct pressure on the Turkish government. According to these documents, the Chinese government accused Enver Turdi, a Uighur man fled to Turkey in 2014, of creating a pro-Islamic State website and participating in terrorism. China requested Turkey to arrest and extradite him. Turkey accepted the request and initiated criminal proceedings.

According to Turdi, what he did before escaping from China was just passing along information about China's abuses to the media and some overseas Uighur organisations. After his passport had expired, the #Turkey authorities placed him in a deportation facility and sent him to trial. A decision on his fate is still pending.

For the Chinese government, terrorism and extremism are just a convenient way to frame the religious and cultural activities of Uighurs. Signs of "religious extremism" include such behaviours as wearing long beards or refusing alcohol. This is why Hong Kong people are against the extradition bill and national security legislation.

Counter-terrorism and national security are often used as a pretext by #China to persecute dissidents, locally and abroad.

If the world does not stand up to China, the #CCP will extend its meddling hands beyond its boundaries and arrive on everyone's doorstep sooner or later.

#HongKong #HumanRight

Axios, 20 May

The Guardian, 24 May

NPR, 13 Mar
Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China

IPAC, comprised of global legislators including U.S. Senators Marco Rubio and Bob Menendez, and others from Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, Norway, Sweden, the U.K. and the European Parliament, announced its formation on Friday (5th June 2020).

It is an international cross-party group of legislators working towards reform on how democratic countries approach China.

Some of the goals of the group, as stated on its website, are to (a) coordinate responses in order to maintain a free, open, and rules-based international order that supports human dignity, (b) uphold human rights, and (c) promote national integrity.

#HumanRight #IPAC



Hong Kong human rights activists are seeking YOUR shelter

Since the protests started last year, close to 9,000 pro-democracy protesters have been arrested and some of them have been charged with rioting which carries a maximum of 10-year prison sentence. “Rioting” means a noisy, violent and uncontrolled public meeting. There is no denying that there is violence in the pro-democracy movement of Hong Kong, in fact violence is used by both the police and protesters. Having said that, protesters resort to violence as defence against indiscriminate and arbitrary arrest that would be followed by trampling on human dignity, torture, or sexual assault; reports also claim that there are dissidents and their family members and friends missing, abducted, or even killed.

Is it fair to label pro-democracy activities as "riots" when protesters use bricks, sticks, and their bodies to protect others and their belief whereas riot policemen use rubber bullets, water cannons, tear gas or even live rounds? Furthermore, those injured protesters, some of them were either shot by guns or tortured by riot policemen, have been charged as rioters. Is there still “justice” in our society?

In fact, there is only social injustice in Hong Kong nowadays. Therefore, according to official figures, at least 62 Hong Kong SAR passport holders have applied for temporary protection visas onshore since November last year. Also, dozens have fled to Canada, while hundreds to Taiwan which has just drawn up a plan to provide humanitarian support to Hong Kongers. Those countries chosen by protesters are classified as pro-democracy “shelters”. In contrast, Hong Kongers do not believe in the Basic Law and CCP anymore. Honestly, they do not think that they could get fair trials in Hong Kong courts as the judiciary has been totally ruined by the political problems. The rule of law has disappeared in Hong Kong since #CCP interrupted the internal affairs of Hong Kong, the day when the “high degree of autonomy” was deteriorated.

Hong Kong is now in an abysmal condition due to police violence and the implementation of the national security law. Thanks for various countries that support Hong Kongers in different platforms and advocating the faith of the movement. Yet, there is no time for protesters who have been suffering to wait for the bright shines on Hong Kong. Those targeted protesters might be in danger as they are targeted by the local government or Beijing. No one knows what their consequences would be. So, I am here to ask pro-democracy countries to provide humanitarian assistance to Hong Kongers. I am sure most protesters are unwilling to leave Hong Kong as they care deeply about the place where they were born and raised. Sadly, they have no choice under the tyranny.

Your decision is about their life and death. Act now to help save lives.

//To be , or not to be? That is the question- Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer / The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune/ Or to take arms against a sea of troubles”/ And by opposing, end them? (Hamlet, William Shakespeare)

#HongKongProtesters #HumanRight #InternationalSupport #StandWithHongKong #Asylum

Videos and further reading:
#OpinionArticle #YoyoKo

What's with the apology from the Hong Kong Red Cross?

(27 Jun) When the police held a blood drive with the Red Cross in Hong Kong, one of the Red Cross personnel wore an anti-police brutality ornament on his chest much to the displeasure of the crowd of police. The police asked the organiser for the implicated person's name due to their "lack of integrity" but it was in vain. As a result, the blood drive was cut short.

Originally, the issue would have ended there but to illustrate the Hong Kong Police Force's [HKPF] "lack of integrity", they had to meddle with even how Hongkongers accessorize themselves, infringing on human rights and freedoms. Rather than seeking justice for their staff member and defending his human rights, who knew that the Red Cross would actually apologise to the police force? As a humanitarian institution, this is a deplorable act.

The apology from the Hong Kong Red Cross stated that one of its staff members "did not have an ideal attitude, which led to unease in some blood donors." The Red Cross may as well disclose the details. How was his attitude not ideal? If he treated all blood donors equally and provided professional service, and the only problem was a donor discriminating against him for wearing a certain accessory, shouldn't they be the one apologising to the staff member instead? Which Hong Kong law states that Hongkongers cannot wear accessories at work? If my memory serves me well, some police officers have worn stuffed toy accessories while on patrol. Why does the privilege of the HKPF outweigh that of other citizens? The HKPF can do as they please accessorise how ever way they want, but not others?

As for the symbolism and meaning behind these small ornaments upon a person's body, they are completely up for individual interpretation; the only restriction is one's imagination. People like to take things personally. If their heart of glass breaks, what can the others do? If every time we wear an ornament when we go out, we have to worry that dark-skinned people might not be happy, light-skinned people might not like it, overweight people might get sensitive, LGBTQ people might get triggered... how can we even get out the door?

Source: Apply Daily
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

Further reading:
Police refuse to donate blood as phlebotomists concern about police brutality

#Kowtou #RedCross #PoliceState #HumanRight #Freedom #GlassHeart #NGO
Canada says yes to considering Magnitsky Sanctions

Special thanks to Minister Champagne for showing his support for Hong Kong by considering Magnitsky sanctions, which sustains human rights globally.
Hong Kong needs such support in order to survive the state terrorism crisis. We will never give up until victory comes!



#HumanRight #MagnitskySanctions #HongKong #Canada #GlobalSupport
⬆️⬆️⬆️ Continue reading

Nathan Law: Meeting with Pompeo, Call for International Solidarity Against CCP

I met Pompeo on 21 July afternoon in London. We discussed the situation in Hong Kong after the implementation of the National Security Law, the CCP’s policies for Hong Kong in recent years, and the international community's policies towards China in the future.

I mentioned that 610 000 Hongkongers stood up to vote in the first pan-democratic primary election despite the white terror, showing that Hongkongers will continue to fight for democracy and freedom. However Beijing chose to ignore the people's mandate, and was even planning to disqualify candidates by made-up reasons, perhaps even cancelling the LegCo election in September. This kind of disqualification would be treated as a severe election fraud by any international standard, challenging the core values of democracy. I urged the international society to take a strong stance against such behaviour.

I also mentioned that it has been 1 year since the 7.21 incident. I believe with the terror of the National Security Law and Wuhan Pneumonia, Hong Kong is quietly waiting for a better time to start another round of large-scale protest.

The CCP tends to persecute its fringe regions to win support from the majority of its people. Therefore the International community should continue to observe the human rights situation in Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong. We exchanged our thoughts on CCP's policies, and how the world should restructure its strategies against China in order to secure the fruits of our democratic system.

I met Pompeo last time in May 2019 in Washington, along with pan-democratic leaders Martin Lee and Margaret Ng. One year has passed, and the world and Hong Kong have changed drastically. I thank the US Embassy in London and Hong Kong Watch for arranging this meeting.

When Pompeo representing Kansas in early 2015, he was one of the few representatives who supported the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act. During this meeting, I told him frankly about the situation of Hongkongers who were forced to leave their hometown. I hope that Pompeo can understand better the challenges faced by the young people of Hong Kong. I hope for more opportunities to meet with American politicians, and press for a stronger international response against the expanding authoritarian powers of the Chinese Communist Party.


#NathanLaw #Pompeo #HumanRight #Democray #Freedom #US #HK #CCP
13 tonnes of human hair was found on a US-bound ship.

//It follows a huge US Customs seizure of human hair products believed to have been taken from Muslim Uyghurs, more than a million of whom have been detained in vast indoctrination camps in China’s western Xinjiang province

//US Customs and Border Protection assistant commissioner Brenda Smith said the production of the weaves and other hair products found onboard the ship “constitutes a very serious human rights violation”.

//Mia Hasenson-Gross, director of René Cassin, said: “A trade in forcibly removed human hair has chilling and obvious resonances.

//the Uyghurs’ suppression already includes mass internment, “re-education,” slave labour, forced sterilisation, organ-farming and other abuses. 

//“The Chinese Communist Party is engaged in genocide in Xinjiang, attempting to wipe out an entire culture, language and way of life,” she said. “It is time for the world to take a stand against such inhumanity. There can be no ‘business as usual’ with a government that abuses its own citizens on such a scale.”

//Dr Edie Friedman, director of the Jewish Council for Racial Equality (JCORE), said the report “naturally rings alarm bells for those concerned with human rights and will arouse particular emotions for Jewish people given the Nazi resonances”.

Full article: (16-Jul)


#HumanRight #UyghurMuslims #CCP #NaziResonances #HumanHair
Mike Pompeo attacks WHO in private meeting during UK visit

//The US secretary of state Mike Pompeo launched an extraordinary attack on the World Health Organization during a private meeting in the UK, accusing it of being in the pocket of China and responsible for “dead Britons” who passed away during the pandemic.

//Pompeo told those present that he believed the WHO was “political not a science-based organisation” and accused its current director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of being too close to Beijing.

//a spokesperson for the organisation said: “WHO is not aware of any such statement but we strongly reject any ad hominem attacks and unfounded allegations. WHO urges countries to remain focused on tackling the pandemic that is causing tragic loss of life and suffering.”

//The secretary of state also indicated that he was “confident that the intelligence has been shared” with the UK on the persecution of the Uighur Muslims in China that would allow the UK to implement sanctions against Chinese communist party officials

//Johnson and Pompeo also talked about how the US and the UK could cooperate on developing next generation technologies, to avoid a situation where a Chinese state-owned company such as Huawei achieves market dominance.

//the secretary of state praised the UK government’s decision to remove Huawei from the UK’s 5G network, as he urged like-minded countries to “push back” against the actions of Beijing

//The UK government had announced last week it would drive out the Chinese provider from the 5G network by 2027.

//Washington has also imposed sanctions on high-level Chinese officials over human rights abuses against the Muslim minority Uighur people in the western region of Xinjiang.

//China’s ambassador to the UK, Liu Xiaoming, defended his country’s human rights record on Sunday, insisting the Uighur people live in “peaceful and harmonious coexistence with other ethnic groups”, as he was confronted with footage of shackled prisoners being herded on to trains.

Full Article:The Guadian (21-Jul)


#UK #US #WHO #Pandemic
#China #HumanRight
On 7/21, a cross-party group of 17 MPs sent an open letter to the Canadian Prime Minister urging for sanctions

With substantial evidence of human rights abuse in Hong Kong, momentum is building for Magnitsky sanctions against the perpetrators of human rights abuses in China and Hong Kong. A cross-party group of 17 Members of the Canadian Parliament has sent a letter to urge the Prime Minister to urgently consider the imposition of targeted financial sanctions against Hong Kong/Chinese officials under the Justice for the Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act in light of the violation of human rights, the principles of fundamental justice, and of the rule of law in relation to the National Security Law in Hong Kong. In fact, this is not the first time Canadian PMs ask the Government to raise concerns about the condemning the National Security Law.

We hope that more countries will stand with Hong Kong and give a hand in solidarity against human rights abuses with targeted sanctions.


#HongKongWatch #Canada
#Sanctions #HumanRight #NationalSevurityLaw
New Zealand speaks out for human rights in China

In a speech to the Chinese business community in New Zealand, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern speaks out against the treatment of Uighur Muslims in China, a controversial Hong Kong security law, and Taiwan's participation in the World Health Organization (WHO).

Ardern has been urged by Human Rights Watch to condemn China's "re-education camps" as about two million Muslims have been indefinitely detained in China's northwest Xinjiang region. And now she raises the issue up again to give China a warning that “the world is watching and do not try to conceal that”.

In spite of the fact that many reports and eyewitness accounts have revealed that China has been persecuting the Uighurs in Xinjiang and reducing their population by forced sterilisation, China’s ambassador Liu Xiaoming, in a BBC interview, argued that the Xinjiang concentration camps shown in drone footage were "fake", he also stated that there is no general policy of forced sterilisation in Xinjiang.

Chinese government's fabricated stories have been disproved by facts, so who are they trying to deceive?

Earlier this month, Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters announces that New Zealand's relationship with Hong Kong would be reviewed after China passed a security law that allows for extradition to mainland China.

Hong Kong's new national security law opens the door for prosecution of both Hong Kong people and foreigners for crimes such as subversion of the government, or harming China.

Given the new law in Hong Kong also has a "direct impact" on New Zealanders, New Zealand government's reaction should not be misconstrued as interfering with Hong Kong's affairs.

Since the promulgation of Hong Kong's national security law, more and more countries have started to reconsider the relationship, including that of trading, with Hong Kong. As a result, the economy of Hong Kong has been deteriorating rapidly and this has a direct impact on the economy and reputation of China. Thus, isn't it a smart move for the Chinese government to moderate its stance on social and national security in order not to cause public outrage?



#NewZealand #China #HumanRight #HongKong #Uyghurs
What is it about the phrase “Free Hong Kong” that prevented NBA from customising it onto a shirt?
Answer is simple: RMB matters more than human rights.

#NBA #MoneyMatters #HumanRight #China
Companies should pay attention to their supply chains: Face masks made with allegedly forced Uighur labour are sold overseas

As Australia stockpiling masks from China for its skyrocketing demands, experts discovered allegedly coerced Uighur labour in the supply chain.

A thinktank report from earlier this year revealed involvement of factories in programs of forced Uighur labour. The programs were said to be a “poverty alleviation” policy, yet in fact “inextricably linked to broader, coercive policies intended to erase the Uighur identity itself.”

These programs include shipping Uighurs thousands of miles away from their homes, mandatory “ideological training”, forced participation in flag-raising and anthem-singing ceremonies, learning Mandarin, and living and eating on-site in separate dormitories and a canteen.
All of the activities are under the supervisions of "minders" along with constant surveillance, banning of religious observance, and limited freedom of movement.

China has made auditing of human rights extremely difficult for Western companies and nearly impossible for consumers. Experts recommend companies to conduct desktop-based investigation to ensure their supply chains are not tainted by factories using forced Uighur labour.


#Australia #Mask #China
#UighurLabour #HumanRight
#HumanRight #Uyghur #China

Uyghurs for sale: Policy Brief Report by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI)

More than 80,000 Uyghurs were transferred to work in factories across China, some sent directly from detention camps. China’s social re-engineering campaign targeting minority citizens hasn’t ceased, but rather, it grows expeditiously. Under conditions suggesting forced labour, Uyghurs are working in factories that supply at least 82 well-known global brands in technology, clothing, and automotive sectors; this includes Apple, BMW, Gap, Huawei, Nike, Samsung, Sony, and Volkswagen. The full list can be found in P.31-39.

Re-education camps
Re-education camps first aroused attention in 2017. Millions of Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslim minorities have disappeared into a vast network of ‘re-education camps’ in Xinjiang. Inside the camps, detainees are subjected to political indoctrination, forced to renounce their religion and culture, and subjected to torture.

The new phase
Government officials now claim that the ‘trainees’ have ‘graduated’ to being forced to work in factories. Local governments and private brokers are paid a price per head by the Xinjiang provincial government to organise the labour assignments. This is literally human trafficking. It is nearly impossible for workers to refuse or escape. They are under constant surveillance, isolated, and subjected to arbitrary detention and threats against their family members.

Every purchase makes a difference
Foreign governments, businesses, and civil society groups should act now.
As a consumer, your purchase casts your vote. Be aware of the companies involved. Push brands to be more transparent about the make-up of their supply chains. Demand companies to make new public commitments, uphold current commitments, and to not use forced and coerced labour. Geographic barriers do not hinder you from stopping the trend.

Highlighted sections in the report:

P.8 Case Study 1: Uyghur workers making Nike sneakers in Qingdao
P.18 Case Study 2: From ‘re-education camps’ to forced labour assignments
P.21 Case Study 3: ‘Re-educating’ Uyghur workers in Apple’s supply chain
P.31-39 International brands supplied by involved factories

Further reading:
Pompeo Accused China Eradicating All Faith that Do Not Conform to the Communist Regime on International Religious Freedom Day

On the International Religious Freedom Day on Tuesday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticised China, Iran, and North Korea as the most seriously prosecuted countries in the world for religious freedom. He added that the three countries increased the restriction upon its people, especially for Beijing trying to eradicate all faith that violates the communist regime.

Pompeo in a statement mentioned the International Religious Freedom Act taking into effect 22 years ago on October 27, reiterating the promise on the promotion and the defence on the religious rights of everyone in the world. Pompeo stated that the US government has long been respectful the freedom of lifestyle regardless of their religion, dating back to the visions of the founding fathers of the US. He emphasised, religious and human dignity issues are of the core of US diplomatic relations, for now, and in the future.

Pompeo named China, Iran, and North Korea as three of the worst countries in the world, in terms of religious rights. “These countries are tightening their restriction to suppress their people. Worse still, China is trying to erase every religion not compatible with the communist regime.” He said.

#ReligiousFreedom #CCP #Pompeo #China #HumanRight #NorthKorea #Iran #ReligionEradication

Source: Apple Daily #Oct28

Taiwan is not invited to WHA and sternly protest, urges WHO to adhere to professional neutrality and “eliminate Chinese political interference”  
WHA had a video meeting today (24May). Taiwan is not invited in five consecutive years, however the proposals from 13 diplomatic countries which about inviting Taiwan to participate will be the main focus of the meeting. It was predicted that the diplomatic countries will have “two versus two debating” with China, emphasized the necessity of Taiwan being part of the WHO. Department of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan announced a press release today and indicated, Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie and Minister of Health Chen Shizhong jointly expressed the government’s serious dissatisfaction in protest, urged the WHO adheres professional neutrality, eliminate Chinese political interference, and let Taiwan join the meetings, systems and activities of WHO based on protecting all human’s well-being and fighting epidemic together.  
Chen indicated on press release, this year WHA is still focusing on epidemic situation to build a healthier, safer and fairer world. Taiwan’s epidemic is warming up recently, which showing the virus is regardless of borders, even Taiwan cannot stay out. There should be no gap in global epidemic prevention, it needs to share globally all the information and professionally cooperation to fight the epidemic. Chen emphasized, Taiwan has not been invited to participate WHA is not the loss of Taiwan, but also the loss of the whole world. Health is the basic human right and universal value, and WHO as a professional international medical organisation, they should serve the health and well-being of all mankind and should not succumb to the political interests of specific member.  
Source: Apple Daily #May24

#WHA #WHO #China #Taiwan #Politics #Diplomatic #Intervention #HumanRight #Health #Pandemic #WuhanVirus #Globalisation