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#Firsthand #21Dec #PoliceBrutality #PoliceLies
Men claimed to be "Off-duty" "Plainclothed" Police: "When we execute our duty by using pepper spray, we don't need to show our badge"

1625 Tsim Sha Tsui
Men in casual wear who claimed to be police pepper- spray shoppers at 2/F of Harbour City, leading to conflicts and the dissatisfaction of shoppers.

The men said to the press, "we are off duty and in plain clothes. When we execute our duty by using pepper spray, we don't need to show our badge." ("當我地係休班著便衣,而使用胡椒噴霧執行職務嘅時候,係唔需要出示委任證”)
Police Storm and Make Arrests in Shopping Mall in Yuen Long

2040 Yoho Mall, Yuen Long
Police armed with long rifles and shields stormed in the shopping mall.

Large amount of riot police patrolled inside the mall. Minutes later, police set up cordon.

Police were armed with AR15 guns.

Police continued to search young people in the shopping mall.

Police arrested and handcuffed at least 2 people. Police displayed the personal belonging of the arrested onthe floor.

Source: Apple Daily; RTHK; Now News #21Dec #PoliceBrutality #PoliceLies
Police Commander Denies Officer Had Pulled Out Gun

2047 Tsim Sha Tsui, Canton Road, Harbour City
The Police Commander stated that, around 6 p.m. today (Dec 21), an officer was attacked and one person was arrested as a result. He asserted that no officers pulled out their guns, and called for people to “not cause trouble on a merry day”.

Source: Apple News; Golden Forum #21Dec #PoliceLies

[First Hand Video] Public fled in terror screaming "gun!"
Hong Kong Police: Citizens Should Be More Polite, And Less Provocative

During the Police's operations on Friday, an officer repeatedly hit a reporter from Stand News in the hand and their camera.
(in photos: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/13688)

In the police press conference on December 23, spokeperson Kong Wing-Cheung of the police public relation branch claimed that officers were trying to extend their cordon, and criticised the reporters on scene for not being cooperating enough and not moving as back as they were told to. He further claimed that officers were only using their batons on reporter’s camera to tell them to leave.

Hong Kong police also called for "Citizens [to] be more polite, and less provocative [towards the Police]".

Said reporter however stated that the Police had never ordered reporters to move back to the Police cordon.

Source: Stand News

#Dec23 #PoliceLies

Police Push Shopper for No Reason on December 21:
Teenager Exclaims Wish of Not Wanting to Be "Disappeared"; Police Expresses "Helplessness" Over "False News" and Rumours "Brainwashing" the Public

In the clash between the Police and civilians on Christmas Day, a 16-year-old teenager fell from the roof of the restaurant JIEGENGE in Mong Kok. After his jump, the youngster said that he did not want to "be forced to disappear". Police Public Relations Branch Chief Superintendent Kwok Ka-chuen stated on the police press conference, that "some citizens has been brainwashed by the enormous amount of fake news on the web. This group of people started to have irrational panic and hallucinations of being sent to some unknown location after being arrested or being murdered after arrest. Those are all ridiculous thoughts."

Kwok stressed that the police force "act by the law". He also pointed out that most arrestees did not receive unfair treatment, "After having experienced custody and investigation by the police, they thought that police officers had been professional throughout the process. No arrestees were beaten. Neither did they receive any unjust treatment, nor were they transported to a faraway place.”

Meanwhile, the officer who displayed the ID card of a reporter in front of the camera was still on duty.

Source: Stand News

#27Dec #PoliceLies #PoliceState #HongKongChristmas
Tear Gas Shot Indoors Despite Manufacturer's Guidelines

#18Nov | Windsor Mansions, Austin Road.

#13Nov | Chuk Lam Court, #Shatin.

#28Oct | Yat Sang House, #TuenMun.

#27Oct | a phamacy in #YauMaTei.

#1Oct | residence in #TsimShaTsui.

#12Aug | outside #TaiKoo #MTR.

#11Aug | inside #KwaiFong MTR.

These locations have all experienced tear gas indoors. Some even received direct hits from tear gas canisters fired directly into the indoor area.

Clear warnings labels have been printed on the suppliers' product specifications, as well as on the tear gas canisters itself, reminding users not to release tear gas indoors. Repeated warnings from toxicologists and United Nations experts have all gone unheeded by the Hong Kong Police, who deployed these weapons against its intended purpose and protocol again and again, on at least seven separate occasions.

Source: Mingpao Weekly https://bit.ly/35ZFA0N

#TearGas #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality #PoliceLies
Police: “Protesters Were Led to Yuen Long Station by Malevolent Ringleaders During 7.21 Attacks”; Pro-Democracy Legislator Refutes Such Claims

PPRB Senior Superintendent, Kwong Wing Cheung had been interviewed by Cable TV. When asked about the 7.21 Indiscrimate Attacks in Yuen Long Station, he criticised those whom he claimed had "organised the entire ordeal" and "lead protesters to Yuen Long Station".

Legislative Councillor and victim of the 7.21 Indiscriminate Attacks, Lam Cheuk-ting refuted these claims. He reiterated that civilians had been attacked long before he arrived at the scene. He deplored the police force for spreading rumours and lies fabricated by Junius Ho Kwan-yiu, which only served to deepen the existing social divide and intensify phobias within society.

Source: Stand News
#Dec30 #PoliceLies #July21 #YuenLong
Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF) responded to the fake poster online and 1 Jan March: If there are any conflict, the police must be fully responsible.

According to CHRF's vice- convener Figo Chan during a press conference on Dec 30, the Police Public Relations Branch just contacted him regarding a photoshopped version of CHRF march poster which stated “do not forget about revenge, renovate the city”. They said that if the CHRF does not issue any clarification statement, the representative of the march would face legal consequences. Chan pointed out that the CHRF only formally issues its information on its social media. The police can review the CHRF’s statement themselves and they do not understand what kind of legal consequences the Front would need to worry about. If the police have legal issues with the photoshopped poster, they should conduct their own investigation as opposed to intimidating the organiser.

The CHRF stated that before the police reposted the poster in question, the CHRF did not discover this photoshopped poster on Telegram or any online forum. According to media report, the poster in question was first circulated among the social media group of pro-Beijing supporters. The CHRF questioned the source of the fake poster reposted (by the police).

The message of the photoshopped poster is contrary to the intention of the march organised by the CHRF. It is outrageous to see that the CHRF, as a “victim”, is being threatened by the police. The police should investigate the source of the fake poster, such as looking into pro-Beijing supporters who uploaded this poster, instead of asking CHRF to clarify.

Apart from intimidating the organiser, the police deliberately provoked the citizens at the march on December 8. Their behaviour was extremely unreasonable. At an earlier police press conference, the police admitted (their behaviour) to be “imperfect and there are room for improvement”. Figo Chan hopes the police would exercise restraint on New Year’s Day. If there are any conflict, the police must be fully responsible.

Source: Civil Human Rights Front
#30Dec #PoliceLies #CHRF
“He Seemed Unafraid, So We Ripped His Goggles Off,” Police Defended Act of Pepper-spraying Lawmaker

On #Jan1 after the New Year March, over 400 citizens were arrested. At the intersection between Hennessey Road and Jardine’s Bazaar, Pan-democracy lawmaker Ted Hui was pleading the police to show restraint during their operation when an officer twice ripped his goggles off before pepper-spraying him.

On yesterday's press conference (#Jan2), senior superintendent Kon Wing-Cheung defended the act, saying that Hui had been deliberately provoking the officer and refusing to leave when asked, describing Hui as engaging in “passive resistance”. “We warned him that we would be using pepper spray. Perhaps emboldened by the fact that he was wearing goggles, he seemed unafraid, so we ripped his goggles off to make the dispersion more effective,” he explained the act. “He was unwilling to go, not even listening to our orders.”

Civic Party legislator and barrister Alvin Yeung pointed out that the act might have amounted to an assault.

Source: RTHK, Stand News

Editor's Note:
On New Year Day, the police claimed that they would use force on civilians if the police themselves were frightened. On January 3, police 'explained' that as lawmaker Ted Hui was "unafraid" of the threat posed by the police, the police took away Hui's goggles by force and pepper-sprayed him in the face. The two incidents reveal how the police weaponize fear.

#Jan3 #PoliceLies #PoliceState
#PoliceLies #BudgetPlan
Government's Budget Plan Releases Misleading statistics on Efficiency of Emergency Hotline by the Police

Police received over 24,000 calls from victims and witnesses of the Yuen Long Triad attack at the night of 21 July 2019. Officers took 49 minutes to arrive at the scene but eventually turned away from the assailants without defending the civilians.

The newly released 2020 Budget Plan, however, claimed the response rate for emergency calls (999) from the New Territories reached 97.9%. News outlets like Ming Pao and Stand News as well as lawmaker Chu Hoi-dick all suspected that the calls made by help-seeking civilians on 21 July 2019 were excluded from the report.

Consider that the total number of emergency hotline usage was around 84,000 last year, it was estimated that only 71.5% reached the service standard if those 24,000 calls were counted.

Police did not reply the enquiries on the attainment rate calculation and detailed data.

Source: MingPao; Stand News
More Top Police Officials Found Breaching Property Law

The commandant of the auxiliary police force, Yang Joe-tsi, has allegedly violated property law.

Illegal structure was suspected in Yang's village house in Sai Kung. According to an investigative report by Mingpao, the structure is half the size of the rooftop and covered by solar panels.

Yang, however, is not the only top police official in Hong Kong who might have breached the property law. Police commissioner Chris Tang, Commander Rupert Dover, Chief superintendent David John Jordan and superintendent Vasco Gareth Llewellyn Williams (known for his "yellow object" remark) were discovered to have similar structures and licensing issues at their houses.

In addition, at least four police officers were allegedly connected to a drug slash.

Source: Apple Daily; RTHK #May11
#AsiasFinest #PoliceLies

Further Reading:
Hong Kong police top brass embroiled in property scandals
#AsiasFinest #PoliceState
"It's not stealing if I pay ... after I get caught"

Watch Video:

HK Police responded to an online video showing an officer taking a bottle of water from a convenience store without paying. They clarified that they have then repaid the store for the price of the drink after the incident.

Source: Hong Kong Police #May24
#PoliceState #HongKongPolice #PoliceLies
#AsiasFinest #PoliceState
Who is the lawbreaker?

Young protestors stormed into the Legislative Council last July to show their disappointment towards the deteriorating rule of law in Hong Kong. They insisted leaving money in a small collection basket for drinks taken from the cooler even in an extreme state of fury and fear. They also left behind a hand-written note reinstating that they would not steal like a thief.

However, a riot police who is well trained to enforce the law in Hong Kong, snatched a bottled water from a convenient stall during an operation in public and walked away without paying. Did he not just deliberately break the law?

If the incident was not caught on video and later gone rival on internet, would this police officer take the trouble to go back to the shop and pay?

"It's not stealing if I pay ... after I get caught"

#PoliceState #HongKongPolice #PoliceLies
Gun Versus Camera; Persistence Equals Hope

In response to China's National People's Congress ramming a National Securtiy Law towards Hong Kong, the local population cannot stand just sitting around doing nothing and letting their rights freedom be taken away.

The protest on May 24, 2020 is Hongkongers' reminder for one another: "Only when there is persistence can there be hope; if you give up, who will fight for you?"

Source: Apple Daily #May24
#PoliceState #HongKongPolice #PoliceLies
HK News Channel Forbids Staff From Donning Black

Pro-democracy lawmaker, Lam Cheuk-ting was arrested on August 26, 2020 on suspicion of rioting on 21 July 2019. Lam was known to be a victim among many other civilians that day in the Yuen Long 7.21 mob attack that day.

The public, much astonished, condemned the police for deliberately confounding right and wrong. Netizens called for civilians to “wear black” on August 27 to show their discontent to “police lies”.

Sources revealed that the management of Now TV issued a notice that reminded the news department and particularly reporters and news anchors to avoid donning black.

The reminder claimed that it is a "long standing practice" for reporters and anchors not to show up in front of camera in "any sensitive colors closely associated with social movement" in order to "show their neutral position".

The staff described this reminder from the management as a rare action, reflecting the lack of trust in reporter’s judgement and journalistic professionalism.

Source: Apple Daily #Aug27

#PoliceLie #NowNews #PoliticalOppression #FreedomofPress
#PoliceState #SecretPolice
District Councilor denounces HK Police for providing inconsistent and confusing responses on a case involving police officers

On September 5, 2020, district councillor Lancelot Chan Wing-Tai, of the Eastern District, posted on Facebook two screenshots from a surveillance camera in a resident building.

The photos captured two blue-clad men poising as police officers, demanded to enter a building in Chai Wan.

At the request of the security guard, the two men showed warrants without photo nor ID number. The guard refused to let them into the building and the men left.

When Lancelot Chan raised an inquiry to the police force on this incident, the force replied that they were unable to identify these two men, so the case was listed as a “suspicious person's discovery” and investigation is underway.

In their response to media inquiry on September 6, the police force still described the case as a “suspicious person's discovery” where two men left the scene without providing information as requested by the security guard.

However, just a day later on 7 September, the police force changed their statement in a post on Facebook. The Police Force claimed that these two men belonged to the Criminal Headquarters of Hong Kong Island General District.

In other words, the Force changed their statement by reinstating the police identity of whon they called "police impersonators" just one day ago.

Contrary to the video footage and the Force themselves earlier, the Force now said that the two men "left the building after carrying out an investigation".

The district councillors then asked the police for further clarification as he pointed out the apparent inconsistencies in the police’s responses, the statement provided by the security guard and the video footage.

Source: Stand News #Sept8

#LancelotChan #SurveillanceCamera #Footage #PoliceLies #Trepassing #Impersonator #AsiasFinest
#Court #PoliceLies
Hong Kong Police denies brutal assault of pro-democracy protesters in court hearing despite video evidence

Source: Stand News #Nov1

Read more
#Court #PoliceLies
Hong Kong Police denies brutal assault of pro-democracy protesters in court hearing despite video evidence

Journalist Tam Wai-wan wrote about what she witnessed during the court hearing in Hong Kong:

"…people were shocked by the excessive amount of blood on the forehead of the 6th defendant when videos were shown in the court room.

While the police officer acknowledged that the defendant was bleeding, he claimed that he 'did not know why.'

In the live broadcast footage shown in the court, which captured how the defendant was arrested at the protest scene, it showed 5-6 riot police charging towards the defendant, aggressively hitting him with their batons.

Blatantly making claims contrary to the evidence, the police officer responsible for the arrest claimed that he was not aware of the doings of his colleagues.

When the defending lawyer asked whether he hit the defendant with a baton, causing him to bleed profusely, the officer claimed that he 'only hit his arms'..."

Source: Stand News #Nov1

#PoliceBrutality #PoliceState
Volunteer #FirstAider who attended in #AlexChow’s case criticises the police for being dishonest

Carson Tsang Long-hin, spokesperson of the group #Ideologist, was the volunteer first aider who appeared at the Coroner’s Court as a citizen witness for Alex Chow’s case.

Tsang said he respected the jury’s decision that the cause of death was suspicious, and hoped Hong Kongers would allow time for the Chow’s family to reflect and digest the decision.

Tsang criticised the police for lying at the press conference following Chow’s death that they did not enter the parking lot when Chow fell. The police only admitted doing so when evidence that showed the opposite was found.

Tsang also questioned whether the police have done their best on the investigation as they claimed that no videotape showing Chow’s fall was found. The videotape was later found upon investigation by the Coroner and the Coroner officer.

Source: Cupid News #Jan9

#ChowTszLok #Truth #Jury #PoliceLies