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[Nationality limit]: China’s National Radio and Television Administration strengthens surveillance on non-Chinese actors. Liu Yifei, Gong Li and Jet Li are not Chinese Nationals.

In order to strengthen surveillance of the film and TV industry, the National Radio and TV Administration (NRTA) has previously implemented a “Historical drama limit”, “Salary limit” and “Korean drama limit”, etc. Although China’s economy has taken a hit due to Wuhan pneumonia, it has recently been reported that NRTA is introducing another restriction - “Nationality limit”. Other than banning inferior artists, artists of foreign nationality, or HK, Macau and Taiwan artists who performed misconducts or inappropriate speeches are to be banned. Many artists of foreign nationality who have returned to China may be affected. Mulan star Liu Yifei, Gong Li and many others are not Chinese nationals.

“Nationality limit” states that the “improper use of foreigners” means if there aren’t any particularly bad behaviors, the actor’s work will not be affected. However, the definition of “improper” depends on the authority’s decision. This restriction is believed to be targeted towards “unpatriotic” HK and Taiwanese actors, in addition to foreign actors.

Upon hearing the news, Mainland actress Ning Jing, who moved to the States after getting married to an American, immediately posted on Weibo that she is born and raised in China, and China is her only motherland. Yet she didn’t mention anything about living in America for so many years. The screenwriter of patriotic movie “Wolf Warrior”, Dong Qun, posted on Weibo to show his strong support for the new restriction. He even said that the restriction should extend to CCTV and other channels’ TV hosts, journalists and newspaper editors. He believes that these elites, who are China’s mouthpiece, should educate everyone to be patriotic, and should not try to obtain foreign nationalities. Last year, netizens condemned artists who own foreign passports, but have been earning RMB in China. Liu Yifei, Gong Li and Jet Li were amongst those criticised. Netizens have launched another wave of criticism upon the introduction of the “Nationality limit”.

Source: Apple Daily

#LiuYifei #GongLi #Jet Li #Patriotic #Actors #Censorship #SharpPower
#Analysis #ChingCheong

Will CCP truthfully accept international community inspection?

We can explore the issue from three perspectives.

It was just a show

//Dr Bruce Aylward slipped of his tongue that they had not visited the dirty district of Wuhan. (note 1) Therefore, the WHO group and their so-called report was a mere formality.

WHO’s report was written to fit CCP’s notion

//did not allow mentioning anything about the possibility of second wave of outbreak... the report did not point out CCP covered up the outbreak of the epidemics and suppressed people who disclosed the truth of the reality.

//this was not a negligence but a deliberate avoidance of Wuhan in order not to embarrass PRC.

CCP wants to make use of the authority of WHO and the report from the investigation team to legitimise their own official notion about the epidemics

1. The covid-19 is a ‘natural’ product and not ‘artificially synthesised’

//The report did not mention a word about the suspicious concerns relating to P4 lab at Wuhan from the international community and the role of the lab in this incident.

2. The virus is not mutated

//It is important as to whether there is any mutation of the virus because it implies whether somebody is developing biological weapons.

//The problem is that the strains were provided by CCP and therefore totally controlled by whatever CCP wanted to provide.

3. WHO helps to sell CCP propaganda of “China experience” in ‘combating’ the pandemics

//they do not only ruin their own reputation, they have become an accomplice of the pandemics.

Full translation:

Excerpt: HKCNews, (4-Mar, updated on 4-Apr)

#WHO #ChinesePropaganda #CCP #VirusOrigin #BruceAylward #Censorship #SharpPower #Wuhan
#WuhanPneumonia #CoronavirusPandemic
Swedish Former Representative to European Parliament: China Should Apologize to the World for Coronavirus

In an opinion article published by a Swedish newspaper on 19
March, 2020, Gunnar Hökmark, Chairman of Stockholm Free World Forum and Former member of the European parliament, asks the Chinese Communist Party government and its leader to apologize to the world for withholding information of the coronavirus and "using its economic power, systematically threatens democratic countries in order to destabilize and silence criticism".

From China's imprisonment of Swedish citizen Gui Minhai (bookseller in Hong Kong) to Chinese tourists' behaviour, Hökmark wrote that:

"The aggressive Chinese attacks on Sweden for our handling of the Coronavirus should be seen against the fact that the Chinese Communist Party wants to escape all kind of responsibility for the spread of the epidemic. 

Lousy animal husbandry and poor food standards, along with fear of the dictatorship and its culture of silence, are the main reasons why the world is presently wrestling with a terrible global pandemic. Its background lies in the inability of a totalitarian system to take people's perceptions, security and life into account. It is not Sweden or Europe that is the problem in all this. It's China.

And it is China that, using its economic power, systematically threatens democratic countries in order to destabilize and silence criticism.

On Radio Sweden, the Chinese propaganda attack was incomprehensibly described as something very sharp and because of that worth listening to. They neglected that this is how the Communist regime for a long time has acted against Sweden, among other democracies.

We saw the same pattern of denials and false accusations when Iran shot down the Ukrainian passenger plane and when Russian air defense units in Ukraine shot down the airplane MH17."

Source: Expressen, (19-Mar)


Independent Journalist Condemns China’s misinformation and manipulation of data, calling the pandemic a “Jin-ping Coronavirus”

#Sweden #ChinesePropaganda #CCP #SharpPower #Censorship

The Trilogy of CCP’s global domination: Big sprinkles of money, big trades and great manipulation

(4 Apr) Edward Yau (the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of HK) criticised a RTHK journalist’s question to a senior executive leadership member of WHO (note 1) for the ‘sin’ of breaching One Country Two Systems (note 2) Yau’s action was clear- to show his absolute loyalty to CCP, which is out of the same motive of Lam-Cheng’ policy of no border closure to PRC. (note 3) The competition to show political correctness of ‘loyalty’ to the Central government came from the Cultural Revolution era all the way to erode One Country Two System (note 4). Indeed, HK is more and more Mainlandised.

The world is aware that WHO is favourably biased towards CCP. WHO has misled the world since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. WHO covered up the severity of the virus for a long period of time to oppose imposition of travel bans and border closures to people from China. The Director General of WHO Ghebreyesus did not go to China to understand the actual situation of the outbreaks there. He just went to flatter Xi Jinping in exchange for $20 million payment to remain silent.

//WHO has lost creditability.

//CCP spent a lot of money to woe African dictators who came and gone like meteors through economic inducements.

//CCP builds up its own circle of friends through the money bait policies in the third world over decades of time.

//They are not alert of CCP’s invasive influences to international organisations like WHO, WTO, Interpol and the World Bank. CCP works to displace the integrity of these organisations that are formed and operating on a rule-based governance world order with their ways.

Full translation:

Source: Stand News

Further reading:
Trump aides consider creating alternative to WHO

#CultureRevolution #WHO #Tedros #OneCountryTwoSystme #SharpPower #Mainlandised #PRCForeignPolicy #Taiwan #InternationalOrganisation #ChinesePropaganda
#Newspaper #OpinionArticle

Making abnormal profits in the Pandemic: CCP makes big money from selling ventilators 1/2

(9 Apr) The share price of Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co. Ltd. has skyrocketed by 50%. To increase profits, it used pro-Beijing media to advocate that the global demand of ventilators is reaching a million. New York State, alone, needs 60,000 units. By exaggerating demand, the company seeks to create the illusion of supply shortage to justify price inflation. How does the CCP play a part in mercantile predation? The Foreign Minister of the PRC Wang Yi called the Foreign Minister of Switzerland, requesting that the latter increase its supply of critical spare parts for manufacture of ventilators in China. The conversation exposed how the CCP cannot make the qualified spare parts themselves. However, the CCP can manipulate the trading of ventilators. Switzerland sells the essential spare parts to China at a cost demanded by the CCP on "humanitarian" basis. However, the predicament is it will effectively facilitate the CCP in making abnormal profits.

News has been surfacing around the world of the CCP soliciting the sale of medical supplies at high prices while holding out and being 'the white knight' to other countries in the pandemic crisis.

Excerpt: Facebook

#CCP #Pandemic #Ventilator #Shenzhen #MindrayBioMedicalElectronics #MedicalSupplies #AbnormalProfit #ChinaInfluence #SharpPower

Student known as vocal critic of China faces expulsion from Australian university

//An Australian university with close links to China is taking disciplinary action, including possible expulsion, against a student known for his criticism of Beijing, in a case that has triggered a free-speech debate and renewed scrutiny of colleges' reliance on Chinese students.

//The University of Queensland, last week sent philosophy student Drew Pavlou a 186-page dossier detailing 11 allegations against him, including that he failed to pay for a pen at a campus art shop and damaged the university’s reputation by condemning police attacks on student protesters in Hong Kong in November.

//The disciplinary action alleges he ridiculed, satirized and mocked the university’s relationship with China, including posing in a hazmat suit outside the college’s Confucius Institute

//Pavlou, who has criticized China’s repression of its Uighur and Tibetan minorities and supported Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protesters.

//China’s consul general in Brisbane, Xu Jie, who is also an adjunct professor at the university, accused the democracy activists of “anti-China separatist activities” and praised the counterprotesters.

//Pavlou’s activities helped him get elected to the university’s governing senate, giving him an official platform to increase his critiques of what he said were restrictions on free speech out of deference to the communist nation.

//The University of Queensland’s website states that it has “more student mobility, research collaborations, and commercialization partnerships with China than with almost any other country.”

//A university spokeswoman said Pavlou would not be penalized for airing his political beliefs, but the university expected students to comply with policies that reflect its values and community expectations.

//Restrictions set up in response to the novel coronavirus pandemic have crippled Australia’s universities, which rely on full-fee-paying Chinese students.

//“He is responsible for making a lot of powerful people uncomfortable and the powerful need to understand that will occur.”

Full Article: Washington Post, (16-Apr)

#Australia #FreedomOfSpeech #Tibet #SharpPower #Censorship #Beijing #Pavlou #UniversityOfQueensland #Uighur
Geopolitics Unmasked: How COVID-19 became China’s Chernobyl

(30 Mar) Chinese diplomacy often uses giving plums in exchange for peaches. Today the CCP offers European countries plums in the form of masks, but at the same time, Xi Jinping has a well-prepared plan of how and when to ask for peaches for alleged help in the epidemic. Some may be told that since Beijing offered gifts, it is now time for Huawei to build a 5G network. The others may be asked to provide access to their wealth or to use the Chinese Yuan in the trade so that the currency will play a greater role in world transactions and replace the dollar. This alleged aid, without identifying China as responsible for the worldwide spread of the pandemic and agreeing to the CCP propaganda presenting China not as the source of the crisis, but as a solution to this crisis in other countries of the world, in the future, may translate into economic and political dependence of other countries and is simply a fraud.

Full Article: The Warsaw Institute Review

#ChinaInfluence #ChinaExpansionism #ChinaThreat #SharpPower #CCP #5G #Mask #Huawei #ChinesePropaganda #Pandemic

Youtube’s CEO was involved in the founding of Google

Youtube CEO Susan Wojcicki recently said that video that “goes against” WHO guidance on the pandemic will be blocked. Wojcicki was involved in the founding of Google and became Google's first marketing manager in 1999. She later led the company's online advertising business and was put in charge of Google's original video service. After observing the success of YouTube, Wojcicki proposed the acquisition of YouTube by Google in 2006. Youtube has already banned videos that link 5G to the spread of COVID-19.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_Wojcicki

Further reading:
YouTube and Facebook announced that information against WHO recommendations would be removed https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/20016
Youtube Censorship: San Francisco Hong Kongers & YouTubers protested outside at Youtube headquarters

#SharpPower #fakenews #youtube #Google #SusanWojcicki #Pandemic #WHO

Google plays political correctness by bowing to PRC political censorship.

Editor’s Note: Since when CCP has a party branch in Google?

(06 May) Google sent a letter to warn this particular merchant in simplified Chinese characters that any merchandise products containing the phrases and words like "Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times", "Stand with Hong Kong people", "Five demands not one less" are "inappropriate" and unofficial current languages of PRC. Google has targeted and pressured business to use the “appropriate” language of a country.

Source: Mamo Hong Kong

Further reading:
Chinese propaganda : Did the CCP manipulate Google search results to spread their propaganda more effectively?

#CCP #Google #censorship #Kowtao #FreedomOfSpeech #SharpPower #HongKongProtest

Australia requests an independent investigation on COVID-19. Hu Xijin, chief editor of the Global Times describes Australia as “a chewed gum sticking on China’s shoe sole”

(29 Apr) The COVID-19 outbreak leads to loss of lives and economic loss. Australia is now urging other countries to investigate the outbreak and hope to learn a lesson and to improve response to new diseases in the future. However, China does not agree to an independent investigation. On 27 April, Hu Xijin, chief editor of the Global Times (a newspaper under the auspices of the Chinese Communist Party) posted an article on Weibo. He accused Australia of cooperating with the U.S. to blame China. He described Australia as “a chewed gum sticking on China’s shoe sole. Sometimes, you have to find a stone to remove it.” He also wrote that “after the pandemic, we should have greater risk awareness while we are doing business with Australia or sending our kids there to study.”

Reference: 9news

Source: Stand News, HuXijin’s Weibo

#Australia #HuXijin #GlobalTimes #Coronavirus #SharpPower #Censorship #Investigation