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Global Support For Hong Kong [3/5]

Over the past few days, South Korean Actor Kim Eui-Sung has been speaking up for the people of Hong Kong. Yesterday (Sept 20), he shared on his Facebook page the “721 Yuen Long Nightmare” documentary produced by RTHK Hong Kong Connection with Korean subtitles, hoping to help more Korean people learn about the situation in Hong Kong and spread the news further on the internet. Today, Kim has started to collect photos from netizens with one of their eyes covered, to support the “#Eye4HK
Campaign”. Through this campaign, Kim wants to let Hongkongers know that they are not alone in the anti-extradition bill fight. He also challenges the Chinese government, saying that they should demonstrate a proper attitude being as a big nation instead of creating an unfortunate future for Hong Kong.

Excerpt: https://www.hk01.com/即時娛樂/366281/金義聖轉發-鏗鏘集-兼收集遮眼照-網民發起-eye4hk-引關注

3 Months since 721 Yuen Long Terrorist Attack, Police only arrested 34 people and charged 6 of them

It has been three months once the ‘7.21 Yuen Long Terrorist Attack’, in which hundreds of white-lad thugs rushed into the MTR station and indiscriminately beat up citizens while the police has arrested only 34 people up till now.

Apply Daily had reached a ‘white-shirt’ who was arrested but no charge were pressed against him. He admitted to having ‘reinforcements’ near the West Rail on that night, and he leaked that ‘teaching the protestors a lesson’ was the idea of the ‘six villages of Yuen Long’ (Ping Shan, Ha Tsuen, Shap Pat Heung, Pat Heung, Kam Tin and San Tin). However, the development into indiscriminate attacks on citizens was unexpected. Even so he still insisted that the incident is not big deal’ and denied the man caught on camera, wielding a weapon and chasing after citizens is himself.

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#721Attack #PoliceState
[Oct 21: 3 Months After 7.21 Yuen Long Indiscriminate Triad Attack]

Police Violently Arresting Female First Aider, Exposing her Undergarment

In Yuen Long at 22:51, a reporter from Associated Press captured a scene of a Police Public Relation Branch (PPRB) officer arresting a female first aider. The photo shows that the male police officer was being extremely violent and forceful when tugging her shirt, even though her undergarments were exposed.

#PoliceState #721Attack #Oct21 #metoo
Audiences teared up during a radio program when discussing the situation in Hong Kong

(25 Nov) There is a phone-in section in a radio program of Hong Kong Commercial Radio in the morning. Various Hong Kong citizens had called to express their views about the election.

1. A 68-year-old man voted for the first time in his life in the District Council Election. The host asked why he voted. He started to cry and said, “My wife and I went to vote because of the protests at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She teared up when she saw the universities became like battlefields. We, as elders, could not go on the streets and protest. We could not leave this place as well. We could only use our votes [to voice our opinions]. (Tearing up continuously) What are the protesters fighting for? They have sacrificed their lives, dignity and future to fight for our freedom. I need the government to compromise and acquit all protesters.” The host asked him whether he got comfort from the election’s results. He sobbed for a few seconds and answered “Yes.”

2. A 44-year-old man used to be pro-police. After the 21 July incident he had become a yellow ribbon. “There’s no way we can tolerate triad members colluding with the police. The Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB) voted for the Extradition Bill. So I want to vote them out. Starry Lee Wai-King does not need to resign. Instead, I want her to go down with DAB. But I would like to thank Carrie Lam for uniting all Hongkongers.”

3. A local resident living in a walled village in the northern district revealed that his district councilor has always been the only candidate running for the district council election. This year he’s no longer uncontested, and is challenged by a young candidate who is willing to go into the village and talk to the residents. He and his two pro-democracy sons are going to vote for the younger candidate. “But I’m more worried about the Legislative election next year— it’s going to be unfair and they (the government) will use all means, for instance, vote-rigging. I hope the pro-democratic councilors will figure out what to do about it.”

4. A woman used to vote, but had no particular political stance. The police brutality and tear gas in the past 6 months made her realise that all Hongkongers cannot just focus on themselves. “It is really heart breaking to see how (these people) are treating our young people. I hope the elected District Councillors will demand Carrie Lam to set up an independent commission of inquiry to thoroughly investigate the police brutality that took place on 21 July and 31 August.”

5. An old man said in a sobbing voice that after months of despair, he was willing to line up for an hour to vote for a new candidate whom he did not know at all. “I hate how these people are taking side with the evil. This has to be a victory for the people of Hong Kong. I hope the newly elected District Councillors and the alumni of the Polytechnic University will go and save the kids trapped in PolyU.

6. A man lived near the waterfront of Yuen Long. He finally managed to see someone who was willing to come challenge the District Councillor who had been uncontested for years. “You beat up the citizens. Then expect them to vote you out. There is zero tolerance to police brutality. An independent commission of inquiry must be established. Five demands, not one less! Glory be…” He was so emotional that he was unable to continue.

Source: Hong Kong Commercial Radio
《雷霆 881 在晴朗的一天出發》
#Election #PoliceBrutality #721Attack #831Attack #PolyUSeige #CUHKMassacre
Pro-police Supporters Framed Pro-democracy Lawmaker for the Triad Attack on July 21

Editor's Note: Whereas the Yuen Long Station was closed and their emergency hotline refused to answer citizens' calls on 21 July, the police sent representative to receive a letter from the white-clad pro-police supporters. Moreover, on the day of the July 21 attack, it was pro-Beijing lawmaker Junius Ho who was sighted skaking hands with the Triad in Yuen Long.

At around 15:07, pro-police supporters shouted, “Yuen Long would prosper without 7.21 [Triad attack on citizens on July 21], without Lam Cheuk-ting [pro-democracy lawmaker], without the black-clad; Bring them to Court!”

A middle-aged man, participating in the march, said, “Those who go against China and disrupt Hong Kong are all provoked by Lam Cheuk Ting [pro-democracy lawmaker]. Arrest him!”

Another participant with a mainland Chinese accent, meanwhile, kept insisting that she is from Yuen Long.

The marchers arrived at Yuen Long Police Station. Most of them claimed that without Lam Cheuk Ting, there would be no "721 Attack", and they expressed their opinion by giving a letter to the police. A Station Sergeant came out to receive their letter.

Source: Stand News; HK01
#12Jan #YuenLong #721Attack
#FirstHand #May21 #YuenLong721
Police extend movable cordon and raise yellow warning flag inside the shopping mall

21:14 | Yoho Mall, #YuenLong
Whereas the police allegedly turned a blind eye to the Triad attack on train passengers and passersby on July 21, 2019, massive number of police have been deployed during the monthly commemorating events initiated by civilians.

May 21 is no exception. Riot police were seen holding cordon lines on their hands and walked around the shopping mall, urging civilians to leave.

Joy Luk, the visually impaired lawyer was on the scene. she has been pulled into the police cordon line, not being allowed to leave.

#SingWithYou #PoliceState #JoyLuk #NeverForgive #neverforget #721Attack
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#FirstHand #May21 #YuenLong721
Riot Police Encircle and Intercept Unarmed Civilian

21:33 | Yoho Mall, Yuen Long
In the video, a riot police officer rudely ordered an unarmed civilian to show his identification card.

The civilian wore a tee shirt with the words: "I shall give my life to free my city."

#SingWithYou #NeverForgive #NeverForget #721Attack
#FirstHand #May21 #YuenLong721
Police Block Major Passageways in Shopping Mall, Impacting Local Businesses

20:33 | YOHO Mall, #YuenLong

Shops were forced to wind their shutters due to the heavy police presence.

It is often known that 7-9PM is the peak hour for shopping malls, as most people would have knocked off from work, or finished having dinner.

This has been occuring for all the 'Sing with You' activities that have been held so much, and it is definitely detrimental to the business who are trying to pick themselves up after the Covid-19 pandemic.

#SingWithYou #NeverForgive #NeverForget #721Attack
Civilians Gather Across the City 10 months after the 7.21 terrorist attack

Citizens gathered at Causeway Bay Times Square to commemorate the 10 month-versary of the 7.21 attack and called for fellow citizens to focus on the National Security Bill.

A small detachment of police officers are currently on standby at location.

Source: USP #May21
#TimesSquare #SingWithYou #NeverForgive #NeverForget #721Attack

1915 | #YuenLong

Riot police intercepted and searched Performance artists

A group of performance artists dressed in resemblance of the white-clad mob who assaulted pro-democracy protesters with rattan sticks returning home from an anti-ELAB protest on July 21 last year at the Yuen Long west-rail station, showed up in late afternoon today (July 21) at the station.

Presenting their recollections of the 721 attack, the artists were sighted holding water-melon and fresh Yam on their hands as props. They were later intercepted and searched by riot police.

#July21 #FirstHand #721Attack #neverforget #neverforgive #PoliceBrutality
1944 | #YuenLong

Riot police encircled and intercepted journalists once again in YOHO mall one-year since the 7.21 Attack

#July21 #FirstHand #721Attack #neverforget #neverforgive #PoliceBrutality
Protest Against Police Conduct on 7.21 Met by Police in Non-Uniform Masks

1826 | YOHO Mall, #YuenLong
One year since the 7.21 Yuen Long Attack, citizens gather in Yoho Mall to remember and protest the violence and police inaction at nearby Yuen Long Station last year. Citizens are seen lining up on the mall's upper floors holding blank signs, now a common protest symbol in place of various slogans implied to be illegal under the National Security Law. Stickers with the text "HK Add OIl" decorate a section of the boarded-up fencing on the upper floor.

Police wearing riot gear have already set up cordon lines in the mall and began recording videos of the protesters. They are seen wearing many different colors of surgical masks, giving them an oddly non-uniform appearance.

#Jul21 #721Attack #NeverForget #NeverForgive #PoliceBrutality #PoliceBrutality
Hong Kong Police Turns Up in Yuen Long on 7.21, One Year Late

One year since the 7.21 Yuen Long Attack, netizens organized to remember the horrors at 7pm in Yoho Mall. At around 6:30pm. many began to gather. Five minutes later, police entered the mall and cordoned off many parts of the mall to stop and search citizens. They also threatened violation of the non-crowding order to ward off citizens.

When a citizen held "Free Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times" banner, police responded with the new Purple flag, warning that everyone at the scene could be violating the National Security Law. The citizen later was handcuffed by the police.

Elsewhere, district councilor Rayman Chow Wai Hung was also arrested.

Source: City Broadcasting Channel, The Stand News, Your Are Not Alone HK

#July21 #721Attack #NeverForget #NeverForgive #PoliceBrutality
Police Arrest Councilor Ng Kin Wai

2020 | YOHO Mall, #YuenLong
As police continued their aggressionin Yoho Mall, an officer yelled at Tin Shiu Wai Connet member and district councilor Ng Kin Wai that "district councilors and their assistants don't have special privilege. If you don't leave, we will fine you!" Later, Ng was pulled into the cordon and taken away.

Source: United Social Press #Jul21
#PoliceState #721Attack #PoliceBrutality
Police Intercept Watermelon Farmer "Chan Chi-Cheung" Cosplayer

To remember the 7.21 Attack one year ago, civilians wore cosplays of attackers, including white-clad gang member and water-melon farmer Chan Chi-Cheung, to satirise. The citizen cosplaying Chan was intercepted by police, but released at the end.

On the day of 7.21, a man dressed in a pink tee was recorded to have attacked journalists and civilians in multiple videos. He was later to have been found to look very similar to like Chan Chi-cheung, a water-melon farmer/farm owner.

Source: PSHK, Stand News

#July21 #721Attack #neverforget #neverforgive #PoliceBrutality
Police Enforces Group Gathering Restriction on Group of Strangers

Today marks the one-year anniversary of the 7.21 Yuen Long Attacks. Large amount of police was standby at YOMO mall next to Yuen Long MTR station. Some civilians complained that the police encircled them and narrowed down the cordoned area to make them into a group of 8 people. Subsequently, the police issued a penalty ticket of group gathering restriction (599G).

Source: USP United Social Press
#July21 #neverforget #neverforgive #PoliceState
Police Raises Pepper Ball Gun; Identity-Checks Journalists

2140 | Fung Kam Street Sports Centre
Police raised his pepper ball gun. Journalist suspected that something have been thrown from the top.

2143 | Fung Yau Street North
Blue flag has been raised.

2145 | Fung Kam Street, Fung Yau Street North
Riot police pushed forward suddenly towards Fung Kum Street. They shouted to journalists, ”all stand aside and show your press identity cards”, and stopped journalists filming under the reason of “infringement of personal privacy”

Source: PSHK; RTHK
#July21 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #PoliceBrutality
Police Intercepts Dozens of Journalists; Disperses Passers-by

2152 | Fung Yau Street North
Tens of journalists were intercepted by riot police.

2153 |
More riot police arrived.

2158 |
Riot police commanded civilians to ”dismiss in place”.

2159 |
An emotional officer shouted to journalists with microphone and stated that they crossed the road illegally.

2200 |
Several journalists could be seen being encircled by riot police again.

Source: Apple Daily; Stand News; RTHK
#July21 #NeverForget #NeverForgive #PoliceBrutality

Growing hostility against journalist witnessed among riot police

On the one-year mark of the 7.21 Yuen Long Attack, police obstructed citizens from protesting with a heavy deployment, repeatedly sealing off areas and conducting stop-and-searches. Their attitude toward journalists has grown even worse than before: journalists are now ordered to remove masks in order to verify identities, have their belongings searched, their ID card information recorded, and their faces recorded on police video cameras.

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