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#PoliceState #TuenMun
Hysterical Riot Police Point Pepper Spray at Civilians in a Park on Sunday

According to Stand News, a Tuen Mun District Councillor asked to see the police commander on the scene, not only that the riot police ignored him, one of the officers even accused him for being delusional.

The riot police later pointed pepper-spray at civilians and reporters, and broke into the crowd, causing chaos while shouting hysterically, “don’t touch my stick (the pepper spray)!".

Whilst no conflict was taking place, riot police losing their temper appeared to be psychologically unstable and behaved hysterically.

Source : Stand News, Facebook

#FirstHand #Feb24
Pro-democracy Citizens: “As long as there is a Hongkonger with a burning heart to struggle on, we will never give up”

1755 | Mongkok
Citizens in protester outfit stood in different parts of the city to remind Hongkongers not to forget the injustice and violence that took place in the past eight months.

They encouraged their fellow citizens not to get numbed amidst the long way to "liberate Hong Kong" and to achieve the "revolution of our times".

“As long as there is a Hongkonger with a burning heart to struggle on, we will never give up.”

#YNWA #HongKongProtests
#Borders #ChinesePneumonia #Discrimination
Hong Kong Government's Discriminative Treatment: Open Borders with China; Ban Entry of Passengers from South Korea

Many people in Hong Kong asked, "What about China?".

On February 24, the Hong Kong government announced its policy of prohibiting passengers from South Korea, including those who have travelled to South Korea in the past 14 days, from entering Hong Kong starting from 6 am on February 25.

Until then, the Hong Kong-China borders remain open, despite the local population's vocal demands to have it closed.

As of February 24, there have been 833 cases of Wuhan pneumonia in South Korea and nearly 77,000 cases reported in China.

Meanwhile, China's Ministry of Culture and Tourism told PRC nationals not to go to the United States for the "unfair treatment" they would receive.

Source: Stand News; Now News
#Feb24 #ChineseDiplomacy #PRC #SouthKorea #HongKong
Lennon Wall Stands Undefiled Despite Attempts at Arresting Curators

2106 | Lennon Wall, Kwai Chung Estate
15 youngsters were arrested for curating the Lennon Wall in Kwai Chung Estate. Yet the Wall still stands undefiled.

"No one shall befall us if we stay vigilant and remember what we are fighting for."

#Feb24 #KwaiChung #LennonWall
#DailyUpdate #Feb24 #COVID19

COVID-19 Updates (24/2):

The total number of infected is now standing at 79744 where the number of deaths is now at 2629. 77345 confirmed cases and 2593 deaths are from mainland China.

This morning Wuhan announced non-Wuhan individuals were allowed to leave the city if they show no symptoms. However in the afternoon Chinese authorities clarified the measure was not agreed by higher officials, thus invalidating the earlier announcement.

The HKSAR government is arranging chartered planes to pick up Hong Kong citizens stranded in Hubei province. The first plane is picking up citizens in Wuhan.

Number of confirmed cases rose to 833 in South Korea; there was an increase of 231 in a single day. 8 deaths were reported.

The HKSAR government issued red travel alert to South Korea. From 25 Feb 6am onwards, non-Hong Kong residents from South Korea are banned from entry, residents returning from Daegu and North Gyeongsang Province are required to quarantine for 14 days.
(Throwback: Carrie Lam said fully closing borders with mainland China was discriminating Chinese on 31 Jan 2020, no travel alert was issued to China)

2 more individuals who had been to Fook Wai Ching She Buddhist temple in North Point were confirmed infected by COVID-19.

Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital confirmed that an infected patient requested to live in a single room for 4 times, 40 medical staff were required to receive quick test.

The epidemic is spreading in the Middle East region, confirmed cases are found in Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon.

Total infected case in Italy rose to 219, 6 deaths were reported. The ongoing 2020 Venice Carnival was cancelled.

In Italy, 10 years storage of face masks was sold out in 10 days.

South Korea reported 70 more COVID-19 cases, bringing total to 833

More Diamond Princess Passengers confirmed infected by the coronavirus after returning to their home countries, including the United Kingdom, Israel and Hong Kong.

2 Japanese men were infected by the novel coronavirus after travelling to Indonesia in mid-February, however there was no confirmed cases in the country yet.

Experts expect warm weather in upcoming summer can stall the epidemic, however the most important point is to stop the infection chain in the society.

61 cases were confirmed and 12 cases were reported in Iran, leading Iran to be the country with second most deaths outside China.

Pakistan and Turkey closed borders with Iran over outbreak in Iran.

WHO said no longer used 'pandemic' category and it was “too early” to speak of a pandemic, but virus still emergency

WHO expert team stated the infected number increase by day in Wuhan has been halted, however the situation is still complicated.

Source: Now news, RTHK, Apple Daily, The Guardian, NHK, Reuters, Commercial Radio Hong Kong, World Meter, Ming Pao
#WhiteTerror #Censorship #FreeSpeech
Vice-principal suspended over a poem shared on social media

Although police officers hurl insults at civilians, calling them cockroaches, in daily life and on social media, so far no police officer has to face disciplinary inquiry or legal sanction, let alone suspension.

On the contrary, some civilians having taunted the police lost their jobs or reported by pro-China camp after their identities were exposed.

Recently, a police officer in a facebook post criticized the acting vice-principal, surnamed Ho, of Confucious Hall Secondary School for sharing a poem with a hidden message wishing the police dead.

Without further investigation, the school has suspended Ho.

The Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union quoted a source explaining that the poem was mistakenly shared by the vice-principle without realizing the acrostic element in it. The post has already been deleted to avoid further misunderstanding immediately.

Source: Apple Daily #Feb24 #StateTerrorism
#Article23 #StateTerrorism #OneCountryTwoSystems
Pro-Beijing Lawmaker Backs Anti-Subversion Law For Beijing to Tighten Control over Hong Kong

Pro-Beijing lawmaker Junius Ho Kwan-yiu recently made multiple open speeches and publications, and said that with a clear advantage created by the 43 votes held by the Pro-Beijing camp, the government should give the bill of the Basic Law Article 23 the Third Reading at the LEGCO by May. “If it’s not now, then when? Are we going to keep it a stalemate for 10000 years?”

Ho believed that the legislation of Article 23 could help Hong Kong “triumph over the Coronavirus epidemic, and resolve social crises”. After his repeated public appeals, a group has started up a “23 Alliance” page at Facebook, inviting citizens to support the legislation of the Article. A one- month petition targeting for 200 signatures was initiated on 22rd Feb, with the hope to “usher in the public”, including the Chinese residing in the mainland, Taiwan and overseas. Those who wish to sign only to provide their names, the first 3 letters/ digits of their ID, their residing area and preferences on the confidentiality of their phone numbers, but there was no information verifying mechanism of the signing system.

Ho Kwan-yiu said yesterday, that within 20 days the first signing server has reached its maximum of 100 thousands. Some users pointed out that the registration form could not be opened with a USA server, so the second petition form was set up with a local server. Until this morning more than 124 thousands signed the petition. Ho stressed that each person can only register once, “There must be self- discipline. Duplicate registration is inevitable...”

On the other hand, several Pro- Beijing figures who were active social networking site users, including Lau Cha- kei, the “Bold Sergeant”, and Yeung Kwun- wah, owner of Wa Kee Restaurant, called for a “Nation- wise Petition” on Weibo. Lau asked that “ everyone should sign in support of the legislation of the Article 23, and join our forces to maintain territorial integrity.” A mainland Chinede user “Mr.Leung” made a post:”My fellow countrymen, something big is going to happen in Hong Kong. The legislation of the Article 23 is on the way.”

The Article 23 of the Basic Law stayed that The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central People's Government, or theft of state secrets, to prohibit foreign political organisations or bodies from conducting political activities in the Region, and to prohibit political organisations or bodies of the Region from establishing ties with foreign political organisations or bodies.

Source: Stand News #Feb24
Medics in "Dirty Team" Deprived of a Hygienic Room to Rest

According to a nurse in the Prince of Wales Hospital, as a member of the "Dirty Team" she was denied access to the dormitory after her shift was over, as her supervisor was worried that the nurse might contaminate those in the resting room.

The nurse found the arrangement chaotic, as she was sent to a temporary isolation quarter shared by male and female medical staff, where no cleaning staff was deployed. There were stains on the bedsheet and hair on the pillow case. She felt disrespected and was down-hearted, describing the incident as a terrible blow to staff morale.

Source: Stand News

#Feb24 #ChineseCoronavirus #DirtyTeam #MedicalStaff
#FirstHand #Feb24
HK Government Finds 13 Cases After Testing 7,000 Civilians in #Lockdown Area

After midnight on Feb 25, 2021, the Hong Kong authorities gradually unblocked the "restricted area" in the Jordan district after a compulsory lockdown announced at 4am on Feb 23.

In the evening of Jan 24, civilians tested negative were allowed to leave and re-enter the lockdown area with a wristband. Many civilians said that the food provided by the government was not only inadequate but also insensitive to their needs.

The authorities tested over 7,000 people and found 13 coronavirus cases, giving a positive rate of 0.17%.

See More First-hand Photos from the Lockdown Area:

Carrie Lam Denies Lockdown Has Obstructed Civilians

Uneven Measures: Government's Refusal To Seal Off Border with China Vs District Lockdown

Civilians in Lockdown Area to Brace Themselves for the Next 48 Hours
Media is too big
#FirstHand #Feb24 #GoHKVideo
The Desperation of Small Business Owner in Lockdown Area: The Government Never Helps

Mr. Lo who runs a restaurant at Shanghai Street is a resident in the lockdown area.

He told the media his desperation and frustration during the Hong Kong government's compulsory lockdown of the Jordan district which was announced at the last-minute at 4am on Jan 23, 2021.

Mr Lo said the food in his restaurant had all gone wasted. With the sudden announcement of the lockdown, he had no time to carry out contigency plan for his restaurant. Not only did his business come to a stop during the lockdown, but he also could not know when he can restart his business after the disruption.

Mr Lo said he is not the only one. He was disappointed that the government never aids small business in practical ways.

Chief Executive Carrie Lam claimed on Jan 23 that the operation caused no obstruction to civilians.

Read more:

#FailedState #JordanLockdown
#FirstHand #Feb24
"The Government Does Not Even Know There Are Cats in the Market": District Councillors Speak Up For Civilians in Lockdown Area

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#FirstHand #Feb24
"The Government Does Not Even Know There Are Cats in the Market": District Councillors Speak Up For Civilians in Lockdown Area

Directly elected district councillors working for the lockdown district talked to the press on the afternoon of Jan 24, 2021, responding to the authorities' intention to step up the lockdown measures in other areas, after the last-minute announcement of a compulsory lockdown at 4am on Jan 23, 2021.

The district councillors demanded the Hong Kong government to consider the obstruction and the loss caused to the affected residents and business operators, despite the authorities' denial.

The district councillors shared their concerns and the difficulties faced by the residents, workers and business owners in the restricted area.

For instance, in addition to many residents' complaints about the quality and the quantity of food provided by the government, some residents living at No. 40 Reclamation Street did not receive any food supply at all. To make it worse. the government's Home Affairs Department did not provide adequate support.

In another incident, a street stall operator asked the district council for help, as her two cats were locked up in the stall located in the restricted area. In the end, the firemen broke the padlock and released her two cats. Otherwise, her two cats, aged 10 and 25, could have starved to death after the two-day lockdown.

These incidents revealed the government's failure to understand the need of the civilians and the everyday operation of the community on the district level.

On behalf of the affected community, the district councillors demand the government to apologize and make corresponding compensation.

HK Government Finds Only 13 Cases After Testing 7,000 Civilians in Lockdown Area


Civilians in Lockdown Area to Brace Themselves for the Next 48 Hours

#DistrictCouncillor #FailedState
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#FirstHand #Feb1
#DistrictCouncillor Demands the Government to Take Real Actions to Aid Civilians Disturbed by Lockdowns

Ho Cheuk-Hin Isaac, a directly elected district councillor in Yau Tsim Mong District, spoke to the media near the lockdown area in Tsim Sha Tsui on Feb 1, 2021.

He expressed that although the government expected the lockdown operation to be finished at 7am, in reality not all residents attended a nine-to-five work schedule, especially those who do not work at the office.

Hoi criticized that the government's verbal "encouragement" to employers to "better understand the employees" affected by the lockdowns was way too superficial and lacks actual effects.

#FailedState #Lockdown #Obstruction #IssacHo

The Desperation of Small Business Owner in Lockdown Area: The Government Never Helps
#FailedState #StateMachine
Hong Kong Government Set Aside HK$8 billion for National Secutity Expenses

Source: RTHK; Stand News #Feb24

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#FailedState #StateMachine
Hong Kong Government Set Aside HK$8 billion for National Secutity Expenses

On Feb 24, 2021, Hong Kong's Financial Secretary Paul Chan announced the Financial Budget for 2021/2022. HK$8 billion will be allocated to "safeguarding national security", without giving further details.

What Chan calldd “special fund”
for national security purposes in Hong Kong reaches one-third of China's annual "national security" expenditure in Xinjiang. Meanwhile, the amount currently budgeted in Hong Kong is excluded from the expenses of the National Security Police.

The Financial Secretary in Hong Kong refused to disclose details of how the authorities arrived at the figure. Chan claimed that he had discussed with the national security authorities.

Meanwhile, the police force is set to receive a 7.7 percent budget raise in the coming financial year, following an increase of 25 percent last year.

Source: RTHK; Stand News #Feb24


#FinancialBudget #NationalSecurityLaw #TaxpayersMoney #PaulChan
#Court #Justice
Judge Slams Prosecution of #YuenLong721 a wasting of the court’s time

On July 21 in 2019, a large group of white-clad mobsters stormed into a West Rail train station in Yuen Long, Hong Kong and indiscriminately assaulted black-clad pro-democracy protesters and passers-by on their way home.

6 white-clad who pleaded not guilty of rioting appeared in the district court for hearing on February 24.

#NeverForget #NeverForgive

Source: Stand News; #Feb24

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#Court #Justice
Judge Slams Prosecution of #YuenLong721 a wasting of the court’s time

The magistrate Eddie Yip Chor-man spent the morning questioning the prosecution’s opening statement, in which the prosecution mentioned multiple times that a “violent confrontation took place” between the while-clad and black-clad, but did not provide any detail of the confrontation.

Yip questioned that, “Does 'violent confrontation' mean the two parties fought each other?” and “who fought whom first” in the “violent confrontation”.

In response, the prosecution clarified that it was the white-clad who hit the black-clad with rattan canes and wooden sticks while the black-clad counter-attacked.

Magistrate Yip expressed dissatisfaction, blasting the prosecution, “Are you writing a flashback or a time-travelling novel? We’re not making a film. It looks like you have edited that film!”

He later concluded that, “It turns out that the 6 (Chinese) characters (violent confrontation taken place) have encapsulated a lot.”

The Magistrate also questioned why the prosecution detailed a screening event on 16 Jul in the first 2 paragraphs of the statement.

The prosecution ended up admitting that the screening event was irrelevant and was slammed by Yip of wasting time.

#NeverForget #NeverForgive

Source: Stand News; #Feb24
Japan urges China to take 'positive' actions over Hong Kong and Uyghurs

Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi on Tuesday urged China to take “positive” actions to protect human rights and freedom in Hong Kong and its Xinjiang region amid allegations of abuses against pro-democracy protestors in the former and members of the Muslim Uyghur minority in the latter.
“Japan is deeply concerned about the recent situation in these areas and strongly urges China to take positive concrete actions,” Motegi said in a video message to a high-level meeting of the U.N. Human Rights Council, referring to Hong Kong and Xinjiang, a far-northwestern region in China.

Source: JapanTimes #Feb24


#Japan #China #HongKong #Uyghurs