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#FirstHand #HongKongProtests

Residents Raise Question Over Government's Capability to Guarantee Residents' Health and Safety
1522| Cheung Sha Wan

A resident of Cheung Sha Wan, addressing the elderly citizens, made remarks about the severity of the epidemic. He noted that the coronavirus is highly contagious and could be transmitted among family members. He also questioned whether the government can guarantee the safety and health of the residents in the area when they did not provide any measures when appointing designated clinics. The speaker called for the residents to stay united on the matter.

#Feb16 #CheungShaWan #ChinesePneumonia
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#FirstHand #HongKongProtests #Feb16

Speakers at "Protect Fo Tan" Rally, Questioning the Ability and the Legitimacy of the Hong Kong Government

Pro-democracy activists Jimmy Sham and "Long Hair" Leung Kwok-hung took turn to speak on stage, followed by residents.

The video is the speech given by "Long Hair".

#FoTan #QuarantineCenters #LongHair

Multi-District Protests Against Government's Failure to Handle the Epidemic: Fo Tan Residents Gather to Protect Their Own District

The Carrie Lam adminstration Asked "Hong Kong people" to fight against the epidemic, but since when the unelected government recognise its people?
#FirstHand #HongKongProtests #Feb16

Multi-District Protests Against Government's Failure to Handle the Epidemic: Fo Tan Residents Gather to Protect Their Own District

1700 | Fo Tan
Residents called for the "Protect Fo Tan" rally, demanding the government to withdraw the unconsulted plan to convert Chun Yeung Estate into a quarantine center.

Participating citizens were particularly discontent towards the government's refusal to close the borders with China, for Hongkongers to bear the consequence in epidemic outbreak.

Moreover, Chun Yeung Estate is a newly built public housing estate, where many residents-to-be had waited for years to be allocated there.

#QuarantineCenter #ChinesePneumonia #FoTan

The Carrie Lam adminstration Asked "Hong Kong people" to fight against the epidemic, but since when the unelected government recognise its people?
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#FirstHand #Feb16
Residents Ask the Authorities to Listen to the People's Voice

1834 | Fo Tan
To conclude the rally, the organizers emphasised the importance for the authorities to listen to the people. The population had created plenty of opportunities to speak up and reach out for the government officials in gatherings, street booths and meetings; however, the government has refused to listen insofar.

#HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCenter
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#FirstHand #Feb16 #HealthCrisis
1844 | Fo Tan
Riot police and police vehicle were on standby during the rally.

Police intercept civilians after the lawful rally in Fotan
Media is too big
#FirstHand #Fotan #HongKongProtests
The Carrie Lam adminstration Asked "Hong Kong people" to fight against the epidemic, but since when the unelected government recognise its people?

1735 | Fo Tan
In his speech, Jimmy Sham of Civil Human Rights Front delineated several points as food for thought:

- What is the actual situation in China?
The lack of transparency of the Chinese authorities and the ongoing problem of censorship have made it difficult for the world to handle the epidemic crisis with accurate measures and decisions.

- The Carrie Lam adminstration asked "the people of Hong Kong" to fight against the epidemic, but since when the unelected government of Hong Kong recognise its people and the identity of Hong Kong people as they are?

The Hong Kong government still refused to close Hong Kong borders with China, despite the demands of the population. Sham emphasized that the lack of truth is the real cause of the terror stirred up in the city.

#FailedState #CHRF #CarrieLam #Borders
Police intercept civilians after the lawful rally in Fotan

The rally had been granted the letter of no objection by the police and taken place peacefully.

Mr. Lee, as one of the citizens being stopped and search, said he was taking a photo when the police targetted two people wearing respirator masks; after the police seeing Mr. Lee, his ID was checked as he was searched by the police.

Source: Stand News #Feb16
#PoliceState #FaceMask
#PoliceState #FailedState
Police Litter Outside of the Trash Bin, but Arrest Youngsters Carrying Respirator Mask During Epidemic Outbreak

The Hong Kong police were seen disposing of their consumed lunch boxes outside of the trash bin. On the trash bin, it is clearly written that "Discarding refuse at the side of the litter container will be prosecuted".

This happened during the protest against the set up of designated clinic for Wuhan pneumonia in the crowded center of Kwai Chung. On the same occasion, the police arrested at least two young people allegedly for carrying respirator masks during the coronavirus outbreak in the city.

Source: Apple Daily #Feb16
#FirstHand #Protests
“I Felt Disrespected”: Resident Speaks up For Their Community

[View full recording of speech here]

Thousands of citizens braved the rain to join the rally against the proposal to use a residential development as a quarantine centre. A woman spoke on the rally, who has lived in Fo Tan for over 30 years. “Although I am not a Chun Yeung Estate resident, I understood their feelings.” She pointed out on Friday at 5 pm, although no public gatherings or illegal activities were going on, riot police were dispatched en masse, patrolling across Fo Tan, which made them afraid. When the residents asked District Councilors what happened, they found that even the councilors didn’t know why they were there. “When we woke up the next morning, it is like waking up to another universe,” she said angrily. Roadblocks were placed around our village. All residents of the village were asked for identification documents before entering or leaving their homes. “Never have I seen anything more disgraceful over my time living in the village! Why do I need permission to go back to my home?” Then they found out Chun Yeung Estate was designated to be a quarantine centre.

She expressed her frustrations. “Chun Yeung Estate is very close to our village – these are places where you can pass a bottle of soy sauce from our home to there!” she burst with fury. “Hongkongers are no selfish people, but we need information! How many sites, which keeps a safe distance from residential development, haven’t been used? Until the end of the SARS epidemic, there were still 7000 apartments left. How about now?”

She implored the government to act. “We sit on the same boat,” she said. “If you have no better places for quarantine centers, of course we won’t protest.” She also pointed to the closure of borders with China. “Without closure of Chinese borders, how could you uproot the problem? More new cases happened today. You told us there were always mainland suspected cases. But how did they enter Hong Kong? How did they come to our neighborhoods when they should be under compulsory quarantine?”

#Feb16 #FoTan #QuarantineCentre #FailedState
#FirstHand #HongKongProtests #KowloonBay
The Second Day of Rally Held By Kowloon Bay Residents, Against the Government's Passive Measures in Coronavirus Outbreak

In respond to the government’s decision to convert a general out-patient clinic near Richland Gardens to a designated clinic for Chinese Pneumonia, residents in Kowloon Bay marched for the second consecutive night against the unconsulted decision.

Residents chanted: "Save Our Home!”, “Say No To Designated Clinic For Chinese Pneumonia”, “The Failed Government Kills Hong Kong” while some waived flags that read "Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times" and "Hong Kong Independence".

#Feb16 #ChinesePneumonia #FailedState #DesignatedClinic
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#Firsthand #Feb16 #HongKongProtests

Hong Kong People Protest Against the Government for Mishandling Coronavirus Outbreak

2113 | Kowloon Bay
Compared to the day before, the pace of the residents was much faster today, as more resident joined the march.

“If you don’t resist now, don’t blame anyone when you have contracted the virus,” the crowd said.

Police were on standby with their armored vehicle.

#HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCenter
#FirstHand #Feb16 #HongKongProtests

Kowloon Bay Residents Voice Utmost Discontent Towards Government Incompetence
2139 | Kowloon Bay

#HealthCrisis #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #ChinesePneumonia #QuarantineCenter