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Leading Microbiologist Yuen Kwok-Yung: Medical Staff Go on Strike because Many Precautions and Measures Are Ignored by the Authorities

In a press conference held at 18:08 on Feb 2, the Hospital Authority Employees Alliance (HAEA) pointed out that no "dialogue" was possible as government officials refused to attend the meeting. The absence of Chief Executive Carrie Lam meant that talks had already broken down. (Read: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/16463)

Therefore, the HKEA officially launched the strike approved by their members after voting on Feb 1. The HKEA also clarified that they had not received any invitation to meeting from Secretary for Food and Heath Sophie Chan.

Meanwhile, Hospital Authority (HA) held a press conference and estimated that thousands of medical workers might go on strike on Feb 3. HA Chief manager Cheung Tsz-fung announced the procedures for patients to rebook their scheduled appointments; while HA Chief Executive Ko Pat-sing claimed that "colleagues would be responsible for their behaviour" and that some private medical doctors would join the public hospitals on part-time, locum or other basis.

Known for his contribution to the fight against the 2003 SARS outbreak, Yuen Kwok-yung, leading microbiologist and professor at the University of Hong Kong, said in a radio programme on the same day that it was unjust to accuse medical staff going on strike of being irresponsible or scared of death. Yuen pointed out that the majority of medical staff go on strike because of the authorities' inaction and ignorance to long-time problems such as the overloading wards in public hospitals.

Yuen urges the authorities to answer the demands of the medical staff and the public, which include adequate supply of protective gears for all, controlling the flow of people between Hong Kong and China.

Source: RTHK; Now News
#Feb2 #HealthCrisis #ChinesePneumonia
#YuenKwokYung #HKEA #HA

Hong Kong Employees Alliance On Strike: Pneumonia Outbreak is a Man-made Disaster by the Authorities
Hospital Authority Head Refuses to Meet Medics on Strike; Medics Vote to Resume Duty Next Week As Outbreak Worsens

While the strike organized by the Hospital Authority Employees Alliance (HKEA) goes onto its 5th and last day on Feb 7, the Hospital Authority (HA) has yet made any concrete response to the demands of the medics, which include adequate supply of protective gears and complete border closure.

On Feb 7, the medics on strike gathered at the Hospital Authority Headquarter Office (HAHO), seeking a meeting with HA Chief Executive Dr. Tony Ko. Instead of meeting the medics, HA locked elevators and blocked staircase to stop the medical personnels on strike from accessing.

Medics refused to leave and occupied several areas in HAHO. Disgruntled civilians joined in, urging HA management to understand the work environment of the frontline staff and to handle the risk that frontline medics have been exposed to every day.

Despite this, HA issued a statement, stating that the gathering in HAHO was unauthorized and had been affecting other staff in the building, hence putting their lives in danger. HA asked the medics to leave the building and take note of their own safety when staying in the building. HA also 'reminded' those heading to the gathering to be mindful of potential risks.

Editor’s note:
In the eyes of the Hospital Authority, it is considered “an unauthorized gathering” where the medical staff being HA employees “forced themselves in” while demanding to meet the HA management being the employer.

Some frontline medical staff were on their knees, some even fainted, in order to get an audience with Dr. Ko, the HA Chief Executive. This was, however, considered as “severely affecting their operation”.

Having waited for 5 hours for an honest conversation about masks, hazmat suits and clean uniforms is considered “endangering other staffers” , in the eyes of the HA management.

Source: RTHK #Feb7 #HKEA #HA

Medical Worker Fainted, Hospital Authority Refuses Dialogue
Disclaimer: rumour means it has not been fact checked

Clarification Statement:

Masks made in the Hong Kong Correctional Services are provided for the government organization, but excluding public hospitals.

Because all public hospitals are under the management of the Hospital Authority (HA) and HA is statutory authority independently, so public hospitals are excluded in the government structure. HA only needs to report to government via the Food and Health Bureau, i.e. similar to ICAC, an independent organization

Public hospitals need to purchase surgical masks themselves for medical staff. Therefore, not enough supply of mask in public hospitals is not the business of the Hong Kong Correctional Services.


Submission time: 2020/2/5 10:03 pm

Source: Facebook

#HA #Mask #PublicHospitals #HKCSD
#ChinesePneumonia #HealthCrisis
United Christian Hospital’s Inventory of masks and protective suits would only last for 5 more days

At present, the United Christian Hospital only has an inventory of surgical mask and advance protective suits that can last for 5 days as well as N95 masks and ordinary protective suits for 20 days.

Once these surgical masks are exhausted, medical staff might need to prepare their own supply.

Source: https://lih.kg/1874285

#FaceMask #GovernanceCrisis #FailedState #HA #HKMedics #Shortage

Shielded From Coronavirus:
Different Statuses of Hong Kong Police, Civilians, Medical Staff ...

Media is too big
#HealthCrisis #ChinesePneumonia
The Plight of Medical Workers in Hong Kong: Risking Their Lives to Save Lives Amidst Mask Shortage

On Feb 7, the Hospital Authority Employees Alliance (#HKEA) hoped to meet the Hospital Authority (HA) managenent to demand adequate supply of protective equipment and the complete closure of Hong Kong-China borders.

The management refused to meet the frontline medical workers, even when one of their employees had fainted.

Source: Stand News #Feb7
#FailedState #HKMedics #HA
#HealthCrisis #SupplyShortage
Medical Resource Shortage in Hong Kong: Hospital Staff Forced to Use Less Masks, Drink Less Water and Limit Bathroom Breaks

It had become clearer by the day that Hong Kong public hospitals are low on protective gear for its staff, especially in N95 masks, surgical masks and hazmat suits.

Medical workers on the frontline in Hong Kong revealed that the North District Hospital requested the Hospital Authority (#HA) for more of the 1870+ N95 masks, yet the HA had yet to replenish their supplies. Since the 1870+ masks fit most staffers, they ran out really quickly. Most workers thus had to use other models which did not fit snuggly on their faces, which had potential problems like air leakage or being too tight on the nose, all of which are crucial in ensuring maximum protection.

Currently, Tuen Mun Hospital only allowed phlebotomists to use one mask per day, in order to save the little supplies they have got left. This caused some staff members to drink less water and limit their bathroom breaks so they don't have to change their protective wear.

The Hospital Workers' union were concerned about the lack of protective gear supply and how that would endanger the staff and patients and increase the chance of contamination.

Thousands of medical workers went on a 5-day-strike last week to get the government to close the borders, as well as to request the Hospital Authority to publish the numbers of protective gear they have in stock, in order to make sure frontline staffers have enough of what they need to protect themselves and the patients. The Department of Food and Hygiene and Hospital Authority claimed on the 6th Feb that they have enough supplies to last three months but refused to publish actual numbers. On the 8th Feb, soon after the strike was halted, the HA then overturned their previous claim, stating that there were only 1 month worth of surgical masks left.

The Hospital Authority Employee Alliance (#HAEA) questioned how the number of supplies can drop from 3 months to 1 month in merely 2 days, and whether the HA was attempting to deceive their staff.

Source: CNews
#Feb10 #ChinesePneumonia #HospitalAuthority #FaceMasks #HongKongMedics
Imaginary Reply to (Warning) Letter Issued by the Hospital Authority to Medical Staff During Strike #justforfun

In Reality, Hospital Authority Refuses to Promise Not to Retribute on Staff on Strike Demanding for Adequate Supply of Protective Equipmemt and Border Closure

#HAEA #HA #Strike #EmployeeRights
#HealthCrisis #ChinesePneumomia
Journalist: Why Hong Kong Medical Staff are In Inferior Protective Gown Compared to the Police?

A building in Tsing Yi housing estate had to be evacuated after 2 residents had contracted the novel coronavirus.

The frontline medical staff at the scene were wearing the half transparent Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) suit while the police were donning the more secured Tyek coverall.

In a press conference held by the Department of Food and Hygiene and the Hospital Authority (#HA) journalist asked why medical staff, who have to be in close proximity with the potential infected, were in inferior gear compared to the police officers who only had to stand guard at the building.

The representative from HA claimed “there were different procedures with different departments. I am sure not what their risk assessment is. I only know that our procedure is up to standard”.

More: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/17053

Source: Stand News #Feb12
#HealthCrisis #HongKongMedics
Stinky Sewage Liquid, Dust and Stains: Poor Sanitary Condition in Tuen Mun Hospital Dormintory

Hong Kong's Tuen Mun Hospital is notorious in the medical sector for being “hellish”, especially for their nurse’s dormitories. During the coronavirus outbreak, many medical workers decided to move into the hosoital dormitory provided by the hospital, in order to avoid infecting their family members after coming into close contact with coronavirus patients. However, the living condition of the dormitories provided by the hospital is far below standard.

According to medical staff, stinky sewage liquid in black came out from the water faucet in the washroom for at least 10 minutes. The stained-filled mattresses, countertops, floor tiles and rugs were covered in dust. The poor sanitary conditions in these dormitories showed a lack of maintenance and cleanliness over a long period of time.

Source: Stand News #Feb14
#HA #HAEA #TuenMunHospital #CoronavirusOutbreak
#PoliticalRetribution #Strike
Hong Kong Authorities Allegedly Inflict Political Retaliation on Medical Staff Who Demand Complete Border Closure and Adequate Supply of Protective Equipment

This is a letter issued by the Hong Kong Hospital Authority to staff who were absent during the strike demanding complete border closure and the containment of the coronavirus during epidemic outbreak.

#HA #HAEA #Feb26
#Respect #HKMedics
Head of Radiology at Princess Margaret Hospital Resigns and Refuses to Provide List of Employees on Strike

Source: Mingpao #Feb27
#HAEA #HA #PolticalRetaliation #Strike

Read ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
#Respect #HKMedics
Head of Radiology at Princess Margaret Hospital Resigns and Refuses to Provide List of Employees on Strike

The Hospital Authority Employees Alliance (#HKEA) initiated a 5-day strike in early February and demanded a “complete shutdown of the border” to stop the spread of the coronavirus to Hong Kong from China.

On 25 Feb, the Hospital Authority wrote to all employees who took leave demanding an explanation for their absence which caused dissatisfaction among the medical staff.

According to the source, the Head of Radiology Department of the Princess Margaret Hospital refused to provide a list of the staff who participated in the strike and might have tendered his resignation from his position as the head of the department.

The Hospital Authority states that they will not comment any human resources arrangements on individual employees. According to the source, the hospital is trying to convince him to stay as Head of Radiology. The Hospital Authority spokesperson also said that staff will not be dismissed due to their participation in the strike.

Source: The Stand News
#27Feb #Strike #HA #PoliticalRetaliation
#Authoritarianism #PoliticalRetribution
Hospital Authorities Launch Political Revenge on Staff On Strike, Hong Kong Medical Doctors Fear to Become the Next Li Wenliang

A number of labor unions including the Hospital Authorities Employment Association (HAEA) have plans to go on strike in protest of the national security law in Hong Kong.

Fan Hung-Ling, chairman of the Hospital Authorities (HA) called the plan to strike "political", violating the neutrality of the HA, and that would not succeed.

The Hospital Authorities even hired a team of lawyers to study the legal issues related to the strike back in February.

Fan said that the human resource department would be responsible for following up on the previous strike, but he did not disclose the costs associated with hiring the lawyers.

According to Law Cheuk-Yiu, the vice-chairman of HAEA, many are concerned that after the implementation of the national security law, medical personnel will not be able to speak freely. The situation might get worse like what happened to the late Dr. Li Wen Liang in Wuhan China. Dr. Li was a whistleblower warning of the Covid-19 outbreak in China. He was accused by the Communist government for disseminating fake news and eventually died of the disease.

Similarly, Hong Kong microbiologist and SARS expert Professor Yuen Kwok-yung has been heavily criticized in China, after he criticized China’s handling of the pandemic in a paper. With the implementation of the national security law, Law said, no one can guarantee if medical staff can tell the truth in the future.

Law also criticized Fan, the chairman of the HA, for having a double standard when Fan claimed that medical staff should not talk about politics nor have a political stance. Law pointed out that how Fan hastily characterized potential strikes as "political strikes" is precisely being political and suppressive. Law reiterated that if medical staff are afraid to tell the truth because of the national security law in the future, it will ultimately affect the treatment of the patients.

Source: Apple Daily
#HAEA #HongKongMedics #HA #Strike
⬆️⬆️⬆️ Continue reading

#OpinionArticle #FungChiChing

Thanks to our Motherland

(3 Aug) From ancient China's Four Great Inventions to the Four Great New Inventions in modern times, from combating financial "predators" to building a mobile cabin hospital in the Asia Expo for Hong Kong, perhaps free-ride is actually the greatest invention in China. If the U.S. is angered by China's theft of intellectual property rights again, perhaps Hongkongers should say "First Time?".
-- Voluntary Post: clarification on behalf of others --
In the past few days, I have seen the following photos in many group chats. Many have expressed their gratitude to the Chinese National Team for the establishment of the mobile cabin hospital in Hong Kong.
However, I would like to clarify on behalf of my friends who are involved in this project that this temporary hospital at the Asia Expo was "built by the staff of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority (HA), with their own efforts".
The National Team came to do the testing and assisted with the subsequent modifications, but was not involved in the "establishment" of the temporary hospital. They were probably not in Hong Kong during the establishment.
I know there are many things that the HA has not done as well as expected, and many of my friends have also said that there is much room for improvement in this temporary hospital. But where they have done well, we should encourage them, and we should not pass the successes and mistakes of their efforts to others.
Source: Facebook
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#MobileCabinHospital #Freerider #ChinesePropaganda #ChinaNationalTeam #HA
Hospital Authotity: Staff took part in strike will face possible legal consequence

Many medical staff took part in the strike in February 2020 in a bid to pressure the government to lockdown the city’s boarders and to curb the rapid spreading of the coronavirus and safeguad public health.

Not only thst the Hospital Authority (#HA) challenged cause of the strike, Chairman of HA, Henry Fan Hung-ling also intimidated medical staff who partook in the strike with possible legal consequence in early June.

On September 24, Fan claimed that the Authority has received detailed legal opinion from external lawyers. The Human Resource department will soon issue letters to those absent from work coinciding the period when the strike was staged. They will be asked to state reasons for their absence and based on the stated reason, follow-up actions will be carried out.

An estimation of several thousands of medical staff would be involved.

When being asked whether dismissal could be one of the possible consequences, Fan refused to reply. He also declined to address whether salary deduction is possible, saying, “I do not want to comment on any penalty measures today.”

Sources: Stand News #Sept24

#WhiteTerror #Oppression #Reprisal #PoliticalRetaliation #HospitalAuthority #FanHungLing
#Strike #PoliticalOppression
Hospital Authority Retaliates on Medical Workers Indiscriminately

Hong Kong Hospital Authority Employees' Association (#HAEA) initiated a 5-day strike in early 2020, calling on the Hong Kong Government to close all the borders to stop the spread of the Coronavirus from China to Hong Kong. Thousands of medical workers had joined the strike.

Since then, the Hospital Authority (#HA) had threatened its employees multiple times with regard to the strike. In February 2020, the authorities issued letters to medical workers and demanded an explanation on their "absence" during the days of the strike.

In the Radiology Department of Princess Margaret Hospital, several medical workers had joined the strike. The management demanded the department head Dr Ma Ka-fai to hand in a name list of the relevant employees. Dr Ma refused.

According to Stand News, the Human Resources Department recently sent an email to all doctors in the Radiology Department, claiming they had all joined the strike. Vice chair of the union HAEA Law Cheuk-yiu condemned the HR Department for pressuring the Radiology Department.

Source: Stand News #Oct13
#LastYearToday #HongKongChronicles
The Fall of Hong Kong

On Jan 22, 2020, Hong Kong recorded its first "highly suspected" coronavirus case, to cite from Secretary for Food and Health Sophia Chan.

The case was a 39-year-old man of Chinese nationality who had travelled to Wuhan and arrived in Hong Kong from China via the high speed train.

One year has passed. The total number of #COVID19 cases in Hong Kong hit nearly 10,000 and cost the life of 168 people.

On Jan 22, 2021, the Hong Kong's Hospital Authorities (#HA) even issued a letter to its employees, demanding them to return their salary during the strike.

In 2020, medical workers went on strike for the first time in history, demanding nothing but the shutdown of the border with China, in order to prevent the spread of the virus.

In response to the authorities, the Hospital Authorities Employees Association (#HAEA) chairperson Yu Wai-ming said "then why didn't you close the border back then?"

Source: Stand News #Jan22
Hong Kong's #COVID Hospital Switches Computer to Chinese for Mainland Medics, but Needs Local Staff to Retype in English

The first batch of Chinese mainland medical staff arrived in Hong Kong in March 14, 2022, and are assigned to work at the temporary #AsiaWorldExpo isolation facility.

In preparation, the computer system for clinical management at the facility has been changed to display Chinese.

The President of Hong Kong Public Doctors' Association, #LingSiuChiTony, revealed in a radio interview that after discharging a patient from the makeshift hospital, Hong Kong medical staff have to retype the documents by mainland medics before submitting them to the #HospitalAuthority (#HA) network, as Hong Kong's medical records system is in English. He was also concerned about the diagnosis process; although most of the mainland staff were from Guangdong -- where Cantonese is spoken -- their medical as well as conversational language both have differences from those used by Hongkongers.

The mainland medical staff serving in the COVID hospital are exempt from registration. Although the HA claimed to take responsibility for them, if a medical incident were to occur, it would be difficult to hold them responsible.

"Since they (mainland staff) are not locally registered, we cannot hold a disciplinary hearing on them or revoke their license. By the time of the hearing, they may have left Hong Kong already."

Source: Inmedia #Mar15

#HKPDA #WuhanPneumonia #OmicronWave