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#Interview #LiYi #LeeYee

83-year-old Li Yi: I don’t have long to live, but I believe Hong Kong young people have wisdom beyond imagination 5/6

▶️ Part 4

Was the police like this before?

"The police used to be..hmm...Since the establishment of the ICAC, the image of the police had really changed. I really don’t know what happened lately. I can’t say that there aren’t any good people at all. 5-6 years ago, I once left a bag on a taxi. There were thousands of dollars in the bag. I went home, and my domestic helper told me that the police made a call and said the driver brought my wallet to the police. I thanked the driver and I went to the Central Police Station. The police took my things out and counted them for me. They were very professional and humane. I was very impressed. For example, they said, ‘don’t count the banknotes in the public as others will see them.’ Then, they gave me a room to spread the bills open and count one by one, so I could check if everything was there. The things were done in a very orderly way, they were doing their job to helped me ... there will always be good ones left, but now there is a grouping effect, and good things will disappear. When everyone is together, they influence each other. If you don't follow the others, you look bad in the group. It seems that in Chris Tang Ping-keung’s dinner earlier, if you didn’t sing and laugh along, you were the odd one. In fact, not everyone necessarily wants to participate. This is the case. Due to such effect It's hard to say if there is any good person. This may be the biggest tragedy of Hong Kong. It is because police officers are public servants whom everyone has the most contact with. When there is an incident, such as domestic violence, you call the police. Police is important for the society to run. Now the police is behaving in such way, this really brings a lot of damages (to the society). "

//we must adhere to our original values, to fight continuously, in various forms, on various fronts.

//only a small group of Hong Kong people are infected. It is out of everyone’s expectation. The self-protection awareness of Hong Kong people is hardly seen in the rest of the world. Everyone is wearing a mask now.

//Hong Kong has its own quality.

//Hong Kong is the most civilised place in the world. The quality of Hong Kong people is also the best in the world, be it about the communication with foreigners, the integration with the world, and people’s kindness to others.

//our international contacts and mobility are beyond everyone ’s imagination.

//It’s not that Chinese don’t speak good English, but they don’t speak like us.

//How can you be ‘Chinese’? How can we be ‘Chinese’? We just need to be ourselves, we just need to be a human being and then that will be good enough"

Continue reading:

To be continued

Source: Stand News, (25-Feb)

#AnsonChan #DeniseHo #JoshuaWong #BrianLeung #Taiwan #1997Handover #CivilServants #Masks #LowestBidWin #FreeWill #HKPF #FailedState #SelfHelp
Eight Hong Kong Exiled Activists Launched the "2021 Hong Kong Charter" to prevent the Hong Kong protest bubble.

On 14 March, 2021, diasporic Hong Kong activists, including Nathan Law Kwun-Chung, Ted Hui Chi-Fung and Brian Leung Kai-ping, issued the "2021 Hong Kong Charter", suggesting the protest direction for overseas Hong Kongers.

The Charter initiators stated at their press conference about the probability of the Hong Kong overseas protest bubble. Thus, they would like to unite Hong Kongers through this Charter.

In the press conference, Brian Leung said that Hong Kongers continued uttering to the world since 2019, but Hong Kongers can no longer speak freely. They should connect global protesters networks, understand local people's lives and find out channels to continue communicating with the world. The Charter includes the belief of Hong Kongers overseas and advocating the protest direction at different levels which were divided into three parts, Hong Kong, China and International.

The "2021 Hong Kong Charter" is led by Nathan Law Kwun-Chung, Sunny Cheung Kwan-yang, Ted Hui Chi-Fung, Brian Leung Kai-Ping, Glacier Kwong Chung-Ching, Ray Wong Toi-Yeung and Baggio Leung Chung-Hang.

The Charter states that Hong Kongers have started fighting for a democratic system since the 1980s. Nevertheless, the Chinese Communist Party (#CCP) nature, a one-party system, remains unchanged. After breaching Sino-British Joint Declaration repeatedly, one-country-two-systems were declared to be dead. This Charter aims to unite overseas Hong Kongers and cohere their power at the international level to prepare for the protest.

In the press conference, Sunny Cheung mentioned that many different democracy movements had initiated Charters in the past, such as Nobel Peace Prize Liu Xiaobo launched "Charter 08". So, He would record Hong Kongers' voices through this Charter.

Source: Stand News #Mar15


#ExiledHongKongers #NathanLaw #TedHui #SunnyCheung #GlacierKwong #BrianLeung #RayWong #BaggioLeung #Charter #2021HKCharter #Charter08