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#PoliticalRetribution #Strike
Hong Kong Authorities Allegedly Inflict Political Retaliation on Medical Staff Who Demand Complete Border Closure and Adequate Supply of Protective Equipment

This is a letter issued by the Hong Kong Hospital Authority to staff who were absent during the strike demanding complete border closure and the containment of the coronavirus during epidemic outbreak.

#HA #HAEA #Feb26
Pro-Beijing Councilor Got Paid to Sleep and Tried Hard "Not to Interfere the Meetings"

When the Financial Budget 2020/2021 was read in Hong Kong's Legislative Council on February 26, Pro-Beijing lawmaker Wong Ting-kwong kept his usual posture, which he once referred as "human nature", and "the meeting won't be interfered whether he sleeps or not."

Wong has a seat in the functional constituency that is not generated by direct election. He represents import and export industry and belongs to the pro-Beijing party, DAB. He has been elected uncontestedly since 2004.

The monthly pay for lawmakers in Hong Kong is around HKD100,000.

Source: Stand News #Feb26
#LegCo #Lawmaker
Hong Kong Police Force Expenditure Exceeds Over HKD23.5 Billion, Budget to Increase by 25%
Pro-Beijing Camp: Government Responds to its People

Disclosed in the financial budget released on Feb 26, the overtime salary of the Hong Kong Police Force in 2019/2020 has been HKD2.5 billion, which is 10 folds of the initial estimated amount of 0.26 billion. In other words, each officer was to receive HKD72,000 as an additional salary.

Compared to this, each Hong Kong permanent citizen will receive HKD10,000 as an aid for the corobavirus outbreak. The pro-Beijing camp claimed this as evidence of the government "responding to its people".

While the Hospital Authority will be given HKD600 miilion to hire new staff and implement new measures, the government funding allocated to the Police Force will increase by 25%, amounting to a sum of HKD25 billion. More that 2,500 posts will be created within the force to "strengthen operational capability".

Source: Stand News; RTHK
Carrie Lam: No need to provide civil servants with facemasks, just like "you wear your own clothes to work"

According to sources from Now News, Chief Executive Carrie Lam suggested in an internal meeting that civil servants will need to resume work despite the epidemic outbreak. When the Secretary for Civil Servants Affairs Joshua Law Chi-kong expressed concerns over the provision of facemask supply amidst shortage, Carrie Lam disagreed and said that civil servants should proscure their own facemasks- she referred the situation to that "you wear your own clothes to work", meaning that facemasks should not be provided by the government.

Source: Now News #Feb26

CE and Government's Worst Approval Rates Ever since 1992 and 1997
#DailyUpdate #Feb26 #COVID19

COVID-19 Updates (26/2):

The total number of infected is now standing at 82179 where the number of deaths is now at 2770. 78073 confirmed cases and 2715 deaths are from mainland China.

1261 cases have been confirmed in South Korea. The country now has the second most confirmed cases outside China. An American soldier stationed in South Korea was confirmed infected.

Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe requested to cancel, postpone or reduce any nationwide sports and cultural events for the upcoming two weeks.

The United States expected the COVID-19 epidemic would cause community outbreak inside the country, American citizens were suggested to be prepared.

WHO praised the anti-epidemic work done by China; and saying it is too early to call COVID-19 a pandemic

In China, Weihai in Shandong Province and Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in Jilin announced quarantine arrangements for entrants from Japan and Korea.

Another death case was reported in France, which is the second in the country. A total of 4 cases were confirmed in France.

374 cases were confirmed in Italy, 51 new cases were confirmed today, being the most number of cases in Europe.

The epidemic is spreading towards Europe. Switzerland, Austria and Croatia have cases of novel coronavirus confirmed.

The United States begins clinical research on using remdesivir to treat COVID-19 patients.

According to dissection examination and pathology researches done by Chinese experts. The clinical treatment needs to focus on removing slime in patient's lungs.

Source: Now news, RTHK, Nikkei Asian Review, People’s Daily, The Beijing News, World Meter
HK Financial Secretary Paul Chan Contradicts His Previous Statement: Cash handouts would result in budget deficit

Financial Secretary Paul Chan stated on 8 January that distributing cash handouts would result in a several hundred billion budget deficit, and questioned whether citizens would agree with such an action. Today, however, Chan stated in his 2020 - 21 budget that all citizens over the age of eighteen would be applicable for a cash handout. When asked about his sudden change in stance, Chan responded that the circumstances faced by Hong Kong society had become exceptionally extraordinary. He stated that the policy was to revitalize Hong Kong's stagnating economy.

Editor Note: The Hong Kong government has distributed cash handouts to citizens before. The first time was in 2011, when the government distributed $6000 to all citizens aged above 18. Last year, the government distributed $4000 to citizens via the Caring and Sharing Scheme. However, the second cash handout did not include all citizens. Furthermore, the arrangements for application were chaotic and required applicants to get through layers of red tape before they were deemed eligible for receiving the $4000. This not only added unnecessary financial burden for administration, but it also lengthened the application process to more than a year. This miscalculation and mismanagement angered many citizens.

Source: RTHK (Source 1; Source 2); The 2020-21 Budget #Feb26

Hong Kong Police Force Expenditure Exceeds Over HKD23.5 Billion, Funding to Increase by 25%

Faith in Unrelenting Pro-democracy Movement in Everyday Life

There are many ways to express affection, from saying "Hi" to inquiring "are you safe", and now we ask each other, "do you have enough masks?"

Not that we have too many masks to give away, but because we don't want to see those we care to suffer misfortune.

Some say the anti-extradition law movement seems to have disappeared; on the contrary, it is ongoing every day in various formats, ranging from "lunch with you", the "yellow economic circle", supporting the detainees to visiting the arrestees.

Some arrested complained about not receiving letters; no one has ever visited them. The reality is when the arrestees are on court bail, we keep them company, at times, we may also be worried, or distressed, or saddened to see court closure due to Coronavirus outbreak, causing longer wait for detainees.

We cannot go back.

The movement has not disappeared as things are still happening every day. We will not forget, and we refuse to get used to injustice. Some people want to go back to old-time Hong Kong, but "we can't go back", we have suffered mentally and physically. The injury we suffer every time will help us grow, not regress, such that we can be discouraged, disappointed, but we should not despair.

"Five Demands Not one Less" and "Go together Leave together" are not merely protest slogans, but our faith in the movement.

Source: Leung Kam-wai, legislator of Kwai-Tsing District

#Feb26 #PoliceState
Faith in Unrelenting Pro-democracy Movement in Everyday Life

...Some say the anti-extradition law movement seems to have disappeared; on the contrary, it is ongoing every day in various formats, ranging from "lunch with you", the "yellow economic circle", supporting the detainees to visiting the arrestees.

We cannot go back.

"Five Demands Not one Less" and "Go together Leave together" are not merely protest slogans, but our faith in the movement.

Read more: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/17885

Source: Leung Kam-wai, legislator of Kwai-Tsing District

#Feb26 #PoliceState
Prosecution Criminalizes Man for Carrying Sugar as Potential Connection to Petrol Bombs

Two pro-democracy protesters were arrested for "possession of tools suitable for illegal use and intention for illegal use" on the International Human Rights Day and the New Year's day, respectively. The charges were revoked in court on February 26 as evidence was inadequate.

The 19-year-old construction site worker applied to recover related litigation costs, but was opposed by the prosecution. The prosecution previously pointed to the bags of sugar found in the man's backpack at the time of arrest in connection to petrol bombs. According to the prosecution, the man was laying himself open for suspicion by carrying sugar.

After the court session, aggrieved defendants expressed their dissatisfaction. The 19-year-old recalled that police officers kept threatening him, saying "no one could protect you, even the almighty Jesus can't save you!" at the police station.

Source: InMedia #Feb26
Police Criticize RTHK's Headliner for Defaming the Force

Watch “Shock Report” subtitled by BWHK

The Hong Kong Police Force issued a letter to Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), severely criticising the latter's programme Headliner, broadcast on 14 Feb, for defamation. The sentiment was echoed on Facebook by former Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying, who accused Director of Broadcasting Leung Ka-wing of serious misconduct, "I suggest the government should fire him and the police should sue".

The letter says that "Headliner completely disregards the police's efforts to fight the new coronavirus outbreak. The programme confounds right and wrong, which is entirely unacceptable. In the session called 'Shock Report' misinformation is presented on purpose to diffuse the joint efforts made by various government units to combat the virus. We express our deep regret and hope to see follow-up actions taken by the Director of Broadcasting."

The host of "Shock Report", named Honour Duty-loyalty (acted by Wong He), combines black humour with sarcasm to bring out that the police's work during the outbreak is always assisted and "substituted" by other units. In the beginning Wong emerged from a rubbish bin to start his introduction: "In this year of the rat, when the coronavirus outbreak is plaguing the world, it is great to see you and I wish all of you can find a healthy, carefree job."

Former Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying said that Headliner attempted to ruin the police's reputation. After the police lodged a complaint, RTHK "defended" itself by explaining it was the nature of Headliner to reflect social phenomena by means of sarcasm. However, Leung said that "phenomena" must be facts and "sarcasm" must be based on facts. Fabrication of facts is called libel. Kwok Ka-chuen, Chief Superintendent of Police, wrote a letter on behalf of the Commissioner of Police to the Director of Broadcasting to condemn the programme's repeated mockery of the police's performance during the outbreak, "We express deep regret for such biased reporting".

Ng Man-yee, Head of Corporate Communications of RTHK, replied Stand News that they had already received the complaint letter from the police. They also understood the hard work performed by the police and other government units during the outbreak. She said Headliner is committed to reflecting social phenomena based on different voices of society, often in the forms of irony, humour and sarcasm.

RTHK Programme Staff Union hopes that the police will look squarely at public criticisms, and respect RTHK's professionalism and editorial independence. The police should not pick on RTHK, instead they should focus on how to protect public interest. Tsang Chi-ho, one of the programme hosts, responded by a video clip. He questioned why the police have stockpiled large amount of face masks and protective gowns, as well as criticised them for suppressing rightful protests, "They have long lost their conscience". Tsang urged the public to write letters to RTHK so as to show support for the programme.

Source: Stand News, Apple Daily #Feb26

#RTHK #Headliner #TsangChiHo #PoliceState #ShockReport #WongHe #LeungChunYing