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Volunteer tutors help ā€œdreamingā€ students with DSE: You are not alone

The governmentā€™s push for the Anti-Mask Law has sparked intense retaliations. Many of the student protesters at the front lines, however, still have the DSE (Diploma of Secondary Education) to prepare for, which will start in less than six months. Sadly, none of their efforts for Hong Kong will be credited to their grades. In light of this, some netizens took the initiative to start a platform to recruit tutors. So far, 200 volunteer teachers have volunteered to tutor these students for free, in order to help them make up for all the lost hours. More than just being tutors, many of them end up offering emotional support to these students too, becoming the beacon of hope to the students in such difficult times.

#CommunityWork #HongKongStudents #HongKongProtests

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University Students as Victims of Police Violence:
Rally to Support Arrested
Student Journalist

[Editor's note: Over the weekend, at least three university students fell victim to police violence: (1) The said student journalist was arrested and intimidated by the police that "raping boys in San Uk Ling is fun "; (2) A voluntary first aider from Shue Yan University suffered a third degree burnt after being hit by a China-made tear gas grenade; (3) A student of the University of Science and Technology is now in critical condition, after a fall in a car park suspected to avoid the police tear gas.]

This morning (Nov 5), students from Hong Kong Baptist University (BUHK) initiated a rally to support the student journalist arrested on Sunday (Nov 4) and request the university to condemn police violence.

Executive Member of Hong Kong Journalist Association, Luther Ng also joined the rally to support the students. He mentioned in his speech, the police were already obstructing freedom of press in June when they shone strong light at cameras, but the sitiation has worsened: They are now pepper spraying reporters on purpose and even arresting them whilst at work.

Source: Apple Daily

Police told Student Journalist "Raping Boys in San Uk Ling is fun" During Arrest:

First Aider suffers third degree burnt:

Student in critical condition suffers brain hemorrhage:

#Nov5 #BUHK #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality #Students #HongKongProtests #FightforFreedom
#CoronavirusPandemic #Impact #PublicExam
Poll Shows 94% of Students Worry About the Spread Coronavirus in Public Exam in Hong Kong

Secondary Student Strike Preparation Platform conducted an online poll in early April, and interviewed 15,000 secondary students, among which 70% are standing in the DSE examination, a public exam for university admission in Hong Kong.

Findings of the online poll show that
ā€¢ 90% of the respondents opposed of having the examination next Friday as scheduled, among them 94% were concerned about the spread of the Coronavirus.

ā€¢ Over 60% of the respondents stressed that they would be confident to take examination when no new confirmed cases are found in two weeksā€™ time.

ā€¢ 70% of the respondents supported the postponememt of the examination.

Source: Now News #Apr14 #DSE #Students #EducationBureau
#NationalAnthemLaw #Students
School Resumes, High School Students Hand out Flyers Opposing "National Anthem Bill"

0817 | Yuen Long
Today is the first day of classes resuming as the Coronavirus epidemic subsides in Hong Kong, with Grades 9 to 11 being the first group.

Students from the Church of Christ in China Kei Long College in Yuen Long are seen holding up signs protesting the National Anthem Bill, handing out flyers to students returning to school. They are members of the school's Anti Extradition Bill student organization.

Source: City Broadcasting Channel
#May27 #YuenLong #HongKongYouth
#PoliceState #Students
Police Arrests 3 Students From Nearby Secondary School

1453 | Mong Kok
As the riot police pushed towards Nathan Road, they suddenly dashed into Changsha Street, stopping three students from a nearby girlsā€™ secondary school. However, they were in their school uniforms and carrying their school bags only.

1556 | Mong Kok
The three female students were arrested and sent onto the police vehicle AM8460.

Note: According to lawmaker Alvin Yeung, the police have arrested over 500 civilians as of 1800. Meanwhile, the pro-Beijing camp refused to heed the population's opposition against the National Anthem Bill, where citizens would be required by law to show "respect" to PRC's the anthem.

Police confirmed that over 656 people have been arrested.

Source: Alvin Yeung's Facebook; Editorial Board, CityU SU

Further Reading:
Police Conduct Mass Arbitrary Arrest in Different Parts of Hong Kong

#27May #MongKok #FailedState #HumanitarianCrisis
A Violent Opening:
Students leaving schools are targeted by police

Yesterday (#May27) was the first day of school after the long quarantine break. Under the slogan of ā€œmore is better than lessā€, police targeted youngsters and teenagers in school uniform, accusing them of illegal assembly, illegal march or even rioting. Yet, they were just leaving school.

Further reading: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/21647

Source: Oscar Lai Man Lok
#HKProtests #FailedState #Youth #Students
#HongKongersVoices #Students
The Worst Time to be a Sixth Former

The days spent preparing for public exams are one of the few things that resonate among almost all Hongkongers.

The memories of youth are shared by all - photocopying past exam papers? Should I make my own commemorative book or buy one? What song should I pick for my final singing contest? Where will our prom be held? Shall I study at McDonald's or Starbucks?

For Form 6 students (this year, future recollections of these days will be drastically different. Their frustrations instead are - what route to choose when forming human chains? What activities to organise for the student strike? If you skip school for protests, how many days' absence could you take before being expelled? Still studying at McDonald's? Starbucks? No thanks.

Nok, an active frontliner in the Anti-Extradition Movement and a DSE candidate, has been absent from school for many days. In his interview, he sighed, "I was never really present so I don't have any particularly cherished memories of life in Form 6."

The trials of our time* keep coming. This group of "chosen kids" will not have a chance to properly say farewell to their schools. As nine months of flames and smoke dispersed somewhat, the storm of Wuhan pneumonia drew near. Even the long-anticipated last day had to be cancelled.

As the oldest among the "kids", they stand on the precipice of youth. After going through the public exams, they would either become "chosen ones" or "eliminated adults". Even though social movements do not exclude people, the examination system does.

This year, the DSE was postponed and the study period longer than in past years. During this time, Stand News interviewed ten of this year's candidates with a commitment to the Anti-Extradition Movement to understand their emotions surrounding the past nine months. When the flames and smoke settled, some tried to sort out their emotions and focus on studying. Some were injured by police brutality. Left with psychological trauma, some decided to abandon the exam and recuperate overseas. Others were arrested during protests and are still in custody. They may be taking their exam in jail. Still others were exiled to Taiwan. Not only did they have to abandon the public exam, but they also had to leave Hong Kong.

Before these Form 6 students charge into their next battlefield in life, we documented their hopes and memories.

Editor's Note:
* The context here refers to "Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of our Time".

Source: The Stand News, 2020
https://www.thestandnews.com/politics/ęœ€å“Žå¶‡ēš„äø­å…­-1-é­č­¦åœę‰‘é ­ē “蔀굁-ę£„č€ƒ-dse-離ęøÆ休養-大埔少幓äŗŗē”Ÿę€ŽęØ£č¢«č­¦ęš“ę”¹åÆ«/

#Youth #DSE #PoliceBrutality
Police Intercept Students,
Rain Halts Action in Tsim Sha Tsui

1446 | Tsim Sha Tsui
Two student groups had originally called for a protest but were opposed by the police.

When students were intercepted by the police near the Clock Tower, the public shout "5 Demands Not 1 Less", "Corrupt Police Die" and "Hong Kong Independence, Only Way Out".

Massive number of riot police were on alert.

As rain poured, action was halted.

Police demanded the student groups to move their booths to the outdoor area opposite to the Star Ferry Pier.

Source: Eggs' Club #Jun6
#HongkongPolice #Students
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#FirstHand #Jun7
Hong Kong Students Deeply Worry About Their Future

Ideologist, a students concern group, called for a rally on June 7 but was objected by the police. The group then set up a booth near the Clock Tower in Tsim Sha Tsui and later in Mong Kok to raise public awareness on the adverse impacts of the law.

The group shared their concerns for the future and the loss of confidence in the government.

Not only that the Education Bureau is indifferent to students' well-being during the coronavirus outbreak, the authorities' enforcement of gathering ban, objection of protests, political persecution and the legislation of draconian laws (e.g. Anthem Law, Nation Security Law) have shown the worsening encroachment of rights and freedom in Hong Kong.

Activist-Students Being Stalked

#Ideologist #Students #Youth
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Police Allegedly Kneel on Secondary Schoolgirls During Arrest

At around 19:50 on June 12, 2020 a students' concern group set up a booth in Causeway Bay to explain to the public their plan to go on strike on June 20. The public relations branch of the police promised that the police would not disturb the students.

However, 30 minutes later, the police destroyed the booth and yelled, "arrest all these students", while chasing after civilians nearby including district councillor Tiffanny Yuen.

According to witnesses, the police pushed civilians into the nearby Kimberly Mall and onto the ground, almost causing a stampede. The police arrested 3 members of the student group. They were one university male student and two secondary 5 schoolgirls.

The video recorded that the police subdued two schoolgirls by allegedly kneeling on them.

Source: Eastern Hawk Eye; SSStrike #Jun13
#Remember612 #Students #PoliceState
#HongKongProtests #Students
School Boycott and Strike Referendum: Education Bureau Warns Against Participation

Hong Kong Secondary School Students Strike and the Hong Kong Strike will hold a referendum on school boycott and strike on 20 Jun to collect opinions on this issue.

Demosisto Vice President, Isaac Cheng Ka Long clained that the referendum was supported by most students, due to their concerned over how the National Security Law may affect their future. He was confident that there will be more than 10,000 effective votes.

The Education Bureau issued a letter to secondary and primary school principals that schools should not allow students to participate in the referendum.

If more than 60% of students and 80% unions supports the action, then an official strike will be started to oppose the National Security Law in Hong Kong.

Source: Ming Pao ; Now News
#Jun18 #strike
#HongKongProtests #Students
Students Organize Joint-School 'Sing With You' Event

On June 19, students from multiple schools held a ā€œSing with youā€ event at APM Kwun Tong.

Around 100 citizens gathered at the mall to sing ā€œGlory to Hong Kongā€, and chanted slogans like ā€œHong Kong Independenceā€, ā€œNever give upā€, ā€œRelease the protesters and give us freedomā€.

Some students encouraged the public to join the referendum for the strike on 20 Jun. Before the activity started, around 30 riot police and 7 police cars stood by nearby, and some officers stopped and searched citizens at APM exits.

Source: InMedia https://bit.ly/2UUHjkA
#Jun19 #strike #referendum #SingWithYou

Thailand protests: Risking it all to challenge the monarchy

//A growing movement among students has been calling for political reform in Thailand.

//"The King shall be enthroned in a position of revered worship" and that "No person shall expose the King to any sort of accusation or action".

//Thais are taught to respect, revere and love the monarchy, but also to fear the consequences of speaking about it.

//...have called for legal action against the student leaders, for an investigation into how they funded Monday's spectacularly-produced protest, and into which "dark hand" instigated the youngsters to come up with such outrageous demands.

//The student leader who read out the manifesto, Panusaya Sithijirawattanakul, has since stayed mostly on her campus, planning further rallies, and nervously watching the plain-clothes police who are now constantly monitoring her.

//the collapse of tourism has hit the economy very hard and drawn attention to one of the world's widest gaps between rich and poor.

//The decision earlier this year to dissolve a dynamic new political party, which had attracted the support of many younger voters, gave them the sense that the military-dominated political system was denying them a voice.

//That was compounded by the abduction and presumed murder of a Thai activist in Cambodia, blamed by some on elements close to the palace, and then by the dropping of all criminal charges against a member of one of Thailand's wealthiest families over the killing of a police officer in a hit-and-run incident eight years ago.

//On top of that, since the Covid-19 crisis started King Vajiralongkorn has spent nearly all his time living in a hotel in Germany, prompting a Twitter hashtag #ąø”ąøµąøąø©ąø±ąø•ąø£ąø“ąø¢ą¹Œą¹„ąø§ą¹‰ąø—ą¹ąø²ą¹„ąø” #whydoweneedaking?, which was reposted more than a million times.

//He stressed that he wanted to reform, not overthrow, the constitutional monarchy.

//He focused in particular on the huge assets of the Crown Property Bureau, which, under the late King Bhumibol, had been notionally held in trust for the benefit of the Thai people, but have now been declared the personal property of the king, making him by far the wealthiest person in Thailand.

//Anon also questioned King Vajiralongkorn's decision to take personal command of all military units based in Bangkok

//"the three pillars of this country, nation, religion and monarchy, must be revered, not brought down to be played with like this. That's not the right way under a constitutional monarchy."

Full article: BBC, (14 Aug)

#Thailand #Monarchy #Students #Protest #politicalreform
Police Charge 10 Hong Kong students for Forming Human Chain in Support of the Anti-ELAB Movement One Year Later

A year ago on September 7, citizens in Hong Kong built a long human chain around Tai Po Market train station, exhibiting solidarity against and defiance of police brutality, among them, many were students in school uniform.

As riot police stormed onto the scene, fired tear gas, the peaceful crowd of pro-democracy protesters was forced to disperse. More than 20 protesters were arrested during the clash on that day.

A year later, HK police charged 11 of them for attending an illegal assembly. Their age ranges from 15 to 49. 10 of them are students and the remaining one is the father of one of the students.

Sources: Inmedia; Stand News #Sept23

#Students #HumanChain #Injustice #School
Read more about human chain activity in Taipo on 7 Sept 2019 and victims of #PoliceBrutality

#Oppression #WhiteTerror
The Dos and Don'ts: Hong Kong schools Introduce New 'Rules' Under National Security Law

A month into the new school year in Hong Kong when students are gradually resuming on-campus school life, some new "rulesā€ (see image) have already creeped into schools along with the National Security Law which was blatantly imposed in Hong Kong earlier this year in July.

According to these school authorities, these "dos and don'ts" under the National Security Law are:

ā€¢ Learn the National Security Law
ā€¢ Sing the National Anthem
ā€¢ Fly the National Flag
ā€¢ Love China and love HK

ā€¢ Launch Studentā€™s strike
ā€¢ Sing ā€œMay Glory to Hong Kongā€
ā€¢ Chant protest slogan
ā€¢ Form human chains
ā€¢ Distribute political advocacy materials
ā€¢ Attend political events in school uniform //

Source: Stand News #Sept23

#NationalSecurityLaw #Students #SchoolRules #School
#CUHKSiege #HongKongChronicles
University Students: "President, you have to save usā€¦I trust the humanistic spirit of CUHK!ā€

Dr. Leung Kai-chi is a columnist, commentator and guest lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He wrote the following comtemplation on the one-year mark of the siege of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK):

"I donā€™t think I posted this photo before.

Rushing around during those two days, I didnā€™t have time to take any pictures. But somehow, I subconsciously felt that I must record this scene: this was the moment when the [University] President walked into student dormintory in the afternoon.

On that day, several teaching staff reached the President's Residence and asked him to come down. Originally they hoped that the President would meet with the students, rather than asking him to go to the No. 2 Bridge.

After entering the dormintory and still arranging the venue, a student suddenly rushed over in the corridor, holding the President's legs and broke down entirely with a wailing cry.

ā€œPresident, you have to save usā€¦ā€

ā€œPresident, you have to save usā€¦ā€

ā€œMy family wants me to study abroad, but I didnā€™t want to. I have to study at CUHK! I trust the teachers in CUHK! I trust the humanistic spirit of CUHK!ā€

ā€œPrincipal, you have to save usā€¦ā€

Later, more students rushed over and helped that student up.

Afterwards, the President walked to the lawn behind the dormintory and had a short-talk with some seniors.

I never knew what they were talking about, for I was in the process of setting up the venue. Soon, the senior came over and said: ā€œno need to prepare, the President is ready to go to the No. 2 Bridge.ā€

In the 56 years that the school was founded, how much has to be accumulated to have such a moment.

Running around in these two days, I was trying to cool down the situation all the way, but in vain. But looking back on this scene, the essence of the matter was not President Rocky Tuan or anybody else saving the students, but the spirit and value for one and all to protect the university together."

Source: Leung Kai Chi's Facebook #Nov12

#HongKongProtests #Students #Youths