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Is This Karma for China?

(25 Jan) Karma has been working very quickly recently.

Forcing the Uighur to eat pork.
Yet turns out the whole country cannot consume pork.

Not allowing Hong Kong people to wear face masks.
Now the whole China need to wear face masks.

Threatening the other countries with your tourist population.
Now all the other countries are prohibiting you from entering.

Saw this on the internet.
It’s real but also ironic.

Is karma paying back China now?

Building concentration camps,
But ended up being locked down.

Source: PTT (Taiwan)

Further Reading:
Last year Carrie Lam banned face masks. Now, she's wearing one in a press conference

#Karma #CoronavirusOutbreak

Help from Vietnamese - Karma between Hong Kong and Vietnamese

(21 Feb) During my trip at Poland, I was impressed at a meeting with some Hong Kong students who were studying at Poland. It was found a local powerful and sizable Vietnam syndicates fully supported the protest of Anti-extradition Bill held by Hongkongers at Poland, the local PRC students thus dared not to create disturbance. Such support was because the Vietnamese would like to thank Hong Kong for receiving Vietnamese refugees and eligible Vietnamese migrants years ago. Learning international relationship is so practicable!

Source: Simon’s Glos World by Simon Shen Facebook

#Poland #GlobalSupport #Vietnamese #Refugees #Karma #antiELAB #SimomShen
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

Looking Down at the “Universal” Karma

(2 Apr) Wuhan Virus (COVID-19) has been “globalized”. Since the late George H.W. Bush was president, US has adopted the engagement policy with China for over 10 years, shifting the high cost of product with deadly land and air pollutions to China, in turn to enjoy long-term benefits of “Made in China”. Chinese Community Party (CCP) transformed Mainland China into an economic powerhouse by mobilizing 1.3 million “slaves” and took advantage of their blood and tears. Today, China finally revenged by exporting Wuhan Virus all over the world, with the Western countries crying for help desperately, which is certainly an unique scene to witness.

//The Western perception of Chinese workers’ lives as worthless, and poisoning PRC citizen in return of prosperity brought by “Globalization”, has been raving for 30 years.

//Since the Tiananmen Square protests, the label of “Made in China” has been constantly reminding the West that the world will meet this day.

//UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who accepted Huawei into the UK telecom network, initially advocated for “herd immunity” from Darwinism; he then got infected by Wuhan Virus and thereafter angered by China and planned to kick Huawei out of the said network

Full translation:

Source: Apple Daily

#Globalization #TiananmenSquare #Pollution #WuhanVirus #Karma #Economy #HerdImmunity #Hauwei
#Column #July29
The Rise of Totalitarianism: Of the Incubation of Nazi Germany and Communist China

After the First World War, Germany was isolated and sanctioned by the world. Some said that had brought inflation, economic loss, as well as the lack of transparency and communication between countries, giving rise to populism, Nazism, and finally the Second World War (almost as a necessary consequence).

To a large extent, self-scrutiny allows one to gaze into the inner abyss (in Nietzschean sense), or to cope with the collective trauma after the Second World War.

Despite that many have started to call Communist China "Chinazi", the contemporary German government seems to vigorously avoid sanctioning the Chinese government.

Whether it is China's concentration camps for the Uyghurs or national security law for Hong Kong, perhaps Germany has hoped that the Chinese Communist Party will not repeat the genocides committed by Nazi Germany.

But is this not how British Prime Minister Chamberlain had misjudged, if not 'underestimated', Nazi Germany?

Perhaps the ones expecting those who are committing atrocities to listen to rational voices are filled with excessively optimistic illusions about this world.

If we want to learn from history, should we not explore how Nazi Germany delayed and denied the goodwill sent by others in order to satisfy its aggressive desire?

Perhaps the cause and effect will really endlessly run back. And Merkel, like the red queen in Through the Looking-Glass, is running to stay in the same place.

Back then, Nazi Germany, which gradually grew through the goodwill and appeasement extended by Chamberlain. It is now when the Chinese Communist Party, by getting just another bite of the only friendly face in the free world, steadily invades the neighbours.

Maybe this is how karma runs.

#Chinazi #Germany #China #Karma