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Hollywood movie The Departed in real-life: youth nurtured into "gangster judges" serving as executioners in Hong Kong Judiciary

(13 Jun)As we all know, Hong Kong court magistrates have recently been making controversial decisions on cases arising from last year's Anti-ELAB (Extradition law amendment bill) movement. Examples include Judge Kwok Wai-kin praising the "noble qualities" of a stabbing case convict, Judge Heung [Lau] suk-han joining the interrogation of witnesses and Judge Chan wai-mun, who determined that a middle-aged man's "action may have led to the destruction of social order" when the police fired a teargas canister directly at him as he was getting off a minibus. He was sentenced to 200 hours of community service. Yesterday sparked even more outrage when Judge Debbie Ng Chung-yee not only ignored the inconsistencies in a police officer's testimonies but made unfounded claims that the defendant, despite being injured during the arrest, is not well-suited to be a teacher because the judge claimed he had a personality disorder [without a doctor’s diagnosis]. He is remanded to Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre to await his sentence...

This series of infuriating violations of common legal principles fully imbue one with the sense that district court magistrates and the police are buddies: no matter how ridiculous the charge, even with confessions extracted through torture, the judges will complement the police without any reservation. The conviction will stand and the sentence will be harsh.

Many years ago, when the typical citizen's impression of the court was based on a Hong Kong film, The Unwritten Law, the older generation would tell the young people, "Don't become a lawyer, bend the truth and send innocent people to jail. It has no merit." Looking back at the movie now, the many plot holes are obvious but people have always believed that sending someone [innocent] to jail is an extremely immoral act. People with morals have self-limitations that maintain their integrity and increase their merit. A tyrannical autocracy holds a different mentality when it comes to recruiting thugs to become their lackeys: a big fat government paycheck can hire a bunch of underqualified people to handle things. Precisely because they lack competitiveness and skill, such people cannot survive without depending on [political] power. They don't need any special orders to wantonly commit any morally atrocious act as a demonstration of their loyalty.

Full translation: https://telegra.ph/Hollywood-movie-The-Departed-in-real-life-youth-nurtured-into-gangster-judges-serving-as-executioners-in-Hong-Kong-Judiciary-06-23

Source: Edkin

#ChinaInfiltration #Judges #RuleOfLaw #HongKongJudiciary #AntiELAB

The bell tolls for us

(23 Jun) Many of those apprehended on 831 received appointments of arrest today
around 5 or 6 am, our fellows were taken from their homes.

Many fellows were trying to lay low,
no spotlights upon them,
no wealth, no influence, no political power, no close ties with others.
Some politicians even declare that they are fine.

Today's mass arrest marks the beginning of political vengeance,
many well-prepared accusations, pulled from thin air,
all these charges, just to prove no one died on 831.

"If I'm jailed, how is my girlfriend going to pay the rent on her own?"
"Can I leave my motorbike with you? Save it for my younger brother when he gets his licence."
Hearing their words before they go,
an unbearable sense of futility weighs down on me.

Our true fellows do not cause a ruckus.
The only thing I can do
is let people know that our 831 fellows need public attention.

Ask not for whom the bell tolls;
The bell tolls for us.

#MassArrest #831incident

Source: Facebook
#NetizensVoice #Pazu

How well the are Blue companies doing? 2/3

(23 Jun) Every time I pass by the Starbucks opposite of Fortress Hill MTR station, I can't help but look at the seats right by the windows. Who are those people sitting there?

Since mid-last year, there were less young people and more middle-aged and elderly people. With a few cups of hot water on the table, they enjoyed the "fourth space" provided by Starbucks, reading newspapers and catching up with friends.

Unfortunately, the Starbucks that existed in this district for many years had to quietly shut its doors. Why didn't Maxim's Group persist? Why did they abandon their middle-aged and elderly supporters?

Let's guess, which Maxim's branch will last the longest?

Source: Pazu’s Facebook

Further reading:
Maxim's Group Owner's Daughter Gaining Popularity in China, but not in Hong Kong
Companies on Hongkongers’ Boycott list

#BoycottMaxim #Starbucks
#NetizensVoice #Pazu

How well the are Blue companies doing? 3/3

(23 Jun) I think that some of my readers are quite mischievous.
When I saw that Starbucks had just closed down,
my emotions were stirred up.
Little did I know that my readers wouldn't let me calm down,
and insisted on messaging me to tell me
that Simply Life on Electric Road the next block over closed down as well,
making me run over to take a photo for remembrance
The reason I took this photo is to bear witness
to how Maxim's uniquely agonising method abandons Hongkongers little by little

Source: Patreon

Further reading:
Citizens Post "Boycott Notice" on Shops Run by Pro-China Corporations
Why are some stores damaged but not others in Hong Kong?
Special Care for certain shops

#BoycottMaxim #Starbucks

Infiltrate the academia?

Do you find it similar to Taiwan?

Tibetans' self-immolations are perturbing the Chinese Communist Party?

Can't understand why Hongkongers wear masks when protesting on the streets?

As for whether or not the Taiwanese are Chinese, it's politically impossible at this stage, yet culturally inseparable.

Don't get mad, I'm only kidding. Everything above is just analogies. What I have just said is useless anyway.

“Hitler knew that it was not easy to buy off the American media. Gaining support and sympathy from the most prestigious schools in the US was the most effective way to clean Nazi Germany's name. This is the same strategy employed by China.

“Harvard’s James Bryant Conant was one such university president who fell into this trap. He did not like the Nazi regime at all but held extremely tolerant feelings towards Germany, believing that culture and politics could be separated; this was exactly what the Nazis wanted.

“His academic purism caused him to turn a blind eye to Nazi Germany's persecution of Jews. He refused to criticise Nazi Germany and even rationalised all of Germany's actions. He believed that the Nazis were justified by their unfair treatment after World War I.

“With the university president behaving as such, his dean likewise did not lag behind. Roscoe Pound, the Dean of Harvard Law School, graciously accepted an honorary degree from the University of Berlin in 1934. When he returned to the US, he kept talking about all he saw and heard in the new Germany. He insisted that no matter how long they lived there, the Nazi regime would never persecute Jewish people and scholars.”

Source: Facebook

#Nazi #Jews #China #CCP #Xinjiang #Uyghurs

The political purge in every business is also a chance for the rise of the alternative economy. Keep going!

(19 Jun)Mak Hoi Ching, Alex, who played character "Si Lo Si" in a Hong Kong TV drama “The Exorcist's 2nd Meter”, is rumoured to be arrested because of joining the social political movement last year. He is suspended from all TVB (Television Broadcasts Limited, the major broadcasting company in HK) related projects and excluded from all promotions for the TV drama. After the show has ended, his name can no longer be found on any TVB’s artist lists. Rumour has it that his cooperation relationship with TVB has already terminated.

Mak posted a photo of his character on Instagram. His post also involved some implications as he wrote, “Very grateful for the support from the crew and audiences. No matter what, I will continue to expel evil spirit for this world. “

Source: Simon’s Glos World

#PoliticalPurge #TVB #AlexMak #Censorship

As the most expensive private hospital in Hong Kong, HKSH MEDICAL GROUP received 86 million HKD from the government’s financial subsidy

(22 Jun)The Hong Kong government released a list of companies that received the financial subsidy. Among those companies, HKSH MEDICAL GROUP (business included the Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, HKSH) received the most money, with nearly 86 million HKD. You are reading this right, a hospital that most of the Hong Kongers cannot afford, received the most funding.

As the most expensive private hospital in Hong Kong, it has many rich clients. In the past decade, clients from mainland China were the main source of financial income. The hospital was gaining so much profit so that the salary of the doctors also kept raising.
Why is HKSH still asking the Hong Kong government for money? Firstly, if financial aid is available, why should one refuse the aid? Secondly, the hospital greatly profited from the China mainland clients, so it can rely on their spending. In 2014, it used 140 million HKD to purchase the entire Eastwood Centre in Shau Kei Wan, then re-developed it into HKSH Eastern Medical Centre, which mainly used as a cancer treatment centre. Additionally, it rented a commercial centre nearby, in order to further expand its business.

The centre was expected to start running in 2019. However, the US-China trade war and Hong Kong anti-extradition law protests resulted in the lack of mainland China clients. Suddenly, all of its rich clients from mainland China are gone, yet the hospital invested the money already. All it can do now is to ask the government for money and let Hong Kong citizens pay the bill.

Of course, the incident at HKSH was only the tip of an iceberg. There are many more companies in Hong Kong which rely on money from China but ignore the problems Hong Kongers are facing. When something bad happens, they just ask Hong Kongers for money to fix the problem. For example, Hong Kong Ocean Park's financial problems.
The saddest thing is, Hong Kongers are being robbed because they cannot even say “No!”.

Source: The People HK

#HKSHMedical #FinancialSubsidy #FailedState #PublicMoney
Who else still dares to speak up?

🍎 Yesterday, the front page of all Hong Kong newspapers were taken over by the Chinese Communist Party
🍏 Apple Daily, why are you brutally honest!!!!?

Hongkonger friends said, "When dawn breaks on 1 July, the streets will be full of five-starred red flags [national flag of the People's Republic of China].
"Even when you send your kids to school, a five-starred red flag also hangs inside....."

Never thought we'd see this in our lifetime.
Helplessly watching as the city falls.......

Photo source:

Why did Apple Daily's consumership fail?

Source: Facebook

#ChinaIninfiltration #Censorship #Kowtou #Newspaper #AppleDaily #NationalSecurityLaw #July1 #CCP
#Rumour #NetizensVoice
Chinese Embassies in the world stop passport renewal and issuing new passports

Editor’s Note: A netizen suspected that China was planning to stop Chinese citizens going aboard. No one can leave China and Xinjiang model is applied to whole China.

Source: LIHKG

#Rumour #NetizensVoice
Chinese Embassies in the world stop passport renewal and issuing new passports

Image 1:
My friend's Chinese passport will expire the second half of this year. He went to the Chinese embassy to renew the passport in March but the embassy kept postponing the appointment date. My friend got a notification in April for appointment then got change to July. He called today and was informed that the passport can't be renewed because the factory in China stopped the passport production. The Chinese embassy recommended him to go back to China first.

This is the third case that Chinese embassy rejected a renewal passport application. This round of locking down of China is coming violently and rapidly.

Image 2:
A Chinese embassy in Tokyo also refused to issue new passports.

Image 3:
This is what overseas Uyghurs have experienced all these years. No passports is issued to them, they are only given travel permits, and have to go back to China to get passports. And once they go back to China for passports, they are sent to concentration camps. At that time when the Uyghurs came out and shouted such policy was unfair, many Chinese didn’t believe it. Now it’s good, every person, one by one, is entering Xinjiang mode. It seems it won’t be too long to see concentration camps in places other than Xinjiang in mainland China!

Source: LIHKG Forum
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

Further reading:
China blackmailing dissenters in US to return home – FBI chief

#Chineseembassy #passport #lockdown #Uyghurs #Xinjiang