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In order to keep in check the totalitarian government of Hong Kong, we request the members of The National Diet to initiate discussions on the Japanese version of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Bill

Source: Change.org
#Japan #Petition #GlobalSupport

Further reading:
Japanese Students’ veiw on Freedom
Japanese Student arrested in Seige of PolyU
Japan needs to do more to fix Chinese image
Malaysians and Koreans Ask of Their Governments to Restrict Access of Chinese into their Countries

The Wuhan coronavirus has been spreading all over the globe over the past few weeks. With the increasing number of confirmed cases, Malaysians and Koreans in their respective countries, raised petitions, asking for their government to prohibit Chinese travellers from entering their countries. Over a million people have responded to the petition.

Taiwan's Centre for Disease Control announced that Chinese visitors from Hubei Province, China were prohibited to enter Taiwan; Taiwanese returning from mainland China were required to conduct self-health management for 14 days; issuance of visiting permits has also suspended for Chinese who have right of adobe in overseas countries, HKSAR or Macau.

There are 4 confirmed cases in Korea at the moment. Koreans started a petition on the Blue House's website, which has gained a total number of about 470,000 signatures, asking for their country to follow what North Korea did: closing their borders since the start of the outbreak. However, the Korean government has not responded to any of these petitions and requests yet.

The similar situation was also found in Malaysia, whereby 3 infected cases were actually travellers from Wuhan, China. 380,000 signed on "change.org", in a bid to ask of the Malaysian government to prohibit all entries of Chinese citizens into Malaysia.

Source: SETN
#Malaysia #Korea #Petition #CoronaVirusOutbreak
#FirstHand #Petition
Students and District Councilor Set Up Counter to
Petition for Stronger Epidemic-fighting Measures

1430 | Mong Kok
The Student Front Union and Mong Kok District Councillor Ben Lam Siu-pan set up a street counter to campaign for the epidemic-fighting five demands. They explained the influence of the Coronavirus on students to surrounding crowds, and criticized Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor’s ineffective policies in fighting the epidemic, and the dangers she posed on the health of the Hong Kong public. They made a stern stand, stating that only with the complete closure of borders with China can the government stop the spread of the Coronavirus from China, its source, and reduce pressure on medical staff.

#Feb29 #ChinesePneumonia #HealthCrisis #FailedState

Petition to Support Taiwan’s inclusion in WHO
127 European politicians have signed a petition to support Taiwan's inclusion in WHO after Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the organization's Director-General, accused Taiwan of criticizing his way to manage the epidemic was racially influenced. Participating politicians praised Taiwan's handling of the epidemic, and said its exclusion from WHO is unfair and incomprehensible.

Full article: Taiwan News, (11-Apr)

#Taiwan #WHO #Tedros #Petition
#NetizensVoice #Analysis

Ethiopians petitioned against Ghebreyesus' candidacy and presidency when he was elected as the Director General of WHO in 2017

(15 Apr) When Ghebreyesus was elected as the Director General of WHO in 2017, Ethiopians launched a petition campaign at Change.org to oppose his candidacy. After he was elected, there was petition calling for his resignation. (1)

He is an irresponsible criminal to many Ethiopians.

The Change.org petition described “Tedros Adhanom, a politburo member of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) that has been ruling Ethiopia for the last 25 years is in the inner circle of the regime well known for its systematic patterns of political repression and egregious human rights violations against Ethiopian citizens.” (Politburo member usually refers to a senior communist party cadre member.) *

//That was similar to what the brutal suppression HK police under HK-CCP regime did to the HK protesters on the streets.

//The candidate for Director General of a prestigious organization such as the WHO should not only be a person of high personal achievement but should also embody the highest adherence to internationally recognized human rights standards.

//Not only he violated human rights, he deliberately let many Oromians died from Cholera.

Full translation:

Source: Hsin Lien Facebook page

#WHO #Tedros #Totalitarian #Racist #Genocide #Petition #Ethiopians
Petition to Stop China to build dam on the upstream Mekong River

(16 Apr) According to new research from American climatologists, China, where the headwaters of the Mekong spring forth from the Tibetan Plateau, was not experiencing the same hardship at all. Instead, Beijing's engineers appeared to have directly caused the record low water levels by limiting the river's flow. This has caused droughts in Southeast Asian Countries and therefore a petition is created for this issue. Currently more than 67000 signatures are received.

#StopMekongDam #Petition #drought #Thailand #Laos #Cambodia #Vietnam #ChinaThreat

Further reading:
Chinese dams along upper Mekong are behind serious droughts in Southeast Asian Countries, study says

Source: Petition White House
#OneCountryOneSystem #HumanitarianCrisis
Parliamentarians and Policymakers from 23 Countries Condemns Beijing for "flagrant breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration"

Led by Hong Kong's last governor Chris Patten, a cross-party international coalition of 201 parliamentarians and policymakers from 23 countries on May 23 issued a statement decrying Beijing’s ‘unilateral introduction of national security legislation in Hong Kong,’ and calling for sympathetic governments to act.

Hong Kong Watch’s co-founder and Chair, Benedict Rogers said that “the death of democracy in Hong Kong" is a grave concern to countries worldwide.

The joint statement warned that "If the international community cannot trust Beijing to keep its word when it comes to Hong Kong, people will be reluctant to take its word on other matters."

The list of signatories can be found on Hong Kong Watch's page.

Source: Hong Kong Watch #May23 #Petition #NationalSecurityLaw
#JointDeclaration #ChrisPatten
#Newspaper #NetizensVoice

The political censorship has increased on Youtube amid the filtering of the Chinese word “Gong Fei” on the platform 3/3

As a matter of fact, YouTube is cracking down the videos related to COVID-19 since the outbreak commenced. A bunch of videos were labelled by YouTube platform “Not suitable for most advertisers” even if they were sharing the information of the pandemic and introducing the precautionary measures to prevent the virus from spreading.

It’s common sense that advertising revenue is one of the major source of income for YouTubers and if one video is labelled as “not suitable for most advertisers” with a yellow dollar sign, the video will not appear in the “recommended for you” tab and only a few adversaries (or none) will be able to insert their advertisements to the video. By doing so, YouTubers’ advertising revenue will be reduced significantly and there will be less people viewing their videos.

YouTube has caused great dissatisfaction among the YouTubers and it is criticized for cracking down on freedom of speech and performing censorship on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party, and many internet users have doubted that there are some dark deals behind the misuse of yellow dollar signs.

A bunch of internet users have started a petition on the “We the people” site, requesting the platform to explain the relationship between the yellow dollar sign and the filtering “sensitive phrases”, and they are expecting the White House to investigate YouTube’s misconduct. The petition started on 21 Feb and more than 100,000 people signed the petition to show their support within a month.

No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible---Stainslaw Jerzy Lec, a polish writer

Source: PTT, NTDTV

#Youtube #Censorship #Coronavirus #WHO #CCP #FreedomOfSpeech #Petition #YellowDollarSign

A note of thanks to Kyoko Koizumi for sharing the petition agianst the Hong Kong National Security Law

(3 Jun) Kyoko Koizumi is a famous Japanese idol in the 1980s, she was one of the top 3 idols in the 80s with Matsuda Seiko and Nakamori Akina. Until now, Koizumi is still active in the Japanese entertainment industry and also a book reviewer at the Yomiuri Shimbun. Recently, she openly shared the petition against the establishment of National Security Law in Hong Kong on Twitter, causing people's discussion. Among the comments, one questioned Koizumi why interfering China’s internal affairs when she is Japanese. This is how she replied: "In this world now, any countries' political issues could affect our own. Everyone should think about this as this is vital. This is why I signed the petition."

As an idol, Kyoko Koizumi, she might lose the market in China and receive trolling from the patriotic “Nmslese”. However, just like how she says, every public issue is related to politics. You should think and make a decision, but not indifferently turning your back to it. This applies to the issues of Hong Kong and also issues of Japan boycotting Korea.

Let's put our heads up and look at this world. All you happen to own now are not gifts fallen from the sky. It is not a natural thing to have the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of not getting sick, freedom of not being robbed by riots, freedom of not being sexually abused or murdered by the "black cops", freedom of returning home safely and hugging the people you love. All of the these are here now because someone have fought for them. If you can still vote now, could you be a little more serious? Every choice you made is closely related to me. Public issues are not only your affair but also mine.

Thank you, Kyoko Koizumi, for your courage.

Source: Stand News
Translation by: Hong Kong Echo

#KyokoKoizumi #GlobalSupport #Japan #NationalSecurityLaw #Petition
#iCable #LayOff #Petition
200+ employees petition for i-Cable management to reveal reasons behind dismissal of engineering team heads

Source: Stand News #Aug22

Read more
#iCable #LayOff #Petition
200+ employees petition for i-Cable management to reveal reasons behind dismissal of engineering team heads

More than 200 employees from the Public Information of i-Cable petitioned, requesting for the management to reveal their true intentions behind the firing of 3 heads of the engineering team.

i-Cable responded to not affect the operation of the public information department

i-Cable filled the vacant roles in what seemed like an unbroken succession. The 3 heads of the engineering team were fired on 21 August on immediate notice.

Read here: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/24406

More than 200 people in Public information Department, including every editors and journalists from the Hong Kong News team and all journalists from the China news team signed the petitioned directed to the i-Cable chairmen, David Chiu Tat -Cheong, and the Chief financial officer (CFO), Kwok Chi-Kin.

The employees felt “shocked, puzzled and angry” and expressed that this move would result in an “irrevocable loss of i-Cable”

They mentioned in the open letter that they did not approve of the management's decision to that dismiss the 3 heads without any prior notice. They also doubted the claims that from the management that this doing had no adverse effects on the daily operation of the company. They also requested for the management to explain the reasons behind the personnel changes.

The 3 new senior management officers mentioned in the letter are ex-senior management of another pro-Establishment TV station ATV, Anderson Chan Hing-cheong, Edna Tse, and Oscar Lee. Fung Tak-hung was reappointed to be an advisor.

i-Cable responded that the dismissal of the 3 people from engineering teams was a result of a “regular review of organisation structure and Human Resources”. They also mentioned that a reasonable and sufficient compensation package have been arranged according to the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance of Labour Department. They further reiterated their claims the dismissal "will not affect the daily operation of public information department”.

Source: Stand News #Aug22

#ATV #Management