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#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

Using Traditional Chinese Medicine to Combat the Epidemic

(13 Mar) Online news circulated in mainland China of Dr Zhong Nanshan's dismissal from leading the national task force combatting the Wuhan pneumonia. The official reason for his dismissal is unknown. There is online speculation that Zhong resisted Chinese President Xi Jinping's mandate to use "Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to combat the epidemic" and that he stubbornly adhered to Western medicine principles. This led to dissatisfaction within the Chinese medicine industry and complaints to President Xi.

//Zhong had previously spared no efforts to serve his country, declaring "the virus' discovery in China did not necessitate its origin in China". Deliberately left blank, Chinese netizens understood the declaration as "the virus is a biological weapon from an American lab". After completing this mission of foreign declaration for China, Zhong retired. In fact, because of the paranoia triggered, the US government felt slandered. He is no longer able to apply for an American visitor visa, a huge sacrifice on his part.//

Full translation:

Source: Apple Daily

Further reading:
China Accuses US of the Source of Wuhan Pneumonia
Hong Kong Experts: Wuhan Coronavirus originated from China is an "outcome of Chinese bad habits"

#ChineseMedicine #Xi #ZhongNanshan #VirusOrigin #ChinesePropaganda #Censorship #Coronavirus

Adviser to Hong Kong on Coronavirus Pulls Controversial Column, Apologizes

//An adviser to the Hong Kong government has withdrawn a column he co-authored in which he said it was acceptable to refer to the coronavirus as the "Wuhan coronavirus" and there was no evidence to support allegations the disease came from the United States.

//Yuen Kwok-yung, a leading microbiologist and infectious-diseases expert at the University of Hong Kong, also described the new coronavirus as a product of China's "poor quality culture" of eating wild animals.

//Yuen’s decision late on Wednesday to retract the article from the website of the newspaper Ming Pao sparked a flurry of debate on social media, where some people said it raised questions over freedom of speech in academia in the Chinese-ruled city.

//Yuen apologised and said he did not want to become embroiled in politics.

//“The expression in the article was inappropriate, wordings were even inaccurate, it's not the original intention. (We) hope the outside world does not involve us in politics and saves us a space for research,"

Source: Reuters

Further reading
Hong Kong Experts: Wuhan Coronavirus originated from China is an "outcome of Chinese bad habits"

#YuenKwokyung #FreedomOfSpeech #Cersorship #Kowtow #VirusOrigin

Full Translation of Yuen Kwok-yung’s Column
#OpinionArticle #YuenKwokYung

Outbreak in Wuhan shows that lessons from seventeen years ago are forgotten - David Lung and Yuen Kwok-yung, University of Hong Kong

//As a matter of fact, the disease is named by the WHO and the virus is named by the ICTV; the common name is purely a customary matter and suffices to serves it purpose as long as it is simple and clear. The official names of COVID-19 for the disease, or SARS-CoV-2 for the virus, must be used in scientific and academic discourse. However, the simplicity of the popular designations "Wuhan Coronavirus" and "Wuhan Pneumonia" are far more conducive to daily communication and conversations in the media.

//Seventeen years later, wild animal markets have instead grown unabashed, in flagrant violation of the law. The Chinese people have forgotten the lessons of SARS in their entirety. The glaring appearance of live wild animal markets in city centers, and the egregious acts of selling, cooking, and eating these wild animals, constitute a stunning and blatant disregard for the laws.

//Internet conspiracies of an U.S. origin of the virus is not supported by facts, and only serves to mislead the public.

//The Wuhan Coronavirus is a product of inferior Chinese culture -- the culture of recklessly catching and eating wild animals, and treating animals inhumanely, with an utter disrespect and disregard of lives. This inferior culture of the Chinese people -- specifically the consumption of wild animals to satiate themselves -- is the true origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus. If these habits and attitudes remain in place, SARS 3.0 will certainly happen in a matter of a decade or so.

Full translation:

Translation by scientisthk2usa

Another translation on the internet:

#VirusOrigin #ChineseCulture #Conspiracy #WuhanPneumonia #NameOfVirus
#OpinionArticle #ChipTsao

How to play this poker game

(15 Mar) The Wuhan pneumonia is globalized. Even the epidemic may subside when warm weather returns, the world will still be disconnected with China and enter an era of "Post Made in China".

It is not the epidemic that is scary, but the habit of how the Chinese government and the Chinese conceal and lie about everything. The Chinese government and its people think they are always right - all faults are on the U.S. side which is the leader of the West. The world has experienced this, and the global pandemic has been confirmed and declared. Where will all the people, except the Chinese, go? This is a very serious problem.

Continue reading:

Image: 地瓜熊老六
Source: Apple Daily

#Coronavirus #Mulan #ChinaThreat #VirusOrigin
#FreedomOfSpeech #Censorship
Script: Yes I have used inappropriate words, I now announce to withdraw the column, I apologize.

Words on the newspaper:
Pandemic Because of Wuhan US, Lesson Learnt 17 years ago Forgotten Entirely

Source: hellowong

Further reading:
Adviser to Hong Kong on Coronavirus Pulls Controversial Column, Apologizes

#WhiteTerror #VirusOrigin

CCP’s script:

//1. Where is the origin of this coronavirus pandemic?
Fort Detrick in America, the largest base for biological weapons

2. What is the source of origin of the virus?
SARS + HIV + others

3. Is the virus naturally occurring or artificially made?
Artificially edited and synthesized

4. Who were involved in the planning, research and experimentation of the virus?
Both American and Chinese teams

5. Was the virus released on purpose or by accident?
Leaked, infected, transmitted and widespread by accident //

Editor’s Note: The Chinese officials and state media shifted blame to the US for the coronavirus pandemic. The incident started with China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Zhao Lijian, who accused the US Army for bringing the epidemic to Wuhan on Twitter, without any proof. While the world is busy fighting against the coronavirus, China took advantage of the situation and started a disinformation campaign to blame that the US Army has introduced the virus. Chinese medical leaders, ambassadors, spokespersons and media joined the campaign, along with thousands of posts on Chinese social media echoing this false accusation.

The credibility of the source in the attached news article is questionable, as it is written by an Asian UFO society. And the webpage no longer exists


#ChinesePropaganda #VirusOrigin #US #Coronavirus #ZhaoLijian
#Investigation #SimonShen

China uses an Italian doctor’s speech to propaganda

(25 Mar) A few days ago, Chinese official media, WeChat, and Hong Kong blue media propagated overwhelmingly, "Wuhan pneumonia originates from Italy." The only source is to quote a sentence from an Italian doctor Giuseppe Remuzzi interviewed by the American radio station, and then take it out of context. We explained it yesterday.

A fellow protestor sent an email to Dr Remuzzi to inquire about the truth. From the Italian expert's reply below, we could clearly know his original intention: Not only affirmed that Wuhan pneumonia originated in Wuhan, but he suspected that as early as the end of October, Wuhan pneumonia infection in Wuhan might has appeared, but the Chinese government didn’t announced it. During this period, a large number of Chinese people may have come to Italy from Wuhan, which caused some suspicious cases in Italy. Because all information from China was not transparent, the epidemic was out of control. The whole message is completely contrary to the Chinese official media's propaganda. This clearly showing what fake news is.

Source: Simon Shen’s Facebook

#ChinesePropaganda #GiuseppeRemuzzi #VirusOrigin #Italy #HongKongProtestors

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Continue

(Absolutely shameless!) The CCP's mouthpiece is working at full capacity: "Before the outbreak in China, Covid-19 might have already begun spreading in Italy."

The Global Times stated that experts of a well-known medical institution in Italy found that as early as November and December last year, unknown pneumonia that highly resembles Covid-19 might have occurred in Italy.

Numerous of “Little Pink” (people who support and/or embrace the CCP) then left messages saying "it turns out that the United States was the culprit by spreading the virus and it has nothing to do with China", "Will Italy apologize to China?"

This is why China is disgraceful. It is clear that the Wuhan Coronavirus invaded the whole world but China kept pointing its finger to other countries and lied about the truth!

This fully reflects what a "Chinese virus" really is!

Image: Global Times Weibo

Source: 華爾街狠人 Facebook, (21-Mar)

Further reading:
China uses an Italian doctor’s speech to propaganda

#ChinesePropaganda #VirusOrigin #Italy #Coronavirus #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #GlobalTimes
#Newspaper #ChinesePropaganda
Chinese Propaganda: Virus Originates from Europe or US? 1/2

On 29 Jan, when Italy detected and isolated its first corona virus cases – two Chinese tourists, 66 & 67 years old couple from Hubei, felt sick at hotel in Rome on 30 Jan and were sent to local hospital to diagnose and receive treatment. Until a 38 years old Italian was confirmed with corona virus in the north of Italy, the country realized the severity of the epidemic and became one of the world’s first to cut transport links with China.

Professor Giuseppe Remuzzi, Director of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research in Milan, said in an interview last week that local doctors 'remember having seen very strange pneumonias [sic], very severe, particularly among old people, in December and even in November.'

Beijing is now rejecting the widely held assessment that the city of Wuhan is the birthplace of the global outbreak, Chinese media outlets have linked the origin of the coronavirus pandemic with Italy after Professor Remuzzi’s statement.

Later, the professor said Beijing’s attempts to twist his words to suggest the coronavirus originated in Italy was a textbook example of “propaganda”. He told the American news organisation NPR: '(My statement) means that the virus was circulating at least in Lombardy before we were aware of this outbreak occurring in China.'

Source: Apple Daily #Mar24

Further reading:
How Italy became the ground zero of Europe’s coronavirus crisis
The CCP's mouthpiece is working at full capacity

#Analysis #ChingCheong

Will CCP truthfully accept international community inspection?

We can explore the issue from three perspectives.

It was just a show

//Dr Bruce Aylward slipped of his tongue that they had not visited the dirty district of Wuhan. (note 1) Therefore, the WHO group and their so-called report was a mere formality.

WHO’s report was written to fit CCP’s notion

//did not allow mentioning anything about the possibility of second wave of outbreak... the report did not point out CCP covered up the outbreak of the epidemics and suppressed people who disclosed the truth of the reality.

//this was not a negligence but a deliberate avoidance of Wuhan in order not to embarrass PRC.

CCP wants to make use of the authority of WHO and the report from the investigation team to legitimise their own official notion about the epidemics

1. The covid-19 is a ‘natural’ product and not ‘artificially synthesised’

//The report did not mention a word about the suspicious concerns relating to P4 lab at Wuhan from the international community and the role of the lab in this incident.

2. The virus is not mutated

//It is important as to whether there is any mutation of the virus because it implies whether somebody is developing biological weapons.

//The problem is that the strains were provided by CCP and therefore totally controlled by whatever CCP wanted to provide.

3. WHO helps to sell CCP propaganda of “China experience” in ‘combating’ the pandemics

//they do not only ruin their own reputation, they have become an accomplice of the pandemics.

Full translation:

Excerpt: HKCNews, (4-Mar, updated on 4-Apr)

#WHO #ChinesePropaganda #CCP #VirusOrigin #BruceAylward #Censorship #SharpPower #Wuhan