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Former Cathay Pacific staff who said they were fired for supporting Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protesters accused bosses on Monday of carrying out a “Cultural revolution” style political purge.

The Hong Kong-based airline has had a torrid few weeks after Chinese state media and authorities blasted the company because some of its 27,000 employees had taken part in — or were sympathetic to — anti-government protesters.

#CathayPacific #whiteterror #ChinaApproved

Source: https://www.hongkongfp.com/2019/10/01/sacked-hong-kong-cathay-staff-decry-cultural-revolution-purge/

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NBA scrambles after China angered by Houston Rockets' 'regrettable' pro-democracy tweet

The Guardian, Oct 7

//A short time after Morey posted that statement, the NBA said it was “regrettable” that the deleted tweet offended many in China. That followed several companies in China, including some of the NBA’s major business partners there, lashing out over Morey’s original tweet. Even the Chinese government’s consulate office in Houston issued a statement saying it “expressed strong dissatisfaction” with the team.//

#ChinaApproved #ChinaInfluence #FreedomofSpeech #Kowtow #NBA #ChiNBA

Source: The Guardian
(3/4) #NBA allow political speeches by players and coaches in US but not China

The N.B.A. superstar LeBron James has routinely insulted President Trump. Two of the league’s most successful coaches, Steve Kerr and Gregg Popovich, have repeatedly slammed American lawmakers for inaction on gun legislation. And other basketball stars regularly speak out on social and political issues — police shootings, elections and racism — without fear of retribution from the league.

But this weekend, a Houston Rockets executive unwittingly exposed an issue that may have been too much for the National Basketball Association: support for protesters in Hong Kong, which infuriated China.

“Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong,” Daryl Morey, the Rockets general manager, said in a post on Twitter that included an image of protests. It was quickly deleted.

#NBA #ChinaApproved
Source: New York Times:
A taxi driver intentionally drove into the crowds, causing multiple injuries, but was not charged and instead rewarded 520k HKD by pro-Beijing Group

A taxi crashed into a crowd of pedestrian in Shum Shui Po on Sunday (06-Oct), causing various injuries, including a 23-year-old lady who broke both of her legs. The taxi driver, Cheng, was dragged out from the car and beaten up by witnesses. A 20-year old male was later charged with rioting, but the taxi driver was not charged with any criminal offences.
According to another news report (by WenWeiPao, a Beijing-owned media), Kennedy Wong, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative and Stanley Ng, member of HK deputy to National People’s Congress visited Cheng, who is under the protection of HK Police, in Princess Margaret Hospital. Cheng’s daughter received the condolences and cards on his behalf. A pro-Beijing group (Safeguard Hong Kong)also raised fund and promised to donate HK$ 520,000 to support the taxi driver. They did not mention offering any assistance to the injured.

Shortly after the news was released, netizens were outraged and condemned the suspect for being rewarded with donations, which is extremely ridiculous and beyond belief. Some were upset that there is no justice in Hong Kong and found it difficult to believe that this is the reality in Hong Kong. They also send their blessings to the 23-year-old girl for a speedy recovery and to live a better life than the taxi driver.

#ChinaApproved #injustice
Source: Apple Daily

Watch the video and relevant report on that day:

Related news: https://t.me/hkfreepress/3411
[Businesses in / with China 1/2]
New World Development Co Ltd (0017.HK) will donate 3 million square feet of its farmland reserves for social housing, reported on 25 Sep, during the Result Announcement Press Conference.

The company said it will first offer three plots of agricultural land in the New Territories, totaling 28,000 square feet, which equivalent to the size of 1.5 Victoria Park, to a non-governmental organization called “Light Be” to build small-sized social housing apartments.

Adrian Cheng, executive vice chairman of New World Development, told the group’s results press conference on Wednesday that the donation was a separate issue from the Land Redemption Ordinance, and that the company had an open attitude if the government needed to look for land for public housing. The Memorandum of Understanding was planned 1 year ago.

At present, the four major property developers in Hong Kong own more than 100 million square feet of farmland, by the end of 2018, Henderson Land (0012) has about 45 million square feet of farmland (about 45%), which is the largest reserves of the four major property developers. Second, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016) has about 31 million square feet of farmland (about 30%), New World Development (0017) has about 17 million square feet of farmland (about 16%), and CK Asset (1113) has 9 million square feet of farmland (about 9%).
#business #ChinaInfluence #ChinaApproved

Excerpt: https://www.hk01.com/財經快訊/379268/新世界宣布捐300萬呎農地-以興建公屋及發展社會房屋
#TVB #WhiteTerror #ChinaApproved

Notable News Anchor, Wendy, Man Tsoi Cheung severs ties with TVB to follow her conscience

The pro-democracy campaign in Hong Kong has been ongoing for more than 4 months. The TVB News so as its frontline reporters, have been unpopular with activists because of the biased reporting favors government, and became target of protesters to reflect their discontent against TVB.

With at least 8 staffs from the News and Information Division handed in their notice, sources (Appledaily) suggested that Wendy, Man Tsoi Cheung, Principal News Anchor/Reporter, who has worked in TVB for 10 years, also decided to sever tie with TVB to follow their dictates of conscience. Cheung is not a frontline reporter but as a news anchor, reporting politically-biased and fake news violates her conscience as a journalist. In fact, early in Jun 2019, she has demonstrated her support to the Hong Kong pro-democracy campaign on facebook - replacing her usual profit picture with “plain- black” and “black-and-white bauhinias”.

According to Cheung’s friend, Cheung kept on complaining about her work. Due to the wave of resignation, increasing workload and the agitation caused by being a TVB anchor, Cheung finally resigned from TVB with support from her “fireman hubby”.

In fact, besides Cheung, many staffs have been discontent with TVB. Recently, 48 nos. of TVB staffs, expressed their disaffection against TVB with staff cards posted on internet, spreading the word such as “Oppose Fake News” and “Keith, Yuen Chi Wai (Assistant General Manager, TVB News Division) Step Down”, which resulted in the dismissal of several staffs (including the staff calling for this move to blame News Division online) - dealing heavy blow in TVB.

Excerpt: https://hk.entertainment.appledaily.com/enews/realtime/article/20191015/60156502?utm_campaign=hkad_social_appledailyent&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_content=link_post
Chinese Authorities Ask Chinese Students in Taiwan to Return Home before the Election

The 2020 Taiwan presidential election has entered a two-month countdown, while the current cross-strait relation is extremely sensitive. Apple Daily Taiwan has received exclusive information that the Chinese government distributed a message to Chinese students in Taiwan, asking them to book flights early, preferably before the January 11 presidential election, and as soon as possible. In response, the “RuSen” (Chinese Students Admission Association) said that Chinese officials have been sending message to students to return home as soon as possible during major elections in Taiwan for years.

Since the Chinese authorities unilaterally interrupted the free travel of passengers in September, and recently issued 26 incentives to lure Taiwan to promote the Chinese unification, it is obvious that China is using both sharp and soft power to intervene.

However, next year's general election coincides with the final examination of various universities, many Chinese students have begun to discuss with their schools whether they can take the exams sooner, or if there are other ways to replace the final examination results. The complainant also said that he did not want to disclose further relevant information because he was afraid he would “be disappeared” after returning home.

According to Apple’s exclusive information, the City Committees Taiwan Office sent messages to students in Taiwan and their parents and said, “upon receiving this notice, please advise your children immediately that they should book flights for winter vacation, preferably before January 11, 2020 to leave Taiwan, and should not be late.” The end of the text also asked for a reply.

Sources confirmed the message was spread among the Chinese student groups at the end of October. A student said in a group that he did receive this message, but he wanted to stay to watch the Taiwan election; other students also confirmed different City Committees had spread the message, while some believed it was just a “suggestion.”
#ChinaApproved #Taiwan

Excerpt: Apple Daily TW (09-Nov)
Doomsday Doctor left Communication Bank due to regime's silencing
LAW Ka Chung: Can't even discuss capital flight

(15 Nov) "Doomsday Doctor of Hong Kong" LAW Ka Chung suddenly left China's Bank of Communications (Hong Kong) which he served for over 14 years. He didn't want to discuss his reasons for leaving. However, as a fellow worker at Central, I couldn't help but feel lost about the changes in social environment that keep on eroding the core values of our financial centre. He feels that a lot of sensitive economic data cannot be disclosed any more. "It used to be the case that, as long as you didn't talk about the yellow-ribbon issues or Hong Kong independence, you were allowed to say anything you want. Now many people can't or don't dare to even talk about things like capital flight.

Continue reading: https://telegra.ph/Doomsday-Doctor-left-Communication-Bank-due-to-regimes-silencing-11-18

#StockMarket #Economic #ChinaApproved #FreeSpeech
Japanese Voice Actor Boycotted for Supporting Hong Kong: How China Manipulated the Japanese ACG Sector [1/2]

(04 Nov) In May 2018, Bilibili opened its first overseas anime production company at Ningyocho, Tokyo. Another mainland animation producer Colour Pencil Animation set foot in Machida, Tokyo in November last year. Both companies openly claimed they would create abundant job opportunities for Japanese animators, producers, and post-production staffers, and would guarantee to offer good compensation packages and work environment. While many Japanese media branded Bilibili as “technology flight” and “cultural invasion”, the general public did not give much thoughts about the issue, as it is a wide-known fact that many Japanese local anime companies are in fact “unethical enterprises”.

Continue reading:

Another part of the series:

#ChinaApproved #ChinaThreat #Censorship #Japan

Spark Alliance’s Bank Account Will Stop Operating from Friday

Editor’s note: Spark Alliance is a platform that helps cover legal and medical fees for protestors

(18 Nov) Spark Alliance has announced on Facebook that their #HSBC account is going to stop operating after this Thursday (21 Nov), they are going to stop receiving donations by bank transfer. Spark Alliance said that they have already arranged for the deposits in the bank account to be handled, they will be accepting donations by other methods, announcements will be made on their platform later.

Spark Alliance said that their legal protest support platform is going to operate as usual, they are going to fully support people who were arrested and detained. If people want to continue to support them, they can go to their website to shop or buy free pricing gift vouchers. The money will be spent on people who were arrested, in jail, and go to their families.

Quoted from a source this morning, HSBC had informed one of their corporate accounts last month that their account is going to be closed because the bank account has been used to collect fund for political purpose, which is different from their initial business purpose when they open the bank account. HSBC has given a 30-day notice to the company with the deadline being in this month, if the company cannot create a new account in another bank, money in this account will be frozen. This morning, a HSBC spokesperson denied that they had cancelled and frozen the alleged bank account.

Source: MingPao
Spark Alliance:

#ChinaApproved #WhiteTerror