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“Why local business vanish (II)” – “If” the pandemic is over, how can local businesses survive?

(03 May)Please share the latest new case.

Since the pandemic is slowing in Hong Kong recently, the government eases the rules of public gathering. Some industries, such as catering and retails, started to recover their essential operation. However, the economy is quiet, and the world is still in the shadow of the pandemic. Hong Kong’s economy is still stagnant. Many companies are cutting businesses cost by offering no paid leave, paid cut and layoff. Some companies closed down and the situation hasn’t been over yet. In this critical timing, we also need to think about how local business will be after the pandemic.

“The incident of New World First Ferry Services Limited: Alarm in the economy under epidemic.”

At the beginning of this month, Chu Kong Shipping Enterprise (Holding) Co. announced to take over more than 60% shareholding of New World First Ferry Services Limited which is under New World Development. After completion of the acquisition, New World First Ferry Services Limited will become an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Chu Kong Shipping Enterprise (Holding) Co. which belongs to Guangdong Province Navigation Group. The government of Guangdong Province directly manages Guangdong Province Navigation Group. In other words, the meaning of this acquisition is to sell the Hong Kong company to Communist Party of China (CCP) Chaebol. CCP has more control in local transportation, and it speeds up CCP capital invading in Hong Kong.

Managing New World First Ferry Services Limited is a “thankless” task because the fare of across the Harbour service is low, the margin is thin, and source of customers is limited. The room for improvement is little. In early 2000, Star Ferry was the primary operator of ferry services. Because of operation difficulties, Star Ferry sold its exclusive franchise to New World First Ferry Services Limited and gave up the market across the Harbour service. At the beginning of 90s, Star Ferry appeared operation difficulties. In the document of provisional Legislative Council Panel on Transport, Star Ferry was a severe loss since 1994. Only two routes in the exclusive franchise made money. Rest of them (13 routes) was loss. And even so, Hong Kong government still granted the four development licenses in the Central Reclamation over the terminal. Star Ferry improved the loss by making a profit in the real estate project. It was not a sustainable solution and was the hidden risk of ferry industry declining.

In the epidemic, people stayed at home and reduced activities. Fragile ferry industry across the Harbour service was suffered again. Anti-epidemic government subsidies were short term solutions by offering fuel subsidies to licensed ferry operators, regular maintenance fee and insurance subsidies. There is no solution to the root cause. New World First Ferry Services Limited has no hope, and they could stop loss by selling the company. “New World First Ferry Services Limited Incident” can be the alarm of the economy under epidemic. Carrier Lam internationally or otherwise to cooperate “mutual destruction”. Local businesses sit and await their fate. CCP chaebol takes advantage of taking over local companies in Hong Kong.

Full translation: https://telegra.ph/Why-local-business-vanish-II--If-the-pandemic-is-over-how-can-local-businesses-survive-05-24

Source: Chung-Tai Cheng
Part2 Part3

Further reading:
Europeans' lack of understanding of China

#ChungTaiCheng #HongKong #ChinaInfluence #China #Economy

“Another Hong Kong" directed by the Chinese government to blacken the anti-ELAB movement in Hong Kong and spread fake news to defame protestors

(17 May)China media, under the supervision of the Chinese government, released a documentary called "Another Hong Kong" lately to smear anti-ELAB movement in Hong Kong.

The documentary has two episodes, "Chaos of Hong Kong" and "Where the wind is". The pro-government camp people, senior offices of Hong Kong government and Chinese patriots acted as interviewees to represent scholars, citizens and people from different areas and frame protestors up in the documentary.

The video defamed protestors as well-organized ad pronounced division of labour and created rumours that the protestors actually cooperated with foreigners without any supporting shreds of evidence.

The video does not only smeared all Hong Kong media reporting fake news without any justification, but it also blamed on Hong Kong education system and criticized the teaching staff. The Chinese government holds no need to introspect and review their problems.

Moreover, Charles Ho, the standing committee of the CPPCC national committee, mentioned in a TV program that it was a plan to propose the implementation of Hong Kong Basic Law Article 23, within the fifth term of the Chief Executive of HKSAR, in the two meetings of Chinese People's Political and National People's Congress.

Source: TVE

#China #HongKongProtestor #ChinesePropaganda #ChinaInfluence #Defaming #CCP
#OpinionArticle #SimonShen

DSE is not the only publicly recognized examination in the world.

(16 May)The IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) was created by #CambridgeUniversity as the international general secondary education accreditation for 14-16-year-olds worldwide. It is widely recognized by most universities and employers worldwide. The Nazi regime is highly discussed in IGCSE. How will universities and employers worldwide view DSE in the future?

The most disappointing thing is that there are fellow foreign graduates who follow the central theme and shout, "The British will never set (public examination) questions like this",...

"The Germans will never set questions like this", "The Americans will never set questions like this", and in fact, questions have been set in this way in the UK, Germany, and America, and I do not believe that they will do not know about it. The manners of man are revealed fully in the Cultural Revolution 2.0 in 2020.

Video attached:
[Back to The Future.Simon Shen Xu-hui 007] “Hong Kong Cultural Revolution 2.0” Denouncing History Examination Question, and “China Cultural Revolution 1.0” Denouncing The Play “Hai Rui Dismissed from Office”

Video’s Description:
Cultural Revolution 2.0 has arrived in Hong Kong, commencing with the accusation of Liberal Studies and Historical Education. The Opium War and the historical relationship between China and Japan suddenly become "sensitive issues", which would be criticized on the line for hurting national feelings.

This is the same approach as Cultural Revolution 1.0, when Yao Wen-yuan's new historical drama "Hai Rui Dismissed from Office" kicked off the scene, and "allusion to history" became the national technique of the Cultural Revolution's decade of havoc.

What is more ironic was that "Hai Rui Dismissed from Office" has initially been praised by Mao Ze-dong personally. Still, it suddenly became a "poisonous grass" because of political needs. Despite being the vice mayor of Beijing, the author, Wu Han, was criticized and punished to death.

Will the officials in charge of education in Hong Kong today worry that they are too aware of the issue nowadays? Once the education in Hong Kong becomes like this and independent thinking is no longer allowed, what will happen to the next generation?

Source: Simon Shen

#ChinaInfluence #DSE #Education #FreedomOfSpeech #CulturalRevolutionHK #Censorship

Twitter Netizen question Li Fei Fei's pro-Beijing background
Cancelled many Twitter users' account

(20 May) Li Feifei, American Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) expert, joined Twitter last week. External has concern she has a close relationship with the Chinese government. Some netizens worried the China government influence Twitter. Right after a economist disclosed Li’s background, his four accounts were suspended by Twitter for review. On the other hand, Some netizens' accounts have been banned and warned after sharing some posts related to Li. Those involved have initiated a petition to the White House requesting investigation of both Twitter and Li.

Li Feifei, the former Clouds expert of Google, was on board as Independent director of Twitter last Monday (on 11 May). After that, some Twitter users sorted out some information about the network and cooperation between Li and the Chinese government. They expressed their concern that Chinese may influence Twitter to suppress opposite voices.

Netizens' concerns were not their imagination. An economist had a live on Sunday (17 May). He thought Li as an independent director was like to "let cat watch over fish" and did a review of Li's background deeply. On Tuesday (19 May), Twitter banned his accounts "Finance Cold-eye", "Cold Mountain review comment "and "Freedom wind", etc. His spare account, "Finance Cold-eye 2.0" has also been warned.

He questioned the ban of his accounts should be related to Li and complained to media that Twitter and its parent company, Google, suppressed Freedom of speech. He also listed information of other banned accounts which challenged Li before. He revealed he initiated the petition to the White House on the internet to request the investigation Chinese Communist Party(CCP) suppressing speech and Twitter banning dissident accounts quickly. He also asked to look into the cooperation between Google China Center and CCP in details via Li.

Full translation:

Source: Rfa

#LiFeiFei #Twitter #Google #SharpPower #China #Censorship #AI #ChinaInfluence

VivaTaiwan Campaign on Twitter

(26 May)Brazilian councillor shared a threatening letter issued on 13 May by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the tweet and said the Chinese embassy had recommended that Brazilian lawmakers stay silent regarding Tsai's inauguration.

Netizens in Brazil expressed their dissatisfaction with Beijing by starting a "VivaTaiwan" (Long live Taiwan) campaign on Twitter. "VivaTaiwan" became a trend on Twitter and netizens printed the letter on toilet paper as a derivative work.

Source: Origos, Twitter

#Brazil #VivaTaiwan #Taiwan #GlobalSupport #ChinaInfluence

Hong Kong Citizens' press conference blasts politics over education, advocates funds for sponsoring students to study abroad

(20 May)Hong Kong Secretary for Education Kevin Yeung requested the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) to remove a controversial history question in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination, saying that the information provided in the question was midleading and would lead to a biased conclusion. Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam said “the collapse of education is enough to destroy a country”. She added that she could possibly invoke the HKEAA Ordinance to order the HKEAA to remove the exam question. The Citizens' Press Conference held a press conference in the evening to criticise the authority for politically overriding education’s professionalism and intervening in education affairs, like in the China Cultural Revolution. The Citizens' Press Conference advocated the establishment of an "education fund for freedom" for the new generation to receive education without censorship.

Benson Wong: HKDSE will lose international recognition if Hong Kong Government is determined for mutual destruction

Benson Wong, an academic and a member of Progressive Teachers’ Alliance, said previous cancellation of exam questions by HKEAA had to be processed by the moderation committee according to the mechanism. Questions could only get removed under two circumstances: the question failed to distinguish between candidates’ abilities or ambiguity in wording causing failure to distinguish between candidates' abilities. He denounced Carrie Lam and Kevin Yeung’s use of political criticism to interfere with exam questions, which was no different from the China's Cultural Revolution.

Wong pointed out that political interference will have far-reaching impacts on Hong Kong's education system, and is tantamount to "mutual destruction". He explained that the HKDSE system had been established for less than a decade and its qualifications are recognised by mainstream overseas universities; but if the Hong Kong Government uses “political correctness” as the marking criterion and forces exam questions to be cancelled by political means, international education institutions will re-examine the HKDSE qualifications.

Criticising the government for "declaring war on intellectuals". Revising exam questions is the “first step” for people from different sectors to "bow down”

Full translation: https://telegra.ph/Hong-Kong-Citizens-press-conference-blasts-politics-over-education-advocates-funds-for-sponsoring-students-to-study-abroad-05-30

Source: inmediahk

#Education #DSE #ChinaInfluence

(03 Jun) Recently, there is a controversy over a Hong Kong’s primary school grade 2 level worksheet from the Stewards Pooi Kei Primary School. Some Chinese netizens are angry about how the worksheet praises the beauty of American's rivers, yet portraits the rivers in China as polluted. They think that the worksheet is spreading hatred towards China and the teacher who created the worksheet has breached the code of conduct. The school later responded that it was a mistake and they would be more careful with their teaching materials in the future.

The worksheet merely states the fact that "rivers in China are polluted", and it is seen as "inducing hatred toward China". Does this mean teachers can only praise China even when it means telling lies (e.g Rivers in China are beautiful, Dongjiang water is tasty and clear), and is praising China the only way out for teaching materials...?

Source: Chapman To’s Late Show

#Education #ChinaInfluence #PrimarySchool #ChapmanTo

Let the government explain to you the definition of riot in Hong Kong

(10 Jun)D1 is a journalist of the City University of Hong Kong (CityU) who was doing his job inside the Legislative chamber, the prosecution found his fingerprint on a copy of Basic Law = riot.

D11 admitted he/she stayed inside the Legislative Council and posted four posters = riot.

None of the other defendants committed any act of violence, but just simply being there. They can at most only be charged with “entering or remaining in precincts of Chamber”. However, in today’s Hong Kong, simply pasting a poster is enough to be charged with riot, facing 10 years of the sentence. Even though they can be exonerated in the end, years of long, expensive and complicated judicial procedures are waiting for them.

I would face 10 years of charge even I stole an egg only. Naturally, the people would think, “why not going further?” The division and violence in society are created by those CCP-licking traitors. If pasting some posters can be defined as a riot, then this is not a rule of law. The totalitarian regime is just using the law to carry out purging.

Source: Emilia Wong

#ChinaInfluence #FreedomOfPress
How the Liaison Office is expanding its influence in Hong Kong

#ChinaInfluence #LiaisonOffice

Suppression before the establishment of National Security Law
(06 Jun)Today, I went to shoot a promotional video for my political party at the Clearwater Bay Film Studio with friends and the volunteer team. After a few takes, a man who claimed to be in charge of the studio (the man in the 5-star shirt in the photo) heard someone chanting slogans in the studio. He came over to the director, creative director and me, and asked what we were shooting. We replied that it was a political party promotional video.
The man then asked me to provide my platform and shooting content. He made it clear that he wouldn't allow us to film anything that criticizes China or the Hong Kong Government. He said that his company is patriotic and that we couldn't shoot anti-government related content on set.
After reading the script, he said he was “uncomfortable” and asked us to stop the filming immediately.
We rented the studio with hard cash. I have been in the advertising industry for 22 years and have shot countless commercials in the Clearwater Bay Film Studio, and I have never heard of any studio reviewing their client’s storyboard! Not to mention a review of political stance! While renting a film studio is an ordinary business practice, there are those who politically interfere in the creation and production of films without a reason, putting their personal political views first and harming the benefits of both ours and their own company. In the future, when the National Security Law or Article 23 is implemented, will he report to "national security" and ask the secret police to take me away?
In the end, after our Creative Director "Mr. Cho" and the "man in charge" reasoned with him and asked him to consult his "supervisor", we were able to finish the shooting. But it is really infuriating that Hong Kong has degenerated to such a state.
Therefore, I would like to express my strong discontent with this so-called "man in charge" of the Clearwater Bay Film Studios. I would like to call on the advertising industry to boycott this Clearwater Bay Film Studio.

Source: Yiu Koon Tung

#ChinaInfluence #FreedomOfSpeech #NationalSecurityLaw

Whistle-blower on Hong Kong MTR construction scandal launches legal bid to overturn inquirys findings

//A whistle-blower at the centre of a construction scandal involving Hong Kong’s costliest rail link is suing the government-appointed commission of inquiry in a legal bid to overturn its finding that the project was safe to go live.

//In a writ filed on Thursday for a judicial review, subcontractor China Technology sought a court order to quash the interim and final reports of the commission chaired by former judge Michael Hartmann on the expanded Hung Hom station of the HK$90.7 billion (US$11.7 billion) Sha Tin-Central rail link.

//“The commission is fully satisfied that, with suitable measures in place, the station box structure will be safe and also fit for purpose,” the report said.

//In launching the legal challenge, Jason Poon Chuk-hung, managing director of China Technology, who blew the whistle on allegations of defective work over the project in May 2018, argued the commission did not have the capacity to judge the project’s safety.

//The commission, set up in July 2018, had looked into allegations of shoddy work at the Hung Hom station site, a missing tranche of vital safety documents relating to the project and other construction issues.

//While confirming the staff of subcontractor Fang Sheung Construction had cut the rebar, the report said “it was not extensive” and amounted to 2 to 3 per cent of the amount used.

//It also concluded cutting the rebar was not “condoned” by either main contractor Leighton Contractors (Asia) or rail operator MTR Corporation, and that there was no evidence the workers were authorised or encouraged by their employer.

//The writ argued that without any supporting evidence, the commission jumped to the conclusion that it was Fang Sheung workers who cut the rebar and that both Leighton and MTR Corp had no knowledge of the act.

//The Sha Tin-Central link project has been plagued by repeated delays and cost overruns.

Full Article: SCMP, (21-May)

#MTR #shatincentrallink #overuns #delay #commission #ChinaInfluence #mainlanderizartion #FailedState

The grave doubts about Google and YouTube

The latest controversy comes from today that if a random code is typed in the Google search box, it will bring up the gas explosion charity dispute in Taiwan, which was used by Kuomintang to smear Chen Chu during the previous presidential election in Taiwan.

What do we see further ahead?

YouTube has been caught red-handed for automatically deleting messages containing the words "communist thief" or "fifty cent army (Wu Mao)" for a long time. According to The Verge's article, Youtube has been deleting the related comments since last October.

Related Article→

Last month, #GoogleTranslate has suddenly replaced Taiwan wordings with China's wordings with a "community certification" label next to them. Examples include the word “video” will be translated to “Shi Pin” (視頻; instead of “Ying Pian”, 影片) while the word “software” will be translated to “Ruan Jian” (軟件; instead of “Ruan Ti”, 軟體), to list just a few.

Related Article→

Google put the blame to the Youtube incident on its algorithm, but they haven’t said a word about the translation incident. What will be the excuse of the “Chen Chu, charity fund” incident this time?

I would like to ask: How much longer do Google have to hide behind “the algorithm” explanation ? How much longer do they have to keep us quiet?

Source: Facebook

Further reading:
Remove China Apps garners 1 million downloads in India, gets 4.8 stars on Google Play Store 
YouTube is deleting comments with two phrases that insult China’s Communist Party

#SharpPower #Google #GoogleTranslate #ChinaInfluence #Youtube #Taiwan

The bank account of Apple Daily’s Charity fund cancelled by Bank Of China, rumour says the reason is “paying tuitions for students”

(15 Jun) In March 2020, Pro-Beijing organization protested at the Revenue Tower in Wan Chai and suspected that Apple Daily Charitable Foundation was supporting rioters behind the scene in the name of charity work. Apple daily reported that the Foundation’s bank account in Bank of China(BOC) had been cancelled by the bank due to “commercial reasons”.

In Apple Daily’s report, The Charitable Foundation’s BOC account was closed down by the bank due to commercial reasons, and the other three accounts are operating as normal. The fund in the BOC account has been transferred to the other accounts.

According to Apple Daily, BOC staff contacted Mr. Chow Tat Hey, the Chief Executive of the foundation, regarding the protest at the Revenue tower. Mr. Chow explained to the BOC officer, saying the Foundation’s initiative is to support students, to help all the students who are facing financial difficulties because of the Anti Elab movement, and they will not screen applicants based on their political stances. However, the bank did not accept such an explanation and cancelled the account officially by sending a letter to the foundation on 4 May. In the letter, there was no mention of the reason for such a decision.

In March, there was Pro-Beijing group protesting at the Revenue tower, raising banners with slogans like “Toxic apple Fake charity, Funds to the Rioters”, etc, and the group suspected that the initiative of supporting students violates the definition of a charitable organization, and requested the Inland Revenue Department to cancel the charity status of Apple Daily Charitable Foundation.

Apple Daily Charitable Foundation started the initiative of supporting students in the past and claims to provide assistance to University students and students of tertiary education, who are unable to pay tuition and school fees due to family conflicts arising from the Anti elab protest. Apple Daily claims that the Foundation has received 7.85M donations as of 7 June, and is providing assistance to more than 10 students.
Standnews has sent an inquiry to BOC, who refused to comment on this particular case when replying and claimed that the bank has followed respective laws when managing the accounts in their daily operations.

Source: The Stand News

#AppleDaily #CharitibleFoundation #ChinaInfluence #BankOfChina #AntiELAB

Media outlet set up in Hong Kong for negative news coverage in China, 3 men imprisoned for picking quarrels and provoking trouble
(14 Jul)The website of China's Supreme People's Court recently announced the sentencing of citizens Wang Hongquan, Tang Yunli and Li Hede, from Lianyungang, Jiangsu province. The Gangyu District People's Court in Lianyungang doled out prison terms ranging from 12 to 18 months for running a media outlet in Hong Kong to report negative news on China. Their crime was picking quarrels and provoking trouble*.
The verdict stated that, through a third party, Wang founded the Hong Kong-registered China News Agency (中華新聞通訊社) in 2013 but that company is not the China Media Group** (華聞社). Wang's media outlet employed Tang as the chief reporter and Li was in charge of marketing.
Wang's website has covered news in various regions and published many negative reports [on China]. Under the name of China News Agency in Hong Kong, Wang recruited journalists and other staff across China. They impersonated Hong Kong journalists to access relevant departments to gather and report fake news, which Li promoted online to garner a large number of views and shares. This had a significantly negative impact on relevant institutions and individuals and led to serious public disorder. The police arrested Wang, Tang and Li in May last year. They were subsequently detained, arrested and charged.
Editor's Note:
*Picking quarrels and provoking trouble is a crime under article 293 of the 1997 revision of the People's Republic of China's Penal Code.
**The China Media Group is a publicly listed Chinese holding company. The Chinese name of Wang's company is similar to that of the China Media Group.

Source: On.cc
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#FreedomOfPress #Censorship #ChinaNewsAgency #ChinaInfluence

CCP’s hand has reached Singapore and US long ago

(24 Jul)No one will expect an international relation expert in Singapore is indeed a spy sent by CCP to spy on the US. The show hand of the espionage battle between China and US is only getting more and more intense. First, on researchers like Tang juan, who conceal their military studies background, the states can charge them with Visa fraud, which has a lower bar for prosecution. The merit of such charge is that no-one has to prove any state secret is stolen at all, and 10 years in jail will be given if found guilty. So people can make an example of it, so to scare the Chinese researchers.

The details of the espionage case was released today but the spy had been arrested in Nov 2019. It shows that the intelligence department has already begun tightening the net, and is no longer afraid of alerting the enemy.

Defendant Yao Jun Wei admitted to breaching the Foreign Agents registration act, section 951. This section was used against Cuba, and is then expanded to all agents who threaten the US homeland security. Combining with the Foreign agent registration act, it is being put into full use. As long as the agents are not registered and are acting in substance in their spy role, they commit a crime. In this sense, all those Chinese enterprises who expand their businesses in the US, will easily be affected under this law. Who will disclose that they are indeed working for the CCP? TikTok wishes to sell the business in a rush, and swaps all the Chinese management personnels. This is simply because they, too, fear this law.

Yao Jun Wei expanded his business in the US for the CCP, and runs a fake consultancy company, like those civilian think tanks. Intelligence, that is not publicised, is the most difficult to obtain, and is highly restricted to those in the authority. According to those mole cases disclosed by the Department of State, most were tempted with woman or money. Mostly those in financial difficulty were reached. Yet, when the Trump government arrested these moles high profile, the public servants became more careful and no longer accept gifts easily. This in turn, increases the difficulty for CCP to steal intelligence. Yao Jun Wei’s case demonstrates CCP’s move adapt to such changes.

Yao Jun Wei used Linkedin to “remodify” action of espionage into a legal business. He sent out recruitment ads en masse, and recruited target to write consultancy reports of different subjects. He lied that these reports are for research of Asian clients, and such action will be safe. Each report is priced from USD 1000 to 2000, and this scam is targeted at public servants who want quick money. The court released three examples, in which the CCP obtained three insider news from such operation, including Japan purchasing F35A, the influence of retreat of US army in Afghanistan on China and the confidential background of a cabinet official.

Source: Author
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#ChinaInfluence #Singapore #Spy #YaoJunWei #US #China #Tiktok #EspionageBattle #Linkedin
#InternationalTribunal #CCPControl #ChinaInfluence
Chinese Ambassador to Hungary Becomes Judge in International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea 

On 25 August, Duan Jielong, nominated by the Chinese Communist Party government, was named the new judge to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (#ITLOS) in Hamburg, Germany.

The Tribunal is an "independent judicial body" established by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (#UNCLOS) to adjudicate maritime disputes "arising out of the interpretation and application of the Convention". 

Duan, currently the PRC's ambassador to Hungary, received 149 votes in the first round of election and was therefore elected. His term will start on October 1, 2020 with an appointment of 9 years.

Since its establishment in 1996, the Tribunal has had 4 judges from the PRC.

[Editor's note: On 12 July 2016, the Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled that China had violated the UNCLOS in South China Sea]

Source: Now News #Aug25

#DuanJieLong #Judge
#Interview #Teachers

[Retaliatory Education] Primary school principal suspected of coercing teacher into forging documents, teacher forced into early resignation after arrest

(01 Aug) One year ago, people feared that "reprisals at the right moment" on the one hand and, on the other, took to the streets to strike and protest despite their trepidation towards the authorities. A year later, the atmosphere of protest in society dampened. White terror silently followed after the passing of the Hong Kong national security law. "Reprisals at the right moment" quietly began.

The education profession was among the first to be affected. Working under great political pressure, teachers kept their guard up even after school hours. A single "sensitive" phrase, liking an online post that criticises the government or participating only once in a legal protest may be enough to cost them their jobs.

InMedia HK interviewed many teachers who received complaints, were suppressed by the school or were even dismissed because of their political stances. Neither secondary school liberal studies teachers, teaching assistants nor university professors can avoid this quandary. Under the national security law, what recourse do they have?

//After his arrest, the school's senior management coerced him into signing a "voluntary resignation letter", feigning that he had left before his arrest.

//"I don't expect anyone to hire me. Even though I'm still registered, it's over."

//he was only standing up for justice.

Full translation:

Source: Inmedia hk
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#Retaliatory #Education #WhiteTerror #Censorship #ForgingDocument #AntiELAB #PoKokPrimarySchool #ChinaInfluence
#Canada #ChinaInfluence
China dissuades Canadian MPs from meeting rights activists

According to a report from Amnesty International and Canadian rights group released in May, Chinese government has increasingly resorted to “threats, bullying and harassment” to intimidate and silence activists in Canada, including those raising concerns about democracy and civil rights in Hong Kong and Beijing’s mistreatment of Uyghurs, Tibetans and Falun Gong practitioners.

Canadian MPs visiting Hong Kong in late 2017 were informed that Chinese authorities did not want the MPs meeting with Hong Kong leading pro-democracy figures such as Joshua Wong or Anson Chan.

In early 2019, Ms. Linda Duncan, NDP MP for Edmonton-Strathcona at the time, was contacted by the Chinese embassy in Canada advising her not to meet with the Dalai Lama, the exile spiritual leader of the Tibetan people.

Former Canadian ambassador to China David Mulroney said the call to Ms. Duncan “was an appalling example of interference.”

Besides these revealed incidents, China may have exerted other covert influence over foreign politicians.

Source: The Globe and Mail #Aug22
#AmnestyInternational #LindaDuncan #Uyghurs #Tibet #Falungong

#Censorship #ChinaInfluence
British publishers censor books for western readers to appease China

References to Taiwan and Hong Kong were reportedly deleted from works for Western readers, so that they can also be sold in China.

London-listed #Quarto, as well as #OctopusBooks, part of the literary empire #Hachette, have allowed the removal of sensitive content from books to be sold in the West on several occasions.

It is claimed the nationality of people mentioned in one book was also changed from Taiwanese to East Asian, while references to Tibet, a region annexed by China in 1951, were revised in two books to suggest it was Chinese territory.

Since 2020, Octopus has also reportedly removed references in at least two books to Taiwan, a democracy that the Chinese Communist Party claims as its own territory despite never having ruled there.

#CCP #Education

Source: RFA; #Mar16