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8 months since the Triad attack in Yuen Long on July 21:
MTR Shuts Down Several Exits From 4pm

16:11 - 16:17 | Yuen Long

Further to the announcement made by MTR at 3:30 p.m., MTR staff are shutting down several exits in Yuen Long station from 4 p.m.

Police are heavily deployed in the station.

Source: HKGolden; RTHK; Real Time Broadcast

#21Mar #21July2019 #Mob #PoliceAndMob #PoliceState #YuenLong #NeverForget






Jul 21 2019
White-clad assailants attacked citizens savagely, flagrantly challenging the bottom-line of law and moral. Hong Kong Police not only turned a blind eye, but even distorted black and white, right and wrong. The collusion between the police and triad members is nothing but ridiculous.

Sep 21 2019
Citizens received news that triad members gathered for another "7.21 Attack". Citizens initiated a protest against the violence of triad, but were heavily surrounded by police. Over a hundred citizens were arrested, and some of them went missing for months...

March 21 marks the 8th month of the "7.21 Attack". The police has been using resources from the government and taxpayers to attack civilians and distort the facts; while the gangsters got praised for their hate crime. It has been eight months, and the assailants are still not being held accountable for their doing.

Facing the dark situation, could you really stay away from the reality?

You won't know whether the next victim would be your friend or family

Keep the flame burning and fight for Hong Kong

We need to tell the government, and police, and the whole world.

We Are the people of Hong Kong.
We are protecting our home.
We will never forget 721 and all other "accidents".
We are here to fight for our future.
You are not alone.

#21Mar #21July2019 #Mob #PoliceAndMob #PoliceState #FailedState #YuenLong #NeverForget
Riot police heavily deployed outside Yuen Long station with pepper sprays and guns

19:54 - 20:05 | Yuen Long
Police intercepted at least 2 women and conducted search on them.

Source: Stand News; Apple Daily

#21Mar #21July2019 #Mob #PoliceAndMob #PoliceState #FailedState #YuenLong721 #NeverForget

Police Occupy Yuen Long to Deter Protests, Contrasting their Absence on July 21
Mass Arrest in Yuen Long, Stop and Search Everywhere:
Civilians, First-Aid Volunteers And “Protect The Children” Members Filmed by Riot Police With Mobile Phone

21:30 - 21:54 | Yuen Long

Large numbers of civilians, including volunteer first-aider and “Protect the Children" members in yellow vests were still in the line, waiting to be searched. Riot police photographed their faces individually with a cellphone. It has also been reported that similar events of people being stopped and searched were happening at other locations in Yuen Long, including a park.

Source: RTHK News, Apple Daily News

#Mar21 #21July2019 #Mob #PoliceAndMob #PoliceState #FailedState #YuenLong721 #NeverForget
Police Pepper-spray Reporter

2159 | Yuen Long
A reporter from Stand News was pepper sprayed by riot police. He complained of eye irritations thereafter. He is receiving medical attention from a group of volunteer first aiders.

Apparently, this is not his first time getting hit by pepper spray deployed by the riot police.

Riot police showed his ID card to the camera during a livestream earlier on.

Source: RTHK News; First Hand

#21Mar #21July2019 #Mob #PoliceAndMob #PoliceState #FailedState #YuenLong721 #NeverForget #YuenLong

Stand News Reporter Is Pepper-Sprayed By Police For The Second Time
#PoliceBrutality #PressFreedom
Police Pepper-Spray Reporter At Very Close Range For The Second Time

00:23 | Yuen Long
Police pepper-sprayed Stand News Reporter Chan Long-sing at close range for the second time. Chan suffered from eye irritations thereafter.

Chan had already been attacked by police pepper spray earlier this evening:

Chan has been a victim of police brutality. In addition to pepper spray atrack, riot police had previously displayed his ID card in front of the camera during a livestream news report.

Source: Apple Daily
Image: PPPN

#22Mar #21July2019 #Mob #PepperSpray #PoliceState #YuenLong721 #NeverForget

Police Roam Yuen Long After Midnight; Officers Press a Woman on the Ground
Police Pepper-Spray District Councillor And Continues Arrest

01:02 | Yuen Long
Two riot police officers did not wear any mask despite the Coronavirus outbreak.

One of them had aimed a long rifle to civilians in Kwai Fong in 2019. After that incident, he became popular in China with the nickname “the bald officer”.

A district councillor inquired the police if the paramedics had arrived to provide emergency aid. Police replied by pepper-spraying him without any warning and said: ”Stop provoking the others!”

At least two male civilians were arrested. Police also searched the car of a civilian.

Source: PSHK, the Egg’s Club, Apple Daily News, Real Time Broadcast

#22Mar #21July2019 #Mob #PoliceAndMob #PoliceState #FailedState #YuenLong721 #NeverForget
#PoliceState #PoliceBrutality #Fire
Police Knock Over Petroleum Stoves to Make Arrest In A Restaurant

At around 10:30 p.m, around ten people in black ran from Yau San Street to Kin Yip Street. 40 riot police officers and special tactical squad members stormed into a restaurant in Kin Yip Street.

Police caused a chaos, as they knocked over tables with petroleum stoves and chairs of the restaurant.

During the arrest, several riot police officers sat on the arrestees.

Source: InMediaHK

#21Mar #21July2019 #Mob #PoliceAndMob #PoliceState #FailedState #YuenLong721 #NeverForget #YuenLong