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#FirstHand #Feb3
Riot Police Face Off With Mei Foo Residents Again After Conducting Violent Arrests

00:16 | Mei Foo Bus Terminal
Mei Foo residents chanted slogans in protes of the government's refusal to seal off Hong Kong-China border and the unconsulted decision to set up a quarantine center in a heritage site.

Riot police stood by at the bus terminal and shone strong light at civilians and reporters.

#PoliceState #QuarantineCenter #HongKongProtests
#FirstHand #Interview #Feb2
Frustrated Elderly Urges Hong Kong Government to Seal Border with China and Answer to Public Concerns

In Mei Foo on Feb 2, an elderly woman, much frustrated, told us about her horrid experience passing through the police cordon line, when a female police officer hastened her to leave in an extremely impolite manner.

What made her even more upset was that the police yelled at her in abusive language. She considered this as a very disrespectful and offensive act by the Hong Kong police.

During the interview, the old lady took down the black wrapper around her head revealing that she was not wearing any medical mask due to the shortage across retail outlets in town.

She found that government officials of the Carrie Lam Administration only know how to run political shows, refusing to take note of public concerns, not to mention practical actions.

The elderly woman was deeply dissatisfied that instead of sealing off Hong Kong-China border to halt the spread of the coronavirus, the government set up quarantine camps in a densely populated residential area without any consultation.

During the brief interview, the riot police standing by kept on provoking the old lady and the Mei Foo residents nearby. The police yelled and shouted, asking civilians to leave the street.

#MeiFoo #Healthcrisis #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCenter
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2130 | Sai Kung
Sai Kung residents protested against the Hong Kong government's refusal to close the border with China and the unconsulted plan to set up more and more quarantine centers in residential areas in the city.

Source: HKTGB
#Feb4 #QuarantineCenter
#FirstHand #QuarantineCenter
1704 | Fo Tan
Carrie Lam broke her promise made on Jan 28 and announced on Feb 8 the convertion of newly built public housing estate in Fo Tan into quarantine center.

Foreseeing that protest might take place, police set roadblock to stop and search vehicles. At least 3 police cars are standing by.
#FirstHand #HongKongProtests #Feb16

Multi-District Protests Against Government's Failure to Handle the Epidemic: Fo Tan Residents Gather to Protect Their Own District

1700 | Fo Tan
Residents called for the "Protect Fo Tan" rally, demanding the government to withdraw the unconsulted plan to convert Chun Yeung Estate into a quarantine center.

Participating citizens were particularly discontent towards the government's refusal to close the borders with China, for Hongkongers to bear the consequence in epidemic outbreak.

Moreover, Chun Yeung Estate is a newly built public housing estate, where many residents-to-be had waited for years to be allocated there.

#QuarantineCenter #ChinesePneumonia #FoTan

The Carrie Lam adminstration Asked "Hong Kong people" to fight against the epidemic, but since when the unelected government recognise its people?
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#FirstHand #Feb16
Residents Ask the Authorities to Listen to the People's Voice

1834 | Fo Tan
To conclude the rally, the organizers emphasised the importance for the authorities to listen to the people. The population had created plenty of opportunities to speak up and reach out for the government officials in gatherings, street booths and meetings; however, the government has refused to listen insofar.

#HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCenter
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#Firsthand #Feb16 #HongKongProtests

Hong Kong People Protest Against the Government for Mishandling Coronavirus Outbreak

2113 | Kowloon Bay
Compared to the day before, the pace of the residents was much faster today, as more resident joined the march.

“If you don’t resist now, don’t blame anyone when you have contracted the virus,” the crowd said.

Police were on standby with their armored vehicle.

#HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCenter
#FirstHand #Feb16 #HongKongProtests

Kowloon Bay Residents Voice Utmost Discontent Towards Government Incompetence
2139 | Kowloon Bay

#HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCenter
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#FirstHand #Feb16 #HongKongProtests

Designated Clinics in Residential Area Spark Fear of Worsened Community Outbreak of the Highly Contagious Wuhan Pneumonia

2139 | Richland Gardens, Kowloon Bay

Protests persisted into the second day over the government’s set-up of a specialist out-patient clinics (SOPC) location for Wuhan coronavirus patients at Kowloon East General Out-patient Clinic. The designated clinic is located within the high-density residential area, hence stirring up the fear of transmission of the contagious virus and further community outbreak.

Many more resident joined the march on the second dat, bringing along posters and flags. One placard pointed out the “government’s incompetence” in dealing with the deadly coronavirus outbreak.

#HealthCrisis #KowloonBay #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCenter
#FirstHand #Feb16
Close Distance Between Designated Clinic for Wuhan Pneumonia and Residence

This picture showed the distance between the designated clinic for Wuhan Pneumonia and residential buildings nearby.

The white building (left) is part of a large housing estate, while the designated clinic is the building with blue strips (right).

The two were less than 5 meters away from each other. Any problems with sewage or waste treatment of the clinic could incur a community outbreak.

#HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCenter
Hundred Riot Police Encircle Protesting Residents in Kowloon Bay to Make Arrests and Take Photos of Civilians

2238 | Kowloon Bay
At least one citizen was arrested.

Some pro-government residents provoked the protestors, entering in an argument. Riot police suddenly dashed out and used pepper-spray on the protestors to disperse them.

About a hundred riot police arrived at the scene.

Some officers used torches with strong beams on citizens and journalists.

During the police operation, some citizens fell off the ground. First-aiders rushed to provide medical aid to the victims.

A police pointed his pepper spray right at the face of an unarmed citizen.

A St.John Ambulance car left the scene.

Other riot police took photos of citizens from their vehicles.

Source: Rthk; Apple Daily #Feb16

#HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCenter
#FirstHand #Feb16
Police Clash with Civilians in Kowloon Bay, turning the scene into chaos

2248 | Kowloon Bay
More riot police clashed into Richland Gardens, a high-density middle class residential estate. While some journalists and citizens were pepper-sprayed, others fell off the ground when the police charged in.

Police treated the citizens extremely impolitely, using torches with strong beams on them at very close distance.

A citizen voiced his discontent over the police's handling of the scene. When the police threatened to pepper-spray a citizen, a journalist pointed out that he had been cooperating all along, and hoped the officer could explain if he did anything wrong. However, the officer continued to mistreat people. When citizens asked the police for their warrant card, the officer concerned was ushered away by his colleagues.

#HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCenter
Kwai Tsing Residents Suggest Alternative Location for Quarantine Facility

On Sunday, February 16, over 400 Kwai Tsing residents joined the march initiated by the pro-democracy district councilors.

They proposed alternative locations that are further away from residential area such as Kwai Chung Park, vacant government dormintory and Disneyland, for the government to set up quarantine facilities.

The residents opposed the government's current plan to set up designated clinic for the highly contagious Wuhan pneumomia within the 100,000-populated district and near other health facilities for infants, mothers and thr elderly.

Since the authorities had been ignoring citizens' demands, the residents, old and young, had no other way but to take it to the street. They still hoped the government would listen, as alternatives were available.

Source: Stand News #Feb16
#HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCenter
Police Obstruct Lawful Protest from Taking Place On Time, Police Ask Reporter: "Do you guys get paid?”

In Fo Tan, residents protested against the government's use of Chun Yeung Estate as Isolation Centre on Sunday, February 16.

Having obained the letter of no objection from the police, the rally originally scheduled at 3pm was, however, delayed till 5pm due to police opposition.

Special Crowd Management vehicles and Unimog Vehicles were on site standing by, while the police set up road blocks at Fo Tan to search passing vehicles. Starting from 3pm, there had been stop- and- search operations in multiple areas in Fo Tan, during which two reporters were searched and were asked by policemen, “Does the Stand News sell newspaper?”, “Do you guys get paid?”, “Do you guys need to standby at all

Source: Stand News #Feb16

#HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCenter
#QuarantineCenter #Illegal
HK Government Awards Quarantine Center Construction Contract to China State-owned Company Without Tending Process

Instead of completely closing the borders with China, the Hong Kong Government continued to build temporary quarantine facilities in the city. A government plat at Penny Bay with a contract worth HKD190 million was awarded to China Habour Engineering, by-passing regular tendering process.

China Habour Engineering is a subsidiary of China Communications Construction, a PRC state-owned enterprise.

Hong Kong government officials claimed that awarding contracts without the regular tendering process was necessary due to the "urgency of the project" and insisted that the process complied with relevant rules.

Legislative Council Member, Chu Hoi-dick challenged the government's decision, as any project exceeding HKD30,000,000 will need the approval of the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, the government is suspected of violating the law and breaching the independence of the three arms of the administration.

Source: Stand News

#Feb25 #ChinaCoronavirus
#QuarantineCenter #Illegal
HK Government Awards Quarantine Centre Construction Contract to China State-owned Company Without Tending Process

Instead of completely closing the borders with China, the Hong Kong Government continued to build temporary quarantine facilities in the city. A government plot at Penny Bay with a contract worth HKD190 million was awarded to China Habour Engineering, by-passing regular tendering process.

China Habour Engineering is a subsidiary of China Communications Construction, a PRC state-owned enterprise.

Source: Stand News

#Feb25 #ChinaCoronavirus