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Chinese government is like something out of 1984

The Chinese Communist government increasingly poses an existential threat not just to its own 1.4 billion citizens but to the world at large.

To impress the world, this premodern authoritarian society leaps wildly into the brave new world of high-tech science in a single generation. It created from nothing high-speed rail, solar farms, shiny new airports, and gleaming new high-density apartment buildings.

But how can they achieve it?

To make China instantly rich and modern, the Communist hierarchy — the same government that once caused the deaths of some 60 million innocents under Mao Zedong — ignored property rights. It crushed individual freedom. It embraced secrecy and bulldozed over any who stood in its way.

Central Party officials run the government, military, media, and universities collectively in a manner reminiscent of the science-fiction Borg organism of Star Trek, which was a horde of robot-like entities all under the control of a central mind.

China seems confident that it will soon rule the world, given its huge population, massive trade surpluses, vast cash reserves, and industries that produce so many of the world’s electronic devices, pharmaceuticals, and consumer goods.

It seems that no one could say no to such a Orwellian style dictatorship government.

More than 1 million Uighur Muslims have been imprisoned in “re-education camps”. While in Hong Kong, which is supposed to enjoy autonomy under the "One Country, Two Systems" principle, millions of people have had battles with the puppet Hong Kong government to fight for basic human rights for a year.

Western nations would rather keep their profitable investments inside China by keeping their mouths shut about those issues. It’s exactly what Beijing expects. Only few Western companies complain that Chinese society is surveilled, regulated, and controlled in a nightmarish fashion that George Orwell once predicted in his dystopian novel, 1984.

But the world is learning that China does not just move mountains for new dams or bulldoze ancient neighborhoods that stand in the path of high-speed rail. It also hid the outbreak and the mysterious origins of the deadly coronavirus from its own people and the rest of the planet as well — a more dangerous replay of its earlier effort to mask the spread of the SARS virus. The result was that thousands of unknowing carriers spread the viral plague while the government covered up its epidemic proportions.

No wonder Internet conspiracies speculate that the virus was either a rogue product of the Chinese military’s bioengineering weapons lab or originated from bats, snakes, or pangolins and the open-air markets where they are sold as food.

All of these recent scandals should remind the world that China got rich by warping trade and stealing technology in much the same way that it deals with epidemics and dissidents. That is, by simply ignoring legitimate criticism and crushing anyone in its way.

If the Chinese Communist Borg is willing to put millions of its own citizens at risk of infection and death, why would it care about foreigners’ complaints that China is getting rich and powerful by breaking international trade rules?

#China #CommunistParty #HumanRight

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