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The 57th confirmed case was found to have clean lungs. Symptoms are not necessarily obvious, making it hard to identify these virus carriers
First Patient of Tear Gas-caused Lung Damage Signs DNR and Supports Teaching of Medical Students by Signing up to be "Silent Mentor" ⬇️

Graphic Source: Flash Media
First Patient of Tear Gas-caused Lung Damage Signs DNR and Supports Teaching of Medical Students by Signing up to be "Silent Mentor"

Dr Kenneth Kwong Si-san, former lecturer at CUHK, stated today (Feb 17) on Facebook that possibly the first patient in Hong Kong to be diagnosed with tear gas-caused lung damage had signed DNR, and hoped to be treated by Professor David SC HUI of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics in CUHK.

Kwong stated that the patient signed up to be a "silent mentor", a body donation scheme for anatomical examination in relation to teaching and research. As patients suffered from tear gas-related diseases had always been treated by Professor Hui, he wishes Hui and his team at Prince Wales Hospital would tend to the patient who now currently resides in Tuen Mun Hospital.

Kwong also quoted the patient, who expressed his wish to receive palliative care with dignity, become a "slient mentor", and be treated post mortem by Pasu Ng Kwai-lun, embalmer of "slient mentors" at CUHK.

Source: K Kwong Facebook
#Feb18 #TearGas #PoliceState
Gov’t opened quarantine centres despite protests from nearby residents

The government announced that until morning February 9, 86 of the 97 apartments of the 3 quarantine centres were occupied. To cope with the saturation, 100 apartments will be constructed to the 3 quarantine centres and Sai Kung Outdoors Recreation Center, which the government predicted to finish by mid-March.

The Heritage Lodge of the Jao Tsung-I Academy and Chuen Yang Estate, despite protests from residents, will be converted to provide a few hundred more apartments. Meanwhile, the government promised residents that medical staff and law enforcement officers will stand by 24-7 to make sure patients inside remains under medical surveillance.

Source: i-Cable #Feb9
#DailyUpdates #Feb18 #COVID19

COVID-19 Updates (18/2):

- The total number of infected is now standing at 73437 where the numbers of deaths are now at 1874, of which 72439 confirmed cases and 1869 deaths are from mainland China.

- The Chinese Journal of Epidemiology released a report which mentioned 3019 medical staff were infected and the death rate was estimated at 2.3%.

- The JiangXi province government announced resumption of work. Workers are not required to submit health condition documents. Workers who haven’t been to Hubei are not required to be quarantined.

- Additional 88 confirmed cases are found on cruise ship Diamond Princess, giving the total of 542.

- 2 new cases are confirmed in Hong Kong, one of them is a Filipino domestic worker who worked for another 62 years-old confirmed individual.

- The first group of representatives of HKSAR government looks forward to evacuate residents starting from tomorrow.

- 2 planes for South Korean President have arrived Japan, preparing to evacuate South Koreans onboard Diamond Princess.

- Japanese authority is planning to let passengers onboard Diamond Princess who show negative results to COVID-19 viruses to disembark tomorrow.

- Japan is experimenting AIDS drugs to treat coronavirus-infected patients.

- The Filipino Ministry of Foreign Affairs withdrew the prohibition to its residents who are heading to Hong Kong or Macau to work as domestic workers.

- The WHO warned not to be over optimistic even though the number of increasing cases everyday kept declining.

Source: Now News, worldmeters.info, Health Commission of Jiangxi Province, China News
#FirstHand #Feb18
Third Month Of #PolyU Siege: Protestors Hold Signs In Memory Of The Death Of The Movement And Express Their Voices

22:31 | Tsim Sha Tsui

Today marked the third month of Poly U siege. Despite the cold snap, three young people in black and masks held signs silently in Tsim Sha Tsui, in memory of the death of the anti-extradition law movement and remind people not to forget about the movement. Some held the flag of “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution Now” and “Hong Kong Independency”

Riot police also conducted stop and search to some civilians by-passing Tsim Sha Tsui.

#Feb18 #PolyUSiege #3months #NeverForget #PoliceState
#SupplyShortage #FailedState
Hong Kong Government Allocates More N95 masks to the Police Force Than The Department of Heath

According to an internal document obtained by Apple Daily, it was discovered that 640,000 face masks and 13,000 N95 masks were distributed to the Hong Kong Police Force. The police force obtained the second most amount of face masks amonv all government departments.

Although the Department of Health has obtained 1.3 million surgical masks, only 300 N95 masks were allocated to the department, which was incomparable to the number obtained by the police.

In view of the supply shortage in the city and hospitals, the generous amount of supply allocated to the police force stirred up discontent.

The public relations branch of the police, however, responded that theit supply was only sufficient for one-week operation.

Source: RTHK; Stand News
#PoliceState #PoliceRules
Residents: Replacing the Government and Introducing Universal Suffrage is the Only Solution

200 residents gathered peacefully to oppose the government’s plan in converting Sai Kung Outdoor Recreation Centre into a quarantine centre. The rally initiated by a district council member was held in Sai Kung Waterfront Park and has received a notice of no objection from the police.

There was a similar rally last week decrying the same government plan, which ended with the arrest of 2 civilians. Among them one was injured in the head by the police.

Residents voiced their opinions and raised signs reading “Objection Against Using Sai Kung Outdoor Recreation Centre as A Coronavirus Quarantine Centre “and “Closing the Hong Kong Border is the Only Solution”.

Some residents described the government as “always choosing to be an enemy to the people”; some said the government had already started to convert the location into a quarantine camp. They said they felt very powerless and believed that the problem can only be solved with a replacement of the entire government. “What they are doing is very harmful for the next generation,” one resident said.

Source: InMedia
#Feb16 #ChinesePneumonia #SaiKung #QuarantineCentre
Residents: Replacing the Government and Introducing Universal Suffrage is the Only Solution

Source: InMedia #Feb16
When Fear Reflects Public's Distrust of the Authorities

On Feb 17, a suspected abduction and a suicide stirred up terror among the population, although the two events were believed to be unrelated in the end.

The two cases are as follows:
01:27 | Po Lam Serenity Place Block 3, Tseung Kwan O
A man, shouting for help, was allegedly kidnapped onto a car. The car then drove to the direction of Po Hong Park.

07:43| Yan Chung House, Yan Ming Court
A secutity guard discovered a man lying on the podium after a bang sound. Firemen and paramedics lifted the body off the platform via a ladder and certified the death of a 67-year-old man surnamed Tsang. He was suspected to have fallen from height but no suicide note was found at the scene.

Since mysterious dead bodies, unexplained "suicides" and missing people cases grew in number with the pro-democracy movement and police brutality, the population have their reasons to worry about all possible linkages.

Source: @tko84; Oncc #Feb17
#Panic #FailedState
Feb 17, 2020: Hong Kong in a State of “WAR(S)”

Crates of rice and toilet paper were purchased in bulk by local residents hoping to hoard these vital supplies in case the continuous outbreak of Wuhan pneumonia affects local supply; leaving the racks at the supermarket completely empty. The Westwood branch of Wellcome Supermarket imposed a quota on purchasing these daily necessities.

Source: Daniel Cheung Facebook

Further reading:
Toilet paper robbery
We all lose out if toilet roll panic continues

Distribution of personal protective equipment among different government departments

Mystery of stock level of PPE in HA 1/4 : HK Hospital Authority not transparent to frontline staff on sufficient supply of personal protective equipment in public hospitals

Editorial note: HA's opaque approach to handling public and frontline staff's concern about the adequate supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) in public hospitals reveals the deterioration of the public health system in Hong Kong. When compared with SARS in 2003, contingency and crisis management in dealing with a sudden large scale outbreak of infectious disease has worsened. Are these symptoms of a weak and failed state as a Bloomberg article pointed out? The muddling of reporting essential PPE supplies provide further insight beyond the tip of the iceberg.

(11 Feb) The Food and Health Bureau (FHB) and Hospital Authority (HA) previously repeatedly declared that inventory of N95 masks, protective gowns and other protective equipment were "very sufficient", equivalent to 3 months' supply based on the estimation of peak usage during the 2009 swine flu. Yet the two departments never disclosed any concrete figures of available PPE.

On Feb 8, a day after the Hospital Authority Employees Alliance (HAEA) halted the strike, Dr Deacons Yeung - Director (Cluster Services) of the HA - suddenly changed his tone during an interview with RTHK radio program, Accountability Saturday. He said that there were only 2.2 million protective gowns and 16 million surgical masks available in public hospitals. The number was estimated to be barely a month's usage. In response to HAEA's demand for regular reports on PPE figures, Yeung replied that daily usage numbers were very “floating figures” and described that disclosure of the stock level was "not really meaningful”.

Source: CitizenNews
#Coronavirus #HospitalAuthority

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️Table below
The number of surgical masks was reduced more than 50% after 1 day. (Image Souce: CitizenNews)

Mystery of stock level of PPE in HA 2/4

A frontline medical worker indicated that the HA’s HR app had a specific item for dispersal of information regarding the Wuhan pneumonia. Among the information was a document dated 6 Feb (version 2.9) provided by the Chief Infection Control Officer Office. The document listed the HA’s enhanced measures, including a 90-Day Contingency Stock of PPE. The document mentioned daily monitoring of its usage by HE. A list of reserves updated on Jan 27 included goggles/eye shield, face shield, surgical masks, N95 respirators, disposable isolation gowns, disposable examination gloves, and disposable caps were listed on tables.

However, the HA had not informed frontline staff the existence of such document via emails. "A lot of frontline staff are likely unaware of its existence." A medical worker admitted that he would not have known that it could be accessed through the HR App without his colleagues from the Hospital Infection Control Team reminding him. The lack of communication may have to do with the strike by frontline staff. The HA may be purposely deceiving or concealing information from them.

A comparison of PPE stocks between version 2.9 (updated on Jan 27) and 2.3 (Jan 10) showed no change over the 17 days. Previous information indicated an additional 8 confirmed cases between Jan 10 and Jan 17; 110 people were hospitalised as of Jan 27. It can be deduced that a considerable amount of PPE should have been used during this period.

Source: CitizenNews

#Coronavirus #HospitalAuthority

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Figures below