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Keep the Fire Burning🔥🔥🔥

Photo: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/18102

Despite ruthless police arrests, hundreds of protesters took to the streets in remembrance of the 6th month since the 831 incident when riot police stormed into Prince Edward Station and attacked citizens indiscriminately last year, showing that Hongkongers have not forgotten their pursuit of justice.

Our compatriots, we understand that Hong Kong people need the time right now to tackle this coronavirus epidemic. During this time, let us try a peaceful approach to continue our quest for democracy, to keep our memories of those dreadful happenings in past 8 months fresh in our minds. We should, nonetheless, make use of this time to train and fortify ourselves for future fights.

“Hold on to your rage,
tend to your inner fire.
The battle is not yet won,
this war shall go on
unto world's end!"

See you under "the pot" (LegCo Building).

#Mar3 #831Incident #PoliceBrutality #PoliceState #Neverforgetneverforgive


喺831半週年,Hong Kongers已經証明左,佢地冇忘記呢八個月香港發生過嘅事。手足明白香港人需要抗疫,喺呢段期間,儘量用一個和平嘅手法,令大家記住革命入面發生嘅每一件事,同好好利用呢段期間,level up自己,面對之後嘅抗爭。


煲底見 —

#香港人 #光復香港時代革命 #文宣馬拉松 #保持憤怒 #保持熱度 #抗爭到底 #感動 #兄弟爬山各自努力 #neverforgetneverforgive
#DailyUpdate #Mar3 #COVID19

COVID-19 Updates (3/3)

There have been surges in the number of infected today as global numbers climb to 91,310 with 3118 deaths. China, South Korea, Italy, and Iran continue to be the worst affected countries.

China’s reported figures now state that some 80,151 people are infected with 2943 deaths.

The South Korean government has announced another 851 confirmed cases of the coronavirus.

Iran has also recorded 835 cases today, at least 23 Iranian members of parliament have tested positive for coronavirus.

Jailed British-Iranian woman Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe is “in good health,” Iran’s Judiciary spokesman Gholamhossein Esmaili said at a press conference on state TV on Tuesday.

The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting 77 countries and territories. Since Monday, Andorra, Indonesia, Jordan, Gibraltar, Latvia, Portugal, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, the Czech Republic, and Tunisia have all reported their first case of the coronavirus.

The South Korean religious group at the center of the country’s coronavirus outbreak has handed over a full list of 310,000 members to authorities for follow-up health checks. While the South Korean President says, the country has “entered a war” against coronavirus.

A Wuhan doctor, from the same department as whistleblower doctor Li Wenliang, died from coronavirus on Tuesday, according to Wuhan Central Hospital.

Myanmar postpones the annual military parade due to coronavirus fears.

The Chinese Embassy in Iran is planning to evacuate Chinese citizens from the country as the coronavirus outbreak continues to grow, the state-run Global Times reported.

The British government has said that “it is possible that up to one-fifth of employees may be absent from work” during the peak of a coronavirus epidemic in the UK.

People arriving from multiple places in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe will be forced to self-quarantine by Thai authorities, the country’s Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said in a Facebook post on Tuesday. But it was deleted within 10 minutes after posting.

Japan’s minister for the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, Seiko Hashimoto, said the Tokyo 2020 “games could be postponed until later this year”.

The WHO praised China again for its "highly sophisticated health care treatment procedures, which is really good at keeping people alive with this disease.”

Source: CNN, John Hopkins University, World Meter, VOX
Carrie Lam pleads for Beijing's sympathy, Calling Herself Fighting the War Alone

Apple Daily obtained a 10-page document drafted by Chief Executive Carrie Lam reporting to Beijing her contribution to fighting against the epidemic.

Lam complained and criticised the pro-Beijing camp for not rendering her enough support. She described herself as “facing enemies on all sides”.

Staging a political agenda, she blamed the failure of her anti-epidemic policies on pro-democracy protests, which sent her approval rate to record low. Lam highlighted the possibility to use the Coronavirus to spin opinion around, as "effective handling of the epidemic" could create a more “favourable ambience” for the pro-Beijing camp in coming Legislative Council election.

Lam refused to comment, saying speculations about communication between Hong Kong and Beijing would not be answered. She called the anti-epidemic measures guided by “scientific justification” and often listened humbly to expert advice.

Source: Stand News

Police Commissioner denies His Gags Has Hurt the Force's Reputation at Banquet with Pro-China Celebrities

A response was finally heard from Commissioner Tang Ping-keung on March 2 concerning his banquet with pro-China celebrities, where they sang karaoke and Tang cracked inappropriate jokes about learning to be police from actors.

Watch video: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/17444

Tang excused himself by saying that his comment was meant to be "humorous" and "courteous" to other guests, denying that it could affect the reputation of the force. He accused those sharing the video as making a fuss over a trivial.

Tang admitted, though, amidst the Coronavirus outbreak, he was not sensitive enough to keeping a distance with acquaintances in social gatherings.

Legislator Alvin Yeung criticized Tang's response as a lame excuse: As a public servant heading a 30,000-strong disciplinary force, he should be reserved in his manner, not frivolous in talking and joking.

Source: Ming Pao #Mar3
Labour and Welfare chief intends to hand out $10K cash to non-permanent newcomers in Hong Kong despite a steep budget deficit

In late February 2020, the Finance Secretary announced a package of relief measures in his latest budget proposal to counter the foreseeable economic downturn due to the coronavirus outbreak, which includes handing out $10,000 cash to Hong Kong permanent residents aged 18 or above.

Mr Law Chi-kwong, Secretary for Labour and Welfare, made a further announcement in an interview this morning (March 3), that the Government intends to handout $10,000 cash through the Community Care Fund to non-permanent Hong Kong residents who has resided in Hong Kong for less than 7 years, this includes mainly those who came to Hong Kong for family reunion under the one-way visiting permits.

Source: Stand News #Mar3
Hong Kong Police Arrest Middle Eastern and Dutch Civilians during 831 memorial event

This past Saturday, February 29, marked the 6th month of the 831 incident when riot police stormed onto subway trains at Prince Edward Station and indiscriminately attacked passengers who were on their way home last August. A large group of civilians gathered outside the station in remembrance of the victims and the memorial event later evolved into clashes with riot police deploying tear gas during the dispersal operation.

A 19-year-old Middle Eastern man was charged for assaulting police after he and more than a dozen men hurled objects at plainclothes. Since the court hearing has been postponed, the defendant will be remanded in custody till May 11.

Furthermore, a 42-year-old buyer and a 31-year-old Dutch teacher were charged with arson for burning debris in a roadblock and throwing paper into a fire. Both men will be in custody till April 27 before taken to court for hearing.

Source: InMedia #Mar3
MTR Put Blames on its Staff; Pro-China Camp Defames Pro-Democracy Protesters for 'Derailing' MTR Train

On September 17, 2019, MTR's East Rail Line train derailed when approaching Hung Hom Station, injuring 8 passengers.

Almost 6 months later,
MTR announced the result of its investigation on March 3 and blamed its staff who had tried to fix a widened gap between the rails earlier but didn't really know what they were doing.

When the derailment first ocurred, pro-China faction blamed pro-democracy protesters for derailing the train.

Source: RTHK #Mar3
#PoliceState #StateMachine
Police Inflict Violence and Sexual Assault on Street Sleepers,
District councillors and catholic communities demand apologies

Around Seven black-clad police officers stroke on street sleepers' properties and canned food in Tung Chau Street Park, Sham Shui Po on February 24. They threatened to wipe out the homeless communities in Hong Kong.

A policewomen pushed a man with chronic disease to the ground, tore his hair and even stepped on his intimate part.

A witness Shan, who was living in the rainshelter of the park, said that the police destroyed all of their tables and boxes while bags of rice were stabbed and scattered. The witness was forced to press on a knife's handle and slandered as possession of offensive weapon.

Source: InMedia #Mar3

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#PoliceState #StateMachine
Police Inflict Violence and Sexual Assault on Street Sleepers,
District councillors and catholic communities demand apologies

Around Seven black-clad police officers stroke on street sleepers' properties and canned food in Tung Chau Street Park, Sham Shui Po on February 24. They threatened to wipe out the homeless communities in Hong Kong.

A policewomen pushed a man with chronic disease to the ground, tore his hair and even stepped on his intimate part.

A witness Shan, who was living in the rainshelter of the park, said that the police destroyed all of their tables and boxes while bags of rice were stabbed and scattered. The witness was forced to press on a knife's handle and slandered as possession of offensive weapon. He further added that the police may target to search for illegal drugs to charge them. He felt helpless since he needed to repurchase food and cleaned up the glass shatters amidst the coronavirus outbreak.

Rev. Timothy Lam, Rev. Franco Mella, Shiu Ka Chun Legislative Councillor's office and district councillor from ADPL condemned such shameful behaviour and criticised the government downplayed the homelessness issue. They urged the police to apologize and explain above case in the coming district council meeting.

Source: Inmedia #Mar3
#HomeStudy #ClassSuspension
Parenting During Coronavirus Outbreak: Parents Find Children Easily Distracted Studying at home

As all kindergartens, primary and secondary schools are suspended during the Coronavirus outbreak, over 70% of kindergarten parents and over 80% of primary school parents said that their children had difficulties studying at home, according to a survey conducted by the Education University of Hong Kong.

Some upper kindergarten parents worried that even with online teaching material, they might not be able to teach children correct pronunciation. At home, parents also need to check if their children wrote correctly and quiz them repeatedly to enhance children's memories. Some parents said they tried their best to allot studying time from play time, but children were easily distracted at home. Parents were exhausted supervising them all day.

In views of the varying amount of homework, parents urged the Education Bureau to issue uniform guidelines.

Source: RTHK #Mar3