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How is WHO Director-General elected?

In 2007, China joined with a group of developing countries successfully to elect Margaret Chan from Hong Kong as the Director-General of the World Health Organization and then re-elected in 2012. During her tenure, she carried out the major reformation of the election system. The Executive Board will choose three candidates in closed session to the World Health Assembly. Then the World Health Assembly will vote for the new WHO Director-General. Each country represents one vote. The new arrangement is obviously beneficial to developing countries such as China. For example, African countries have more than 50 votes in total, accounting for 1 over 4 of memberships. In 2017, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus from Ethiopia overwhelming defected British opponents with 133 votes to 50 votes. At the time, international experts were happy with the election results and believed that the recognition of WHO could be significantly improved. And Tedros could also help the work of WHO to be more relevant to the needs of developing countries, especially to curb the spread of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in Africa.

In fact, Tedros is the first WHO Director-General who is not a doctor. His academic was in the field of public health, and he has been in politics for a long time. From 2012 to 2016, he was the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia. In this Wuhan pneumonia, he had been involved in scandals. For example, during his term as the Ethiopian health minister from 2005 to 2012, he concealed the cholera disaster three times, causing hundreds of patients to die. He expressed his gratitude by appointing 93-year-old President Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe as a WHO Goodwill Ambassador in 2017. Later, this decision was withdrawn due to political pressure. In 2018, a month after meeting with Putin, he suddenly appointed an anonymous Russian representative to oversee the project against tuberculosis. This alternative director-general is leading the WHO to deal with the epidemic of a century, and can only wish everyone good health.

Source: CUP

#Tedros #WHO #MargaretChan #WHODirectorGeneral

How Beijing pressured WHO?

(1 Feb) On 28 January, Friday, a report was published on how China blocked WHO from declaring the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic to be a Global Health Emergency of International Concern. The report mentioned that political considerations seemed to prevail over scientific arguments in WHO’s decision.

WHO invited four ambassadors of four countries involved in this epidemic to participate in an emergency meeting on 22 and 23 January. These countries included China, Thailand, South Korea, and Japan. RFI had the same comment from two different sources that the Chinese representative put pressure on WHO and their Director-General, and didn't let WHO declare Wuhan pneumonia to be a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern.” The votes were split half and half between for and against after the first meeting. It was an exceptional outcome in WHO.

An insider of WHO analyzed as follows. China is not a developing country any more according to China’s new doctrine. Comparing with SARS, the situation has been completely different. And China is now capable of handling this public health emergency independently. The Director-General compromised with China because he would like to wrap up the official meeting in China.

On the one hand, the situation changed dramatically before and after the WHO Director-General’s visit. When the WHO Director-General met with Xi Jinping, he still praised Xi Jinping in the tone of People’s Daily. He never mentioned how serious epidemic had become between the 8 to 20 December. Until 30 January and only after the WHO Director-General’s visit in China, the WHO would declare Wuhan pneumonia to pose a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern.”

On the other hand, the Chinese official media praised the performance of China through the visit of WHO Director-General in Beijing on purpose. In the news on Friday, 29 January, the Chinese official media expressed their thanks to WHO to let China rise again. During the visit in Beijing, the WHO Director-General didn’t meet any foreign media, except the Chinese official ones of China. Comparing in details between the news report of the Xinhua News Agency and the official press release of WHO, we can see that the praise to China by Tedros has been exaggerated by the CCP communication teams.

One can check the WHO official website for the original statement of the WHO Director-General. Regarding the visit of Tedros in Beijing, there were two press releases. One was published after the meeting of Tedros and Xi Jinping. Another was released the next day to report on WHO’s visit in China.

Source: RFI

Further reading:
How is WHO Director-General elected?

#WHO #Tedros #Xi #Coronavirus #Outbreak
Tedros addresses criticism against China coronavirus response

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO Director-General, who was coughing throughout the nearly hour-long press briefing, said "I cannot say they hid or they didn’t but if you see some of the information we have, the number of cases outside of China [is] very small." during a press conference on Wednesday in Geneva, Switzerland, in response to a question referring to comments made by John MacKenzie, emeritus professor at Curtin University in Australia, and a member of the emergency committee of the International Health Regulations advising the WHO chief on the 2019-nCoV outbreak.

Full Article: https://www.devex.com/news/tedros-addresses-criticism-against-china-coronavirus-response-96518

#WHO #Coronavirus #Tedros


1. The #WHO expert team visited China, but China did not allow American experts to join the group. WHO accepted.

2. Then China finally allowed American experts to join the WHO expert team, but they were only allowed to visit Beijing, Guangzhou and Chengdu, not the hardest hit areas - Hubei Province and Wuhan. The Chinese reason: it was the critical period of the epidemic situation, reception capacity was limited. WHO accepted.

3. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom highly appreciated China's tremendous efforts to prevent and control the epidemic, and admired President Xi Jinping's outstanding leadership and firm political confidence, and emphasized that the visit of WHO experts to China was not because of Chinese insufficient capabilities, but to show the unity and cooperation of both parties.

Conclusion: WHO is already an indivisible part of China.

Image : Eat News
Source: Simon Shen Facebook

#SimonShen #Xi #Tedros #ChinaInfluence

As pandemic looms, world's top disease fighter engages Xi in delicate quest for

//Tedros is also engaged in a delicate diplomatic dance with a Chinese government that’s sensitive to perceived slights and a big financial supporter of countries across Africa, including Ethiopia, where he also served as foreign minister and a high-ranking member of its former ruling coalition.

//Tedros needs the support of China’s all-powerful President Xi Jinping to increase on-the-ground access for the world’s best infectious disease experts.

//On Jan. 30, Tedros, after initially hesitating, declared an international emergency. Now, with new hot spots emerging in Japan, South Korea and Iran, Tedros’s team may need to declare a pandemic if the virus keeps spreading.

//Tedros has consistently backed China, despite evidence that the government was slow to react, silenced scientists at home and resisted cooperation with international disease-trackers. After weeks of wrangling, a WHO response team finally appears headed to Hubei province, where the outbreak erupted.

//Tedros has shown skill in dealing with the complexities of China’s authoritarian government.

//“He has an unusually good understanding of how the Chinese look at the world and how they look at their internal dynamics.”

//All told, the country received $24.5 billion in Chinese contracts and investment from 2005 through last year

//If countries follow WHO guidance and maximize this window of opportunity, then we can overcome this crisis.

Source: Japan Times

#WHO #Tedros #Coronavirus

Japanese netizens: As Japan believed WHO, it once overlooked the outbreak

(4 Mar) Regarding the global outbreak of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), said that the number of new cases outside China have reached 9-fold than that of China, amongst all the countries, the situation on South Korea, Italy, Iran and Japan, were the most worrying. He also called on the world to pay attention to the virus and emphasised that it was still possible to contain the virus, all countries must put this mission as a priority.

The number of new cases reported by China to WHO was 206, the fewest since 21 January.

When the speech of Dr Ghebreyesus reached Japan, many Japanese netizens were enraged by it. Some put the blame on WHO and criticised WHO on overlooking the outbreak. Some opinions pointed out that Japan at first believed the data and the suggestions of WHO, the government, medical scholar and the general public were too optimistic on COVID-19. Moreover, the restriction on Chinese visitors was one step behind, resulted in the widespread.

While many countries enforce the 14-day quarantine, Japan set the number to 12-day. Japan even followed WHO’s suggestion and reduce the duration to 10-day. According to an anti-epidemic personnel who once worked on the Diamond Princess cruise ship, he followed WHO’s instruction, wore mask and gloves to work. Still, he was infected, unfortunately.

Some Japan netizens said, “(they) completely fail to acknowledge the importance of his (Ghebreyesus’s) speech. Regarding the outbreak, it is important to take strong measures at the beginning, so that the impacts can be minimised. However, due to the objection from this director, the outbreak becomes inevitable. It is entirely a man-made disaster.”

Another netizen was even more discontented, “WHO praised China but criticised Japan. It is wrong to say that the situation in Japan is worrying. WHO can be disbanded.

Some also pointed out, “WHO lacked crisis awareness. It is WHO created today’s situation. At this moment, it is useless to say anything. If there is still a possibility to contain the virus, then please tell us the solution.”

Source: China HKET

#WHO #Tedros #Japan

WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus' daily demonstration of how far one can go as CCP's mouthpiece

1. "The number of new cases reported in the rest of the world has exceeded the number of new cases reported from China.... It's what's happening in the rest of the world that's now our greatest concern." This statement completely downplays China's responsibility for causing the global epidemic to get out of control because of its coverup and mishandling of the initial outbreak. Naturally, it also downplays the WHO's accountability for underestimating its lethality in the first place.

2. 'He warned other countries affected by the epidemic that it can get out of control if they do not "move swiftly and contain it".' This is in line with Chinese propaganda's interpretation that COVID-19 is becoming "imported from outside". It rationalises the official position that countries around the world should not close their borders to Chinese or foreign visitors who have been to China.

3. 'According to China's experience battling the epidemic, "with the right measures, it can be contained. That's one of the key messages from China."' This tries to prove to the world that the 'Chinese model' is the 'gold standard' for handling the epidemic. Every country should learn from China. But because they are unable to 'learn' its entire system, China will rise on top.

4. "This virus does not respect borders. It does not distinguish between races or ethnicities. It has no regard for the country's GDP or level of development." This continues to publicise political correctness and downplay China’s role as the source of the outbreak. It continues to export its responsibilities to other countries.

5. "No country should assume it won't get cases. That could be a fatal mistake"; "Every country needs to be ready to detect cases early, to isolate patients, track contacts, provide quality clinical care, prevent hospital outbreaks and prevent community transmission." On the one hand, China uses the gold standard to judge other countries' poor handling of the epidemic. On the other, it uses the minimum standard to measure its own responsibilities, which led the outbreak to become a global disaster and the world, "a community with a shared future for mankind".

Editor’s Note: "a community with a shared future for mankind" is actually a quote from Zhao Lijian, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson for China.

Source: Stand News, Itn News(Quotes), (29-Feb)

#WHO #Tedros #CCP #Coronavirus #ChinesePropaganda #ChineseModel
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

Darwinism in the Pandemic

//And Europe, including Switzerland, crammed full of elites, is a complete mess under this pandemic.
//Wuhan Pneumonia is a major reshuffle of global intelligence. Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea are ranked the top four respectively in terms of community response. The people from those areas did not have any convoluted arguments. They just acted quickly to protect themselves once they encountered the virus.
//Taiwan is not part of the WHO, or in other words, the Triad [organised crime syndicate]. The Taiwanese people, including President Tsai Ing-wen, knew from the beginning that the African Director-General of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, was a liar.
//It became the world's most learned in the specialisation of tropical diseases. Hong Kong should have been the worst affected after the Handover. However, Hongkongers experienced over 20 years of political resistance. From the protests against Article 23 to the Umbrella Movement to the Anti-ELAB Movement, Hongkongers continually underwent rebirth in the wake of war and trauma, making them highly sensitive to distress.
//In terms of confronting the virus, the quality of awareness and response within the communities of Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan is better than any European country. This is a completely new phenomenon.

Full Translation:

Source: Apple Daily

#Taiwan #Korea #Japan #Epidemic #Italy #WHO #Tedros #SelfHelp #Darwin

The Trilogy of CCP’s global domination: Big sprinkles of money, big trades and great manipulation

(4 Apr) Edward Yau (the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of HK) criticised a RTHK journalist’s question to a senior executive leadership member of WHO (note 1) for the ‘sin’ of breaching One Country Two Systems (note 2) Yau’s action was clear- to show his absolute loyalty to CCP, which is out of the same motive of Lam-Cheng’ policy of no border closure to PRC. (note 3) The competition to show political correctness of ‘loyalty’ to the Central government came from the Cultural Revolution era all the way to erode One Country Two System (note 4). Indeed, HK is more and more Mainlandised.

The world is aware that WHO is favourably biased towards CCP. WHO has misled the world since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. WHO covered up the severity of the virus for a long period of time to oppose imposition of travel bans and border closures to people from China. The Director General of WHO Ghebreyesus did not go to China to understand the actual situation of the outbreaks there. He just went to flatter Xi Jinping in exchange for $20 million payment to remain silent.

//WHO has lost creditability.

//CCP spent a lot of money to woe African dictators who came and gone like meteors through economic inducements.

//CCP builds up its own circle of friends through the money bait policies in the third world over decades of time.

//They are not alert of CCP’s invasive influences to international organisations like WHO, WTO, Interpol and the World Bank. CCP works to displace the integrity of these organisations that are formed and operating on a rule-based governance world order with their ways.

Full translation:

Source: Stand News

Further reading:
Trump aides consider creating alternative to WHO

#CultureRevolution #WHO #Tedros #OneCountryTwoSystme #SharpPower #Mainlandised #PRCForeignPolicy #Taiwan #InternationalOrganisation #ChinesePropaganda

Many netizens on behalf of Taiwanese apologized to Tedros
Taiwanese Investigation Bureau found Chinese Netizens did it

(11 Apr) Tedros, director of WHO, said before that he had been subjected to racist comments and death threats for months. His speech caused a lot of controversy. Then, many messages on behalf of Taiwanese apologizing to Tedrso appeared quickly. After Taiwan Investigation Bureau started an investigation, it was found that it may be done by Chinese Netizens.

Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau (MJIB) held a press conference lately and published an investigation report showing that many posts in twitter about “I am Taiwanese, I am ashamed of the racial discrimination and maliciously attacks to Tedros by Taiwanese. On behalf of Taiwanese, I would like to apology to Tedros and black population. I beg for his pardon.” A large amount of similar messages were found, therefore MJIB believed it was manipulated by foreign forces, and decided to investigate and find out the source.

They found a Twitter account of a broadcast website was the first one to leave message related to apologize for different European and American media. After that, a Chinese radio twitter account copied that message as an apology template, and even provided photo of Taiwanese IDs to urge other twitter users to use them to pretend as Taiwanese and publish apology tweets. Other netizens found it was interesting. MJIB has already found nearly 100 similar posts, and they would continue to investigate this incident, and urged people to be cautious to identify fake news on the Internet.

Source: Unwire HK

Further reading:
How is WHO Director-General elected?
'If you're black you can't go out': Africans in China face racism in Covid-19 crackdown

#Tedros #African #FakeNews #Apology #Twitter #Taiwanese #ChinesePropaganda #Racism

Petition to Support Taiwan’s inclusion in WHO
127 European politicians have signed a petition to support Taiwan's inclusion in WHO after Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the organization's Director-General, accused Taiwan of criticizing his way to manage the epidemic was racially influenced. Participating politicians praised Taiwan's handling of the epidemic, and said its exclusion from WHO is unfair and incomprehensible.

Full article: Taiwan News, (11-Apr)

#Taiwan #WHO #Tedros #Petition
Biased belief in CCP hurts the world: WHO is the accomplice 7/7

On the other hand, WHO rejected every different view regarding the interpersonal transmissibility of the virus from other Infectious disease expert sources from Taiwan, HK and creditable medical journal Lancet. This kind of partial listening and biased belief completely is inconsistent with the principles of neutrality, objectivity, and science-based, that should be adhered by an international organisation. WHO’s biased stance is irresponsible to the international community. The emphasis of WHO about the “non-transmissibility” of the virus loosens people’s gird of vigilance about the dangerous pandemic. In this context, it is objective to say that WHO has contributed to the spread of the contagion globally.

Lastly, let’s take a look at a humorous moment during WHO 146th session of the Executive board meeting. The representative from Thailand, expressed his criticisms on WHO’s misjudgement on the severity of the coronavirus, via a sense of honour and sarcasm, making the rest of the representatives giggle. Here is what he said, “Chair(person), the travel restriction novel virus in China has been violated.” He added, ”If we implement travel restriction and have to quarantine, we have to quarantine Director General Dr Tedros, who just came back from China and cancel this meeting! Now the many attendees – including those from countries that implemented travel restrictions – have shook hands and even hugged Dr Tedros. They are all vulnerable, except me. Dr Tedros declined to hug or shake hands with me in the last 3 or 4 days. Particularly you Chair(person), who sits next to him all the time would be the most vulnerable. We need to bring back global confidence, solidarity and stop the panic immediately.“ He facetiously proposed to immediately call a global meeting of WHO staff and experts in China, Wuhan specifically. He remarked to giggling audience, ”We can all appreciate the most charming Yellow Crane Tower, built almost 2,000 years ago, with very few tourists. If we meet in Beijing, it would be the best time to visit the Great Walls and the Forbidden City with very few tourists and at low costs.” He even added, “with my wife’s permission, I am happy to pay half of my annual pension to support this meeting and join it with my own expense.”

Source: HKCNews, (04-Apr)

Further reading:
The Trilogy of CCP’s global domination: Big sprinkles of money, big trades and great manipulation
Thai WHO Representative Questions WHO's Double Standard and Slant Towards China

#Coronavirus #CCP #WHO #Tedros #Statecenorship #Thailand #ChinesePropaganda