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Mark Green: Chinese-made medical supplies to France conditional upon adopting Huawei technology

//Rep. Mark Green said the Chinese told France it would provide 1 billion protective face masks only if the French let Huawei implement its 5G capabilities.

//“That’s who China is, and it’s time the world wake up and recognize it.”

Full Article: The Washington Times, (06-Apr)

#France #MedicalSupplies #China #5G #Hauwei
Taiwan is a true friend for Europe and the World
Stephane Corcuff, a scholar at the Lyon School of Political Science in France, posted a video on Facebook on the 8 April, emphasizing that Taiwan unconditionally donates masks to European countries without diplomatic relations and is a true friend of Europe. He called on the government to give a helping hand to Taiwan, not to let her to face China's suppression alone.


Further reading:
White House trade adviser Peter Navarro calls WHO chief one of China's 'proxies' at the UN

#France #Taiwan #Masks #Donation #China #CCP #Deal #Pandemic #Friend #Europe
#France #CCP
China Denies Having Claimed French Nursing Home Let People Die of Wuhan Pneumonia

A statement was published on the website of China’s embassy to France, claiming that caregivers in French nursing homes had “collectively deserted, letting their residents dying from starvation and disease”.

China also expressed a wish for so-called "French parties" to dispel any misunderstanding, not specifying whether the comment was meant to address the French government, media outlets or politicians.

In a tweet issued on April 14, 2020, the Chinese embassy in Paris clarified that the incidents of patients being left to die after being abandoned by care workers occurred in Spain, not France.

After French foreign minister Jean-Yves Le Drian summoned China’s ambassador to France,
Beijing dismissed the incident as a "misunderstanding", with China's foreign ministry spokeperson Zhao Lijian saying "China has never issued negative comments on the way France has handled the epidemic."

Source: RFI; France24 #Apr15
French President shows that masks can look chic

Macron used the school visit as an opportunity to promote the use of cloth masks among the general public. The fashionable design of the mask he donned "mades mask-wearing an act of national pride", as the Associated Press suggests. The mask, embellished with the French Tricolour, is 100% made in France by the local manufacturer Chanteclair at a cost of less than 5 euros (HK $42).

While the reusable masks in Hong Kong are produced at a similar cost, the masks are described by citizens to "resemble underwear". It was further uncovered that the masks were produced without following the usual procurement rules and some technical descriptions were misleading and inaccurate.

#France #HongKong #mask

Associated Press, 5 May

L'Est Eclair (French), 6 May

RTHK, 6 May
French President shows that masks can look chic

Macron used the school visit as an opportunity to promote the use of cloth masks among the general public. The fashionable design of the mask he donned "mades mask-wearing an act of national pride", as the Associated Press suggests. The mask, embellished with the French Tricolour, is 100% made in France by the local manufacturer Chanteclair at a cost of less than 5 euros (HK $42).

While the reusable masks in Hong Kong are produced at a similar cost, the masks are described by citizens to "resemble an underwear". It was further uncovered that the masks were produced without following the usual procurement rules and some technical descriptions were misleading and inaccurate.

#France #HongKong #mask

Associated Press, 5 May

L'Est Eclair (French), 6 May

RTHK, 6 May

RTHK, 6 May
(26 May) The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in France post a tweet in Twitter to slander the U.S. encroaching Hong Kong. However, the Embassy didn’t admit it even Groupe Radio France Internationale (FRI) captured a screenshot of that post.

Further reading:
China Denies Having Claimed French Nursing Home Let People Die of Wuhan Pneumonia

Source: Facebook

#CCP #France #US #ChinesePropaganda
France concerns over the National Security legislation in Hong Kong

(28 May) France’s Foreign Minister Jean-Yves le Drian said France was concerned by China’s proposed national security legislation as it raises questions over Hong Kong’s semi-autonomous status.

Full Article: The Standard

#OneCountryTwoSystems #NationalSecurityLaw #InternationalConcern #France
#GlobalSupport #France
Rally in Paris, France Against National Security Law in Hong Kong

22:00 | Paris, France
Participants of different ethnic background chanted "Free Hong Kong! Free Tibet!" at the site.

Source: Golden Forum #Jul11
#NationalSecurityLaw #1C1S
#France Halts Ratifying Extradition Treaty with Hong Kong Due to Security Law Threats

From a Press Briefing on #Aug3:

//As the minister for Europe and foreign affairs recently reiterated, the national security law in Hong Kong is a change that compromises the inherited framework of the 1997 handover. It calls into question the “one country, two systems” principle and the respect for Hong Kong’s “high degree of autonomy” and related fundamental freedoms. This law also directly affects our citizens and our companies.

...Following the decision by the Hong Kong authorities to postpone the legislative elections, France underscores the vital importance of holding the elections as swiftly as possible under conditions that will allow sincere democratic expression, in accordance with the rights and freedoms guaranteed by Hong Kong’s Basic Law.//

Source: Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, France

Further Reading:
Wang Yi Warns Czech Will Pay Heavy Price for Taiwan Visit
Hopes Europe Will Help Resolve China and the US Tension

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, visiting Europe, hopes that France and other European countries will help ease the tension between China and the United States. In response to Taiwan visit of the delegation of the Czech senate president, Wang reiterated that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China. Anyone challenging the one-China principle is making themselves enemies of 1.4 billion Chinese people and will pay a heavy price for their moves.

In a speech on Sunday (Aug 30) at the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI), Wang said that the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century; the threat of the pandemic has not receded; the global economy is in a deep recession. In order to face the waves of unemployment, bankruptcies, broken links and so on, Wang called for China and Europe to unite against the disruption of the world.

He said that China is against any conspiracy of the new cold war and firmly defends multilateralism. Unilateralist and bullying acts have been intensified and posed the biggest challenge to the multilateralism. He urged Europe against unilateralism and bullying acts to prevent the return of politics power. He continued that decoupling from China, a huge and the most dynamic market, meant to disconnect opportunities.

However, when Wang was asked about the tension between China and the US, he hoped France and other European countries assisting in meditation, added that the door of dialogue with Washington is always open. He believed to reach consensus if they could have a serious talk. He emphasised that China always insists peaceful development and oppose confrontation; even some radical forces in the US intend to provoke disputes.

Source: Stand News #Aug31
#Taiwan #China #WangYi #Europe #France

French-based Hongkonger, went through 51 hours of bitterness to fly back for voting

(16 Aug) As she wants to remain anonymous, we will call her Anonyme, a female artist who was born in Hong Kong.  The art industry is not appreciated in Hong Kong, but it is well perceived in France. At the end of February this year, she arrived in France and lived there for five months. The art village provided food and accommodation, and the government provided monthly living expenses.  What’s more exciting is that she met a local boy and they were flirting. However, she didn’t want to go into detail, “Maybe people are talking about me colluding with foreign forces.  I don't want to be accused of colluding with a foreign penis." She vowed that she would not leave unless there was an election. if there is, she will go through all the troubles to fulfill her civil duty - vote for the legislative councils.

//There were a lot of people at the line-up, and I begged every single one of them to let me go first.

//“You (Carrie Lam) said the Hongkongers are not cooperating? It seems that you are the one who doesn't want to cooperate. Look at me, how well I am cooperating and desperately risking my life to return to vote to fulfill my civic duty!”

//Carrie Lam takes away my legal rights!

//the Paris Municipales election at the end of June... Voting happened as usual during the epidemic, while the local government warned of health risks. 

//Whether or not to cancel should be decided by all Hong Kong voters and those who participated in the election.

//It took her 51 hours to go from her Paris residence to her home in Hong Kong.

//Seems like I went to outer space for five months and now my hometown was lost.

Full translation:

Source: Apple Daily
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#LegcoElection2020 #Coronavirus #France
Rejecting the request to delete content from Beijing - French economist may not be able to publish his book

“Capital and Ideology”, a book that is written by a famous French Economist, Thomas Piketty, was originally planned to publish in the mainland China. However, as the book mentioned that, "the inequality gap is growing rapidly in China,” stating that its level of income inequality has almost reached the America’s. Also, he stated that the Chinese Government has not shown that they are better off when it comes to comparing the western democratic system yet," the Chinese publisher requested to him to remove the corresponding context. Piketty declined to delete the article and as a result, he believed that his book publication plan would die, describing the publication censor " seems to indicate that the Chinese regime gets more serious and nervous, and states that they would not have any open debate on different economic and political systems."

Piketty published “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” in 2013, which he criticized deeply on western capitalism in the U.S. and Europe. At that time, the Chinese government praised this 700-page book strongly, while it obtained the global sales record in 2014. Nevertheless, Piketty recently believes that his new book, “Capital and Ideology”, is impossible to publish in China as he rejected the cancellation request from the Chinese publisher.

“Capital and Ideology” was published in France last year. The English version is then printed in March in the U.S. The content describes the inequality regime around different times and parts of the world, extending the research on the economic inequality in non-western countries like China and India. A large portion of content
focuses on China and its socialism with capitalist characteristics. “Capital and Ideology” was planned to publish in China. Nevertheless, the Chinese publisher, CITIC Press Group, had sent two 10-page list to the French publisher, Les Editions du Seuil, requesting to remove some of the contexts both in English and French.

#Chinese #French #Piketty #CapitalandIdeology #censorship #China #France #Publication

Source: Apple Daily #Sep02

French Foreign Ministry Backs Czech Republic, Canada’s Opposition Leader Vows to Stand up to China as PM

The French government has issued a statement in support of the Czech Republic and called out on China for threatening the Czech senate president Miloš Vystrčil, who had recently led a delegation to Taiwan.

Le Figaro and Agence France-Presse (AFP) quoted Agnes von der Muhll, spokesperson for the French foreign ministry, as saying that “Europe’s relations with China must be founded on dialogues, reciprocity and mutual respect, all of which are crucial to fostering a deeper partnership.” “With that in mind,” she continued, “any threat to an EU member state would be unacceptable. We express our support for the Czech Republic.”

Earlier, China’s foreign minister Wang Yi lambasted Vystrčil's visit to Taiwan as being “provocation” and said the Czech statesman will have to “pay a high price for his short-sightedness and political opportunism.” The Czech foreign ministry responded by saying that Wang’s comment went “too far” and summoned the Chinese ambassador to Prague for an explanation.

Meanwhile in Canada, the new leader of the Conservative Party and a contender in the next prime minister election Erin O’Toole wrote to the National Post, outlining his China policy. He said he is ready to confront China, citing his repeated demands for the Canadian government to speak up for Hong Kong and Taiwan, both of which have been targeted by the Chinese communist regime. The 47-year-old O’Toole vowed to stand up to China as prime minister.

Source: Apple Daily #Sep02

#France #Czech #Canada #Taiwan #China #Vystrcil #ErinOToole #WangYi #Diplomacy
