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#OpinionArticle #LettersToEditor

Rule of Law in Hong Kong

Discussing the effectiveness of the rule of law in Hong Kong is a getting controversial. The newly released Rule of Law Index 2020 by World Justice Project has ranked the city 16th, globally. It is worth noting that the data used in the report is from 2017, two years before the anti-ELAB protests in 2019.

Clearly, the HKSAR government did not read the report fully. If we look at the index within the context of the current state here in Hong Kong, you would find all this rather ironic. In less than one year, the authority has managed to eradicate the common civilian's trust towards the judiciary system. This was the system which was once the pride and joy of Hong Kong.

The lack of balance between various governing authorities, selective law enforcement and prosecution, as well as what many would consider less-than-fair judgments in the past 9 months have completely shaken up the city's judiciary system. Looking at the law enforcement entities, specifically the police force, none of them are actually subject to checks and monitoring under the city's judiciary system.

To say the system is “dead”, we also need to look into the prosecution procedures. We believe that some prosecutors and judges have acted in ways which contributed to the systematic violence. Prosecutors and judges are made up of officials entitled by the central authorities. There had been widespread media coverage on how many have turned a blind eye to crimes committed by government supporters, when the case was actually heard in court. Many prosecutors have also been quoted, verbatim, of speaking in ways which voiced their disdain for the protestors. Should the ruling party of China fully take control of the courts, it is hard to fathom that in the future justice can be fully upheld.

Rule of law is the basis to any modern society. When that law is no longer trusted by its people, it would become a powerful tool for the suppressors. Police, prosecutors and judges would ultimately contribute to a system which is intrinsically unjust to dissidents.

#RuleOfLaw #antiELAB
#StateViolence #PoliceState
Hong Kong Government Suspected of Targeting Pro-Democracy 'Yellow' Business in light of Anti-Epidemic Order

As the second wave of Wuhan pneumonia outbreak hits Hong Kong, the government has recently rolled out more anti-epidemic measures. Apart from restricting public gathering to less than four people, the authorities require a 1.5 m distance between tables in restaurants.

The Food and Environment Hygiene Department (FEHD) reportedly targets pro-democracy 'yellow' shops by carrying out repeated inspections in relatively short period of time. On April 3, the FEHD inspected Cafe de Jar Gor, a protest-friendly restaurant in Kowloon Bay, followed by another police visit on April 5. The police claimed that they had received a complaint about the shop.

Source: Stand News #Apr5
A famous Japanese comedian, Ken Shimura, died of Wuhan Pneumonia at the age of 70. After the news was published, a lot of hate speech targeting China was found on the internet, including "He is killed by the Chinese," and "Never forgive."

Ken's brother expressed that the last day they met was 25 February when they celebrated Ken's 70th birthday. However, after Ken was hospitalized upon confirmed Wuhan Pneumonia diagnosis, they never had the chance to meet again.

Source: Cup

#Coronavirus #Death #Japanese #KenShimura
#Rebelpepper RFA column

United Nations recently announced that Tencent would provide a video conference and communication platform for the UN. In my opinion, Tencent is an unreliable company. The police previously tried to arrest me via monitoring my QQ chat records. My work is banned on Wechat, and many netizens’ accounts got deleted, some were detained and arrested, all because the police are directly monitoring Wechat messages. The UN isn’t aware that everything will be exposed to China. 

Source: Rfa #Apr1

#WeChat #Surveillance #CCP #Tencent #UN

COVID-19 Undermines China’s Run As The World’s Factory, But Beijing Has A Plan

// Over the past few decades the cost of production in China were so low that the occasional economic hiccup was merely the cost of doing business. Today, it’s enough to tip the scales.

//China has rapidly undergone a fundamental socio-economic transition, jumping from primarily being an export nation—a.k.a. the World’s Factory—to being a consumption, service driven economy.

//they devised a way to keep them firmly tethered to the motherland by creating a globe-spanning network of China-driven economic corridors, logistics zones, industrial parks and financial centers... the network was given a name in 2013: the Belt and Road (BRI).

//on closer inspection we see an array of China-driven ports and logistics zones that are almost invariably connected with new manufacturing zones that are slated to be filled with Chinese companies.

//It is not only international firms that are scaling back or leaving China in droves, but Chinese companies as well. They are not immune to the rising costs of production, stricter environmental regulations, and the added costs and uncertainty of trade war.

//The object is to stock these zones with Chinese manufacturers who can not only better access the markets they’re in and the U.S. and EU but also to ship cheaper produced goods and resources back home to China.

//The end of China’s role as the world’s factory is approaching, but this is what the Belt and Road was built for.

Source: Forbes, (26-Mar)

#OneBeltOneRoad #China #Economy #WorldsFactory #Coronavirus

Coronavirus Could Be The End Of China As A Global Manufacturing Hub

//If Trump wins re-election, it will only speed up this process as companies will fear what happens if the phase two trade deal fails.

// No country has the logistic set up like China has. Few big countries have the tax rates that China has.

//Mexico is the biggest beneficiary.Yes. It is Mexico’s turn.

//Trump would like to see that too, especially if it means less Central Americans coming into the U.S. and depressing wages for American blue collar workers.

//Respondents from the manufacturing, automotive and technology sectors said they intended to move business to Mexico from other countries – and they plan on doing so within the next one to five years.

//The phase one China trade deal is a positive, but the coronavirus - while likely temporary — shows how an over-reliance on China is bad for business.

//Mexico is the best positioned to take advantage of the long term geopolitical rift between the U.S. and China. It is the only low cost border country with a free trade deal with the United States

//Shipping a container from Mexico to New York takes five days. It takes 40 days from Shanghai.

//The trade war is yet to be decided, but the damage that has already been done will not be undone. Room for a new key commercial ally is open.

//Safety remains a top issue for foreign businesses in Mexico who have to worry about kidnappings, drug cartels, and personal protection rackets.

//If Mexico was half as safe as China, it would be a boon for the economy. If it was as safe, Mexico would be the best country in Latin America..

Source: Forbes #Mar1

#China #US #Mexico #Economy #GlobalManufacturingHub
#WuhanPneumonia #ThirdWave #CoronavirusPandemic
‘Third Wave Of Infections Will Come From China’, Hong Kong Microbiologist Says Medical Staff Might Need to Reuse Disinfected N95 Masks

University of Hong Kong microbiologist Dr. Yuen Kwok-yung warned that China is facing another wave of infections that could eventually bring a ‘third wave’ of cases to Hong Kong.

Yuen mentioned that it will likely be caused by China going back to work en masse and the recent return of overseas Chinese from virus hotspots like the United States or Europe.

“This kind of cycle will continue on and on until we have an effective vaccine, or we acquire herd immunity, where about 60-80 percent of people are immune to Covid-19.”

Yuen states that he is not optimistic about the epidemic in Hong Kong at this stage, and medical staff might need to be prepared to reuse disinfected N95 masks, similar to what had been in during SARS in 2003.

Source: Commercial Radio 881903; RTHK

#Apr5 #YuenKwokYun #HongKongMedics #FaceMasks
#DailyUpdate #Apr7 #COVID19

COVID-19 Updates (7/4)

At the time of writing, 1,365,065 cases of the coronavirus had been confirmed in 209 countries and territories with 76,489 reported deaths. The US, Spain, Italy, Germany, and France continue to be the worst affected countries by the pandemic.

France has overtaken China as the fifth most reported cases of the virus with 98,010 cases.

France has not yet reached the peak and things will get worse, warns health minister.

Spain coronavirus case and death rate increases again.

Deaths will keep rising in Germany because of outbreaks in care homes, officials warn.

Iran has been seeing a “flattening off” of the number of new coronavirus cases, the WHO East Mediterranean Regional Office (EMRO) said in a press conference on Tuesday.

South Korea records fewer than 50 new cases for a second day in a row.

For the first time since January, China has reported no new coronavirus deaths.

US Vice President Mike Pence will brief Congress on coronavirus this week.

British Queen Elizabeth II sends well wishes to Boris Johnson and his family.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is in stable condition and good spirits.

A crew member of USNS Comfort tests positive for coronavirus.

94 doctors and 26 nurses in Italy have died of coronavirus.

UK Cabinet minister Gove 'isolating' because of family member with symptoms.

El Salvador is extending its nation-wide quarantine another 15 days.

Colombia extends isolation order until April 26.

Japan has officially declared a state of emergency.

Paris announces daytime ban on outdoor exercise.

The Italian mafia is taking advantage of the coronavirus lockdown, police warn.

Chile mandates face masks on public and private transportation.

Miami Beach requires workers and customers to wear face masks.

Honduras makes it mandatory to wear face masks in public.

Frontline doctors are being attacked in India due to fears they may be infected.

Toyota will start producing 3D-printed face shields.

India relaxes export ban on malaria drug Trump has been pushing as possible COVID-19 therapy.

Venezuelan refugees are returning home amid the coronavirus pandemic.

New Zealand's health minister has been demoted after breaking lockdown rules to go to the beach.

2 Native American reservations in the US are imposing curfews due to the coronavirus.

US state of Colorado extends "stay at home" order for another two weeks.

Source: CNN, Worldometer
#WuhanPneumonia #Lockdown
Chinese Government Lifts Travel Ban in Wuhan, Will it Induce Another Contamination Wave?

As of April 8, 2020, at least 1.41 million people around the world have been infected with the new coronavirus in the global pandemic that began in China.

At midnight on April 8, the Chinese Communist Party government lifted the 76-day lockdown order in Wuhan, the origin of the coronavirus. Over 55,000 people are expected to leave the city by train on the first day, of which 20,000 will probably head south.

In the early morning of April 8, thousands of people have already flocked to the station while vehicles also queued up to leave Wuhan.

Source: RTHK; Apple News #Apr8

Further reading:
Announces Zero New Cases in Hubei but Bans Hubei People Going to Beijing
#Homeless #CoronavirusPandemic

// …除了狂風暴雨下我可以暫避棲身、除了炎夏寒冬時我可以乘涼取暖、除了我可以吃渴食客有意無意遺下的來解決三餐温飽、除了我可以安心寫意地大小二便梳洗抹身、除了我可以避免蚊叮蟲咬蟑螂入口、除了我可以不需提心吊膽遭人翻箱倒籠、除了我可以不用露宿街頭卧雪眠霜、除了我可以不必被人謾罵咒詛或是可憐施捨…

然後,我每晚都留在這裡… //

I owe yesterday’s McDonald’s a “thank you”

"A place where I can hide from the wild winds and heavy rain; where I can take a break from the scorching heat in the summer and the bitter cold in the winter. A place where I can eat and drink whatever someone leaves behind, whether intentionally or by chance. A place where I can groom myself; where I can avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes and cockroaches; where I don’t have to worry about someone turning my nest upside down. So that I do not have to sleep on the streets, and worry about being cursed or pitied.

Then, I started staying here every night..."

Source: Stand News #Apr1

Continue Reading
#Homeless #CoronavirusPandemic
I owe yesterday’s McDonald’s a “thank you”

Let’s say you no longer have a companion, a friend, a relative or even a passerby to talk to all day, all month, may be even all year long. Whether it be yesterday, today or tomorrow, you no longer have to worry about it or have any anticipations or differentiate between those days. Day in, day out, month after month and year after year… Or if every moment, every second, every move you make no longer matters because there are no goals or meaning in life. Perhaps there is no longer any value to your existence or even any reason to cherish. If your happiness, sadness, anger, worry, thoughts, ideas, hate and love all turn into empty illusions and shadows that cannot touch anyone.

One day, I arrived at this place.

A place where I can hide from the wild winds and heavy rain; where I can take a break from the scorching heat in the summer and the bitter cold in the winter. A place where I can eat and drink whatever someone leaves behind, whether intentionally or by chance. A place where I can groom myself; where I can avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes and cockroaches; where I don’t have to worry about someone turning my nest upside down. So that I do not have to sleep on the streets, and worry about being cursed or pitied.

Then, I started staying here every night.

I hear the sounds of children and imagine having my own children and grandchildren. From these students’ playfulness, I can get a taste of happiness. I see a couple flirting with each other, and I can feel the romance. I even get to embrace life through a married couple’s arguments. Seeing the elderly and their hesitation, I can see what will happen to me next. From the familiar smells, I can even feel as though I have a home.

I never thought I would lose this place.

Carrying a phone that does not allow me internet access, pushing a cart full of belongings, I trudge across the slippery road in the darkness and the rain. Trying to find a corner on the streets where I can stay. I don’t have the capacity to understand this epidemic; or worry about whether I have enough masks or hand sanitizer. How will I know what tomorrow has in store for me? I do not need passersby or volunteers to show their insincere charity. I only have the strength to care for myself tonight.

Then I realize… I owe this place. Compared to the society in front of my eyes today, I feel like I owe yesterday’s McDonald’s a “thank you”!

Source : Stand News #Apr1
#subaltern #McDonalds
Police’s double standard in enforcing the requirement on separation of dining tables in restaurants
Governments Around the World Cut Salary during the Coronavirus Pandemic, But Not For Carrie Lam

Malaysia – 2 Months Pay Cut on All Cabinet Members
Singapore – 3 Months Pay Cut on All Cabinet Members
South Korea – 30% Pay Cut on All Ministers and Vice-Ministers
Kenya - 80% pay cut on Chief Executive Officer
Hong Kong - Chief Executive planning a $120,000 increase on her salary

In the face of the pandemic, many governments around the globe have decided to reduce salaries on officials so that the amount saved can be used to fight COVID-19.

However, in the latest Budget released in Hong Kong, the Chief Executive was preparing to increase her annual salary by $120,000 from 5.09 million to 5.21 million.

Source: 100Most

China uses "Hong Kong" as white gloves

In a press conference held on 7 April 2020, a reporter kept on asking U.S. President Trump whether the U.S. will stop 'attacking' China with the medical supply sent from China to the U.S.

Trump then asked for the reporter's affiliation.

Trump: Who're you working for? China?
Reporter: No , I'm working for HK
Trump Who're you with?
Reporter: Hong Kong Phoenix TV
Trump: Who was that? China? It’s owned by China?
Reporter: It's based in Hong Kong.

Phoenix TV practically has a very low coverage and nearly no rating in Hong Kong. With its headquarters in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, Phoenix TV was founded by Liu Changle, a veteran journalist who worked for China's state-owned media and has very close relationship with the Communist Party of China. Liu is still heading the TV station.

Not only that the biased question raised by the Phoenix TV reporter discloses the broadcaster's editorial stance, but the reporter's obscure answer to the background of Phoenix TV also reveals the convenient shield China manpulates.

Rather than just hearing out a China-funded media's rare statement that separates 'Hong Kong' from China, the incident exemplifies how China uses "Hong Kong" as white gloves at its convenience.

Source: Internet

#ChinesePropaganda #PhoenixTV #Trump #HongKong #WhiteGloves
Study on face masks and their use against transmission of coronavirus

There has been an ongoing dispute over whether the public should wear face masks to protect against COVID-19 transmission. The uncertainty was manifested by conflicting advice from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and experts globally over wearing masks.

Very little is known about the efficacy of surgical face masks against COVID-19 transmission. Currently, most studies on surgical masks measure the efficacy of virus filtering of non-biological particles. Moreover, they focus mainly on influenza virus instead of coronavirus.

Such shortcomings were addressed in a recent publication in Nature Magazine, where researchers from the University of Hong Kong measured the efficacy of surgical face masks against the transmission of seasonal coronavirus, influenza virus and rhinoviruses. All measurements were taken from respiratory droplets and aerosols of symptomatic patients.

The results showed surgical face masks reduced the transmission of coronavirus and influenza virus. In particular, the study detected a reduction of coronavirus RNA from patients' respiratory droplets and aerosols. While the study focused on coronavirus strains other than COVID-19, the results suggested the potential of face masks at reducing COVID-19 transmission.

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0843-2

#Masks #HKU
Face Masks : Asia may have been right all along

Government officials were asking the public not to wear masks. However, they are not that sure if that was all correct right now. Countries like Austria have started to make masks compulsory in public area.

The CDC, and the WHO claimed that masks do not offer protection in ordinary circumstances, while stating that they are necessary for health workers and caregivers. This conflicting advice helped create confusion and the advice may have actually helped spread the virus, thus adding to the number of patients, overwhelming hospitals globally.

An expert from UC Berkeley noted that despite hearing that face masks ‘don’t work,’ there is no strong evidence to support that claim.

In fact, evidence of the exact opposite is present: that masks help prevent viral infections like the current pandemic. The fact that the virus can spread through asymptomatic patients further warrants wearing a mask. Be it a homemade one or a medical-grade respirator, wearing one will not hurt you, and thus will most likely reduce your exposure to the virus.

Taiwan has made measures to ensure that everyone has a mask. They have also adopted stricter measures in containing the virus well ahead of all other countries. Due to these actions, they have seen great success in preventing major outbreaks.

Similarly, in Hong Kong, wearing a mask is probably the most important thing in terms of infection control.

In late January, when the outbreak got serious in China, people were queuing for masks in Hong Kong. You can see almost everybody in Hong Kong wearing a mask, despite the government discouraging citizens from wearing it.

Based on the statistics from studies done in Hong Kong, wearing a mask not only prevents the spread of the #coronavirus, but it also curbs the spread of influenza.

#Coronavirus #WearMask #WuHanFlu
#WuhanPneumonia #WearingMasks

Original article:
Further reading :
Austria makes masks compulsory as protection debate shifts
#WuhanPneumonia #CoronavirusPandemic
Swedish Newspaper Condemns China’s misinformation and manipulation of data, calling the pandemic a “Jin-ping Coronavirus”

On March 30, Swedish newspaper Dagens Industri published an article written by independent journalist Johan Nylander. The article discusses that the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping should be held responsible for the global coronavirus pandemic, as the Chinese government manipulated data and disseminated misinformation about the “origin of the virus”.

The article was published with an image where Xi’s face was overlaid onto a Coronavirus cell, referring it to the “Jin-ping Coronavirus”.

In response, the Chinese Embassy in Sweden criticized the Swedish media and the author for "despising science".

Source: RFI #Apr4
#Disappearance #CensorshipKills
At Least Three Citizen Journalists and One Photographer Gone Missing in China During Coronavirus Pandemic

Three Chinese citizen journalists and one German television photographer have gone missing in recent months. They are presumed to have been detained by Chinese authorities after posting videos on social media documenting the reality of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

The three Chinese journalists include Li Zehua who was previously a news anchor for China’s most important and prominent state TV station, CCTV. The other two journalists are Wuhan Citizen Fang Bin and Citizen Journalist Chen Qiushi. The most recent missing photographer to suffer this fate was hired externally by the German public-service television broadcaster ZDF.

Source: National Review; Stand News #Apr5

#MissingJournalists #ChinesePneumonia #Missing #PressFreedom #CCP

China’s coronavirus conspiracy: Wuhan residents tell of chilling death toll clue

//“It can’t be right ... because the incinerators have been working round the clock, so how can so few people have died?”

//Some people estimate 46,800 COVID-19 victims will have been cremated, based on the capacity of the funeral homes.

//“The official number of deaths was 2,500 people ... but before the epidemic began, the city’s crematoriums typically cremated around 220 people a day,” Aizhen said.

//Residents say city officials have been buying their silence with 3,000 yuan ($685) cash handouts in “funeral allowances” to make sure cremations are completed by the grave-tending festival of Qing Ming on April 5.

//“It’s to stop them keening [a traditional expression of grief]; nobody’s allowed to keen after Qing Ming has passed,” Wuhan local Chen Yaohui said.

Source: 7News AU, (30-Mar)
⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️Watch video

Further reading:
Number of Urns may disclose the number of Deaths died of COVID-19 in Wuhan

#Urns #Deaths #Wuhan #Hubei #ImportedCases #Coronavirus

China hid extent of coronavirus outbreak, US intelligence reportedly says

//The Chinese government has deliberately underreported the total number of coronavirus cases and deaths in the country, the U.S. intelligence community told the White House

//China’s public tally of COVID-19 infections and deaths is purposefully incomplete.

//The secret report concludes that China’s numbers are fake, two of the officials said, Bloomberg reported

Source: CNBC, (1-Apr)

Further reading:
China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says

#Coronavirus #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #Deaths