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#FirstHand #Mar11
Stepping Into The Ninth Month Of The Movement

Photo: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/18437

This teenager is holding the “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times” flag himself. Yet, HongKongers - you are the one who can walk along with him in the fight for freedom and justice!

Retain your righteous indignation.
Keep your hearts warm.
Until Hong Kong has been liberated.
This fight shall go on.
2020, let us fight till the end!

We will remove our masks under “the pot”.

#HongKong #FiveDemandsNotOneLess #HongKongersResist #HongKongersRevenge
#FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong
Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times!


【九個月了 我們得到了什麼?】

「他」帶著抗爭之心,獨自拿著抗爭標語,聽著旁邊busking的音樂 — 那人正在燈火闌珊處。香港人,你們看到嗎?


煲底見 —

#香港人 #光復香港時代革命 #文宣馬拉松 #保持憤怒 #保持熱度 #抗爭到底 #感動 #兄弟爬山各自努力 #neverforgetneverforgive #文宣抗爭 #遍地開花 #是香港人 #遍地開花
#DailyUpdate #Mar11 #COVID19

COVID-19 Updates (11/3)

At the time of writing, 121,564 cases of the coronavirus have been reported with 4373 deaths. China, Italy, Iran, and South Korea contiunes to be the most affected countries of the pandemic.

China is now reporting 80,969 cases of the virus with 3162 deaths. Italy is reporting 10,149 cases with 631 deaths. South Korea is now reporting 7755 cases with 54 deaths and Iran is reporting 9000 cases with 354 deaths.

Spain has continued to see a spike in infection as the country reported 2174 cases of the virus. France has reported 1784 cases while Germany has reported 1629 cases.

All schools, nurseries, universities will remain closed for 15 days in the regions of Madrid (where 3,650 institutions will close) and La Rioja, and the Basque cities of Vitoria and Labastida. These are the latest measures made by the Spanish government in order to curb the spread of the virus.

The US has seen its numbers of infection double in the last 3 days. The government has reported 1050 cases of the virus.

A health minister in Boris Johnson's government has become the first British MP to test positive for coronavirus, raising fears about the potential spread of the disease in Westminster.

Greece will close all schools and universities across the country for the next 14 days because of coronavirus fears, the Greek health minister announced.

Harvard University and Georgetown University are the latest universities to cancel all in-person classes. Harvard has also asked all students to move out of their dorms by Sunday.

Bahrain evacuates 165 citizens from Iran and 77 test positive for coronavirus

Ukraine shuts schools and a ban on gatherings of more than 200 people after just one case recorded.

Poland closes all schools from Monday after 25 cases are confirmed.

Saint Peter's Square and Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City are now closed to tourists starting from Tuesday because of the coronavirus.

The United Nations has decided to close its New York complex to the general public and temporarily suspend all guided tours beginning at 8 p.m. ET today until further notice.

The Geneva-based World Trade Organization is suspending all meetings until 20 March after a member of staff was confirmed to have coronavirus.

Both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden have canceled rallies that were slated to be held today.

Source: CNN, BBC, John Hopkins University
#PoliceState #StateTerrorism #PoliticalPersecution
Police Arrest Two Pro-democracy District Councilors for Obstruction of Police Work

Police arrested Herman Kwan-ho Yiu and Kok-cheung Lin, two directly elected pro-democracy district councilors in Tai Po.

Police accused them of obstructing police work when the police was making arrest in Kwong Fok Estate in the district on Sunday.

Source: Commercial Radio #Mar11
Pressurized by Beijing?: John Hopkins University Groups Hong Kong and Taiwan Under China

John Hopkins University runs an interactive map indicating the development of the coronavirus outbreak around the world. Since xx, statistics in Hong Kong and Taiwan were merged and placed under China.

The sudden change has cause discontent among people in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Taiwanese netizens left comments on the facebook of the university: Some pointed out that Taiwan is not a part of China; some indicated that one needs a visa to travel between the two places; some reminded that the CIA website does differentiate Taiwan from China. John Hopkins University did not responded to these posts, nor the inquiry sent from Hong Kong's Stand News concerning whether the decision was made under the pressure of China.

Source: Stand News #Mar11
#Coronavirus #JohnHopkins #ChinaPolicy #HongKong #Taiwan
#FailedState #WuhanPneumonia #ChinaEconomy
Work Resumption Plan Cancelled in Hubei, Epidemic is Not Under Control in China

Just in one day the work resumption order issued for Qianjiang City, located in China's epicenter Hubei Pronvince, was withdrawn by the authorities.

The authorities did not directly explain the change of plan, but stressed that traffic restriction is still in effect. The order contrasts the saying that China has the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic under control.

Source: am730 #Mar11
#QianJiang #HuBei
Officer Caught Swearing at Citizens in Protest. HKPF: The Inappropriate Behaviour of the Policemen Involved “will be Addressed” ⬇️

Photo: Citizen News #Mar11
Officer Caught Swearing at Citizens in Protest. HKPF: The Inappropriate Behaviour of the Policemen Involved “will be Addressed”

During the Tseung Kwan O protest on Mar 8, some journalists witnessed a group of policemen surrounding a citizen and recorded the incident. The man was asked to apologise to all the officers at the scene one by one before the police were willing to release him. While detaining the man, the police hurled profanities and cursed at the man, threatening him. When asked about the incident, the spokesperson for the police claimed that the policemen involved in the incident were using “inappropriate language”. He claimed that the Force is alarmed by such misbehaviour and will address the discipline of individual police officers. He reiterated that the police force takes the conduct and the discipline of its officers seriously. They have strict guidelines and protocols that ensures police officers are using appropriate language while communicating with citizens so as to preserve a professional image of the police force. The Complaints and Internal Investigations Branch claimed they will launch an investigation into this complaint that is fair and complies with current protocol.

Editor’s note: The police have been seen uttering a wide array of profanities countless times. If they were able to follow their protocol correctly, major incidents 6.12, 7.21 and 8.31 and so on would not have happened. When would the Hong Kong police follow their doctrine and protocols then? Probably when pigs fly.

Source: RTHK #Mar11 #PoliceState
Four arrestees in a bomb case were not granted bail, Defending Lawyer Complained - Police Threatened Arrestees to Confess

Police arrested 12 men and 5 women on 7 March. They were suspected of being involved in the explosions at 3 locations, and six of them were charged.

The case was mentioned on 11 March. Two defendants suffered from bone fracture under arrest.

Defending lawyer pointed out that one defendant was arrested with his girlfriend. Police threatened him to plead guilty, or else his girlfriend or other arrestees would be harassed or beaten severely. An officer tried to induce him to make false declarations at least four times before recording the cautioned statement. Another forced him to hand out his phone and the entrance password of his home.

Other defendants also complained that their confessions were controversial under absence of lawyers, intimidation and influence by the police.

Source: Stand News #Mar11 #PoliceState
Sharing Full-Face Masks and Washing Wounds Without Gloves: Insufficient Protective Gear Remains a Severe Issue in Hospitals

Insufficient protective equipment in hospitals continued to be a predicament for many frontline medical staff. Hospital Authority Employees Alliance (HAEA) sent a formal letter to Hospital Authority and the Labour Department to report complaints such as sharing a full-face mask among 10 staff at Princess Margaret Hospital, and using bare hands to wash wounds due to the lack of disposable gloves at Shatin Hospital.

HAEA stated that they have been receiving complaints from members reporting cases of senior officials suspending the use and supply of protective equipment, which is seriously endangering the safety of medical staff.

In the medical ward of Princess Margaret Hospital, staff complained that full-face masks have to be shared among 8-10 of them for 2 weeks, and they can only sanitize it with alcohol wipes between uses. A medical staff reported that they had to wear a plastic bag over their head as protection since they are not allowed to wear a full-face mask even when the patient is coughing at them.

Medical staffs at Shatin hospital medical ward also reported the serious problem of having an insufficient supply of disposable gloves, so that staff will need to wash wounds, test blood sugar and change patient’s diapers with their bare hands. Some staff even had to use the same pair of gloves to bathe more than one patient.

HAEA mentioned that according to the occupational safety and health regulations, it is the responsibility of Hospital Authority as the employer to provide sufficient personal protective equipment to ensure that employees work in a safe environment. HA Employees Alliance also demanded them to explain and clarify whether their recent change in the guidelines has met international standards. They also urged the Labor Department to investigate.

Source: Stand News #Mar11
#MedicalStaff #Masks #ChinesePneumonia
Wedding In Times Of Coronavirus

Under the outbreak of Wuhan pneumonia, a wedding banquet in Hong Kong has become a take-away for 150 guests.

Source: Sky Post #Mar11
#WeddingBanquet #WuhanPneumonia #Takeaway