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#DailyUpdate #Apr5 #COVID19

COVID-19 Updates (5/4)

At the time of writing, 1,224,935 cases of the coronavirus had been confirmed 205 countries and territories with 66,502 deaths. The US, Spain, Italy, and Germany are the worst affected countries by this pandemic.

China reports 30 new cases according to the authority.

208 countries and territories are affected by the coronavirus; only 17 countries in the world have yet to report COVID-19 cases.

South Sudan and Saint Pierre Miquelon reported their first case of coronavirus.

The number of cases in the US have surpassed 300,000.

28 new cases of the virus have been reported in Hong Kong, bringing the total to 890 cases.

In Hong Kong, 122 police officers have been sent to quarantine camps due to them being in close contact with 2 infected sergeants.

Isolation wards in Hong Kong are almost saturated.

Tourist attractions in China have reopened, tourists swarmed in, some did not wear face masks.

The US has banned the export of N95 masks to Canada.

American President Donald Trump expects there would be large number of death cases in the coming week.

Ford and General Motors are producing respirators; however they may not meet the needs in the epidemic peak period.

More than 100 cases have been reported in Tokyo, Japan. It is believed the cases are related to people viewing sakura outdoors.

UK has constructed a field hospital – Nightingale hospital in 10 days to provide 4000 beds for coronavirus patients.

Queen Elizabeth II is giving a speech on television at 3am 6th Apr HKT.

Carrie Symonds, who is the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s girlfriend, has shown pneumonia symptoms.

Italy is planning to determine the availability for work using a standard of antibody presence.

Source: Worldometer, Now News, CCTV, Haaretz
#AntiEpidemic #HumanRights #DomesticHelpers
Domestic Helpers Concern Groups Criticize Hong Kong Government for Neglecting Domestic Workers' Rights in Coronavirus Preventive Regulations

"...Tong Hiu-yan, Director of Community Relations at the Foreign Labor Works Centre criticised the government's Labor Departments for not providing enough guidelines for both employers and domestic helpers.

Besides, the Department had no practical measures to protect the rights and interests of the domestics helpers and was unwilling to handle requests of domestic helpers..."

Source: InMedia #Apr5

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#AntiEpidemic #HumanRights #DomesticHelpers
Domestic Helpers Concern Groups Criticize Hong Kong Government for Neglecting Domestic Workers' Rights in Coronavirus Preventive Regulations

Since March 29 2020, the HKSAR government has prohibited gatherings of more than 4 people in public place and required a social distance of no less than 1.5 meter. The new rule will last for 14 days.

During the coronavirus outbreak, the footbridges in Mong Kok, where domestic helpers spent their day off, has become fairly empty. On 5 April 2020, concern groups including the Foreign Labour Centre, the Asian Migrants' Union and the chairman of Labour Party Kwok Wing-ken distributed hand sanitizers, masks, takeaway menus and Coronavirus prevention leaflets to the foreign helpers on the footbridge.

Eni Lestari, Chairperson of Asian Migrants' Union said, “It is the Government's responsibility to step up epidemic prevention publicity for foreign domestic helpers,” stressing that "protection of domestic helpers is also for the protection of employer's family".

Tong Hiu-yan, Director of Community Relations at the Foreign Labor Works Centre, said they have received many requests for help from domestic helpers. Most of the workers live with the employers and most of them do not have their own rooms. In other words, they would be asked to work and unable to take proper rest, when staying at thr employer's home on holidays.

Tong criticised the government's Labor Departments for not providing enough guidelines for both employers and domestic helpers. Besides, the Department had no practical measures to protect the rights and interests of the domestic helpers and was unwilling to handle requests of domestic helpers.

Source : InMedia HK #Apr5
Image: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/19307
#ChinesePneumonia #GlobalOutbreak #MigrantWorkers
#FailedState #Taxpayers #FaceMasks
Where are the 13-million masks produced on public fund?: Hong Kong Government Refuses to Answer

In mid-February, “Hong Kong Connection”, an investigative programme of RTHK, conducted a study to find out how the Hong Kong government uses the prisoner-made "CSI" masks.

RTHK invoked the “Code on Access to Information” and requested the Logistics Services Department to disclose the number of CSI masks and protective robes the government procured from the Correctional Services Department between 2017 and 2019, as well as the amount allocated to other departments.

On April 1, 2020, the Logistics Services Department responded but refused to disclose informatio “as not to undermine the bargaining power in purchasing protective gear amidst fierce competition”. The department emphasized that the Government has been making every effort to procure anti-epidemic materials.

In mid-February, the Financial Services and Treasury Bureau had revealed that the Logistics Department had purchased an average of 1.1 million masks per month from the Correctional Services Department in 2019. Earlier on, the Correctional Services Department said that in 2019, social welfare agencies, schools and other non-governmental organizations had purchased about 120,000 masks from them.

Reported widely in media was how the government-owned CSI masks were available for sale. Many have been questioning whether the filter masks have been mis-distributed for reselling purpose.

Apparently, the Government is evading to fully disclose the allocation and whereabouts of about 13 million CSI masks produced every year.

Source: 'Hong Kong Connection' RTHK

#Apr5 #CSI #HongKongGovernment
#StateViolence #PoliceState
Hong Kong Government Suspected of Targeting Pro-Democracy 'Yellow' Business in light of Anti-Epidemic Order

As the second wave of Wuhan pneumonia outbreak hits Hong Kong, the government has recently rolled out more anti-epidemic measures. Apart from restricting public gathering to less than four people, the authorities require a 1.5 m distance between tables in restaurants.

The Food and Environment Hygiene Department (FEHD) reportedly targets pro-democracy 'yellow' shops by carrying out repeated inspections in relatively short period of time. On April 3, the FEHD inspected Cafe de Jar Gor, a protest-friendly restaurant in Kowloon Bay, followed by another police visit on April 5. The police claimed that they had received a complaint about the shop.

Source: Stand News #Apr5
#WuhanPneumonia #ThirdWave #CoronavirusPandemic
‘Third Wave Of Infections Will Come From China’, Hong Kong Microbiologist Says Medical Staff Might Need to Reuse Disinfected N95 Masks

University of Hong Kong microbiologist Dr. Yuen Kwok-yung warned that China is facing another wave of infections that could eventually bring a ‘third wave’ of cases to Hong Kong.

Yuen mentioned that it will likely be caused by China going back to work en masse and the recent return of overseas Chinese from virus hotspots like the United States or Europe.

“This kind of cycle will continue on and on until we have an effective vaccine, or we acquire herd immunity, where about 60-80 percent of people are immune to Covid-19.”

Yuen states that he is not optimistic about the epidemic in Hong Kong at this stage, and medical staff might need to be prepared to reuse disinfected N95 masks, similar to what had been in during SARS in 2003.

Source: Commercial Radio 881903; RTHK

#Apr5 #YuenKwokYun #HongKongMedics #FaceMasks
#Disappearance #CensorshipKills
At Least Three Citizen Journalists and One Photographer Gone Missing in China During Coronavirus Pandemic

Three Chinese citizen journalists and one German television photographer have gone missing in recent months. They are presumed to have been detained by Chinese authorities after posting videos on social media documenting the reality of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

The three Chinese journalists include Li Zehua who was previously a news anchor for China’s most important and prominent state TV station, CCTV. The other two journalists are Wuhan Citizen Fang Bin and Citizen Journalist Chen Qiushi. The most recent missing photographer to suffer this fate was hired externally by the German public-service television broadcaster ZDF.

Source: National Review; Stand News #Apr5

#MissingJournalists #ChinesePneumonia #Missing #PressFreedom #CCP
#Poll #CoronavirusCrisis
Public Opinion Poll: Coronavirus Pandemic is halting pro-democracy protests temporarily, but no add-on support goes to the government

The data was collected by Prof. Francis Lee and his team. This supplementaey analysis was presented by Dr. Leung Kai-chi, a lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Source: Stand News #Apr5

Contine Reading
#Poll #CoronavirusCrisis
Public Opinion Poll: Coronavirus Pandemic is halting pro-democracy protests temporarily, but no add-on support goes to the government

The data was collected by Prof. Francis Lee and his team. This supplementaey analysis was presented by Dr. Leung Kai-chi, a lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

1. The “rally round the flag effect” is a concept used in political science to explain increased short-run popular support of the government during periods of crisis or war.

While Hong Kong citizens have been combating the epidemic in solidarity on the community level, it has not benefited the government in terms of public confidence and support.

2. Although the proportion of “Zero trust in Police” has fallen below 50%, at 46%, it still marks a huge difference compared to 7% before the 2019 Anti-extradition law movement. There is no sign of reversing public confidence in this regard.

3. Survey findings showed that many elderlies gave full mark to “trust in police”. Yet, it is worth-noting that among all those who gave full marks, only 32% are 70-years-old or above and this segment accounted merely 13% of all respondents.

4. No respondent in the age group 15-19 gave full mark to “trust in police”.

5. The education level of many respondents who gave full mark to “trust in police” are primary school or lower. The rate is significantly higher among all respondents.

6. The receding in protest activities currently, is temporary and an outcome of epidemic outbreak. Large-scale protest activities are likely to resume once when the outbreak is eased.

Source: Stand News

#Apr5 #HKProtest #FailedState #PoliceState #OpinionPoll #GovernanceCrisis
Desperate efforts of bureaucrats, pro-Beijing legislator and community leader to suppress dissident voices, tarnishing Freedom of Speech in HK


Sources: NOW TV; Stand News #Apr5
#FreedomOfSpeech #WhiteTerror #YungHoiYan
Desperate efforts of bureaucrats, pro-Beijing legislator and community leader to suppress dissident voices, tarnishing Freedom of Speech in HK

Eunice Yung Hoi-yan reported to the Police Headquarter on April 5 that a Facebook page, “Hong Kong Popo”, was allegedly smearing the police force and provoking violence. Although the Facebook page has around 405,000 fans, Yung said she received 40 complaints, all criticizing content of the page being extremely violent and hostile towards Hong Kong Police. Yung added that the page could have committed criminal offence, and believe it was necessary for the police to launch thorough investigation.

Separately, on March 28, a RTHK current affairs programme, “The Pulse” interviewed WHO’s assistant director general Dr Bruce Aylward about Coronavirus and how different countries were handling the disease. During one segment, a journalist asked Aylward via teleconference if the organisation would consider granting Taiwan membership to WHO.

The question sparked a wave of controversies when secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Edward Yau Tang-wah issued a statement on April 2 accusing the station of breaching ‘one-China principle’ and failing to abide by its governing charter.

Fu Chen-chong, Chairman of a pro-Beijing organization “Defend Hong Kong Campaign” and three supporters protested at the entrance of RTHK station on April 5, demanding the station to dismiss the journalist involved. Due to restriction on gatherings with more than 4 people, only 4 participants were seen.

Sources: NOW TV; Stand News #Apr5
#FreedomOfSpeech #WhiteTerror #YungHoiYan