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Riot Police Conducts Large-scale Stop and Search at Sheung Tak

00:03 | #TseungKwanO
Riot police stormed into Sheung Tak Estate, at least 20 civilians and first aid volunteers were stopped.

01:04 |
According to the pictures taken at around 12:44 a.m., at least 20 civilians were stoped by riot police. Some reporters claimed that at least 30 - 40 civilians were stopped by the police. However, no one had a clear view of the situation, as riot police prohobited reporters from filming and getting close to the scene.

Source: Stand News

#Feb9 #SheungTakEstate #PoliceState #ChowTszLok

Editor note: Prohibiting the press from getting into close proximity while the riot police conduct their stop and search has been a commonly employed tactic. It is a deliberate action by the police, to show that in situations like these, they have the upper hand, and they are the most powerful. The freedom of press in Hong Kong has clearly decomposed, due to such actions by the Hong Kong Police Force.
Blue Warning Flag Raised at Sheung Tak Estate

00:45 | #TseungKwanO
Riot police demanded civilians to leave in 3 minutes. However, police officers deployed pepper spray at civilians and the press in just 30 seconds.

01:29 |
Blue warning flag was raised at Sheung Tak Estate.

Source: CityU SU Editorial Board; HK01

#Feb9 #SheungTakEstate #ChowTszLok
Police Arrests Civilians, District Coucilors and Reporters At Sheung Tak Estate

00:46 #TseungKwanO
At least 12 civilians have been arrested for participating in an illegal assembly.

Police arrested Sai Kung District Council chairman Chung Kam-lun and coucilor Fung Kwan-on

Riot police stormed into Sheung Tak Estate again. A civilian in black was arrested.

Riot police arrested a reporter from Mad Dog Daily and a student reporter from City Broadcast Channel (City University). Based on the livestream broadcasted by Golden Forum, the reporters were arrested by the police for "theft".

According to the livestream broadcasted by Golden Forum, reporter estimated that at least 100 people have been arrested in Sheung Tak.

Sources: PSHK; Stand News; Golden Forum; SocREC; You Are Not Alone HK #Feb9
Lest We Forget: Civilians Mourned the Death of 15-year-old Student Chan Yin Lam , Three Civilians Were Arrested

20:47 | #TseungKwanO
Civilians gathered at Sheung Tak Estate Car Park to mourn the death of the 15-year-old student Chan Yin Lam, who went missing and was found floating naked in the sea few days later on 19 Sep 2019, and her cause of death is still unknown.

Police kept using torches with strong beams pointing to a residential unit at Beverly Garden.

Riot police stood by in Sheung Tak Estate, conducted stop and search to citizens and residents.

PSHK reporter claimed that at least three citizens have been arrested.

Riot police set cordon line at the estate and used torches to shine strong light beam at civilians.

A team of riot police left to clear roadblocks set by protestors.

Sources: PSHK, HKGolden, The Wanderer, eatsyrup
#Feb19 #ChanYinLam #SheungTakEstate #NeverForget
Police Enters Sheung Tak Estate Car Park, Where They Were Rumored to Have Fatally Injured Chow Tsz-lok

22:45 | Sheung Tak
Journalists were pepper sprayed by riot police.

Riot police stormed into Sheung Tak Estate Car Park, where student Chow Tsz-lok fell from on Nov 4.

Source: @tko84
#Feb20 #TseungKwanO
Hong Kong Police Force: Only Reasonable Force would be Applied and False Accusations are Ridiculous

The police stressed that the planclothes police would apply reasonable force to control suspects and they would also indicate their identity during arrests. They condemned people with “ulterior motives” for releasing false information to discredit the police. They also criticised the accusations of young people “being disappeared” or “being suicided” are ridiculous. The police reiterated that they are a force enforcement agent, not criminals.

The police said that on Feb 19, dozens of demonstrators participated in an unlawful assembly and blocked the interaction of Po Hong Road and Tong Ming Street in Tseung Kwan O. The demonstrators were fleeting the scene and the special force unit immediately got out of the car and successfully intercepted a 24 year old local man and arrested him for unlawful assembly.

Source: Stand News #Mar4

Plainclothes police deliberatly drove a car towards citizens:

Citizens Violently Beaten by Plainclothes police: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/16523

#PoliceState #PoliceBrutality
#TseungKwanO #FirstHand
Memorial Held In Tseung Kwan O for The Death of Chow Tsz-lok: Lots of Riot Police Deployed In All Stations Of Tseung Kwan O Line

For the memorial held in Sheung Tak, hundreds of riot police officers deployed in the four MTR stations in Tseung Kwan O, including Po Lam, Hang Hau, Tseung Kwan O and Tiu Keng Leng MTR stations.

In the photo, an officer made a Victory sign at the camera.

#Mar8 #LestWeForgot #ChowTszLok #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality
Riot Police Conducts Mass Searching, Ignoring Their Own Regulations; Children Deemed to be "Suspected Criminals"

2048 | #TseungKwanO
Large group of riot police were deployed, and conducted mass stop and search in the district. Police officers announced that all citizens stopped had their identity marked, and must leave the area --otherwise they would be arrested.

2118 | Among large crowd of citizens being stopped and searched, some kids, apparently below 10 years old, could be seen at the queue.

2140 | Reporter claimed that there were several civilians in wheelchairs who were also still being kept for stop and search.

Editor Note: Some citizens who were frisked are residents nearby. How could they leave the area when they live in the area? Do they go sleep at the cemetery? How do children become "suspected criminals" as well?

Source: Cupid Producer, Stand News
#Memorial #MassArrest
22:14 | #TseungKwanO

Legislative councillor Hui Chi-fung asked riot police to stay calm again, he pointed that the memorial was not an illegal assembly but an illegal massive arrest. Riot police responded by accusing him of inciting crime.

Blue warning flag was raised for the fourth time in Sheung Tak bus terminus.

Source: Apple Daily
#Mar8 #LestWeForgot #ChowTszLok #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality
Riot Police Continues Widespread Arrests Against Citizens, including a Flag-bearer

2129 | #TseungKwanO
Riot Police searched and surrounded mourning citizens at Sheung Tak Estate. Outside Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wah San Secondary School, they arrest the photoed citizen.

A citizen inside the cordon area at Kwong Ming Court waved a flag. A riot police then broke in and took them away.

2223 |Riot police officers arrested a citizen by sitting on his head at Sheung Tak Estate. While he was being carried by riot police to police car, riot police pushed away the press.

Source: CBC, NOW, Apple Daily #Mar8
#PoliceState #PoliceBrutality