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Why are Korea’s Covid-19 death rates so low?

//South Korea has the dubious distinction of suffering the second-highest number of Covid-19 infections after China – but can also boast the lowest death ratio among countries with significant numbers of cases.

//Amid the outbreak, neighboring China has used a “Great Wall” strategy to cordon off entire cities. South Korea has stuck to a liberal playbook: even its most affected city, Daegu, has not been isolated. This makes Seoul’s apparent success in the struggle against Covid-19 a potential benchmark for other affected democracies.

//Key factors include a robust national health service; prior experience of virus outbreaks and related preparations; aggressive execution of testing, isolation and treatment protocols, fully backed by the law – and two incidences of good fortune.

//Buttressing prior experience with SARS and MERS.

//As a result, officials were fully prepared

//Telephone consulting services, drive-through test centers and thermal cameras – which, set up in buildings and public places to detect fever, swiftly came online.

//A triage system ensures only those with severe symptoms are admitted to oxygenated, low-pressure wards. Home quarantine with access to medical consulting is widely employed.

//Those with symptoms were triaged as priority testees; once they were cleared, tests were conducted on those who showed no symptoms to ensure they were not latent carriers.

//Case tracking was done via CCTV data mining and credit use patterns.

//Quarantines… perhaps even more critical to the low death rate was the activation of early treatment.

//“When you look at the age and the distribution of confirmed cases in Shincheonji you see high portion of those in the 20s and 30s,” said Kim. “Therefore, the fatality rate in this cohort is low.”

//“If you look at the population distribution compared to China, we have a higher portion of younger age groups,”

//some postulated that the Korean diet – heavy on such supposedly immune-boosting ingredients as garlic – might offer the populace superior in-body defenses.

//Neighbor Japan has lower overall numbers, but a higher percentage of fatalities.

Full Article: Asia Times, (11-Mar)

#Korea #Coronavirus #Japan

A Protestant pastor in South Korea alleged that the "Wuhan pneumonia" pandemic was “The punishment on China by God for its suppression of religion”

#Korea #Wuhan Pneumonia #New Corona Virus # Protestantism #Christianity #China #Suppression of religion #Sermon

(24-Feb) As indicated from some probes, there were some Protestant pastors of large-scale churches in Korea who preached about the Covid-19, so-called “Wuhan Pneumonia” as in the context of conspiracy theories, like “The judgement on China by God”, or delivered speeches based on unfounded beliefs or being politically biased.

By using the keywords, in terms of “Sermons on New Corona Virus”, some relevant video clips could be found on YouTube on 21 Feb 2020. The key message of those video clips was to associate the new corona virus with suppression of Protestantism in China.

In a sermon entitled <<The road to the end of pandemic>>, which was delivered on 9 Feb by Chi Long Chu, a pastor of Yanggu Church in Changwon, Gyeongsangnam-do, asserted that it was a regrettable act of the Chinese government to suppress God, expelled missionaries, and bombed the churches. The outbreak of the new corona virus was a retribution for such shameful act. The pastor Lee Kim Ho of Daegu Church, in which there were 51 members diagnosed with such virus within one single day on 20 Feb, said that the Chinese President, Xi Jinping, was a sinister in the eyes of God, who had implemented such atrocious policies. Quoting from the Bible, pastor Chi said inflicting people with pandemic back then was a disciplinary action enforced by God, and that is why it is now happening in China.

On top of blaming the Chinese President Xi, pastor Cheung Hin Chik of the Pure Gospel Church in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do also treated this pandemic engulfing Korea as the ammunition to heap criticism on the Korean government. On 9th of this month, Pastor Cheung stated in his sermon that the pandemic has worried him and the ordinary people should be treated fairly. It has now become a war against the virus. The newly on-board Prime Minister of Korea, Chung Sye-kyun, was also embroiled in such offensive remarks, in which his first names [Sye-Kyn] have similar pronunciation as the “Bacteria” in Korean.

As more than half of the patients diagnosed with the new corona virus in Daegu are members of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, there have been serious public concerns about closing all the churches to curb the spread of virus so as to avoid it being aggravated by the mass preaching.

Koon Chun Hau, the chief editor of the Christian media <<News and Joy>> specialized in tracking the churches, has been monitoring the coronavirus related content that existed in the sermon and the result was telling. It is not uncommon among big or small-sized churches that the sermons are politically tilted without religious essence. From the secular perspective and neglecting any content about the judgement by God or curses, such sermon can have a profound effect on society considering the social and spiritual influence by the pastors, any misunderstanding could pose much risks in the society as a whole.

Source: Facebook, hani.co.kr

Further reading:
South Korea sect leader to face probe over deaths

#Korea #Coronavirus #Church #Xi #Protestant

"Best confirmed case" in Korea﹗ Write down the details of daily life so that not a single person was infected by him

(5 Mar) There are some unethical behaviors conducted by patients who were diagnosed with Coronavirus. When they knew they were tested positive, they still decided not to quarantine. As a result, they spread the virus to hundreds or even thousands of innocent people.

Today, the Korean media reported the case of an acclaimed "the best confirmed case". He was diagnosed and was identified as the "1129" patient in Incheon, South Korea, at the end of last month.

Unwilling to bother others, when he suspected that he was sick at the end of January,  he carefully wrote down his daily life in detail for 25 consecutive days, writing a 38-page record. He also minimized going out, avoiding contact with other people, eventually succeeded without infecting others.

The patient, according to the report, was originally a tourism commentator. As early as January 23-26, he has provided on-site explanations for tourists from mainland China in tourist attractions such as Changdeokgung Palace and Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul. Later on February 1, he began to feel sore throat and neck pain, and his chest was a little stuffy. He began to suspect that he was infected by coronavirus. In the attempt to avoid affecting others, he immediately took a vacation for the day to stay home to rest. He also carefully recorded the symptoms and treatment each day.

In the early days, he had consulted the health center, but since he did not have a fever, and had no record of traveling to China, the health center did not perform any coronavirus test.

Even though he went out to visit the doctor several times in early February, he would only go to the surrounding hospital. In addition, in order to minimize the contact with others, he avoided taking public transportation such as buses and subways. For the places that can be travelled on foot, he would walk it. Only for places that might take more than 1 hour of walking then he will take the taxi.

He would record every detail of the itinerary-"January 24, around 12:10 am on foot to Daohe Station ... Take the subway at about 12:30, get off at Jongno 3 Street Station and transfer to No. 3 line..."

Although he only lived with his mother, he was worried about the health of his elderly mother. When he was home, he would strictly follow the health management policy of the Department of Disease Management. To wear sanitary gloves and masks at all times, and thoroughly disinfected the tablewares after used.

As a result, even if he tested negative for the first time for the virus, his second test came back positive on February 23. But because he suspected that he had been infected for the past half month and was being cautious, not only did he prevent the virus from transmitting to his mother, the epidemic prevention department could trace the 23 people who had contacted him through his diary in a timely manner. As a result, none of them were infected, and the last line of defense was kept.

It is no wonder that Incheon used his experience as a role model to produce a poster saying, "If all suspected patients act like him, we can minimize the chance of spreading the virus around."

Source of report:

Source: Facebook

Further reading:
Why are Korea’s Covid-19 death rates so low?

#Korea #SuspectedPatient #Model

1987 South Korea vs. 2020 Hong Kong

(26 Mar) I have never thought the situation in Hong Kong right now is worse than the 1987 Korea.

In the movie "1987: When the Day Comes" (2017 South Korean political thriller film based on a true story), during the police interrogation, the bad cops killed a student during waterboarding and tried to cover up the truth afterwards. In the movie/true events: the prosecutor insisted to preform an autopsy of the student but the police would not let it happen; a tough journalist who stayed in the bathroom all night waiting for a chance to ask a question but the police refused to disclose any details; a doctor who were not corrupted by the large sum of bribe money but the police would not let him report the cause of death. It was many nameless citizens who never give up and eventually led the information to the journalists and news media. As a result, the government immediately arrested the bad cops. Historically, the series of events pushed the government to give up the low rank officers in hope for peace.

Right now in Hong Kong, the government has executed the legal procedures to help cover the identity of the police who shot the Indonesian female journalist and many more violence attack toward Hong Kong protesters. When the police name was made public, the government/Hong Kong police arrested the Hong Kong District Chairman who shared the news on social media. The situation in Hong Kong right now is worse than Korea in 1987. The government and the police are even more determined and shameless than the "militant", "brave" and "ruthless" government of totalitarian Korea.

Beside confronting the Chinese Communist Party, Hongkongers are facing an unique state of affairs that no one has ever encountered before. As the China-US trade war continues and with the Chinese Communist Party's cover-up of the #WuhanPneumonia epidemic, which has led to global pandemic. When will the world united and turn against the Communist Party of China? If not this time, then wait until when?

Totalitarian governments can't stop their lies. In movie "1987: When the Day Comes", a character says that "the only weapon we have left is the truth. Only the truth can bring down the regime".The former Czech Republic President and a famous writer, Vaclav Harwell's simple but extraordinary idea about "living in truth" is even more true in this age that full of cover-up/fake news. Please use the little freedom of speech you have left, and if you haven't seen the "Against the Right series: June Democratic Uprising in Korea" series of movies, please watch it while the epidemic is raging. History always repeats itself.

The Hong Kong Communist Party/Chinese Communist Party has a belief stating that political power comes from the "barrel of a gun" (as a metaphor of political power comes from violence) and if it is the case, let them fight for the world power.


Source: Facebook

#Totalitarian #FakeNews #Korea #HongKongProtest #Coronavirus #CCP #FreedomOfSpeech
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

Darwinism in the Pandemic

//And Europe, including Switzerland, crammed full of elites, is a complete mess under this pandemic.
//Wuhan Pneumonia is a major reshuffle of global intelligence. Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea are ranked the top four respectively in terms of community response. The people from those areas did not have any convoluted arguments. They just acted quickly to protect themselves once they encountered the virus.
//Taiwan is not part of the WHO, or in other words, the Triad [organised crime syndicate]. The Taiwanese people, including President Tsai Ing-wen, knew from the beginning that the African Director-General of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, was a liar.
//It became the world's most learned in the specialisation of tropical diseases. Hong Kong should have been the worst affected after the Handover. However, Hongkongers experienced over 20 years of political resistance. From the protests against Article 23 to the Umbrella Movement to the Anti-ELAB Movement, Hongkongers continually underwent rebirth in the wake of war and trauma, making them highly sensitive to distress.
//In terms of confronting the virus, the quality of awareness and response within the communities of Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan is better than any European country. This is a completely new phenomenon.

Full Translation:

Source: Apple Daily

#Taiwan #Korea #Japan #Epidemic #Italy #WHO #Tedros #SelfHelp #Darwin
Work from home during the Pandemic in South Korea

Robert Kelly is an American political science professor at Pusan National University. His most interesting achievement is not an impressive professor but his interview that went viral which was interrupted by his adorable family on BBC World News in 2017. This video captured hearts all over the world and make many netizens to understand how difficult it is to work from home, especially with young kids. Espacilly now, most employees are working from home due to the COVID-19 outbreak in the community.

Robert Kelly and his family have been interviewed by BBC World News online recently to discuss the daily lives in Busan with kids and the situation of working from home at the moment. Also, Robert pointed out the importance of understanding pandemic could lead to better anti-epidemic measurements.

As they are staying in Busan, South Korea, where the Government has been taken prevention action for the coronavirus outbreak since Janurary. Jung-a Kim, wife of Robert, mentioned that it was hard to stay home with kids for such a long period of time. Luckily, they could bring kids to countryside which is away from crowded and enjoy the natural environment.

As an employee, Robert agreed that working from home is a transformation of way to work and it is a tough time for employees with kids. He works about two hours a day because kids are always grabbing attention from their parents, which make parents cannot focus on their own work. It is getting better that they can bring kids out to use up some of their energy recently, but not at the three weeks time when the Government lockdown some of the cities. It is definitely a challenge for parents who have to work from home.

Besides, the South Korea Government adopts measures to prevent community outbreak which a lot of westerners would see as extreme, such as the Government can track everyone’s movement. Yet, Robert claimed that is a successful policy to control the number of risky carrier of virus, Moreover, South Korean are self-disciplined to keep distance in public rather than get involved in crowded places like American. Therefore, the cases have dropped sharply in South Korea like only hundreds of that recently.

Moreover, Robert agrees with the understanding of pandemic could affect how countries treat coronavirus. He thinks South Korea could respond to COVID-19 shortly because they have experienced MERS and SARS before. Many scenarios that the Government and citizens are expected to be happened again and they are alert with personal hygiene once COVID-19 occurred there. On the other hand, there are some infrastructures and anti-pandemic equipment left over from previous epidemic outbreak which could help in testing or control the infection of COVID-19. As a result, South Korea is able to slow down the rate of infection though there are still rising number of cases.

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Watch

#Korea #WorkFromHome #Coronavirus
#GlobalSupport #Korea
52 Korean Civil Society Organizations Denounce the Arrest of Pro-Democracy Figures by Hong Kong Police: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"

//...freedom of assembly and association and freedom of expression are basic human rights that must be guaranteed.

We also express our deep concern that the arrest of pro-democracy activists by Hong Kong police could aggravate the social division and confusion at a time when governments and citizens must cooperate to fight the global disaster situation of COVID-19.

...“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” the injustice occurring in Hong Kong is, after all, a threat to justice that should be guarded by democratic societies around the world.

Therefore, we will continue to stand in solidarity with the Hong Kong citizens’ peaceful resistance toward democracy till the end. We strongly urge the Hong Kong government to immediately cease its unjust and arbitrary arrests of pro-democracy activists.//


South Koreans support Hong Kong as they recall their own struggle for freedom

//Two hundred people in black marched from Seoul City Hall to the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in late November in support of the Hong Kong anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill (anti- ELAB) Movement.

//They chanted slogans and held banners in Korean, English, and Chinese that read “We support Hong Kong Resistance”.

//“I stand with Hong Kong because their demands are fundamental human rights. And we believe the five demands are right,”

//South Korea has its own bloody history of democratic movements in the decades after the Korean War in the ’60s.

//“It saddens me to see citizens of Hong Kong getting hurt like what happened in Gwangju Uprising in 1980,” Kim sighs, a 57-year-old docent of the Asia Culture Center in Gwangju.

//“In both the Gwangju uprising and the anti-extradition bill movement, there is the suppression of democracy. Freedom of speech is violated and police officers do not face investigation for their brutality against protesters in Hong Kong,”

//“To help prevent a repeat of Gwangju history, some South Korean students have stood up to fight with Hong Kong,” Lim says, “And this is also why people in Gwangju support Hong Kong as well.”

//some South Koreans supporting Hong Kong’s democracy movement have also set up Lennon walls, mostly on campus, to encourage Hong Kong students studying in South Korea.

//“The saddest thing is that the students get hurt and die during their fight. I hope no one gets hurt any more […] I sincerely hope for the victory in Hong Kong,” said Bae Eun-sim, mother of Lee Han-yeol, who died after the June Democracy Movement of 1987.

//Despite strong resistance from Chinese students, a group of ordinary Korean citizens created a Facebook page, “Hong Kong Protest Lennon Wall in South Korea”, as a safer platform to express opinions and support the movement.

//While condemning vicious attacks on the physical Lennon Walls, the administrator stresses that they are not against any nationality and believe no discriminatory comments should be posted.

//Several other universities removing Lennon Walls on university campuses aroused suspicion about pressure from China.

//Students immediately responded to the measure and regarded it as further diminishing South Korea’s freedom of speech.

//“It is dubious. Some people think the South Korean media is being censored by pressure from pro-China groups,”

//“We ask Korean media to provide the public with in-depth reports that explain the root causes of the Hong Kong protest and its significance,” they say, “we would like to know the change in the social climate of Hong Kong after the 2019 Hong Kong local elections.”

Full article: HKFP, (4-May)

Further reading:
52 Korean Civil Society Organizations Denounce the Arrest of Pro-Democracy Figures by Hong Kong Police: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"
Support of Hongkongers' Pro-democracy Movement from Korea
Korean supporters take a photo with "Five demands, not one less" gesture and post in #Instagram everyday

#Korea #GlobalSupport #antiELAB #5demands #freedom #GwangjuUprising #LennoWall #Censorship #Democracy
South Koreans March to Chinese Embassy: Stop National Security Law in Hong Kong

A group of people protested to the Chinese Embassy in South Korea, supporting Hong Kongers in fighting against the new national security law, with slogans ‘Against the national security law’, 'Stop the Threat to Democracy’, and ‘Support HK Resistance’.

#May27 #Korea #StandWithHongKong
#democracy #SupportHK #GlobalSupport #NationalSecurityLaw




Digital fraud in the South Korean general election? Possibility of Chinese manipulation in the vote-counting machines
(1 Jun) South Korea's general election in April was a landslide victory for President Moon Jae-in's ruling Democratic Party. But since then, there have been allegations of election fraud.
According to East Asia Research, the election fraud is related to digital fraud. It is suspected that the vote-counting machines, computer hardware and software, as well as information network telecom equipment manufactured by China's Huawei Technologies, had been tampered with. There are also suspicions on the QR codes used for mail-in votes and early ballots.
East Asia Research said that the instructions needed to operate the vote-counting machines “can come from the QR codes on the early-vote ballots as they are counted, or it can also be sent from an external source to the vote-counting server via the Internet”.
The National Election Commission chose LG U+ 5G, which uses Huawei equipment, as the wireless network for pre-vote ballots. East Asia Research said that “servers used at the election sites could be connected to servers in China, and the user on the Chinese end could access the vote-counting machines”.

Source: Newsweek Japan

Further reading:
Were The April Parliamentary Elections In South Korea Rigged And Fraudulent?

#Korea #Election #DigitalFraud #ChineseInfiltration #Hauwei

South Korean ruling party legislator: I don’t care what China thinks, I support the people of Hong Kong!
Although South Korean President Moon Jae-in has not stated his stance on Hong Kong’s protests, a legislator of his ruling Democratic Party made an unprecedented statement today on Hong Kong’s resistance to the national security law, saying that he stands with the people of Hong Kong and says no to the new law – he is Park Yong-jin.
In an exclusive interview with Chosun (a Korean media), Democratic Party legislator Park Yong-jin expressed his views on the issue of democracy and human rights in Hong Kong – “We can’t only care about what China thinks, Hongkongers should be able to enjoy basic human rights and a democratic system. Although it is difficult for the Korean government to formally state its view on the democratization of Hong Kong, I have decided to show my support after hearing some Hongkongers saying that they want to learn from South Korean’s fight for democracy.”
Another reason that drove Park to state his position had to do with what happened to Koreans in the past. “In the 1980s, the late former President Kim Dae-jung, a major political figure of the opposition party in Korea, was once sentenced to death under Chun Doo-hwan’s dictatorship. At that time, the international community made great efforts to save Kim Dae-jung. The prime ministers of Sweden, Austria, and other countries repeatedly voiced their support for the former president, which led to success in the end. Their contributions should not be ignored.”
In fact, this is not the first time that Park has voiced out on Hong Kong’s issue. During the anti-extradition movement last year, he made his intention clear to journalists, saying that he hopes monitor the situation in Hong Kong as a member of the international community, so that China would reduce its crackdown on Hong Kong. “Human rights are universal values affirmed by the United Nations. As a ruling party, we should not hesitate when speaking out for human rights and democracy. During the democratization of South Korea, countries such as the United States, Europe and Japan made many contributions to us. Of course, people like Park Chung-hee and Chun Doo-hwan expressed their discontent at that time, questioning why foreign countries would interfere in South Korea's internal affairs. I believe that it was only because of these foreign interferences monitoring the situation, the suppression towards South Korea’s fight for democracy was lessened. I hope it is the same for Hong Kong...

So far, apart from Park Yong-jin, Ryo Ho-jeong, a legislator from South Korea’s Justice Party, has expressed her support for Hong Kong’s movement.

Source: Chosun, Facebook

#Korea #GlobalSupport #ParkYongjin #Humanrights #democracy #SaveHongKong

An unforgettable Hong Kong protest photo for Koreans
(13 Jun)This week marks the anniversary of the Hong Kong protests since last June. There are moments that are particularly unforgettable to Koreans who are concerned about the developments in Hong Kong.
Recently, I saw a Korean online media re-posting a photo that was taken during last year's protests, and the journalist captioned the photo as “A girl’s doll and Hong Kong’s future”. Instead of crowds gathering or a rousing protest scene in the photo background, the photo only shows a small stuffed toy, abandoned on the ground.
The photo was taken during a protest last August, when a girl was arrested on the street, the string the small doll was hanging loosened and fell to the ground. The doll’s name is Cooky, a bunny designed by Jungkook from the Korean boy band BTS.
This heartbreaking scene, accompanied by the band's doll, of which the motto is 'Speak Yourself', touched a chord in the hearts of Koreans as they also worried that the photo would be a metaphor for Hong Kong’s future.

Source: Steve Chung

#GlobalSupport #Korea #HongKongProtesters

Behaviour of a PRC eSports Player Reflecting CCP fierce Suppression of Freedom Speech and Panic of HK Affairs

(30 Jul) Famous PRC esports player (GameID: Mlxg at Chinese League of Legend team RNG) was firstly ridiculed by a S.Korean Player at his live boardcast in the late night of 28 Jul 2020, Mlxg fought back by saying “u mom die (Your mom is dead)”, “I’m your father.”

However, in the next game when Mlxg was mocked by another S.Korean Player who directly typed “Free HongKong” in the dialogue box, Mlxg hurriedly deleted the dialogue box from his live screen and shut the game down immediately without any replies.

Seems it’s well-known by all PRC citizens that any speech touching on HK affairs will lead them into trouble; Mlxg's behaviour also reflects that the CCP's close monitoring of all online speech in PRC is already a publicly-known “secret”.


Source: Not A Gamer

Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#Censorship #eSports #Korea #GlobalSupport #FreeHongKong #FreedomOfSpeech #Mlxg
#OpinionArticle #WhiteTerror
Barrister Lawrence Lau: "Collective Punishment: We All Could Be Jimmy Lai"

//The day has finally come. Next Digital's Jimmy Lai was arrested for "colluding with foreign powers" - if he hadn't broken any laws before, they have now made one up for him. Ever since the National Security Law was passed on July 1, Lai was asked again and again whether he would leave the city. Again and again he said no; he would walk with Hongkongers, because Hong Kong is his home.

In this new age of One Country One System, what does "colluding with foreign powers" even include? Holding a conference with foreign academics? Using American eggs in your restaurant? There are no clear answers. What counts as "colluding with foreign powers" is entirely up to those up there, and them alone; it's collusion if they say so. This is the absurdity of the National Security Law: it runs completely contrary to what the modern world expects from the rule of law, that is, the letters of the law must clearly spell out its intents and requirements to the public, so that people can take care not to break it.

Two hundred Blue Berets marching into Apple Daily's offices seemed like a scene straight out of history movies, from Korea's Gwangju Uprising 40 years ago. In 1980, the military government stormed into a newspaper office and made indiscriminate arrests, trying to silence the news of their violent crackdown on the city. After the gunfire ceased, the government thought they had finally secured Gwangju for themselves; what they never imagined was that it spurred thousands of angry citizens onto the streets, ultimately leading to the democratization of Korea.

40 years later, we live in an age where information flows hundreds of times faster than in Gwangju, yet this totalitarian government is still trying to crack down on press freedom and stifle information flow in an attempt to keep us from the truth. Either they are stupid, or they no longer fear the consequences of their actions! If that is the case, then neither should they fear international sanctions. The treacherous acts of the Hong Kong Communists and evil police force have long been in plain sight of the international community. Government officials would be wise start buying plane tickets for their children studying abroad; just like Carrie Lam's son, they better hurry back to Hong Kong, and bask in the glory of China's Greater Bay Area - for the rest of their lives!//

Source: Lawrence Lau Wai-chung's Facebook #Aug10
#NationalSecurityLaw #FreedomOfPress #PoliticalOppression #JimmyLai #AppleDaily #NextMedia #Gwangju #Korea
BTS Makes Award Speech in Remembrance of Shared History in Korean War. Mainland Netizens Say Award Commemorates US Army in the War, Decry Speech as Insulting and Ask BTS to Leave China

Bangtan Boys (BTS), a world-famous K-pop boy band with a huge following, received the James A. Van Fleet Award last Wednesday (Oct 7) for their contributions to promoting US-Korea relations. In their award speech, members mentioned the 70th Anniversary of the Korean War, saying, “We will always remember the history of pain that our two nations shared together and the sacrifices of countless men and women.” The speech attracted criticisms from mainland netizens, who stated through Weibo that it insulted China, some even commented, “Go away, BTS has died”. The post in question received 1.66 million likes and 36 thousand comments.

The James A. Van Fleet Award was organised by US non-profit organisation The Korea Society and established in 1995 in commemoration of James A. Van Fleet, Commander of the US Eighth Army during the Korean War and Founder of the organisation. The award is mainly given to persons or organisations that promoted US-Korea relations. The award ceremony this year was held online last Wednesday, during which the BTS was given the award for their musical achievements, influence on fans globally and promotion of US-Korea relations. During the award speech, the group’s leader Kim Nam-joon (RM) mentioned that this year marked the 70th anniversary of the Korean War, which gave special significance to the organisation’s annual gala this year. “We will always remember the history of pain that our two nations shared together and the sacrifices of countless men and women. After 70 years, the world we are living in is much closer than before, and boundaries in many aspects are getting more blurred.” Kim’s speech did not specify the two nations mentioned.

Source: Stand News #Oct11

#Korea #US #China #Weibo #BTS #AwardCeremony #TheKoreanSociety #JamesAVanFleetAward

BTS Accused of Insulting China in a Speech that Mentioned the 70th Anniversary of the Korean War
South Korean boy band BTS made remarks on the Korean War recently, resulting in the accusation of insulting China by some Chinese netizens.  Some business brands immediately removed products endorsed by BTS from Chinese websites, according to reports.
BTS was recently granted the General James A. Van Fleet Award for their contribution in promoting Korea-US relations through their musical works.  Their acceptance speech kicked off the controversy.
RM, the leader of BTS, said that this year was the 70th anniversary of the Korean War and “we will always remember the history of pain that our two nations shared together, and the sacrifices of the countless men and women”.  Chinese netizens accused this remark as insulting to China, claiming that BTS did not respect the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army who died heroically in the Korean War.  Some people even initiated a BTS boycott.
#Korea #US #China #ChineseNetizens #BTS #RM #KoreanUSrelation #VanFleetAward #KoreanWar
Source: Now News #Oct12

Reports allege Chinese express companies has banned the import of BTS products. Korea JTBC reportly contacted the Chinese department to confirm the allegations.
Disputes between BTS and Chinese netizens last week, which aroused from Korean War remarks, was not settled by the clarification of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 
There have been recent reports on Chinese social media platform, Weibo, that Chinese express companies have refused to transport BTS products to China. As statements emerged from the Weibo account of Chinese Yunda Express Company. On Monday afternoon the company posted that “packages related to BTS will not be mailed temporarily”, and the reason for the refusal was that “it is something everyone understands”.  
Later, there were rumours on the internet that two other Chinese express companies, YTO and Zhongtong, also imposed similar new regulations to not ship BTS products to China. However, according to South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency yesterday, the relevant news was untrue.  
But on the same day, later in a JTBC evening news broadcast, a report suggested that reporters from the press department were talking directly with personnel from relevant departments of China Communications Corporation. It was confirmed that the company was not shipping BTS products to China. 
Source: Standnews #Oct21
#China #BTS #Korea #JTBC #CCP #KoreanWar #YTO #YonhapNews
China Reaches World’s Largest Free-Trade Agreement with 14 Countries and Set to Wield More Influence, US Urges Japan and Korea Not to Go Silent on Human Rights Issues

As the trade war between China and the US continues, China formally signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) with Japan, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and the ten member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on 15 November. Covering 30% of the global population and one-third of the world’s trade volume and economic output, the RCEP is considered the largest free-trade agreement in the world.

With the US withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), it is believed that China would assume leadership of the RCEP and increase its influence in Asia in doing so. The US stated earlier that it hopes that Japan and Korea, both in the RCEP, will remain vocal in support of human rights and democracy in China despite the partnership.

Source: Stand News #Nov15

#US #Japan #Korea #China #RCEP #Trade #Diplomacy #HumanRights

Kimchi: Koreans angry over attempted Chinese takeover

The South Korean Agriculture Ministry was quick to dismiss Chinese claims, insisting that kimchi is not merely fermented cabbage but a central part of the nation's food culture and that the industrial standards for kimchi were recognized by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization as long ago as 2001. In a statement, the ministry said the Chinese had been granted certification for pao cai, adding, "We need to understand that pao cai is different from kimchi."

Kimchi is an indispensable part of the Korean diet, with more than 2 million tons consumed every year. More than 90% of South Koreans say they eat kimchi at least once a day, with over 60% having it at breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Source: DW #Dec03


#Korea #Kimchi
South Korea plans to build a “Chinese Cultural City”, more than 600,000 people jointly signed against, denounce China’s stealing of kimchi and other culture 
Some reports stated that South Korea Gangwon do plans a project of building “Chinese Cultural City”, which caused local people to oppose. According to Korea Blue House’s petition website, there were already more than 601,000 people signed as of Monday morning (19April) in Hong Kong time, which claimed the local government revokes that project. Since the petition number is more than 200,000, the government needs to response.  
According to Korea English media The Korea Herald, Gangwon do and Chinese People signed a business agreement in 2019. That is, to build a Chinatown in Chuncheon Si and Hongcheon Si, the scale will be 10 times of the Incheon’s. That project is being stated for using revitalizing domestic tourism.  
The organiser of the petition judged why it must build a small China inside Korea and stated that the publics do not understand why people need to experience Chinese culture on their land, they strongly oppose the project. The organiser also stated, they opposed Gangwon do build hotels for Chinese tourists, and said the site is the largest historical site in the world, and many cultural relics have been excavated. He said, China tries to steal kimchi, hanbok and other culture which are unique to Korea, they should against China. 
Source: Stand News #Apr19

#Korea #Culture #China #Chinatown #Petition #Kimchi #Hanbok