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Hubei Film Studio director family almost all gone

(16 Feb) Hubei Film Studio director #Chang Kai died on 14 Feb from WARS. His father passed away on 27 Jan and his mother, on 2 Feb. Chang Kai's sister and Chang Kai both passed on the 14 Feb. Currently, his wife is in intensive care. Only his son was spared as he studied abroad.

Image content(Left one):
Director Chang Kai‘s Last Words

Following the decree, on New Year's Eve, our banquet at the luxury hotel was cancelled. I was, then, in charge of cooking and enjoyed our meal with my parents and wife.

We were unaware of the incoming nightmares. On New Year's Day, my father had a fever, started coughing and had difficulty breathing. We went to multiple hospitals, requesting treatment; no beds were available to take him in. Disappointed, we went home to fend for ourselves, demonstrating filial piety before his deathbed and counting down his days. Our mother became mentally and physically exhausted. Her immune system shut down. She eventually followed our father.

Several days of tending to my parents on their deathbeds permitted the ruthless coronavirus to devour my wife's and my bodies. I went to various hospitals to beg for a bed but because of my insignificant social status, my words carried little weight. The scarcity of beds deprived my opportunity for treatment. With my dying breath, I tell my relatives, friends, and son who is currently in the UK: Throughout my life, I have fulfilled my role as a son, father, and husband as honestly as I could be! To those I love and those who love me, farewell!

Source: Facebook

Further reading:
Fearless HuBei-Woman Roared

#Hubei #CoronavirusOutbreak #WuhanPneumonia

It is humanitarianism for which we rejoice


A cop in Yau Tong got confirmed; his family had symptoms.

While Yellow Ribbons sing and dance like Paula Tsui, Blue Ribbons freak out and ask where humanity has gone.

What goes around comes around. Today’s applause comes from yesterday’s sound of gunfire. If you did not pull the trigger, we would not have sung our festive song.

Who trashed student Chow Tsz-lok’s altar? The police.

Who poured water over the memorial candles? The police.

Who called for popping open champagne bottles to celebrate Chow’s death? The police.

Who conspired with the village gangsters in white shirts to terrorise us on the MTR? The police.

Who aimed live rounds at a student’s heart? The police.

Who stormed into a university campus to start a shooting spree? The police.

Too many times already. If equality matters and police also deserve to be treated like humans, then Yellow Ribbons have lives, too. Why were the floating corpses, one after another, never considered suspicious?

Today’s music has struck a chord in people’s hearts. Justice has not been served, as those who killed while laughing still enjoy their overtime pay, while those who risked their lives to save others are vilified as bad medics.

Yet after you fall ill, your family wants medical attention. Who diagnoses you? Who treats you? Pray tell, are there enough isolation beds like Sophia Chan claimed?

The bad medics who diagnose you have worn the same mask all day with sweat dripping underneath their protective suits.
I feel bad just from watching. I think all the gears abandoned on the streets yesterday is what causes you panic today.

We stopped believing in justice long ago. Your illness is just a coincidence but, in a world without justice, such odds are worth popping open the champagne.

If you want to talk about humanitarianism, we are your mirror.

As for heartlessness? Ours is not even near a tenth of yours.

Source: Terry Facebook

#PoliceBrutality #CoronavirusOutbreak

Coronavirus: Pregnant nurse 'propaganda' sparks backlash

//A video featuring a pregnant nurse treating patients in a hospital in the virus epicentre of Wuhan has sparked a backlash across China.

//The video by state media outlet CCTV was meant to portray nine-month pregnant Zhao Yu as a hero.

// But the video - which was meant to be a touching tribute to her self-sacrifice - touched a nerve, with many accusing the broadcaster of using her story as a form of "propaganda".

//Another video posted this week by state-owned media outlets in Gansu showed several female nurses weeping as they had their heads shaved also got netizens angry.

Full Article: BBC News, (21-Feb)
#ChinesePropaganda #Hero #CoronavirusOutbreak #Wuhan
Hubei declaration of independence on Twitter 2/2

[Tweets content]
This is an order from the Wuhan interim government: all officials from Wuhan municipality and the Hubei province should break away from the control of the Communist Party of China. They should report duty to this interim government through secret or open channels, guard their current post and responsibility, be obedient to the instructions given by the interim government and wait quietly for reorganization.

The interim government has started its operations which include organizing congress meetings, drafting the Wuhan provisional constitution and arranging suffrage participated by all Wuhan and Hubei residents who are eighteen or above. This is to establish a council elected by the people.

[Photo content]
Wuhan interim government: Hubei declaration of independence (draft for asking opinions)
2nd February 2020 (be called for short: the 20200202 declarations)

// Mr. Chow Sin Wong publicly admitted that regarding the outbreak of the new coronavirus disease, ”as a local government”, he could only disclose information after he got reports about it and was authorized to do so. On the 28th of January, the general secretary of the Communist Party of China, Mr. Xi Jin Ping, said, “I have always been directing the control and prevention work of the plague myself and deploying the work myself.”

//the original government under the single-party system absolutely wouldn’t accept these five demands, like the Hong Kong government which still refused to consider the five demands suggested by the Hong Kong citizens.

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Full declaration

Source: Twitter

#Wuhan #Hubei #DeclarationOfIndependence #CoronavirusOutbreak

Map shows surge in sulphur dioxide levels in Wuhan after coronavirus outbreak? FALSE

(20 Feb) A map has been shared tens of thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube which claim it shows elevated sulphur dioxide levels in Wuhan, the Chinese city at the epicentre of the novel coronavirus epidemic. The posts, published in multiple languages, claim the high levels of the gas could be evidence of mass cremation in and around the city. The claim is false; NASA, whose data was used to create the map, told AFP the imagery was created based on forecast figures of man-made sulphur dioxide emissions and volcano gas, not real-time satellite recordings.

Source: AFP Australia

#SO2 #Wuhan #CoronavirusOutbreak

Rebellion? Chinese Official set up Twitter account, suspected to like a post “Xi Jinping step down”

(16 Feb) PRC Foreign Ministry spokeperson Hua Chunying set up a new Twitter account on Valentine's Day (14 Feb) and an incident already happened two days later.

A netizen found that Hua Chunying actually liked a post that asked the party leader Xi Jinping to step down. A screenshot of this incident was taken and caused an uproar among Chinese netizens. All "favorite content" related to this "liked" on the existing Hua Chunying account has, however, been deleted.

Since Hua Chunying’s Twitter account was set up, 18 posts have been posted in two days. This account was newly established and its officiality was reported by PRC state media Global Times. The official account from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also forwarded the news so it is definitely not a fake account.

Source: Stand News

A netizen did a clip recording showing that Hua liked a tweet which asked President Xi Jinping to step down.


#Xi #HuaChunying #Twitter #StepDown #CoronavirusOutbreak #Spokeperson

It was, unfortunately, to watch TVB for 5 minutes. The content was about the good deeds of Wuhan pneumonia. It was not surprising to tie in with the rhythm of CCP, but the melodrama part was difficult to understand. One part it mentioned a Hongkonger in Wuhan was infected Wuhan pneumonia, but there was no hospital bed. However, later some people concerned has involved in this matter and addressed that the patient was a Hongkonger and so a hospital bed must be allocated. This Hongkonger appreciated that. If it was real, given that he didn’t follow the procedure and received special treatment relying on guanxi or rank, was it really a touching good deed? Is that no one feels strange to propagandize this?

Image: Tao Comic
Source: Facebook

#BoycottTVB #ChinesePropaganda #CoronavirusOutbreak #TVB

Pakistan provides 315,000 effective tablets overnight to treat COVID-19 in China

(22 Feb) Chloroquine phosphate is found to be able to treat COVID-19 in mainland China, however such production was suspended in China for 20 years.

On 5 February, Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited, GPHL, first purchased 15,000 tablets of chloroquine phosphate in Pakistan through various channels, and then purchased another 200,000 tablets. The drugs arrived in Guangzhou at 7:00 p.m. on 8 February.

Bayer China, a medical care and healthcare company in China, had also made an emergency deployment to purchase chloroquine phosphate tablets in Pakistan at the beginning of February and the batch of medicines was completed in 24 hours, and that 200,000 of the 300,000 tablets were "sold" to Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited (GPHL) at zero renminbi.

It took less than 4 days from the purchased medicines in Pakistan to arriving in Guangzhou. It is not easy for Pakistan to urgently collect, transport and cooperate to undertake the fastest international rescue for dispensing the effective drugs to treat COVID-19, as transport infrastructure in Pakistan is not well developed and currently it is suffering from severe locust plague.

Full Article:

#ChloroquinePhosphate #Pakistan #CoronavirusOutbreak

Move From Korea to China

Editor’s Note: There was a notice believed to be issued by Qingdao government circulating online, saying that the government would enforce quarantine measures to all visitors and the government would bear the expense of accommodations. And Qingdao has not banned the entry of visitors from Korea. Many viewed this as an opportunity to flee from Korea as the number of cases rose drastically, making her the country with the second-highest number of confirmed cases after China.

“The flight fare between Seoul to Qingdao is just about 500Yuan but the price soars to about 4000Yuan ( price ranges from 3445 to 6668); all Koreans are now coming to Qingdao!

“It must be the Chinese living in Korea, and we cannot shut the border to our own people.”

“Oh my god, what an intrusion! We must quickly tighten the preventive measures.”

Image 2 & 3 showing the flights from Seoul to Shanghai

Source: Weibo, (24-Feb)

#Korea #Flights #CoronavirusOutbreak

Information of epidemic transparency declined; CHP cut information about people in quarantine twice

(27 Feb) Since the first confirmed case was reported in Hong Kong, the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) almost had the press conference and press release every day to update relevant information about confirmed cases patient. Information released to the public by CHP has been cut twice. The number of intimate contact of confirmed patient in isolation camp and their quarantine situation were initially disclosed. Up to now, it only released the number of confirmed cases. The rest of the information is not available anymore. A fax has been sent to the Department of Health for inquiry, but no feedback so far.

After checking the information in the press release of CHP on 23 Jan for the first two confirmed cases of coronavirus, it clearly stated eight intimate contacts of 39-year-old patient. Three of them were sent to the Lady MacLehose Holiday Village for quarantine. The rest of them, five people, were not in Hong Kong and followed up by the local Department of Health. Two intimate contacts of the second confirmed case were planned to be sent to “the Lady MacLehose Holiday Village for quarantine”. One would be sent to the centre of quarantine. Another people with symptoms “were sent to Tuen Mun Hospital for isolation treatment”. The information of how many intimate contacts of these two confirmed patients with symptoms to be isolated for treatment in hospital and under medical surveillance was all listed clearly.

On 5 Feb, CHP had press release at 1:51 am and 8:39 pm. However, since the press release at 8:39 pm, the appendix of intimate contact of the confirmed case under tracking did not show the location of quarantine anymore.

On 16 Feb, CHP even released less information. The appendix of intimate contact under tracking only showed the number of intimate contact and other contacts of confirmed cases. It did not disclose information of “the location of quarantine and isolation treatment”, “how many would be sent to quarantine”, “how many finished quarantine and still under medical surveillance” and “how many were under medical surveillance”.

FactWire has sent an inquiry to CHP on 17 Feb why it stopped disclosing the details of contacts in the track including intimate contact and other contacts in quarantine or the situation of under medical surveillance. There was no more information about the intimate contacts and other contacts of 14 confirmed cases on that day (16th and 57th cases) under quarantine, medical surveillance or isolation treatment. However, the Department of Health did not response and only stated 150 people in quarantine centre up to 16 Feb. CHP didn’t answer the details in the press conference. FactWire checked with the Department of Health again yesterday (26 Feb) why it did not disclose relevant information. No reply so far.

Source: FactWire

#CHP #CoronavirusOutbreak
#OpinionArticle #HoFungHung

Structural issues within the Hong Kong Government and the Destruction of the Chinese Model

Editor’s note: Professor Ho-fung Hung is currently the Henry M. and Elizabeth P. Wiesenfeld Professor in Political Economy at the Sociology Department and the Paul H Nitze School of Advanced International Studies of the Johns Hopkins University. He is also the author of the award-winning Protest with Chinese Characteristics (2011) and The China Boom: Why China Will not Rule the World (2016)

(17 Feb) At the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, I originally thought this would be a good opportunity for Carrie Lam to act swiftly to prepare for the epidemic and restore Hong Kong people’s confidence in her government. In reality though, the government’s anti-epidemic measures have not only been lacking, but their response has also been very slow, which has aroused even more public anger.

//Full border closure did not happen, and Hong Kong people are now full of grievances....this government having already lost popular support and legitimacy

//The failure in Hong Kong’s governance does not stem from personality defects of individual Chief Executives

//anti-epidemic measures to a level comparable to the “People’s War” during the Korean War era

//China's rise has been supported by the West. It has run out of luck.

Continue reading:

Source : Ming Pao, (17-Feb)

#ChinesePropaganda #MaskShortage
#FailedState #CoronavirusOutbreak #CarrieLam #Economy #ChinaModel

Stock Food for Another 14 days in Wuhan 2/2

Image 3
Last time many police officers were sent from Chongqjng to Wuhan, and now they again send another batch of police from other provinces to support City of Suizhou in Hubei. It would be normal to send medical staff, but police? What else are they planning to do?

Image 4
Netizen A: Get prepared and stock supplies. From 25 Feb to 10 Mar, nobody is allowed to leave their residence. All shops will be closed! If this works, another 15 day city siege will follow. Aiming to end the siege on around 25 Mar. This news is basically confirmed.

Netizen B: Can anyone check if it’s true?

(Attachment: Government orders 2020 number 44 pdf. )

Netizen C: This is true. The measures will be strictly enforced on 25 Feb.

Netizen D: Yeah i guess it’s another round of more stringent measures. A measure like this means that the effort we put in in the past was in vain.

Netizen E: Sigh, the supply for food will be tight again.

Image 5
Notice on making purchase from a estate committee

Summary: Due to continuous outbreak of the Coronavirus, stringent rules and limitation have been imposed on making purchases and the delivery of goods in the Neighbourhoods and estates.

Only necessary life supplies such as limited range of food, medicines, and baby supplies, are allowed to be bought and delivered into the neighbourhood. No takeaway delivery and other unnecessary items are allowed.

No delivery of any goods is allowed into to neighbourhood since 25 Feb. The notice also advise residents to stock up on food and supplies for a 15 day period.

Red text: Only bulk purchase every 7 days for the time being.
After 24 Feb 24:00, delivery and collection of items and parcels are strictly forbidden.

Source: Facebook, WeChat, Twitter

#Wuhan #14DaysLockUp #StockFood #CoronavirusOutbreak #BulkPurchase
Wuhan at Night - lockup time has reached the limit which human beings can stand

Editor’s Note: In the video we can see Wuhan people screaming and roaring at night, as they have been locked up in their communities or even their homes. Perhaps this was the only way thy can show and express their anger and depression towards the epidemic, the policy or even, the Chinese government.

#Wuhan #CoronavirusOutbreak

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Watch

Xi Jinping revealed that he knew about epidemic situation and analysis on 7 Jan

(15 Feb) The Chinese Communist Party ’s media, Qiushi, published the full text of the Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping’s response to the outbreak on 3 Feb at the Politburo Standing Committee on 3 Feb. The article shows that Xi was aware of the epidemic in Wuhan on 7 Jan and held a meeting to request for prevention and control. However, at that time, Xinhua News Agency did not mention the epidemic situation in Wuhan at all, but quoting Xi’s speaking other current affairs throughout.

Some observers believe that the reasons that Communist Party’s journal revealing “Xi has known about the epidemic in Wuhan and made important instructions”  are not just for praising Xi, showing how wise and brave Xi is, and taking responsibility off of Xi, but also mean to blame the local authorities in Hubei and Wuhan. It seems to copy what happened the Qinling villa incident in Shaanxi.

Continue reading:

Source: Apple Daily

#WuhanPneumonia #Hubei #Xi #CoronavirusOutbreak

54,000 Iranian prisoners furloughed due to coronavirus fears: Judiciary spokesperson

//ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Over 54,000 prisoners in Iran have been temporarily released as a precautionary measure against the spread of coronavirus

//Iraj Harirchi, the head of Iran’s coronavirus task force told reporters on Thursday that he had asked the judiciary to grant leave to certain prisoners to reduce crowding in the prisons and the spread of the virus.

//The issuing of custodial sentences has dropped 35% since the judiciary ordered judges across the country last week to refrain from taking more prisoners into custody.

//Prisoners with sentences up to five years in length have authorization to be furloughed

//However, political prisoners generally receive longer jail sentences longer than five years and are unlikely to be released.

//UN medical experts arrived in Iran on Monday to help the government tackle the widespread coronavirus outbreak

//Thirty-seven people have been detained for hoarding medical equipment... five million masks and 32 million gloves hoarded have been recovered.

//anyone found interfering in the health system while the country battles a serious outbreak of coronavirus could be found guilty of sowing “corruption on earth,” which carries the death penalty.

Source: RUDAW, (3-Mar)

#Iran #CoronavirusOutbreak #Prisoners

Mainland Chinese netizens’s views on “A Battle Against Epidemic”

Editor’s Note: On the 6 March, the book “A Battle Against Epidemic” was officially called off by shelf.

(27 Feb) The book “China Combating COVID-19 in 2020 - A Battle Against Epidemic” is recently published in China. The book has over 100,000 words.

An overwhelming majority of netizens have badly criticized the publication of the book, saying that “Who would write a book on the advantages of a country’s political system when the country is half way through battling a war? What if the war becomes a losing battle, wouldn’t it all become rubbish? Didn’t Japan also promote themselves in a similar way after the Battle of Midway in 1942? They kept getting slapped in the face until an atomic bomb was dropped on them.”

Another netizen named “A sharp cut - what kind of human does that?” commented, “It’s clear how the Chinese Communist Party is severely impacted by the epidemic. Now they are desperately trying to instigate people to have faith, they must be aware of something. It seems ridiculous of the government to publish a book when the country is still battling an epidemic, but something might have indicated a trend that’s frightful to them.

Netizen "gray ghost" pointed out, "In the past, a celebration, instead of funeral, would be held when a disaster had come to an end. But nowadays it has become praising achievements and virtues when the disaster is not even over."

"This world is too crazy" left a comment, “How does one claim credits when the work is not even done? Now, this guy who personally directed the deployment but did not go to the affected area in person can't wait to publicize himself. Enough is enough. He wouldn’t even visit Beijing's infected neighborhoods, not to mention Wuhan! What a “true man!””

Excerpt: HKCNews

Further reading:
Guangdong netizens skeptical of President Xi’s efforts in containing the Novel Coronavirus

#ChinesePropaganda #WuhanPneumonia #CoronavirusOutbreak #Xi #CCP

Finding similarities between Xi Jinping and Chongzhen Emperor at the end of the Mind Dynasty

Editor's Note: Chongzhen Emperor was the 17th and last Emperor of the Ming Dynasty(1368–1644) as well as the last Han Chinese to reign as Emperor of China. The Chinese often like to use fictional or historical characters to comment on country leaders. The writer of this essay has done a brilliant job of comparing the situation faced by Chongzhen at the end of the Ming Dynasty with the current situation faced by Xi Jinping in modern day China.

(13 Feb) Xi Jinping, with all his political might and abundant technological resources, has been sent into a deep panic over the Wuhan Pneumonia. The whole country is gripped by fear and anxiety, with cities and towns under lockdown, the furor among Chinese citizens could be heard everywhere. A fiery commentary on the subject has been going viral recently on the Internet, perhaps revealing a certain insight (into the current situation in China).

Someone recently published an essay online entitled “Facing the end of the Ming Dynasty, all of Chongzhen’s people were waiting for his orders”, which explained how the Ming Dynasty came to an end under Chonghzhen Emperor’s rule. It was censored shortly after being published but continued to spread among numerous social media circles. Obviously, people were not particularly interested in the history. Rather, they were finding certain similarities between China under Xi Jinping’s rule and how the Ming Dynasty perished under Chongzhen Emperor .

//He killed the most talented ministers, and the remaining officials were incompetent and never spoke out. They only obeyed the Emperor’s orders. In the end, Chongzhen still blamed his advisors for misleading him.

//everyone will seek instructions from the level above. If there is no direction from the senior level, then nothing will be done as it is considered the safest option.

//As for doing things that are beneficial to the state and citizens, that was not part of their duties.

//the speed of the anti-epidemic response would have been determined by Xi’s own understanding of the situation.

Full Translation:

Source: RFI

Further reading:
Xi Jinping revealed that he knew about epidemic situation on 7 Jan

#CoronavirusOutbreak #Bureaucracy #CCP #WithChineseCharacterisitcs #Xi #ChineseModel
You only live once (YOLO), has been a trending slogan that many youngsters live by. This can be seen in their love for travel and how much joy it brings them.

However, expensive flight tickets often impede them from fulfilling this wanderlust of theirs.

In order to sustain their business through this pandemic, airlines are starting to offer cheap and attractive deals to attract more travellers to explore the world.

This of course, turns out as a great chance for student to get cheap flight tickets, and visit other countries without having to compete with crowds. However, going on trips at this point of time is extremely risky, and it may increase the risk of them catching the Coronavirus, and in turn, becoming carriers, spreading the virus to all parts of the world.

Cultures and fasinating sceneries will hardly change over the course of a few years, but fighting this virus is more time sensitive. The longer it stays virulent, the more dangerous it is for people around the world.

Please be considerate and put any holiday plans on hold, at least until we have this virus under control.


Further reading:
#CoronavirusOutbreak #Article23 #Beijing
Pro-Beijing Camp Collects Signature to Support Anti-Subversion Law in Exchange of Facemask

Beijing loyalist Junius Kwan-yiu Ho, known for his alleged connection with the Traid attack on July 21 in Yuen Long, urged for the implementation of Article 23 on the street in Prince Edward, Hong Kong.

Article 23 is a draconian Anti-subversion law: When its bill was introduced in 2003, it said that the authorities could search and investigate any person and organization without warrant. The bill was withdrawn after half a million people took it to the street.

Source: Internet #Mar15
Namewee, Malaysian singer tells us why the name "Wuhan virus" should be used

Namewee, a popular singer in South East Asia, said in a video that many diseases are named after the place where the outbreak occurred. For example, Ebola is the name of a river in Africa. Other famous examples are Hong Kong feet, German measles, and Japanese encephalitis. This way of naming has been a tradition in the medical world. The purpose is to allow us to commemorate the place where the plague broke out, to reflect, and to draw lessons from history. There is no discrimination at all.

Namewee also emphasized that he respects the Chinese government's calling Wuhan virus as Coronavirus, and people who go to China have to abide by Chinese regulations, the same as one must abide by any other countries' regulations when he is there.

Having said that, Namewee argued that given Malaysia is not ruled by the Beijing government, why should they do things according to what Chinese government stipulates?

#Wuhanvirus #Malaysia #NameOfVirus #Namewee #CoronaVirusOutbreak


Further reading:
Apologize for saying the term “Wuhan Pneumonia”