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#WuhanPneumonia #CCPLies
Wuhan Citizens: "Whether the official figure is accurate or not ... This is a political treatment, not medical treatment"

People in Wuhan told RTHK the reality is far from having none local infection of coronavirus in China.

Wuhan authorities have already closed the 10 or so temporary hospitals where tests were conducted on people showing mild symptoms.

A Wuhan resident said that his 70-year-old mother suffered from pneumonia once again after she was discharged from hospital and is now in isolation at a hotel. No hospitals were prepared to admit her.

Aother person said his mother, who is in hospital with a heart problem, had seen coronavirus patients being turned away by staff, without testing to back the official data of confirmed cases.

A man whose mother died of Covid-19 criticised the government for failing to warn people about the epidemic and for even claiming there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission up until mid January.

Source: RTHK #Mar23
#CCPLies #WuhanPneumonia #CensorshipKills
China is Changing the History of Wuhan Pneumonia Outbreak

The Chinese Communist Party has begun “revising” the history of the Wuhan pneumonia outbreak. Recently, the English homepage of the state-run Global Times secretly changed the original wording “Wuhan pneumonia” to “unknown pneumonia related to Coronavirus” on a news article dated January 18, 2020.

Meanwhile, the Chinese government has been disseminating news referring the United States to the origin of the Wuhan Pneumonia.
#CensorshipKills #ChinesePropaganda #Twitter #CCPLies
How China Built a Twitter Propaganda Machine Then Let It Loose on Coronavirus

Read Full Article
//Since August 2019, ProPublica has tracked more than 10,000 suspected fake Twitter accounts involved in a coordinated influence campaign with ties to the Chinese government. Among those are the hacked accounts of users from around the world that now post propaganda and disinformation about the coronavirus outbreak, the Hong Kong protests and other topics of state interest.

Those accounts’ content and behavior closely mirrored the tactics of the Chinese government influence campaigns publicly unmasked by Twitter in August and September 2019. 

We found a pattern of coordinated activity among the fake accounts that appeared to be aimed at building momentum for particular storylines. ProPublica uncovered additional evidence that these accounts operated as part of a Chinese government influence campaign.//

Source: ProPublica #Mar26
Image: Stand News
#CensorshipKills #CCPlies
U.S. Secretary of State: China Still Withholding Coronavirus Information

[Editor's note: The image shows patients sharing ventilators in a hospital in New York]

In an interview with a radio program on March 24, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo repeated previous charges that Beijing's delay in sharing information about the virus had created risks to people worldwide and said this had "truly put thousands of lives at risk."

"My concern is that this cover-up, this disinformation that the Chinese Communist Party is engaged in, is still denying the world the information it needs so that we can prevent further cases or something like this from recurring again," he added.

"This is an ongoing global crisis, and we need to make sure that every country today is being transparent, sharing what's really going on, so that the global community, the global health care, infectious disease community can begin to work on this in a holistic way."

Source: Reuters #Mar25
Image: New York Times
#WuhanPneumonia #CensorshipKills
China Revises Wuhan Coronavirus Death Toll to 3,869: 50% Increase On Previous Figure

[Editor's note: World leaders including US President Trump and French President Macron have openly condemned China for withholding information about the Wuhan pneumonia, leading to the pandemic crisis around the world]

Health authorities in Wuhan, China have revised the death toll from the coronavirus upwards by over 50 per cent. Wuhan’s Epidemic Prevention and Control Center said on April 17 that 3,869 people had died from the disease in the city as of April 16, according to China's state media.

Source: Hong Kong Free Press #Apr17
#CCPLies #DeathToll

Further Reading:
Emmanuel Macron says it is time to think the unthinkable

#Article22 #CCPLies
Hard evidence refutes China's Liaison Office’s Recent Forceful Interpretation of Hong Kong Basic Law Article 22

Last week, the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong forcefully re-interpreted Article 22 of Hong Kong's constitution the Basic Law. Beijing tried to justify their power to over the internal affairs of Hong Kong, which is in theory disallowed by law.

Although the pro-Beijing camp supported the Liaison Office’s statement, the memoir of Jiang EnZhu, the first director of the Liaison Office evidently stated that after the 1997 handover, Xinhua News Agency Hong Kong Branch was renamed into the Liaison Office to reflect its new mandates, including not interfering in Hong Kong affairs as the city enjoys autonomy.

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#Article22 #CCPLies
Hard evidence refutes China's Liaison Office’s Recent Forceful Interpretation of Hong Kong Basic Law Article 22


Last week, the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong forcefully re-interpreted Article 22 of Hong Kong's constitution the Basic Law. Beijing tried to justify their power to over the internal affairs of Hong Kong, which is in theory disallowed by law.

Although the pro-Beijing camp supported the Liaison Office’s statement, the memoir of Jiang EnZhu, the first director of the Liaison Office evidently stated that after the 1997 handover, Xinhua News Agency Hong Kong Branch was renamed into the Liaison Office to reflect its new mandates, including not interfering in Hong Kong affairs as the city enjoys autonomy.

Chinese official Jiang EnZhu was the President of Xinhua News Agency in 1997. The Agency was later restructured and renamed as Liaison office in January 2000 where Jiang was appointed as the Director. Two years later, he was elected as a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of National People’s Congress.

In his memoir, Jiang mentioned several times that “there is no subordinate relations between the HKSAR government and the Liaison Office”. He also stated that the Office will "perform its duties strictly in accordance with the Central People's Government and abide by the policies of One Country, Two Systems, the people of Hong Kong governing Hong Kong and a high degree of autonomy.”

According to Jiang, the main duties of the new Liaison Office include maintaining contact with the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the PLA Garrison in the HKSAR. “The renaming exercise will not empower the liaison office to become the second power center.” The then representative of the National People's Congress of Hong Kong, Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai also cited Jiang’s statement emphasizing that the office will abide by the Basic Law.

Source: Apple Daily #Apr20

Further reading :
Jiang Enzhu on Renaming Xinhua Hong Kong Branch

#Authoritarianism #OneCountryTwoSystems
#Article23 #CCPLies
Chris Patten: "Chinese Communism is not to be trusted on anything"

Chris Patten, Hong Kong's last governor, called on the world that "Chinese Communism is not to be trusted on anything.”

Speaking on Beijing’s unilateral imposition of the anti-subversion law, Patten called it "a comprehensive assault on the city’s autonomy, rule of law, and fundamental freedoms" that is "hugely damaging to Hong Kong’s international reputation and to the prosperity of a great city."

Johnny Patterson, Director of Hong Kong Watch, described it as "an unprecedented assault on Hong Kong’s autonomy" and "the end of Hong Kong.” Patterson condemned China for their "total disregard for the spirit and the terms of the original treaty".

Benedict Rogers, Hong Kong Watch founder, called this the "death" of Hong Kong and One Country Two Systems.

Source: Benedict Rogers' Twitter; Hong Kong Watch; Stand News #May21 #ChrisPatten
#OneCountryOneSystem #Article23 #CCPLies
Beijing to Impose Controversial National Security Law in Hong Kong on the Eve of the Anniversary of Anti-Extradition Law Movement

Last week, Beijing's long arms have gripped Hong Kong. After calling on Beijing loyalists to overtake the pro-democracy camp in the Legislative Council, Beijing attacked the city's education and examination systems, causing many to lament the arrival of "Cultural Revolution 2.0" in Hong Kong.

In the afternoon of May 21, Chinese-controlled media cited "sources" that Beijing has plan to bypass Hong Kong's Legislature to enforce anti-subversion law that has been opposed by Hongkongers since 2003.

In the evening, a press briefing was held in Beijing announcing the agenda of the "Two Sessions" with the motion.

University of Hong Kong Legal Expert Eric Cheung and Law Professor Johannnes Chan stated that Beijing's insertion of the National Security Law in Hong Kong means an end to "One Country Two Systems" and the Basic Law.

Image: Economist

"Horses keep running faster, dances keep being performed beautifully." This will be Hong Kong's greatest tragedy!

Now that the Chinese government is pushing the Hong Kong National Security Law forward, the Communist Party has gone back to playing the same old tune. As the music of the strings swells and the drums beat harder, the chorus belts out the hackneyed eight-legged essay* on how "horses keep running faster, dances keep being performed beautifully". This is nausea-inducing and makes Hongkongers want to puke! Hongkongers are used to the Communist Party's devious tricks from war [World War II]. After the Handover, they experienced it first-hand, the multiple times that the Chinese government "reneged on their word" and the Communist Party's "appearance not as it truly is". These bitter experiences of being bullied and manipulated are burned into their memory, seeping into their hearts and minds. Maybe some believe that the older Hongkongers have been gently coaxed into indulging in an easy life, that they have been effectively placated and numbed. However, the writer believes that this type of sweet-talking has long since been futile on the younger generation! Hong Kong's younger generation pretty much disdain the supposed mentality of "horses keep running faster, dances keep being performed beautifully". What Hong Kong's younger generation longs for is the approach of a new era. What they seek is to remodel Hong Kong's ideal future world!

The night prior (26 May 2020), the writer saw two photos on social media. They were eight youngsters standing side by side outside the entrance of the Sogo department store in Causeway Bay. Each person held a large placard. On one side, it said, "Desperate times call for desperate measures". On the other, "Better a broken jade than an intact tile."+ These youngsters are sending a clear message: Hong Kong's movement to resist adverse violent takeover is now in dire straits. Protesters must support one another. Do not forget our original goals. Spare no sacrifice. Fight to the end! The writer understands that the current political situation is hard and dangerous but respects the choices of our youngsters. He admires their courage and prays for their well-being. Best of luck!

Editor's Note:
* During the Ming and Qing dynasties, candidates of the imperial examinations had to write an eight-legged essay, which was known for its strict and rigid style. It is often said to have caused China's "cultural stagnation and economic backwardness" in the 19th century.
+ This is a Chinese idiom meaning death is better than dishonor.

Excerpt: Stand News

#NationalSecurityLaw #CCPLies #Hongkongers