📡Guardians of Hong Kong
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We provide translation of news in English from local media and other sources, for academic use.
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Are we being forgetful,
Or are we too afraid to remember?
On the last day of every month,
Every bonquet of white flowers,
Each wisp of sandalwood incense.

The cries in the train cabin have not dissipated,
Though the blood shed might have faded,
Passers-by now avoid their sights of the station,
We cannot go back to the time before.

As long as justice is still denied,
the fight is not over,
Hongkongers should not give up on Hong Kong matter.
We'll never forget.
We'll never forgive.
3.31 See you in Prince Edward.

#831PrinceEdward #HongKongProtests




Our determination cannot be blown away by wind;
Flame in our hearts will not be extinguished by wind either.
We will always remember those walking ahead of us during the movement,
We, too, are aware of our eroding freedom.

Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution
of Our Times.

We show each other what courage means,
We support each other from different directions.
That mountain where we still haven’t reached the top,
is still waiting for us to walk through it.

We Fight On, In Each of His Own Way.

The protest will not end until all the truths are revealed.
We can never forget,
We can never forgive.

See you in Prince Edward on March 31.

#PrinceEdward831 #HongKongProtests



We'll remember the pain of August 31,
As we'll remember the government's refusal to lock down the border.
No matter how many lessons learnt,
A government without public approval,
Will never learn.

Because the government will not be held accountable to its citizens,
It only pressurizes the person who raised the issue.
Because the government will only blame the medical staff who went on strike,
But take no notice that they are putting their lives at risk.

Revive Hong Kong
Prevent the epidemic of our times
HongKongers stand in solidarity with medics
HongKongers will never surrender

#Mar31 #neverforgetneverforgive #PoliceBrutality




What is public opinion?
The government, unelected, allows the epidemic to exacerbate.
The government, unelected, refuses to cut off links to the source of the virus.
Anything that the public do not want,
Is apparently the so-called "public opinion" of the government.

Bars can continue to operate without alcohol.
Restaurants can continue to run
While dining in is banned.
Parks and cinemas are to be closed,
While many are required to work in offices as usual.

Hong Kong has an unscrupulous government,
Hong Kong has a deplorable police force,
And Hong Kong has a degenerate Chief Executive.
Letter to Hong Kongers: Review of the 5.1 Golden week

Dear Hong Kongers:

What did 5.1 Golden Week means to you in the past? A week of nationwide discounts? A week of crowded street full of Mandarin speaking people and their suitcases?

I hope that "Hongkonger's 5.1 Golden Week" is turning into a day marked with faith and unity.

Patronizing 'Yellow shops' (shops that support the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong) and forming a "Yellow Economic Circle", rather than going to a 'Blue shop' (shops that are pro-police and pro-government) is seen as a way for people to support the protest movement using peaceful means since. There are some mobile apps that guide consumers to yellow businesses across the city. You will also be able to spot a yellow shop by banners or stickers at the entrance of their shops.

Some of them do not just shiebtheur support with their ideals. They provide free meal for pro-democracy protesters who are in need, and they also donate money to such Non-profit organisation that provide aid and assistance to protesters in need of financial assistance.

However, since the outbreak of Covid-19, the government placed a ban on gatherings of more than four people. This has affected small businesses the most. Restaurants are required to operate at half their capacity and set tables at least 1.5 meters (5 feet) apart, leading to a large number of restaurants not being able to sustain their businesses through this trying period.

With these problems at hand, Hong Kongers came up with an online campaign called "Hongkonger's 5.1 Golden Week", rallying the people to visit and patronize yellow shops and businesses over the long May Day weekend.

Hong Kong anti-government protesters queued outside shops and businesses that openly support the democracy movement on Friday, as a gesture of solidarity and support for "Yellow Economic Circle".

As a result, the Central Government Liaison Office of HKSAR condemned the people for ignoring the rules of the free market, calling it a political abduction of the economy. What that's mean?

This goes to show one thing, that the power of "Yellow Economic Circle" is strong enough to pit pressure on the government. Their condemnation only reveals their fear. It goes to show the effectiveness of the "Yellow Economic Circle".

"We might not be able to come out and protest every day due to the pandemic, but supporting yellow shops in our daily life is something everyone can do - it's a way of making a difference even in our daily life," said Ma, one of supporters of Hongkonger's 5.1 Golden week.

Hong Kongers have in fact been finding creative ways to fight for their freedom, using platforms such as the Nintendo Switch game, Animal Crossing, where they decorate their islands with pro-democracy banners.

In the recent months and years, we can clearly see that Beijing is long it's patience, and it is tightening it's grip on our freedom. In addition, our protests and gatherings were interrupted due to the pandemic and unreasonable restrictions that came as a result of it.

Despite all these challenges, we will never forget the people who came out on the streets and made sacrifices for Hong Kong's future.

The success of Hong Kong's 5.1 Golden Week is a direct stand against the crackdown on the pro-democracy movement in April, where a few prominent pro-democracy figures were suddenly arrested.

These actions have not discouraged us. In fact, it added fuel to the fire of persistence. Hong Kongers will fight until they are liberated.

A very persistent Hong Konger

#YellowEconomicCircle #Pandemic #HKprotests #NeverGiveUp #Letter



#HongkongersVoices #Remembrance




Remembrance of the Lost

On this day, starting from 8pm
I had been sitting here for 4 hours
I was looking at 9 police vehicles parked on the road
Facing me were passersby who put down burning candles
Some were old
And some were young, so young

Each month I would come here twice
Not for any exclusive news
Nor for any scene of conflict
I just wish... wish that they could know
That we never forgot them
And we never will

#ChowTszLok #ChanYinLam
#YuenLong721 #May21 #HongKongProtests #FirstHand





Who have been inflicting harm on Hong Kong?

Who have caused Hongkongers to shed blood?

People in Yuen Long will remember.

People in Hong Kong know.

#Words #HongkongersVoices #NeverForget #NeverForgive
#May24 #HongkongersVoices

Be Water, Be On Fire

Underneath the gleaming city of glass and steel, a flame of flesh and blood has been relit,
a flame ignited by pure grit, determination and idealism.

Now the phantoms of winter have faded, and summer has arrived.

With heat the fire shall roar once more like it did,
across the central plains for thousands of years.

But this year, winter and spring have allowed the grass to grow.

Now that summer has come again, adding more fuel for fire on the scorched prairie.

The fire shall roar brighter and hotter than it ever has, over the shadowy bays of this fragrant harbour.

#StandWithHongKong #FightforFreedom

Photo: #FirstHand
#Letter #HongkongersVoices
An Open Letter From Hongkongers to the Free World Circulating on the Internet

"To our friends of the free world,

You should have known from the news that freedom and the rule of law of Hong Kong has being severely marred by the Chinese government. The ‘One Country, Two System’, which China pledged to remain unchanged for 50 years, has now been declared bankrupt in less than half of the time (23years). The fact speaks for itself. Xi Jinping’s government is a dishonest and ambitious regime. Controlling HK is but its first stepping stone, with it they will export the China Model. Strengthening its grip on international society is its ultimate goal.

At the outbreak of COVID-19, the Xi government intentionally covered up information on the plague, which in turn put citizens of globe under direct threat of the pandemic, plunged national economies into recession. Not only did Xi Jinping shrugged off their responsibility of covering up the epidemic, he grabbed the opportunity to conduct ‘diplomacy of generosity’, making use of his economic advantages to bride other countries. His goal is not to take up responsibility as a great nation, but to deepen other nations’ economic dependency on China, in order to control local government and citizens.

Numerous experts in politics have warned many times, while other countries are troubled by the pandemic, China start ‘War Wolf Diplomacy’, expanding its military and economic power, making itself a hegemony of the world. We believe more and more countries have observed China’s imperialist intent. So-called ‘peaceful rise’ is purely a lie. It is only for superficial friendship and interests, there have not yet been sanctions against China. However, once Hong Kong has fallen, China will be more arrogant, and its ambition closer to achieve. The free world will be under unprecedented threat.

As an international centre, HK is the prime place for RMB financing. The import and export of Chinese capitals, companies going public, largely rely on HK. Once China put the centre under arbitrary and rude control, its ambition - exporting ideology and controlling other economies through ‘economic violence’ - will be readily realized.

To stop Xi’s next step, we urge other countries to make cautious prevention. HK is the first fortress standing on the frontier of the world that values freedom and democracy. HK people aspire to freedom and democracy. We has fought for 23 years. China government, not only has it never honoured its promise to realize democracy in HK, it now is going to take away the remaining freedom and just laws with force, with brutal violence towards HK citizens and kids.

The threat from China is blatantly obvious. HK people are not to be slaves, because we believe in the values of freedom and democracy, like all citizens of the free world. The free world should connect and fight alongside HK people. To defend the value of HK is to defend the value of the free world.

Today, facing brutal violence of the authoritarian state, in front of bullets, HK people still go to streets to show our will. Our courage stems from our firm belief in freedom and democracy. HK people need help from the free world. We will not surrender, because, like you, we believe in the ultimate triumph of freedom and democracy."

Source: https://bit.ly/2WVBzbM

#StandwithHongKong #FightforFreedom #HongKongProtests #NationalSecurityLaw
#China #CCP
#HongkongersVoices #May27 #HongKongChronicles

"Today is the day that determines Hong Kong’s fate.

It is a day that we wish we didn’t have to prepare for, but we are ready for it nonetheless. If a single moment can change the course of history, why not this moment?

6.12. 6.16. 7.21. 8.31.
These moments defined us.

10.1. 11.8. 11.12. 11.18.
These moments refined us.

This moment will prove our strength, our integrity, and our ability to ceaselessly demand what is rightfully ours.

With our faith we steadfastly march on, though stars may fade and darkness may surround us.

But we must remember that the night appears darkest before the dawn, and like the dawn, we too will rise.

No matter our position or our abilities, we are all guardians of Hong Kong. And we will protect Her until our very last breath.

光復香港 時代革命"

Photo taken in Hong Kong on #July1 2019

Photo: Kenji Wong #May21