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#protestorletter #WordsFromHKers

Letter from the Arrested to HongKongers

My name is Little Sek, a fourth-year student at a local university. I was arrested on November 2, and am currently being held at Lai Chi Kok Detention Centre, pending trial. I want to address this letter to every HongKonger who shares a common ideal.

I am grateful that through all these months, even in the face of danger, you have been willing to fight for Hong Kong's future against this totalitarian government. Since June, there have been thousands of arrested demonstrators, countless dead and injured, and many cases of "non-suspicious" deaths that may have been made to look like suicides. Abuse of power and indiscriminate arrests by police have been happening on a daily basis.

Meanwhile, the high-ranking hypocrites in government have turned a blind eye to these social problems, harbouring and enabling those responsible for them. In addition, they have ignored institutional violence, placing the responsibility for the problems solely on the shoulders of residents and demonstrators.

Nevertheless, I implore you not to give up, and not to be frightened by the white terror. The people should not be afraid of the government. On the contrary, the government should be afraid of the people, because it is the people who give the government its power.

Before you decide to give up, think of our companions who have died; the eyes we have lost; the brave souls who have died; the poor souls who have died. Until we can achieve justice for our dead friends, and wash away the false charges against our partners in prison, we must not give up. Our problems cannot be solved with blind retreat. The moment we give up will be our first defeat. As long as we continue to fight, we have not yet lost.

I know that there are times when you might feel frustrated, as if no matter what we do, in the end we cannot change anything. If you get this feeling, please take a break, regroup, and then set out again. Only by persisting can we see hope, and only by fighting will we have a chance of winning. You are actually more powerful than you think. The choices made by each of us can change the world; the question is whether or not you have the courage to take the leap.

After entering detention, I have been asked repeatedly, "Was it worth it?" Although I have sacrificed my own future, it does not appear as if we have succeeded in convincing the bureaucrats. Even if the Hong Kong communist government kneels, we cannot counter the Chinese communist government behind it. We are engaged in an essentially meaningless struggle for survival.

But in fact, the reason why HongKongers have come out to fight is very simple: to prevent Hong Kong from being further mainlandized and becoming just another city under the administration of the Greater Bay Area; to save Hongkongers from a life of constant fear; from losing their freedom of speech; from the risk of being punished or even disappeared for saying the wrong thing.

As a fighter on the frontlines, I thoroughly understand the risks and costs of struggle. I may lose everything. I may be disappeared and have my death made to look like a suicide; my future may be destroyed, and I may have to spend my days in prison.

But I have already decided to put my life on the line, and am prepared to make sacrifices as a consequence of my actions. But before these things happen, I will still follow my beliefs and charge forward. After all, no one can guarantee that we will be safe tomorrow. We can only try to not let those days come too early.

We have already lost so much. In our pursuit of freedom and justice, we have let our partners pay a heavy price. There is only one way to recover these blood debts: to keep fighting until the moment of victory, to expose the crimes of those who have abused their power, and to seek justice and compensation for the dead.

Released at the Citizens’ Press Conference on December 7, 2019

Letter From the Reception Centre

To: All the fellow protestors who love Hong Kong

Today is my 127th day in the Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre.

Congratulations to Taiwan for holding fast against the "CCP Extermination Pneumonia" attack. President Tsai Ing-wen has done a terrific job and has protected Taiwan for the well-being of the Taiwanese. If Hang Kuo Yu had succeeded in the presidential election, Taiwan would have been captured because of the "CCP Extermination Pneumonia".

Hongkongers who have been stranded in Wuhan in January are probably still stranding in Wuhan. Hong Kongers in Wuhan: "Qi Por (one of Carrie Lam’s nicknames as she was elected by 777 votes), we don't have any daily necessities and money, go charter a flight and bring us home." Qi Por: "Don't even think about it, the almighty President Xi is going to Wuhan." Hong Kongers in Wuhan: “We are dying, we need to back to Hong Kong.” Qi Por: "the Vice President of WHO has said if you have infected with Wuhan pneumonia, you will have to go to China for medical treatment." Hong Kongers in Wuhan: "OK! Let’s summon all the diagnosed patients worldwide to go to China for medical treatment."

The Little Pinks (Pro-Beijing supporters) have embraced Sun Yang as a people's hero for his successes. However, the CCP now abandons Sun Yang and treats him as a “condom” because of his eight years of suspension from enrolling international swimming competitions, his athletic career is over and he deserves it! Once a man’s mind is blue (believes in the CCP or the Hong Kong Government), their brain is rotten! Little Pinks, where is your hero Sun Yang now? Your glass hearts shatter once again.

In this 127 days, I would like to thank all our brothers and sisters, and an enthusiastic person who sent me a book of Cheng Xiang, among the others, it contains two sentences: "People who have not been jailed will never understand the true colors of the country." Tolstoy Says. These two sentences have shown me that the Hong Kong-CCP regime is rotten from the top to bottom, and the entire system has broken down.

Why is this terrible hegemonic government so hard-hearted? It is because the enemy we really face is the central hegemony. We have been talking about the CCP-Explosion for more than ten years, but why has CCP, such a rotten and corrupted country has not yet collasped? The future of CCP will only get worse and therefore, the only way out for every province is self-protection and autonomy.

In February, the PMI of the CCP was only 35.7. In the next two to four months, all Made in China products will become rare. For those who are thinking to rely on the development of China to get rich, please think twice and leave China. Why would you want to stay in such an unsecured place?

The CCP is running out of life, a country that is only 70 years old. Hong Kong's Self-Destruction with the CCP is our only way out. Within the high and solid walls, I shall not despair, but keep the rage inside me.

Hongkongers, resist! Hongkongers, revenge!

May our Gods destroy the CPP! Now or never

Ah Bat
March 10, 2020 //

Source: Apple Daily

#Coronavirus #Xi #CarrieLam #WHO #CCP
Farewell, Pik Uk - Chan Kin-man's Letter from Prison

When Sigmund Freud left Vienna, where he lived for many years and received many complaints (see note 1), he stated, "The feeling of triumph on being liberated is too strongly mixed with sorrow, for in spite of everything I still greatly loved the prison from which I have been released." It reminded me of Nelson Mandela. When he left the prison where he spent more than 20 years, he could not bear to part with the plants he grew there. 

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