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#Asylum #Refugee
#Germany grants a 3-year refugee status to pro-democracy student protester from Hong Kong

Source: Stand News; Haven Assistance #Oct19

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#Asylum #Refugee
#Germany grants a 3-year refugee status to pro-democracy student protester from Hong Kong

Germany has officially granted a 3-year refugee status for a 22-year-old Hong Kong pro-democracy protester on October 14, 2020.

While the person was the first protester of Hong Kong's anti-extradition law movement to receive asylum in Germany, the country had received two Hong Kong activists, Ray Wong Toi-Yeung and Alan Li Tung-Sing, of #HongKongIndigenous.

This student of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) who was charged with riotting, fled Hong Kong last November.

In Germany, she had faced many hardships during the asylum application process. She had lived in refugee camps for nearly 11 months. During the time, she was hospitalised due to emotional issues and sexually assaulted by a refugee camp staff.

She expressed her gratitude towards the German government and hoped that the authorities could "consider simplifying the asylum application process for Hong Kong protesters, such as allowing them to choose freely their place of residence while waiting for the decision". She believed this would bring "great convenience and support" to the pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong.

[Editor's note: "Haven Assistance" is a group founded by four Hong Kong pro-democracy activists in exile, namely Ray Wong in Germany, Simon Cheng in the UK, Lam Wing-kee in Taiwan and Leung Gai-ping in the US.]

Source: Stand News; Haven Assistance #Oct19


#Solidarity #GlobalSupport
Belarus protesters WaveLiberate Hong Kong” Flag and Chant “Free Hong Kong” Slogan

In Belarus, protesters waved the Hong Kong protest flag which reads “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times” and chanted slogans like “Free Hong Kong”.

One of the protesters said she took part in one of the pro-democracy rallies in Hong Kong during the Anti-Extraditional Law Movement in 2019. It was when she kept the flag.

She brought the flag to the rally in Belarus in a hope to find resonance among these two places, both suffering from #authoritarian oppression.

Source: DB Channel #Oct19

#Court #WhiteTerror #FreeSpeech
First Conviction Based on "Online Comments" in Hong Kong Protests, Jugde Insists Message Leads to "Violent Actions"

Source: InMedia #Oct19

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#Court #WhiteTerror #FreeSpeech
First Conviction Based on "Online Comments" in Hong Kong Protests, Jugde Insists Message Leads to "Violent Actions"

A 38-year old construction worker, with the online alias “Kim Jong Un”, were charged with inciting others to take part in unlawful assembly. He was convicted on October 19, 2020.

The man had posted 4 comments in a public group on Facebook in 2019, expressing that “everyone besieges San Uk Ling” and that “rescuing the righteous ones is the most important”. The San Uk Ling Reception Center that is located near the Hong Kong-China border is known to be a site where police tortured pro-democracy protesters by means of physical, verbal and sexual violations.

The judge claimed it was "obvious" that the defendant tried to mobilise more than a few dozen citizens, as he used the word “everyone”. The Judge said the action of “besieging San Uk Ling” would not result in the release of the arrestees and the participants of assembly would probably "perform other acts", which "must involve violence". Based on these beliefs, the judge ruled that the the defendant is guilty.

The defendant was remanded in custody before a sentence will be announced on November 3, 2020.

This is the first conviction based on online comments in a Hong Kong's court since the 2019 Anti-Extradition Law Movement.

Source: InMedia #Oct19

#SanUkLing #OnlineComments
Medical Association in HK Cautions Police Involvement in Mandatory COVID19 Test Enforcement

Earlier, the Hong Kong Government briefly mentioned its intension to request high-risk population to undergo “mandatory COVID-19 test” in order to gauge public response.

Meanwhile, Professor of #HKU Microbiology Department Yuen Kwok-yung proposed that persons with onset of mild symptoms should also undergo “mandatory COVID-19 test”.

President of the HK's Medical Association, Choi Kin revealed that he was invited by the Food and Health Bureau to discuss the “mandatory COVID-19 test” enforcement. Choi reiterated his reservation, as seeking police involvement in medical cases could be detrimental to doctor-and-patient relationship and that could even lead to patients' refusal to pursue medical attention.

Source: Stand News #Oct19

#PoliceState #WuhanPneumonia
#ChoiKin #MedicalAssociation
Dissertation from New Zealand Scholar, Revealing the Access of China to Sensitive Technology, Suppressed by Institution Along with an Investigation

Source: Apple Daily #Oct19

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Dissertation from New Zealand Scholar, Revealing the Access of China to Sensitive Technology, Suppressed by Institution Along with an Investigation

A New Zealand academic, who studies China issues, published a paper earlier, exposing China's infiltration and the use of New Zealand academic institutions to gain access to sensitive military technology. However, she is suppressed by the university where she teaches, prompting concern in Australia that China is threatening international academic freedom.

Anne-Marie Brady, a professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Canterbury, and a researcher at the Wilson Center, a think tank in Washington, first published in July this year in the academic journal Australian Foreign Affairs entitled, "What the Party Believes - Chinese Spy Tactics, and How to Resist". Then, she published another joint research report entitled "Holding a Pen in One Hand, Gripping a Gun in the Other".

Both papers mentioned, some Chinese companies and universities used their relationships with New Zealand academic institutions to steal sensitive technology that could use in the development of military technology. Both papers pointed out that the Chinese Communist Party used the merging of military and private institutions to expand the defense industry sector and enable technological advances.

Nevertheless, after the publication of the article, she was under suppression with a university internal investigation. Ian Wright, the vice-chancellor of the University of Canterbury, said the papers contained "wrong factual information and misleading inferences", and that the Wilson Centre had submitted the articles to the New Zealand parliament.

The attorney of Brady, Stephen Franks, bluntly dismissed the incident as absurd, and the university had even decided to refer Brady for disciplinary investigation because they did not like the results of her research. He added, “We are concerned that Brady may lose his teaching position.” Richard McGregor, a senior fellow at the Lowy Institute, also supported her, believing Brady "is a fearless and independent scholar on Chinese-related topics", resulting in "inevitably expose some unpalatable truths".

Source: Apple Daily #Oct19

#NewZealand #China #Australia #CanterburyUni #AnneMarieBrady #AcademicFreedom #CCP #SensativeTechnology #ChinaPoliticalInfluence
Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Chinese personnel ran into Fiji based Taiwan’s representative office during the Double Ten Cocktail Party to beat people. The Chinese Communist Party denied the event had occured.
Source: Standnews #Oct19

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Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Chinese personnel ran into Fiji based Taiwan’s representative office during the Double Ten Cocktail Party to beat people. The Chinese Communist Party denied the event had occured.
According to the report, a representative of Taiwan held a National Day reception in a Fiji hotel before the “10th October National Day”. During the period, two Chinese diplomats were suspected of harassing and injuring a Taiwanese staff member. It was believed that due to diplomatic immunity, no one was arrested. Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed the suspected violation of the rule of law, and warned personnel stationed abroad of China’s increasingly aggressive “Wolf Diplomacy”. 
In the Central News Agency and Asia Pacific Report it was reported that Taiwan’s representative office in Fiji held a National Day reception at a hotel on the 8th October. During that day, two Chinese personnel broke in and took photos. According to the report, at that time, Taiwanese representative asked them to leave but were unsuccessful, and were beaten by Chinese personnel. The Taiwanese staff members were required to seek medical inspection. Fiji police were also present, but the Chinese personnel claimed they have diplomatic immunity, so the police were unable to follow up.  
In response to media enquiries, Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Joanne Ou said that the staff in the station suffered head injuries, but when the Chinese personnel had been taken out from the hotel, they stated that they had been attacked by the Taiwanese personnel. Ou stated that he had immediately followed up on the injured stationed staff member and expressed his objection towards the Fiji Ministry of Foreign Affairs handling of the situation. Ou also pointed out that considering the “repeated provocative war wolf diplomacy” practice of Chinese personnel stationed abroad, has asked the station to keep in touch with the Fiji police.  
Source from: Standnews #Oct19
#China #Taiwan #wolfdiplomacy #nationalday #Fiji #internationaldiplomacy #CentralNewsAgency #AsiaPacificReport #JoanneOu