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#FirstHand #Dec13

Signs calling for the newly elected UK parliament to terminate the Sino British Joint Declaration are seen at the Students Rally at Tsim Sha Tsui East.

A related rally will be held on December 14 at 20:00 at the British Consulate.
#Firsthand #Dec13

2142 Mong Kok

“Mongkok Write with You” was held at 7:30 pm at the Mong Kok Pesdestrian Bridge, aiming to let civilians to write Christmas cards to those in prison due to the movement. A charity counter selling “FREE HONG KONG” T-shirts and some accessories related to the movement was also set up to help fund those at the frontline and those in need in the movement.

In supplementary to the event was a documentary film about the movement in the past six months, including Hong Kong Police attacking CUHK, plus an interview with a first aider there, as well an interview with the young boy who got shot at Sai Wan Ho, 721, 831, 101 etc. People stood aside and watched the video, some of them cried because of the grief of what they suffered as a whole and anger to the Hong Kong Police and the Government.
Hong Kong Police Force Overtime Compensation Alone Reaches HKD 950 million; Doctors in Hong Kong don’t have any

The LegCo Finance Committee reviewed the 2019-20 civil service pay adjustment agenda on 13 December. The Security Bureau revealed that the HKPF had spent HKD 950 million on overtime compensation from June to November, with an average of 11,000 staff members claiming it.

Medical functional constituency lawmaker Pierre Chan posted on Facebook today, sharing an article he wrote in March 2019 about overtime compensation of doctors. Chan pointed out that some doctors had to work 21 hours extra per week, but could only receive HKD 1187.5 as compensation, which is not a lot. Chan suggested that “doctors in Hong Kong don’t have overtime compensations. Many seniors told us, this is part of the training.”

Meanwhile, New Territories West lawmaker Chu Hoi-dick stated that, while reviewing past LegCo documents, he realised HKPF gave out at least 9 types of compensations aside from overtime compensation. He believed that the total amount of compensation given by HKPF since June was way more than the 950 million as stated by the Security Bureau. The HKPF has not yet revealed any further information. Chu suspected that HKPF was trying to conceal the fact, making it hard for the public to monitor its expenses. He pointed out that since the new term in LegCo, he has been investigating in the actual amount of HKPF expenses, but HKPF never answered directly and only gave the amount for overtime compensations.

Source: Stand News; InMedia

#Dec13 #HongKongPoliceForce
13-year-old Girl Sentenced to Yearlong Probation Order for Burning Chinese National Flag in Hong Kong

Magistrate claimed she should not have burnt that flag as “it hurts the feelings of the Chinese people”.

During the early trials, the same Magistrate made several comments regarding the accused’s failed grade on Chinese History at school, claiming that the accused’s actions were related, “She should read more about Chinese History, understand the advancement of the Chinese race over the years”.

Read Full Story: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/13234

Source: Stand News #Dec13 #ExcessiveArrestment #PoliceBrutality
Despite Growth in Viewership, RTHK News Might Face Manpower Cut by the Government

Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) News is among one of the news outlets which have been dedicated to reporting the truth since the commencement of the pro-democracy movement.

Independently run, RTHK, being a subsidiary of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, is funded by the government. The Channel was rumored to have an overrun fiscal budget amounted HK$5 million this year.

Despite the growth in rating and readers, the budget in the coming year will not be increased.This may create difficulty in maintaining normal operations in the long run. RTHK Program Staff Union described it as "a punishment in disguise", and the union is hoping for additional resources from management.

The Union is of the view that RTHK has been committed to reporting excellence in the event of the anti-extradition movement, including increasing air-time in live broadcast and providing additional equipment for staff, with positive results generated in number of RTHK VNEWS Facebook fans increased from 100K to 780K and a hike in viewership of RTHK channel 32. "With such positive results, we were asked to reduce manpower. On the contrary, additional overtime allowance as much as HK$900 million was allocated to the Police. We don't understand why," the Union commented on the incident with a big question mark in mind.

During the Anti-Extradition Movement, RTHK was repeatedly criticized by pro-China and pro-establishment groups. Several pro-Beijing legislators commented on a committee of the Legislative Council at the end of October, criticizing RTHK programmes "Hong Kong Connection" and "Headliner" for taking a sympathetic stance towards the protesters. In his response, Leung Ka-wing, Director of Broadcasting stated that RTHK has always been impartial, and there were more participants with pro-establishment stance in "phone-in" and forum discussion programs.

Source: Stand News #Dec13

#BringthemBack #Save12HKYouths
Familes Longing for the Return of the 12 Pro-democracy Hongkongers

On the shore opposing China's Yantien area, citizens in Hong Kong placed neon lights and 12 paper boats, carrying the names of the 12 young pro-democracy activists detained by Chinese Authorities at the Yantin District Detention Center since August 23 this year.

Initiated voluntarily, the campaign calls on Hongkongers to support the detainees, wishing that they would be released and returned home soon.

Source: Save12HKYouth Concern Group, #Dec13

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Neon lights erected on Lion Rock Peak calling for Hongkongers to stand in solidarity with 12 pro-democracy activists detained in China
#PoliticalProsecution #SaveJimmyLai #Smearing
CCP-owned newspaper People's Daily: Apple Daily is involved in anti-China and Hong Kong activities, openly requesting US sanctions "like a traitor"

Source: Apple Daily, #Dec13

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#PoliticalProsecution #Smearing #SaveJimmyLai
CCP-owned newspaper People's Daily: Apple Daily is involved in anti-China and Hong Kong activities, openly requesting US sanctions "like a traitor"

Chairman of Next Digital Jimmy Lai Chee-ying was suddenly charged with "conspiring with foreign forces to endanger national security" under the draconian national security law on Saturday (December 12). The charge has mentioned the newly launched English version of Apple Daily. Beijing mouthpiece "People's Daily" today (December 13) published an editorial titled "Hong Kong has been suffering from 'Poisonous Media' for a long time", saying that Hong Kong has been flooded with fake news about the police force and the SAR government. The paper called Apple Daily "Poisonous Apple", and accused it for taking part in "the anti-China activities to disrupt Hong Kong, fabricating news in the name of press freedom", and denounced Apple Daily as "a true traitor openly calling on readers to request US sanctions on Hong Kong".

The article described Apple Daily as "a habitual offender addicted to lying and fabrication in Hong Kong media industry", and criticized it for "attacking and smearing all actions taken by the HKSAR government and police force, slandering all matters related to the Mainland." It also wrote that "Apple" started out as media publisher of sensational reports, mocking that it had once apologized publicly on the front page for a fake news incident.

Source: Stand News #Dec13 https://www.thestandnews.com/politics/%E4%BA%BA%E6%B0%91%E6%97%A5%E5%A0%B1-%E8%98%8B%E6%9E%9C-%E6%B6%89%E5%8F%8D%E4%B8%AD%E4%BA%82%E6%B8%AF%E5%8B%BE%E7%95%B6-%E5%85%AC%E7%84%B6%E8%AB%8B%E6%B1%82%E7%BE%8E%E5%9C%8B%E5%88%B6%E8%A3%81-%E4%B8%80%E5%89%AF%E6%BC%A2%E5%A5%B8%E6%A8%A1%E6%A8%A3/

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HK Police Add Charges to Detained #AppleDaily Founder #JimmyLai: "Colluding with Foreign Forces"

#CCP #PressFreedom #Authoritarianism #PoliceState #NationalSecurityLaw
#Oath #Allegiance
Civil servants plan to file a judicial review of loyalty declaration requirement

#CivilServant #PatrickNip #CCP

Source: Apple Daily #Dec13

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#Oath #Allegiance
Civil servants plan to file a judicial review of loyalty declaration requirement

The HKSAR government plans to issue a notice at the end of this month or early next month, demanding current civil servants to sign an oath declaring that they would uphold the Basic Law and pledge allegiance to the SAR. Those who refuse to sign may be dismissed or forced to retire. Secretary for the Civil Service Patrick Nip Tak-kuen said that refusing to sign the oath will be treated as cases of inappropriate action or harming public interest.

The chairman of the Union for New Civil Servants Ngan Mo-chau, who has previously stated that he will not sign the declaration, said that under the pretext of national security law, it is difficult to challenge the government's decision to require civil servants to sign the oath. However, they can still request a judicial review of the methods and procedures of the oath-taking adopted by the government.

On December 16, all 12 under secretaries and 14 political assistants sworn allegiance to the SAR and the Basic Law, setting the stage for the city's 180,000 civil servants to follow suit.

The oath-taking ceremony was held at the Central Government Offices and witnessed by Chief Executive Carrie Lam. The officials sang the national anthem and read out the oath, holding up their right hand.

#PatrickNip #CivilServant #CCP

Source: Apple Daily, RTHK #Dec13, #Dec16
200 Hongkongers Gathered in a Mourning Assembly in London to Pay Tribute to the Battles of the Chinese University and Polytechnic University

Source: Stand News #Dec13

200 Hongkongers Gathered in a Mourning Assembly in London to Pay Tribute to the Battles of the Chinese University and Polytechnic University

On Saturday afternoon (12th December) in British local time, a Hong Kong people's group "Justitia Hong Kong" held a "Mourning Assembly for the Battles of the Chinese University of HK and HK Polytechnic University" in London Leicester Square to commemorate the first anniversary of the Battles. During the rally, participants chanted slogans such as "Hongkongers, Keep it Up", "Liberate Hong Kong. Revolution of Our Times" and "Save 12 Hong Kong Youths", and sang Glory to Hong Kong. The rally ended with a two-minute silence and wreath-laying for those who sacrificed and paid for the Hong Kong democracy movement.

Simon Cheng Man-kit, a former British consulate trade officer who has been granted political asylum by the British authorities, spoke at the rally. He told the participants that "we are very fortunate to be in a free country today, and we should cherish our origins even more, as our homeland and our people are being persecuted.”

Source: Stand News #Dec13


#UK #London #HongKongers #OverseasHongKongers #JustitiaHongKong #BattleofCUHK #BattleofPolyU #Save12HKYouths #GlorytoHK #SimonCheng #ChengManKit #LiberateHK #RevolutionofOurTimes
CCP Has Infiltrated All Walks of Life in UK, with HSBC and Standard Chartered Employing Over 600 Party Members

Source: Apple Daily #Dec13

CCP Has Infiltrated All Walks of Life in UK, with HSBC and Standard Chartered Employing Over 600 Party Members

British media raises concerns about the China Communist Party (CCP) placing their members in foreign countries. Following the concern of the US intelligence on infiltration to US Democratic Party members by a Chinese spy, the British's Mail on Sunday claimed to have obtained nearly 2 million CCP members’ details, revealing that many of them are working in British academia and also in wide variation of industries, involving 79 thousand companies and their branches, such as HSBC, vaccine manufacturer Pfizer and AstraZeneca. Some of them even work in the British consulates, raising suspicions of espionage. The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) issued a short statement, describe the findings as disturbing. Some Australian parliament members have called on the government to find out whether CCP spies are infiltrating the Australian system.

A large amount of CCP member in HSBC, Standard Chartered, Pfizer and AstraZeneca

The Mail on Sunday reported that information on 1.95 million suspected CCP members, including their names, date of births, addresses and phone numbers, was circulated on Telegram. In September, a Chinese dissident forwarded this information to IPAC, which composed of cross-parties European and American parliamentarians. The Mail on Sunday recently analysed the data, finding that HSBC and Standard Chartered together employed more than 600 CCP members in the UK in 2016. It also reported that these two banks have long been criticised for their stance on dissidents issues in Hong Kong. Moreover, CCP members are also found to be employed in the defence industry including Boeing, Airbus, and Rolls-Royce. As for the pharmaceutical industry, Pfizer and AstraZeneca alone have already employed 123 CCP members.

The Mail on Sunday also discovered that many CCP members are working in foreign diplomatic organisations in China via a company called "The Shanghai Foreign Agency Service Corporation", which has a Chinese official background, and at least 249 CCP members were registered with the agency in 2016. The CCP also infiltrated into academics, that according to the British policy, overseas students not from the EU or the Five Eyes network are required to have an Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate to enter. But it was found that some of the CCP members have been senior researchers in the UK top universities, participating in sensitive subject such as aerospace engineering.

#China #CCP #Infiltration #IPAC #MailOnSunday #Telegram #CCPmember #HSBC #StandardChartered #Pfizer #AstraZeneca #UK #Britain #ShanghaiForeignAgencyServiceCorporation #Spies

Source: Apple Daily #Dec13

A journalist in exile suspected of being kidnapped back to Iran across the border and being executed

Source: Stand News #Dec13
