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Highly Taiwan Taste, 2hrs

At night I walked to the nearest supermarket.

Once I entered, I saw two ladies with rural accent swiped all masks (of all style and price), and wrote a nearly 7,000-dollar invoice. They then discussed with a non-local driver about driving to the next stop.

Then I knew they were from Hebei, China. They could no longer buy any mask in the mainland. They joined a tour group to stay at around Ankeng, Xindian, and pretending to be sick and staying behind for a day. They took a cab, and went all the way since 3pm to Yangmingshan. They had spent nearly 400,000 New Taiwan Dollars (13,300 U.S. Dollars) on the tab.

I asked them whether they could use them all as they had bought so many. They said they would resell, pointing out that masks made in Taiwan could surely make 2 to 3 times of profit.


Source: Internet

#Mask #Taiwan #Hubei

(12 Jan) The U.S. worried Huawei’s involvement in global 5G networks and believes it constitutes a security risk that could allow the Chinese government to spy on U.S. assets and obtain highly classified U.S intelligence. A group of US government officials tried to lobby UK government to ban Huawei #5G technology. Other European nations have struggled to find a common stance regarding Huawei.

#PRCglobalespionage #ChinaThreat #Huawei #5G

Source: International Business Times

(13-Jan) Using Huawei technology in UK 5G networks would put transatlantic intelligence sharing at risk, senior US officials have warned British ministers. Despite the head of MI5 indicated that he saw “no reason to think” that using Huawei technology would threaten intelligence sharing with the US, his view was flatly contradicted by a senior member of the US lobby delegation to UK, who also warned that the Congress had made it clear they would evaluate the transAtlantic intelligence sharing if the green light is given to Huaiwei 5G in UK.

Source: The Guardian

Further reading:
Huawei will be allowed to build parts of Britain’s 5G network

#Surveillance #WhiteTerror #Huawei #ChinaThreat #5G

China could retaliate against Germany if Huawei is excluded from 5G network building

(06-Jan) The participation of Huawei in the construction of the 5G network has recently inflamed political debate in #Germany. The chairman of the Digital Agenda commission of the German Parliament, Manuel Hoferlin, has called on the government to ban Huawei from building 5G networks in the country.

But the Chinese Embassy in Germany Wang Weidong called on Germany to “set an example” and support global cooperation against protectionism. And China could opt to retaliate if the German government decides to exclude Huawei from the pool of firms building the 5G network.

Source: Telecompaper

#ChinaThreat #SharpPower #Huawei #5G
Words from a medic from Pamela Nethersole Eastern Hospital:
The AED is full of Chinese mainlanders, who litter used face masks all over the place. The hygiene condition is very poor. Medics do not have protective goggles, just a face shield and surgical mask, which would not prevent virus and droplets coimg from the sides.
Their protection is not enough.

The first isolation ward has already been saturated (10 patients), the second one has received 3 patients. Not just the Internal Medicine Division has to draw lots to decide who will be the "dirty team" that enters the isolation wards, but the surgeons, gynaecologist, etc., everyone has to do so as well.

Despite the Hospital Authority claiming there are enough N95 masks for medics, the ward managers would not distribute them to frontline medics, only surgical masks are given to them, because the hospitals fear that medics wearing N95 would arouse public panic.
There are more cases in which medics have fever after being in contact with suspicious cases, but the Hospital Authority never annouced.

Medics are too afraid to go back to their own homes, fearing the virus would spread to their family, hence they are sleeping in PA rooms in hospitals (rooms usually provided for staff members who need to catch up the shifts to sleep). But there is a severe lack of PA rooms. Sleeping quality of staff members is very poor.

Seniors conference brought up the issue about asking the medics to rent places to sleep on their own. But the problem is where would the money come from? Plus, people are unlikely to offer the property if they know they are medics.

Thank you medics.
God bless the good people.
Disputes about mask donation between China and Japan

[To Taiwanese]
The story that Japan donated a million masks was a piece of fake news orchestrated by Chengdu!

Japanese media interviewed the distributor itoyokado, who publicly said they sent the masks because they received an order from Chengdu, but no one mentioned it was a donation!

#WuhanPneumonia #China #Garbage #InformationWarfare #Coronavirus #Taiwan #CCP #HongKong #ConcentrationCamp #Uyghur #Tibet @laichinan

Source: Twitter

#Japan #MaskDonation #Cheungdu

Media traced a disputed incident
The Chinese government has requested Ito-Yokado to provide 1 million face masks to China. In the meantime, a social media campaign was initiated to create the impression that the Japanese retailer offered the masks as a gift for free. Ito-Yokado was subject to such public opinion pressure. The company clarified that it had never agreed to provide the masks as a gift for free. When it received the request, it simply thought that China will pay. Because of emergency, Ito-Yokado relaxed the payment policy: it provided the masks first and would accept payment later. Who knows the Chinese side suddenly said that these products were gifts. Ito-Yokado is caught in an embarrassing situation now and it can only promise to do its best to help victims in stricken areas.

China, how amazing!

Source: Internet
Further Reading:

#Japan #MaskDonation
UAE Confirms its First Case of Wuhan Pneumonia; First in the Middle East

United Arab Emirates (UAE) confirmed its first case of 2019-ncov in the Middle East. The patient was from Wuhan, where there are 3554 confirmed cases in Hubei, accounting for 125 deaths (~93%) out of the 135 in mainland China.

Source: NOW #Jan29
#WuhanPneumonia #GlobalOutbreak
2 patients in Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital were initially tested positive for the new coronavirus.

Source: NOW #Jan29
#WuhanPneumonia #GlobalOutbreak
Malaysians and Koreans Ask of Their Governments to Restrict Access of Chinese into their Countries

The Wuhan coronavirus has been spreading all over the globe over the past few weeks. With the increasing number of confirmed cases, Malaysians and Koreans in their respective countries, raised petitions, asking for their government to prohibit Chinese travellers from entering their countries. Over a million people have responded to the petition.

Taiwan's Centre for Disease Control announced that Chinese visitors from Hubei Province, China were prohibited to enter Taiwan; Taiwanese returning from mainland China were required to conduct self-health management for 14 days; issuance of visiting permits has also suspended for Chinese who have right of adobe in overseas countries, HKSAR or Macau.

There are 4 confirmed cases in Korea at the moment. Koreans started a petition on the Blue House's website, which has gained a total number of about 470,000 signatures, asking for their country to follow what North Korea did: closing their borders since the start of the outbreak. However, the Korean government has not responded to any of these petitions and requests yet.

The similar situation was also found in Malaysia, whereby 3 infected cases were actually travellers from Wuhan, China. 380,000 signed on "change.org", in a bid to ask of the Malaysian government to prohibit all entries of Chinese citizens into Malaysia.

Source: SETN
#Malaysia #Korea #Petition #CoronaVirusOutbreak
2019-nCoV in China Updates (29/1):

The number of confirmed cases increased by nearly 25 percent to 5,974 on Wednesday, up from 4,515 on Tuesday, according to China’s National Health Commission.

More than 130 people have died from the mysterious new coronavirus, according to official Chinese statistics, but the real number is likely much higher.

The police clashed on Tuesday with residents of a village in the coastal province of Fujian after it was revealed that the government planned to convert a factory into a quarantine site for patients with the dangerous coronavirus.

With demand for surgical masks on the rise in China, a drugstore in Beijing has been fined more than $400,000 by the government for charging customers roughly six times what the masks are being sold for online.

China’s Supreme People’s Court, the country’s highest judicial body, on Tuesday posted an essay on its social media accounts defending a group of Wuhan residents who shared information about the outbreak and were subsequently accused of “spreading rumors” by the city’s police force.

British Airways has indefinitely suspended all flights to and from China, the airline said on Wednesday, citing advice from Britain’s Foreign Office that cautioned against all nonessential travel to China.

Source : CNN, NYTimes #29Jan
Protest Continues after New Year Holiday

Today(Jan29) is the fifth day of Lunar New Year as well as the end of New Year holiday. Netizens called for “Action at Dawn”, attempting to block roads and paralyze traffic in order to facilitate a general strike.

Early in the morning, riot police stationed at Mong Kok to stop and search civilians. A man was brought into a police car for failing to show his identity card.

Source: Flash Media Hong Kong #Jan29
#HongKongProtest #PoliceState
Microbiologist: Spread of the New Coronavirus is faster than SARS

Yuen Kwok-yung, Chair Professor of microbiology of HKU, expressed that spread of the new coronavirus is faster than SARS. In his opinion, Hong Kong should have banned mainlanders from entering Hong Kong before the Lunar New Year. However, it is also a good start to implement the travel restriction now.

Source: NOW news

#Jan29 #Wuhan #ChinesePneumonia #GlobalOutbreak
Hong Kongers Support the Yellow Economic Circle and Promote Democratic Values : Conversation with Stall Owners in Pro-Movement Lunar New Year Market

Our reporter visited the Lunar New Year Market at D2 Place to speak with a few stall owners. With the cancellation of the annual Lunar New Year Market at Victoria Park, some pro-movement activists saw this as an opportunity to start their own Lunar New Year Markets with the goal of strengthening the “yellow economic circle”. It was also a way to fundraise for the movement as most of the stall owners will be donating some or all of their sales to pro-movement causes.

Following is one of three stall owners we interviewed. Please stay tuned for more.
Interview with “Joyful Helper”

GoHK: "Hello, Ms Chow, what is the name of your stall?"

Ms Chow: "It's called Joyful Helper."

GoHK: I can see that there are a couple products here in your stall that are related to the social movement. Can you explain why you have included these products?"

Chow: "I initially owned an online shop selling bags. Some of my personal friends are participants of this movement, and we also have some other like-minded friends who do design. We collectively decided that all accrued profits will be given back to our comrades to subsidise meal coupons."

GoHK: “When did you start selling movement-related products here?”

Chow: "We actually started operating at this stall 4 days ago, but it wasn't until yesterday that the sale of movement-related products began."

GoHK: "Are there a lot of people buying? Have sales met your expectation?"

Chow: "We have a total of 3 movement-related products: Fai Chun (New Year banners), postcards, and stickers. One of the Fai Chun sets, which included 6 variations, was completely sold out today. There are still some postcards left, and as for the stickers, customers get to set their own price for them.”

GoHK: “So this is kind of like a charity sale?"

Chow: "Indeed, all 3 products here are charity sales. We found it particularly difficult to set a price for stickers, that's why we've asked our customers pay as much as they want.”

GoHK: "We all know that the dry goods section in the Lunar New Year Market in Victoria Park was cancelled. What is your view on that?"

Chow: "I found it ridiculous personally, because attending a Lunar New Year market is a perfectly normal activity to do. It's a custom for every one of us in Hong Kong at this time of year. I find it outrageous that such a traditionally ubiquitous event has been cancelled because of politics. These markets typically attract the elderly and families, they go to shop for the Lunar New Year celebrations and to take in the festivities. So, it’s a pity that it was cancelled.”

GoHK: "Have you ever held a stall in [the government-run market in] Victoria Park?"

Chow: "No, we haven't."

GoHK: "If the government decides to allow for dry goods stalls again in Victoria Park next year, would you consider running a stall there? Or would you still prefer conducting business in a market similar to this current one?"

Chow: "I will definitely not run a stall in any market organized by the government. Firstly, they start with such a high bid price for a stall and then it gets auction off at an even higher price, it’s too expensive. Secondly, we refuse to let the government benefit from our earnings."

GoHK: "What are your feelings on the anti-government protests and the resulting tension in [Hong Kong] society over the past 7 months?"

Chow: "I am, of course, very upset about that. I have been very emotional when watching the news, but I still hope that the movement persists, as the objectives have not been met. Further, the amount of effort that has been put into this movement must not be wasted. For these reasons, I hope that Hong Kongers will continue this fight."
Mainlanders Board Trains into Kowloon Without Masks

1440 East Rail Line

Mainlander rushed into Kowloon via Mass Transit Railway. Many of them were not wearing face mask.

Chief Executive Carrie Lam, please take a look on this highly dangerous and contagious situation!

Source: Concern Group for Wuhan Pneumonia & H5N6
Where does Carrie Lam's CSI mask come from?

While the general public of Hong Kong have been fighting to buy masks for the prevention of Wuhan pneumonia, CE Carrie Lam was seen wearing a surgical mask with a 'CSI' logo at a press conference, along with other high-ranking officials. CSI is the abbreviation for 'Correctional Services Industries', and the masks were manufactured by the people remanded in custody at the Lo Wu Correctional Institution. It is then supplied to the Government at cost.

Logistics Department purchases 1.1 million masks from CSI per month on an average, which is similar to the total quantity that was manufactured.

Recently some critics estimated that since the CSI has been producing a lot of masks, the Government should have as many as 100 million of such masks. The Government clarified the claims to be untrue, and the production date of the oldest stock was found to be Jan 2019 according to their record.

Source: Stand News
The government’s retarded and ineffective action is exactly like this gate. It is basically meaningless
My colleagues are writing their last will and testament 2 days before Chinese New Year

During a departmental emergency meeting on the Novel Coronavirus yesterday (two days before Chinese New Year), a highly respected senior doctor suddenly stood up holding a microphone and said emotionally: "We must not allow what happened 17 years ago (the SARS outbreak in 2003 that tragically took several altruistic medical staff including doctor Joanna Yuen-man Tse) to happen in our hospital again". When Joanna Tse passed away, she was already a consultant doctor in the department. "Regardless of what will happen, we must protect ourselves and our colleagues," he said.

If things go according to schedule, it is soon time to draw lots to determine the members and roster of the “Dirty Team” (the team of medical staff who will look after patients who are suspected or confirmed Novel Coronavirus cases).

After the meeting, some colleagues began writing their last will and testament. This is Chinese New Year’s Eve today (should be a day for festivity)!

My colleagues, let us promise we will go through this together and promise not to lose anyone. Would you please?

Author: Yam-Hong WONG, a cardiologist in Hong Kong (posted on his Facebook page)
2020/1/24 — 22:50

Source: Stand News