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#CCP #1C1S #CoronavirusPandemic
More Chinese Health Officials to Arrive in Hong Kong to Assist with Testing for Covid-19

On July 31, China's Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office released a statement that China would send their personnel to Hong Kong to assist in COVID19 testing. Immediately on August 1, China's National Health Commission announced that 7 Chinese health officials would arrive in Hong Kong the next day (August 2, Sunday), just as Chief Executive Carrie Lam raised the possibility that the Hong Kong population could be tested for Covid-19.

The 7 Chinese officials are part of a 60-membered team sent by China to Hong Kong. Another 6 officials from Wuhan, the epicenter at the start of the coronavirus pandemic, will also go to Hong Kong and assist in transforming the AsiaWorld Expo convention centre into a facility for treating Covid-19 patients.

Dr Chuang Shuk- kwan, head of the communicable disease branch of the Centre for Health Protection in Hong Kong, said on August 1 that she only learnt about Beijing's arrangement on TV. She believes that the Chinese team would be exempted from COVID19 examination upon arriving in Hong Kong.

Source: Stand News #Aug1

China's Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office: Beijing to Send Personnel to Hong Kong to Cope With COVID-19
#MrDemocracy #LeeTengHui #Taiwan
People of Taiwan Commemorate Their First Democratically Elected President Lee Teng-hui

Taiwan's former president Lee Teng-hui passed away on July 30 at the age of 97. Nicknamed
'Mr Democracy', Lee oversaw the end of Taiwan's 38-year-long martial law period and advocated the full democratization of Taiwan during his term of office. Lee was the first democratically elected president in Taiwan.

The Taiwan government has set up a memorial for Lee which is open for the public starting from August 1. Taiwan's president Tsai Ing-wen, vice president Lai Ching-te, many former officials and the public went to pay tribute to Lee.

Source: USP #Aug1

Also Read:
Taiwan's First Directly Elected President, "Mr. Democracy" Lee Teng-hui Passes Away at the Age of 97

#Statement #Aug1
U.S. Condemns HK Authorities: "It is likely that Hong Kong will never again be able to vote"

The U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo released the following statement "On the Postponement of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council Elections":

"The United States condemns the Hong Kong government’s decision to postpone by one year upcoming Legislative Council elections originally scheduled for September 6. There is no valid reason for such a lengthy delay. It is likely, therefore, that Hong Kong will never again be able to vote – for anything or anyone.

This regrettable action confirms that Beijing has no intention of upholding the commitments it made to the Hong Kong people and the United Kingdom under the Sino-British Joint Declaration, a UN-registered treaty, and the Basic Law.

For decades, the Hong Kong people have repeatedly demonstrated their desire and ability to hold free and fair elections. We urge Hong Kong authorities to reconsider their decision. The elections should be held as close to the September 6 date as possible and in a manner that reflects the will and aspirations of the Hong Kong people. If they aren’t, then regrettably Hong Kong will continue its march toward becoming just another Communist-run city in China."

Source: State Department, U.S.
#LegCoElection #DQ
#LegCoElection #NPC #InfiniteTerm #Vacuum #1C1S
Pro-democracy Legislators Censure Decision on Submitting Issue Regarding Vacuum Period to NPC, Citing Constitutional Loophole

Source: Stand News #Aug1

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#LegCoElection #NPC #InfiniteTerm #Vacuum #1C1S
Pro-democracy Legislators Censure Decision on Submitting Issue Regarding Vacuum Period to NPC, Citing Constitutional Loophole

Chief Executive Carrie Lam announced on Friday, 31 July that the election would be postponed to September 5 next year according to the Emergency Regulations Ordinance, yet the arrangements for the 1-year vacuum period remains to be determined by Central Government via the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. 22 pro-democracy legislators issued a joint declaration, censuring Lam for "creating the vacuum period and constitutional loophole out of thin air", and for bring Hong Kong "to a state of no return."

They stated that legal matters regarding the elections could be done locally as the elections are considered part of the local autonomy to reduce political shock, but since the government submitted this issue regarding the "vacuum period" to the NPC, they feared that Hong Kong would be trapped in a "sinkhole of the NPC's power", with Beijing taking the opportunity to create its own rules and pass "evil laws", trampling on Hong Kong's democratically-elected legislative system.

The legislators feared that submitting this issue to the NPC would shake the constitutional foundations for a high degree of autonomy to its core, likening it to surrendering Hong Kong's fate for the second time. They called Lam's decisions into question, claiming that Lam postponed the elections fearing the voice of the people after estimating the turnout rate of the elections to be around 70%.

They stated that public discontent has been deepening for the past year following the Extradition Bill, National Security Law, and the government's inability to control the pandemic, and they feared that the regime would "get greedy" and form the "indefinite extended-term Congress"

Editor's Note: The "indefinite extended-term Congress" refers to the Congress of the Republic of China (ROC) between 1948 and 1991, where democratically elected legislators stayed in power for over forty years due to the ROC never having "liberated the mainland", and thus was unable to let people in the mainland elect for their legislators.

Source: Stand News #Aug1
#China #Death

Police Said Man Found in a Stainless Cage in the River Died By Suicide. Netizens Asks, “Did He Roll Himself into the River after Locking Himself?”

On Thursday (30 July), a male corpse was found in a stainless cage dug up from the Xingjiang River in Taizhou, Jiangsu province. The case of suspected murder sparked much discussion among netizens. After an investigation, however, the local police said the man died of suicide, leaving many netizens incredulous and scoffing, “Did he lock himself up and roll himself into the river?”

Source: Apple Daily #Aug1

#ShengKungHui #Education
Hong Kong Anglican Church (Episcopal) Personelle Change Might Bring “Patriotic Education” to Their Schools

Source: Stand News #Aug1

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#ShengKungHui #Education
Hong Kong Anglican Church (Episcopal) Personelle Change Might Bring “Patriotic Education” to Their Schools

There may be a personelle change in Hong Kong Sheung Kung Hui (Hong Kong Anglican Church [Episcopal]) which manages several traditional schools in Hong Kong including DGS, Heep Yunn, and St. Paul’s co-educational college.

The Most Reverend Dr Paul Kwong, who is going to retire, suggested that an education department will be set up to coordinate the management of secondary schools, primary schools, and kindergartens so that “external communications can be standardised.” He stressed that the new department will not manage schools, but merely assist with the coordination.

However, there will be two tiers of management. The board will be formed by people in the church, including the Most Revd, Secretary General, and legal consultants. The current Most Revd Dr Paul Kwong, Secretary General The Revd Canon Peter Koon, and legal consultant Moses Cheng Mo-chi are all members of the National People's Congress in China. Some senior church members worried that this will affect the diversity of education and facilitate the “patriotic education”.

Source: Stand News #Aug1
#FirstHand #Aug1 #Culture
In a muffled Hong Kong, an exhibition staged to appreciate cultural difference

Initiated by a community group that promotes equality in social participation, #HongKongUnison and a former district councilor, #LeslieChan Ka-long, a creative writing and photography exhibition, “be/long” was launched on August 1 and will last until August 22 in Chungking Mansions.

The exhibition explores culinary traditions among minority groups in Hong Kong, through which it provides a platform for Hongkongers to appreciate cultural differences with an aim towards setting up an inclusive society that benefits collaboration across racial groups.

It was reportedly that the exhibition is staged in response to issues arising from discrimination against minority during the 4th wave of COVID19 in Hong Kong. Despite variations in upbringings, food culture, and traditions, people in Hong Kong are tied together through their identity, aspiration and sense of belonging.

#Hongkongers #Identity
#Taiwan beats China to win gold in #badminton men's doubles

Source: InMedia #Aug1

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