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#Propaganda #CensorshipKills
An Anti-Epidemic Story Told By Media in China: 20-day-old Babies Ask For the Whereabouts of Their Mother

As the Wuhan Pneumonia outbreak continues, media in China have been publishing many articles based on 'heart-warming' 'real life' events to cheer up people in China.

In a recent news story released by “Hua Shang Bao” (華商報), it praised a frontline nurse for leaving her family to combat against the Wuhan Pneumonia in Xijing Hospital, just 20 days after she gave birth to her twins. According to the article, her twins boys asked their father “Where’s mum?” after she left home for work.

The article triggered discussion online, as people have been commenting and questioning how come the 20-day-old babies would be able to talk. The newspaper later apologised and promised that they would be careful next time.

#RealLifeStoryByCCP #20_day_old_twins #ChinesePneumonia
#HuaShangBao #ChineseCommunistParty #CCP
#WeChat #CensorshipKills
Free From WeChat

Editor’s Note: After the death of Dr. Li Wenliang, netizens in mainland China started asking for freedom of speech, but soon they found that their freedom of speech was further tightened in WeChat, due to the increased surveillance by the China government. Some of the netizens called on switching to telegraph to regain the freedom of speech they were meant to have.

Continue reading: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/17874

Source: 中国文宣 TG channel
#NetizensVoice #WeChat #CensorshipKills

Free From WeChat

Image: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/17871

The new coronavirus is a natural disaster. But when free discussion about the epidemic is limited, the epidemic becomes a political disaster.

Since February 1, 2020, a large number of WeChat users' accounts have been temporarily suspended or permanently banned. Discussions about this development soon became super topics on Weibo. Most of the banned users had no idea what they did wrong, and were astonished that they were banned. They tried to appeal and explain themselves to WeChat administrators, begging them for mercy. No one has any confidence that their appeals would succeed.

But the damage has already been done, and the price has been enormous. That moment has made people suddenly realize how fragile their control was of their own WeChat accounts: "Little did we know that we never had ownership of our accounts."

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Source: 中国文宣 TG channel
China Conceals Coronavirus Cases by Destroying Samples and Test Results

According to media outlets in China, the Chinese authorities have been covering up details into Wuhan pneumonia, for instance, by stopping tests and destroying samples of new coronavirus.

On January 1, a staff member of a genetic sequencing company received an order from the Hubei province health care committee to suspend analysis of the new coronavirus; moreover, samples should be disposed of and no information should be released externally. The government officer demanded, "all new Coronavirus cases should be reported directly to the state."

On January 3, the General Office of China's National Health and Health Commission cascaded similar directives.

Source: HKET

#Feb27 #ChineseCoronavirus #GlobalOutbreak
Hong Kong Microbiologist and SARS expert: Hospitals I visited in China are "units on display"

Hong Kong Microbiologist and SARS expert Dr. Yuen Kwok-yung was officially invited to visit Wuhan, the epicenter in China, from 17 to 19 January 2020.

He told a state-owned journal that the places he was invited to visit were probably "units on display". In addition, all heath authorities and hospitals, government officials, health officers to medical workers, seemed to have "model answers" ready for his questions.

For instance, it was only after Zhong Nanshang pressed for answers, that he found out a patient has infected 14 medical workers, proving that human-to-human transmission occurred.

Source: Stand News #Mar8
Photo: New York Times
#WuhanPneumonia #CensorshipKills #GlobalOutbreak
China's virus response likely cost world two months: White House

Reuters, March 11, 2020

//China did not initially handle the coronavirus outbreak well, likely costing the world two months when it could have prepared and dramatically limited the outbreak, Robert O’Brien, the White House national security adviser, said on Wednesday.
“Unfortunately, rather than using best practices, this outbreak in Wuhan was covered up,” he said during a think-tank appearance, citing reports from Chinese citizens about doctors being silenced or put into isolation “so that the word of this virus could not get out.”
“It probably cost the world community two months to respond,” during which “we could have dramatically curtailed what happened both in China and what’s now happening across the world,” he said.//

Source: https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN20Y29R
China's Propaganda: Fighting Deadly Viruses with Marxism and Maoism

 â€śMarxism is a force that supports the absolute victory in battling against the COVID-19 and it is an important embodiment that shows the superiority of the socialism with Chinese characteristics,” wrote in article entitled “Marxist Belief: An Internal Force to Defeat the Novel Coronavirus Epidemic" published by an 'academic' journal in China.

Even though the epidemic is far from being over, the CCP’s Publicity Department already published “A Battle Against Epidemic: China Combating COVID-19 in 2020,” a book praising Xi Jinping.

During the Cultural Revolution, Mao Zedong Thought, or Maoism, was promoted as “a spiritual atom bomb of infinite power,” which could practically resolve any difficulty. All of a sudden, “extraordinary” results were achieved if guided by Maoism at work, slaughtering pigs, or treating diseases.

 Source: Bitter Winter #Mar12
#CensorshipKills #ChinesePropaganda
#Newspaper #CensorshipKills
China Blasts Nobel Laureate for saying the coronavirus originated there

//The Chinese embassy in Lima published an announcement blasting the Nobel laureate for his “irresponsible” comments he made with regards to China and the coronavirus outbreak.

The statement, which can be found on the embassy’s account on chat app WeChat, was in reference to a column written by Vargas Llosa and published in Spanish newspaper El PaĂ­s.

In the column, 83-year-old Vargas Llosa stated that the virus had “originated in China,” and that because of the epidemic, society is showing signs of returning to the Middle Ages when people lived in fear of the plague.

This would not be happening were it not for China’s undemocratic political system, highlighting the fact that doctors who tried to blow the whistle at the start of the outbreak were silenced, and time that could have been used to develop a vaccine was thereby lost. He said such actions were the hallmark of dictatorships.//

Source: Quartz
#CensorshipKills #GlobalOutbreak
Hong Kong Experts: Wuhan Coronavirus originated from China is an "outcome of Chinese bad habits"

- Using "Wuhan coronavirus" or "Wuhan pneumonia" in daily communication and media coverage is for the sake of easy understanding

- China has forgotten the hard lesson of SARS epidemic by allowing fresh game meat to become food delicacy in modern cities

- Wuhan's South China seafood wholesale market was the origin of the coronavirus.

- Wuhan pneumonia is an "outcome of Chinese bad habits" which include the "indiscriminate hunt of wild animals, inhuman treatment of animals, and lack of respect for life".

- Should such culture remain, SARS 3.0 would certainly break out.

- World Health Organization was too slow in its decision to declare a pandemic of COVID-19", making many countries unprepared for the outbreak.

- Claims of the origin of the coronavirus in the United States are "unsubstantiated" and "self deceiving".

Source: Stand News #Mar18

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#CensorshipKills #GlobalOutbreak
Hong Kong Experts: Wuhan Coronavirus originated from China is an "outcome of Chinese bad habits";
Many Countries Unprepared Due to WHO's Slow Response

The naming of the novel coronavirus has stirred up disputes, as China opposed the insertion of "Wuhan" despite that it is the origin of the virus.

Professor Yuen Kwok-yung, a SARS expert and microbiologist at the University of Hong Kong, and honorary assistant professor, Lung chun-bong contributed an article to Ming Pao on March 18. They wrote that using Wuhan coronavirus or Wuhan pneumonia in daily communication and media coverage is for the sake of mass communication. The name is easier for the public to understand, compared to the formal term adopted in scientific debates or academic discussions.

Yuen and Lung expressed that during the 2013 SARS outbreak, coronavirus was found in civet cat, leading to an outright ban of game meat trading in China; however, 17 years later, the game meat market is flourishing in China. In other words, China seemed to have forgotten the hard lesson of SARS epidemic. Yuen and Lung criticized the behavior allowing fresh game meat to become food delicacy in modern cities as eye-popping.

The article pointed out directly that the South China seafood wholesale market in Wuhan was the origin of the coronavirus. The virus was spread through cross-infection and mutated from its natural host to an intermediate host and to human being, eventually causing human-to-human infection.

The Wuhan Coronavirus was described in the article as an "outcome of Chinese bad habits" which include the "indiscriminate hunt of wild animals, inhuman treatment of animals, and lack of respect for life". The article concluded that should such culture remain, SARS 3.0 would certainly breakout in some ten years later.

In response to China's statement that the virus was originated in the United States, the article criticized such statement as "unsubstantiated", "self-deceiving" and should be stopped to avoid making fool of themselves.

The article also criticized "the World Health Organization for being slow in its decision to declare a pandemic of COVID-19". As a result, many countries are left insufficiently prepared in anti-epidemic measures vulnerable for the disease. For the time being only Singapore, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are better guarded for virus attack.

[Editor's note: In the evening of March 18, Mingpao said Yuen and Lung withdrew their article from the newspaper and that Yuen said that scientists should not get involved with politics. See Stand News Report.]

Sources: Ming Pao; Stand News
#Mar18 #WuhanPneumonia #WHO #China #CoronavirusPandemic #GameMeatDelicacy