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#PoliceBrutality #WuhanPneumonia
Police Order Arrestee to wear “paper masks” for 20 hours and Disregard Social Distancing by Crowding Arrestees in Congested Cell

Source: Apple Daily; InMedia #Apr3

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#PoliceBrutality #WuhanPneumonia
Police Order Arrestee to wear “paper masks” for 20 hours and Disregard Social Distancing by Crowding Arrestees in Congested Cell

Arrestee reveals inside stories in police station: ordered to wear “paper masks” for 20 hours and be put in the same compartment with several others under prohibition on group gathering

On 31 March, the police arrested a large group of citizens. Voluntary lawyers discovered that the police confiscated the masks already worn by arrestees, and replaced them with “ paper masks” which could not repel droplets. Even just talking would soak the masks. When district councilors offered surgical masks, they were demanded to remove the wire sewed in the masks.

A voluntary lawyer on scene criticised police’s handling of hygienic issue, as having arrestees wear masks would not only protect them but also the policemen from the Wuhan Coronavirus which could be infected through contact with droplets.

The arrestees and their family revealed that, the police not only confiscated their masks for “exhibits”, but also distributed paper masks to them and banned voluntary lawyers from offering masks.

An arrestee berated the police for making an action “endangering people’s life”, and lamented the contradiction as the government practised the “prohibition on group gathering” on the one hand, and allowed the police to defy it on the other:” They put 7-8 people in 1 compartment, and some of them did not even have a mask to wear.”

Source: Apple Daily; InMedia #Apr3
Image: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/19293
Media is too big
#Article23 #Sedition
"Cap. 200 Crimes Ordinance Section 9 Seditious intention" and "Article 23": Comments by Barrister Dr Margaret Ng

In an interview with RTHK, Barrister Dr Margaret Ng explained that the legislative council had repealed part of the ordinance when adapting the laws to apply after the 1997 handover. However, provisions in the bills of "seditious intention" and "treason", which are either outdated or contain colonial connotations, were not amended.

In 2003, the HKSAR government introduced the controversial Article 23 "National Security Bill" with the colonial law as basis.

Prosecution standard of "Seditious intention" was also controversial as the HKSAR government neglected the amended bill from pre-1997 LegCo, which included violence as necessary condition. Ng added that it was inappropriate to garble regulations, where the unlawful act should target on the authorisation under common law.

Source: "Vision 31", RTHK

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#Article23 #Sedition #RuleofLaw
"Cap. 200 Crimes Ordinance Section 9 Seditious intention" and "Article 23": Comments by Barrister Dr Margaret Ng

Previous story: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/19296

Editor's notes: Pro-Beijing Executive Council member Ronny Tong justified that such law aim at hatred speech instead of national security. To conclude, the HKSAR government is imposing censorship by means of broader interpretation of "Seditious intention".
Street Art Inspired by Coronavirus Pandemic: Xi Jinping, Coronavirus, the Simpsons...

Street artists around the world created new artworks on the Coronavirus pandemic.

In Italy, Nello Perrucci put masks on the Simpsons calling on citizens to stay home. In America, Pnywave Home painted a couple kissing through their masks on a white wall on the beach, and he wrote, "It's time to look at ourselves, see what we have done to the earth, and see our whole life."

In particular, Lush Sux combined Xi Jinping's head witg the coronavirus and tweeted "add me on tiktok before it gets put in the re education camp".

Source : Stand News

#Apr3 #ChinesePneumonia #GlobalOutbreak #ProtestArt #StreetArt #Xinjinping

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson's twitter account suspended. Beijing said it was an impersonation account

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang’s twitter account has been suspended. China made a statement that this was an impersonation account, which was not operated by Geng Shuang.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokespersons Hua Chunying and Zhao Lijan both have verified Twitter accounts, while another spokesperson Geng Shuang, also has a twitter account (@gengshuangCHN). Although his account was not verified, the public always thought it was authentic as he has repeatedly issued statements on China’s position, and his posts were widely quoted.

Before “Geng Shuang” account was suspended, the last tweet posted was a video on an American criticising Trump for the handling of Wuhan pneumonia, published on 28 Feb. “Listen to the voice of Americans”, “Geng Shuang” commented on the video. This tweet was also retweeted by the Chinese ambassador in Uganda.

After the account was suspended, the Chinese Foreign Ministry Arms Control Department stated on 19 March that it has been confirmed that Geng Shuang did not open a Twitter account, meaning the account @gengshuangCHN was impersonated.

Source: Unwire HK #Mar31

#Twitter #GengShuang #ForeignMinistry
Italy is ranked as the country with the most rapid spread of Covid-19 outside of China.

Many Italians are losing their patience towards things which are related to China, such as Chinese #propaganda materials.

With the internet being flooded with fake news, coupled with how China's censorship impedes the truth from being spread, the Italians cannot help but to feel infruriated and powerless as they are now dependent on Chinese-made supplies. Whistleblowers trying their best to tell the world the truth are often silenced.

China is trying bribe the world into silence with money, gifts, and shifting the blame of the spread of Covid-19 to other countries.

They then get the gratitude of the world for being a generous and helpful nation, providing supplies to countries in need. Meanwhile, all this is done while blame shifting and pointing fingers at other nations, claiming them responsible for the pandemic, instead of they themselves. This is a nation run by a bunch of shameless leaders who lack principles and morals.

We should not let China benefit from the Wuhan virus.
We should ask for reimbursements for war damages: what else is this if this is not a war?
Perhaps, the only way to destroy such a nation is to resort to insane methods.

#CCPVirus #Pandemic #GlobalCrisis

Further reading:

China raises export requirements for medical supplies. Over 1 million RMB worth of PPE delayed at customs.
Ministry of Commerce researcher states, "This is in answer foreign intentions. We will see the consequences in the EU and US in a week"

(1 Apr) China's medical supplies exports received international criticism for its low quality. The Ministry of Commerce reacted by increasing the requirements for export. Starting from 1 April, all businesses must obtain registration certificates for exporting medical supplies. This includes testing kits and face masks.

Compared to previous requirements of only obtaining FDA certification from the US or CE certification from the EU, the new conditions for export are more stringent.

A businessman who manufactures PPE in Shandong said that he has over 1 mil RMB worth of PPE currently held in customs. He expects the inspection report to take 10 to 15 days, after which he can ship the goods. However, it will have already violated some terms in the contracts between him and his foreign buyers.

He believes that due to the previous lack of monitoring and quality control, the government is now responding to international criticism with the new rules, "We (China) used to export to America and Europe with FDA and CE (certifications). But after obtaining these certifications, some manufacturers went on to create products below certification standards."

Mei Xinyu, a Ministry of Commerce researcher, stressed that raising export requirements was in answer to international intentions and a self-defence mechanism. "You [US and EU] did not use our products according to instructions. Without even checking them yourselves, you blame Chinese products for everything. We want to use China’s production capability to save lives and do good. We have no interest in being smeared for helping others. Per your request, we are tightening our controls (to export requirements)."

He added, "In a week, let's see what consequences you people in the EU and US will face for airing your troublesome opinions. The Chinese government puts the lives of Chinese people first. Yet, in the EU and US, politicians, media and public opinion simply disregard the lives of their people. Then, you want to talk about human rights issues in China. Just shut your mouths!"


Source: Icable News

#China #MedicalSupplies #Quality #Masks #TestKits

'Astonishing breach of faith': Private hospital company stands down 800 staff

//Private hospital company Healthe Care has already stood down 800 staff and is putting in doubt 8000 beds at 34 private hospitals across Australia after the federal government cancelled elective surgeries in response to the COVID-19 spread.

//Private hospitals are now putting the pressure on state and federal governments for financial help.

//States and territories responsible for their hospital systems are now locked in crisis talks to keep doors open. The federal government is involved too.

//Governments could temporarily acquire beds or pay nurses allowing them to be on hand when they might be needed more than ever.

//The national cabinet is expected to sign off on a deal regarding private hospital beds on March 29.

Source: 9 News, (28-Mar)

#Australia #Coronavirus #PrivateHospital
Chinese-backed company's mission - What is China up to?

A China-backed company, Greenland Group, gathered large amount of essential medical items and shipped back to China for assisting in efforts to mitigate the spread of the virus since January. Every staff are even required to assist the company to hoard medical supplies in different countries over other work activities. The efforts of Chinese companies to help their compatriots back home may have contributed to shortages of products in Australia, which definitely is a selfish behavior. Nevertheless, Greenland now claimed that they are gathering supplies to donate to medical staffs in Australia. Is it possible to ship the goods to China for gathering supplies for donating to Australian?

On the other hand, Sydney-based former officer, Kuang, who attended a military academy in Wuhan before, has been working with a Chinesse government entity, organised crime to export tonnes of Australian medical supplies to Wuhan in February. However, he is now planning to bring medical equipment to Australia for medical staffs. Why would he do so? Obviously, he has been working with Chinese officials to get approval to charter a flight to bring medical supplies to Australia. In fact, these are how Chinese propaganda works to show her mighty and kindness to help the world combatting the spread of COVID-19. China keep donating medical equipment to the world, especially Spain and Italy. Yet, those medical equipment are refused by some countries as those are unqualified. Seems like the reputation cannot be rebuilt by ‘Donating’ the medical supplies.

As many medical experts are concerning about the shortage of protective equipment, Federal Government will move to ban and heavily penalise Australians from exporting anti-pandemic equipment to China, with those caught facing up to five years in prison. It seems like Australia revealed the truth of those Beijing’s aid campaigns and tried to stop the drama. The headstream of shortage of crucial medical supplies due to Chinese have been hoarding those supplies all over the world. But then they are trying to be a savior by donating equipment purchased from other countries or donating unqualified stuff and ask for appreciation. It’s exactly what insane do! Perhaps the world understands how China being, but they could not against China as she became an essential part of the economic globalization, in manufacturing or financial support. Will COVID-19 become a lesson of the world to arouse the alertness to China?

#BoycottChina #Australia

Further reading:


#AntiEpidemic #HumanRights #DomesticHelpers
Domestic Helpers Concern Groups Criticize Hong Kong Government for Neglecting Domestic Workers' Rights in Coronavirus Preventive Regulations

"...Tong Hiu-yan, Director of Community Relations at the Foreign Labor Works Centre criticised the government's Labor Departments for not providing enough guidelines for both employers and domestic helpers.

Besides, the Department had no practical measures to protect the rights and interests of the domestics helpers and was unwilling to handle requests of domestic helpers..."

Source: InMedia #Apr5

Read the Story
#AntiEpidemic #HumanRights #DomesticHelpers
Domestic Helpers Concern Groups Criticize Hong Kong Government for Neglecting Domestic Workers' Rights in Coronavirus Preventive Regulations

Since March 29 2020, the HKSAR government has prohibited gatherings of more than 4 people in public place and required a social distance of no less than 1.5 meter. The new rule will last for 14 days.

During the coronavirus outbreak, the footbridges in Mong Kok, where domestic helpers spent their day off, has become fairly empty. On 5 April 2020, concern groups including the Foreign Labour Centre, the Asian Migrants' Union and the chairman of Labour Party Kwok Wing-ken distributed hand sanitizers, masks, takeaway menus and Coronavirus prevention leaflets to the foreign helpers on the footbridge.

Eni Lestari, Chairperson of Asian Migrants' Union said, “It is the Government's responsibility to step up epidemic prevention publicity for foreign domestic helpers,” stressing that "protection of domestic helpers is also for the protection of employer's family".

Tong Hiu-yan, Director of Community Relations at the Foreign Labor Works Centre, said they have received many requests for help from domestic helpers. Most of the workers live with the employers and most of them do not have their own rooms. In other words, they would be asked to work and unable to take proper rest, when staying at thr employer's home on holidays.

Tong criticised the government's Labor Departments for not providing enough guidelines for both employers and domestic helpers. Besides, the Department had no practical measures to protect the rights and interests of the domestic helpers and was unwilling to handle requests of domestic helpers.

Source : InMedia HK #Apr5
Image: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/19307
#ChinesePneumonia #GlobalOutbreak #MigrantWorkers
#Dentistry #CivilServant
Government dental services carry on routine duty without washout period during coronavirus outbreak

The facebook page of Civil Servants' Secrets, where whistleblowers' messages are published, revealed on March 30, 2020 that dentists and dental nurses working in government's clinics were demanded to take up coronavirus inspection work in ports or Asia-Expo once or twice a week.

Without any washout period, they are directly sent back to carry on their routine services at dental clinics after the inspection work. At the port areas, they gave out quarantine orders to overseas arrivals and collect samples of sputum from those passengers with onset of Coronavirus.

Source: Facebook Page of Civil Servants' Secrets

#Mar30 #ChinesePneumonia #GlobalOutbreak #WashoutPeriod #HealthCrisis
Graph showing drastic increase in imported Wuhan Pneumonia cases
#DailyUpdate #Apr6 #COVID19

COVID-19 Updates (6/4)

At the time of writing, 1,288,080 cases of the coronavirus had been confirmed worldwide with 70,567 deaths. The US, Italy, Spain, Germany are the worst affected countries by the pandemic.

China's National Health Commission reported 39 new cases of coronavirus across the country on Sunday. Of those, 38 were imported cases.

Italy records lowest coronavirus death rate in two weeks.

Iran coronavirus cases pass 60,000, the highest in the Middle East.

Japan will declare state of emergency.

UN secretary-general says violence against women during coronavirus quarantine must stop.

Spain’s coronavirus outbreak slows down further.

Ireland's prime minister reregistered as a doctor to help in the coronavirus fight.

British prime minister remains at London hospital.

Boris Johnson continues to lead the British government from hospital.

Romania will extend its state of the emergency for another month.

Polish PM expects coronavirus infections to peak in May or June.

"People are fighting over products to fight coronavirus," Spain's foreign minister says.

Austria will gradually reopen shops after Easter.

Colombian president calls for solidarity with Venezuelan migrants during coronavirus outbreak.

The CDC has released instructions for making cloth face masks.

Watchdog report finds severe shortages and significant challenges to US hospitals’ coronavirus response.

Doctors arrested in Pakistan after protests over lack of PPE.

Former Libyan Prime Minister dies of coronavirus.

Chinese tourist sites packed as the country comes out of lockdown, but experts say risks are still high.

Spanish-bought ventilators and other medical equipment held in Ankara by Turkish authorities will take off for Spain on Monday.

Top Indian doctor says community participation is vital in stopping slum coronavirus outbreaks.

Scotland's chief medical officer resigns after she was caught leaving home without a proper excuse.

India has imposed a blanket export ban on a malaria drug touted by Trump as possible therapy for coronavirus.

Sydney closes more beaches after crowds gathered over the weekend.

India has closed its railways for the first time in 167 years.

Source: CNN, Worldometer
#AuNokHin #Court #StateTerrorism
Court Rules Former lawmaker Guilty of "'Assaulting two police officers with a loudspeaker"

During a civilian-police standoff in Yau Ma Tei on July 8, 2019, Au Nok-hin, a former lawmaker, was arrested for "assaulting the police" by speaking via the megaphone.

Au had pleaded not guilty at Kowloon City Court.

In delivering the verdict on April 6, magistrate Leung Ka-kie, however, said one officer's hearing was damaged. The magistrate also claimed that the other police officer was "afraid" due to Au's facial expressions and force, Au had "struck the police,shield with the loudhailer three times".

[Editor's note: Despite reports of police brutality, most police are unaffected by their misconduct. For instance, the police who rammed his motorcycle into the protesters is still serving the force.]

Source: Stand News #Apr6
#PoliticalPersecution #Loudspeaker #RuleofLaw