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#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

Taiwanā€™s three keys to success
Taiwanā€™s epidemic and hygiene prevention awareness today comes from:
1. The original intention of the colony
2. During a hundred years time dealing with the political party from ā€œthe opposite bankā€, they have multiple experiences of being fooled
3. Not being involved in WHO the priate ship, and hence no need to take WHOā€™s lies
As a result, Taiwanā€™s prevention measures against Wuhan Pneumonia are unique. Of course, a part of it was luck: If the Chinese Nationalist Party was previously elected, the number of Wuhan Pneumonia confirmed cases would be 10 times the number today. Actually, it couldnā€™t really be considered as luck, itā€™s the vision and common sense of Taiwanese voters: They treasure lives more than money.

Excerpt: Apple Daily, (14-Mar)

#Taiwanese #Coronavirus #WHO
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

Using Traditional Chinese Medicine to Combat the Epidemic

(13 Mar) Online news circulated in mainland China of Dr Zhong Nanshan's dismissal from leading the national task force combatting the Wuhan pneumonia. The official reason for his dismissal is unknown. There is online speculation that Zhong resisted Chinese President Xi Jinping's mandate to use "Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to combat the epidemic" and that he stubbornly adhered to Western medicine principles. This led to dissatisfaction within the Chinese medicine industry and complaints to President Xi.

//Zhong had previously spared no efforts to serve his country, declaring "the virus' discovery in China did not necessitate its origin in China". Deliberately left blank, Chinese netizens understood the declaration as "the virus is a biological weapon from an American lab". After completing this mission of foreign declaration for China, Zhong retired. In fact, because of the paranoia triggered, the US government felt slandered. He is no longer able to apply for an American visitor visa, a huge sacrifice on his part.//

Full translation:

Source: Apple Daily

Further reading:
China Accuses US of the Source of Wuhan Pneumonia
Hong Kong Experts: Wuhan Coronavirus originated from China is an "outcome of Chinese bad habits"

#ChineseMedicine #Xi #ZhongNanshan #VirusOrigin #ChinesePropaganda #Censorship #Coronavirus
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

How to play this poker game

(15 Mar) The Wuhan pneumonia is globalized. Even the epidemic may subside when warm weather returns, the world will still be disconnected with China and enter an era of "Post Made in China".

It is not the epidemic that is scary, but the habit of how the Chinese government and the Chinese conceal and lie about everything. The Chinese government and its people think they are always right - all faults are on the U.S. side which is the leader of the West. The world has experienced this, and the global pandemic has been confirmed and declared. Where will all the people, except the Chinese, go? This is a very serious problem.

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Image: 地ē“œē†Šč€å…­
Source: Apple Daily

#Coronavirus #Mulan #ChinaThreat #VirusOrigin
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

Rome in the Wee Wee

(2 Mar) A world with one more cyber-community of hundreds of millions of people suffering from collective mental illness is a nasty thing.

Symptoms of a mental patient: reading out many imaginary stuff out of what should have been a simple question, and then ranting hysterically.

For example, a Chinese swimmer named Sun Yang was banned from competition for eight years after the International Court of Arbitration for Sport ruled that he had taken drugs illegally.

//A smart nation should not have pledged the dignity of 1.3 billion people on such trivial matter, and insisted that the Western rules crowd out or discriminate Chinese, or that the international swimming organizations were bribed by the U.S. empire out of jealousy towards China's rise and prosperity.//

Full translation:

Source: Apple Daily

Further reading
Be ā€œTolerateā€ to Sun Yang

#SunYang #Nationalism #Chinese #ChinesePropaganda #Discrimination
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

Darwinism in the Pandemic

//And Europe, including Switzerland, crammed full of elites, is a complete mess under this pandemic.
//Wuhan Pneumonia is a major reshuffle of global intelligence. Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea are ranked the top four respectively in terms of community response. The people from those areas did not have any convoluted arguments. They just acted quickly to protect themselves once they encountered the virus.
//Taiwan is not part of the WHO, or in other words, the Triad [organised crime syndicate]. The Taiwanese people, including President Tsai Ing-wen, knew from the beginning that the African Director-General of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, was a liar.
//It became the world's most learned in the specialisation of tropical diseases. Hong Kong should have been the worst affected after the Handover. However, Hongkongers experienced over 20 years of political resistance. From the protests against Article 23 to the Umbrella Movement to the Anti-ELAB Movement, Hongkongers continually underwent rebirth in the wake of war and trauma, making them highly sensitive to distress.
//In terms of confronting the virus, the quality of awareness and response within the communities of Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan is better than any European country. This is a completely new phenomenon.

Full Translation:

Source: Apple Daily

#Taiwan #Korea #Japan #Epidemic #Italy #WHO #Tedros #SelfHelp #Darwin
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

800 words for 3000 years
(29 Mar) Why canā€™t Chinese achieve the same scientific and democratic modernization as the West?
There are many reasons, I could go on for days. For starters, it is the nationā€™s obedience and deep-rooted depravity, as verified by Chinese writer Lu Xun. Secondly, it is the 2000-year system based on the dark emperor system of Emperor Qin Shi Huangā€™s legalism. Thirdly, Chinese pictographs are only suitable for the imagination, whereas English is based on Latin, pictographs cannot cultivate rational logical thinking.
Most importantly: Western civilization originated in Greece 3000 years ago, around the same period as Chinaā€™s Spring and Autumn period. However, the original intention of Western Greek culture aimed to ā€œseek truthā€ from the very beginning. Under the starry nights of Athens, Socrates and Plato would explore the logic and philosophy over a question. In contrast, Confucius, Mencius and their students wasted too much time on ā€˜benevolenceā€™, the concept of kindness.
//the ā€˜benevolenceā€™ in Confucian ethics was soon permanently suppressed by Emperor Qin Shi Huangā€™s legalist scholar Shang Yangā€™s cruel legalism.
//The ethical Chinese culture was once based on morality, and it slowly became something that scholar-officials recite. In reality, the scholar-officials were people who palace maidens and eunuchs kissed up and snitched to.
//In short, after 150 years, they still choose the way Lenin and Mao Zedong ruled, they still want an Emperor.

Full translation:

Source: Apple Daily

Further reading:
Why is this Apocalypse?

#Confucian #legalism #Emperor #Lenin #ChineseCulture #Taiwan #Democracy #Pandemic #LuXun
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

How reliable are Chinese statistics?

Chinese spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yuan Mu said thirty years ago: Nobody died in Tiannamen square.

Western politicians nowadays have seen 'Tienanmen statistics' when they were growing up. For those who still believes it are either naive and ignorant or eager for Chinese money, which both are the worst of humanity. Fortunately, these crowds are limited to Western politicians, scholars and bankers, who spent their honeymoon with China for the last 20 years. Folks in Germany and Switzerland are behaving as they are supposed to, yet they're still being tricked by their politicians.

Jacky Chan once said: TVs made in China explode. Masks made in China are now returned without exception. With the benefit of hindsight, Chan was indeed a true intellectual. With globalisation and the Chinese pandemic, countries began a quality race to the bottom. And this bat and mouse eating civilization dreaded by Lu Xun is way ahead the rest of the pack.

Excerpt: Apple Daily, (04-Apr)

#ChineseCharacteristic #Germany #ChineseStatistic #TiannamenSquare #Switzerland #LuXun
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

Looking Down at the ā€œUniversalā€ Karma

(2 Apr) Wuhan Virus (COVID-19) has been ā€œglobalizedā€. Since the late George H.W. Bush was president, US has adopted the engagement policy with China for over 10 years, shifting the high cost of product with deadly land and air pollutions to China, in turn to enjoy long-term benefits of ā€œMade in Chinaā€. Chinese Community Party (CCP) transformed Mainland China into an economic powerhouse by mobilizing 1.3 million ā€œslavesā€ and took advantage of their blood and tears. Today, China finally revenged by exporting Wuhan Virus all over the world, with the Western countries crying for help desperately, which is certainly an unique scene to witness.

//The Western perception of Chinese workersā€™ lives as worthless, and poisoning PRC citizen in return of prosperity brought by ā€œGlobalizationā€, has been raving for 30 years.

//Since the Tiananmen Square protests, the label of ā€œMade in Chinaā€ has been constantly reminding the West that the world will meet this day.

//UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who accepted Huawei into the UK telecom network, initially advocated for ā€œherd immunityā€ from Darwinism; he then got infected by Wuhan Virus and thereafter angered by China and planned to kick Huawei out of the said network

Full translation:

Source: Apple Daily

#Globalization #TiananmenSquare #Pollution #WuhanVirus #Karma #Economy #HerdImmunity #Hauwei
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

Michelin of Bat and Rat at Paris

Editor's note: The following is written by columnist Chip Tsao on Apple Daily in response to a petition initiated by a person named Jon Soloman

"Jon Solomon, who is a left-leaning, sinologist of French origin working in Shanghai, pointed out that a Doctor in Hong Kong, Dr Yuen Kwok-Yung has committed 'colonial racism'. He then asked for the Head of Hong Kong University, who is originated from China, to dismiss Dr. Yuen.

//The ā€œInferiority of The Chineseā€ referred by Dr. Yuen, both Lu Xun and Albert Einstein

//While no university in Western dares to stop a ā€œcolonial racismā€, Jewish Theory of relativity.

//If eating rats and bats were nothing wrong, the Chinese in Paris should respond to the left politicians by opening a specialty store at Avenue des Champs-Elysees and offering grilled rat and bat soup.

//Hong Kong complied with the rule set up by the British Emperor, who destroyed the Old Summer Palace, stopped the Chinese from killing cats and dogs for food. Such abhorrent examples of colonial racism have not yet been abolished by the British Remnant: Carrie Lam.

//not a single Hongkonger, not even our chief executive is a full-blooded Chinese.

//If humans stuck to the civilization of colonial racism, pandemics would not happen today."

Full translation:

Source: Apple Daily News #Mar26

#JonSolomon #YuenKwokYung #LuXun #ColonialRacism #HKU #AlbertEinstein #EatingBats #Chinese #Hongkongers
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

From Hong Kong Chief Justice Independence to Hong Kong Excretory Independence

(11 Apr) In the panic of the Wuhan pneumonia, Shenzhen is reportedly considering the legal ban of slaughtering and consumption of cat and dog meat. There are speculations that China is using Shenzhen as a first trial to progressively ban cat and dog meat consumption.

This news is worrying, as everyone knows that there is no right or wrong in culture. Chinese people eat cat and dog meat. Mainland Chinese netizens proclaim with conviction that it is their God-given cultural right.

Although Hongkongers were fortunate enough to endure British colonial rule and did away with the inferior DNA of butchering and eating cats and dogs, I have a nationalistic question for the "master of the house" SAR government. Why not abolish what the British left behind, the evil colonial ban of butchering and eating cats and dogs? This could be the Handover of culinary culture from 1.3 billion Chinese people to Hong Kong's 7 million people, fully returning them to Chinese people.

As long as Hong Kong does not recover their Chinese culinary culture of slaughtering and consumption of cat and dog meat, their "Chinese identity" will be incomplete. Just like as long as Article 23 is not enacted, "Basic Law" in Hong Kong will be incomplete.

Continue reading:

Source: Apple Daily

Further reading:
Hong Kong judges battle Beijing over rule of law as pandemic chills protests
Michelin of Bat and Rat at Paris

#GeoffreyMaTaoli #JonSolomon #Article23 #RuleOfLaw #ColonialRacism #FoodCulture