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【Michael Kadoorie's Letter to the People of Hong Kong】

The Kadoories first arrived in Hong Kong 140 years ago and this city gave us the opportunity to prosper. Over the past century we have been welcomed by the Chinese people and have been privileged to play a small part in Hong Kong's transformation from a bustling port to a dynamic metropolis on the world stage.

My late father often spoke about the uniqueness of Hong Kong. "This area of the world," he once said, "is going to develop as a neutral point of contact between two different ideologies and two different systems of government." This prediction made more than three decades ago is evident in the city's prosperity and growth, intrinsically linked to China's economic development.

With this deep connection, it is disheartening to see what has overtaken the city recently with the threat of a challenging situation escalating still further. I do not support violence nor do I believe that this should be the way to resolve conflicts. A commitment to the rule of law and maintaining peace and order is the cornerstone of Hong Kong's success. More importantly, our city's spirit that we have long valued is our ability to find solutions in mutual respect, understanding and open dialogue. We must not forget our unique place as that neutral point of contact and work tirelessly to restore the balance.

I have spoken many times of how our young people are Hong Kong's future. We cannot leave them in desperation or despair. It is the responsibility of us all to rebuild trust in the community and create hope for the younger generation.

Being a part of Hong Kong has instilled the lion Rock Spirit in me and my children - that energy, ambition, drive and creativity has powered our prosperity and helped us to face many challenges. My faith in our home is undiminished. Now is a time for everybody to unite and be unswerving in our commitment not just to Hong Kong's special place, but to peaceful solution to our current crisis for this generation, the next, and beyond.

The Honourable Sir Michael Kadoorie

#openletter #supporthk
University Head Reveals Students' Accounts of Police Violence and Urges Carrie Lam to Order an Independent Investigation

The head of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Rocky Tuan issued an open Letter on October 18, revealing police violence on arrested students. This came after a student publicly accused the police of “sexual violence” a week ago.

Police's violation of rights as abstracted from Hong Kong Free Press:

1. Around 20 students have reported unreasonable treatment by police after they were arrested during protests.

2. One student who had suffered a head injury was only sent to a hospital after 18 hours in detention.

3. More than one student were slapped in the face while giving a statement or during detention.

4. Two students were forced to strip naked by a police officer of the same sex in the search room, despite having been told of no reason why this was needed.

5. Most students' requests for timely communication with their lawyers or families were refused. The students said they could only make their first and only phone call between a few hours and 78 hours after their arrest.

6. Some students were made to give statements without a lawyer.

7. One student's family had turned up at the police station where he was held, but they were not allowed to see him. He was not allowed a call or a meeting with his family in the station during his 48 hours of detention.

8. Some students were not permitted to sleep or lie down to rest.

9. Students were not given the medication they needed, including a student with asthma who waited for six hours to be treated.

Full letter: https://www.cpr.cuhk.edu.hk/en/press_detail.php?id=3140


#CUHK #HumanitarianCrisis #PoliceState #PoliceBrutality
Civil Servants' Open Letters to Fellow Citizens in 2019 Summer:
We Are All Hongkongers Before We Are Anyone

#Part1 #OpenLetter #CivilServant
Civil Servants' Open Letters to Fellow Citizens in 2019 Summer:
We Are All Hongkongers Before We Are Anyone

#Part2 #OpenLetter #CivilServant
Civil Servants' Open Letters to Fellow Citizens:
We Are All Hongkongers Before We Are Anyone
#Part3 #OpenLetter #CivilServant
Staff of Immigration Deparment: "Whether we are in uniforms or not, we stand with Hongkoners as one"

Press release: https://bit.ly/2oJFdXR

At the Citizens' Press Conference today (Nov 4), representatives from Immigration Department and Fire Services Department, as the city's displinary forces, have condemned the Hong Kong Police Force for their failure to uphold justice and impartiality and their abusive acts that endanger public safety. The Hong Kong SAR Government should be responsible for all these.

Watch video: https://youtu.be/6GuW3uylb6g

Earlier, civil servants from different department have also sent open letters to show support for their fellow Hongkongers during the movement.

Take a look at the open letter series:

#OpenLetter #CivilServant
Civil Servants' Open Letters to Fellow Citizens:
We Are All Hongkongers Before We Are Anyone
#Part4 #OpenLetter #CivilServant
Civil Servants' Open Letters to Fellow Citizens:
We Are All Hongkongers Before We Are Anyone

#Part5 #OpenLetter #CivilServant


Editor’s note: A person arrested within the vicinity of the Kingswood Villas residential area claimed that the incumbent district councillor Mr. Lee Yuet Man forced her to sign the letter of gratitude or face police prosecution. The title above is the handwritten note on the letter.

(15 Nov) To: Citybase Property Management Limited

Letter of Gratitude

“My daughter and I are residents of Unit [blank] of Kenswood Court. In regard to the incident that occurred on November 10, the police received a report from citizens that a group of outsiders has entered Kenswood Court after damaging government properties to escape from the police’s pursuit and arrest, causing riot police to storm into the Kenswood Court residential area and arrested 12 related suspects (I found these details from the management service center after the incident). Out of the 12 arrestees, my daughter is the only one who is a resident of the Kenswood Court. She was arrested because she acted on impulse and had a conflict with other residents, which is completely unrelated to the other arrestees. She was detained in the Tin Shui Wai police station for further investigation after the arrest.

When I was panicking and feeling helpless, I was lucky to have the assistance of Mr. Chan Chi Fai, the Senior Property Manager of Kenswood Court service center, who had immediately helped me contact the district councillor Mr. Lee Yuet Man, for assistance; though approximately 200 people gathered and blocked the security control room that night, Mr. Chan dutifully accompany me to the police station to learn more about the situation. Under Mr. Chan and district councillor Mr. Lee's joint coordination efforts, legal assistance was provided by pro bono lawyer and barrister. I was then able to get in touch with my daughter through the lawyer and was able to feel immediately relieved that night.

I am very grateful for all the assistance provided by Mr. Chan and district councillor Mr. Lee. I heard that Mr. Chan was injured that night from the incident. I hope you can help me express my gratitude to him and wish him a speedy recovery!”

Source: Facebook

#OpenLetter #Dec31 #GlobalSupport
Politicans and Religious Leaders from 18 Countries Write To Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam to Express Concern Over Hong Kong

//We have been horrified to see reports of police firing teargas, pepper-spray and rubber bullets at close-range at shoppers, peaceful protesters and innocent by-standers on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and again on Saturday 28 December. We are profoundly disturbed by scenes of children and young people being severely beaten, and of rubber bullets being fired into people’s faces, acts which any ballistics expert would confirm presents a serious risk of injury or death, and which therefore is a serious violation of international standards.//

Continue Reading:
5 Demands Raised by Staff Members of Immigration Department

1. Close down borders connecting China-Hong Kong immediately;

2. Recall all immigration staff members supporting the police force;

3. Immediately arrange charter flights to repatriate the backlog of Chinese Mainlanders being rejected of entry directly to Wuhan;

4. Dispatch sufficient protective gear to frontline staff immediately;

5. Shorten customs clearance time for Hong Kong residents at major control points, except for the airport

Source: https://telegra.ph/一群入境處職員的公開信-01-28

#OpenLetter #ImmigrationDept #PublicServant #WuhanPnemonia

Responses to Government's Preventive Measures
#Firsthand #May16
District Councilor and Activist Demand Mall to Explain Constant Police Presence

1412 | New Town Plaza, #Shatin
Shatin District Councillor Lee Chi-wan, and the Citizens' Assembly Convener Ventus Lau, handed their open letters to the management of the shopping mall.

The Lennon Wall at New Town Plaza has been remove, and there is no access to the wall, as it has been blocked.

#OpenLetter #ProtestersVoice
Rainbow Squad: "Summer is back, and so are we"

Source: Stand News #Jun21

Read the letter from Rainbow Squad:
#OpenLetter #ProtestersVoice
Rainbow Squad: "Summer is back, and so are we"

This is an open letter from the Rainbow Squad to Hongkongers:

"In the early summer, after a year, the word 'valiant' gradually became a word of the past. Hongkongers have been suffering from unfair treatment, such as police brutality, ever since the beginning of the anti-ELAB protests.

However, we know that whenever oppression is present, there will always be resistance. The 'valiants' were birthed out of this trying and difficult time; a group of Hongkongers, determined to take to the streets.

We used to be labelled as 'violent individuals', 'thugs', etc., and were even cut off and excluded from society, but please remember, "You (the establishment) have taught us that peaceful protests are useless."

HongKongers have experienced "721", "831 ", among the many other horrific events that traumatized us greatly. As word went around that more and more lives were being lost to this movement, we woke up one day and realized that there was no turning back. The grip of the regime has forced us into an awakening, and has made us realize the importance of standing together. "No divisions amongst us, do our utmost best in this movement".

The defense of CUHK and siege of PolyU symbolizes the spirit and the ethos of the protest; the unity between the 'valiants' and peaceful protesters. We are brothers and sisters in arms, where the peaceful protesters can be found alongside the 'valiants', working in one accord.

Unfortunately, our morale has constantly been hit by the usage of improportionate force by the police, and the very knowledge that 'moles' exsits in our groups. Under the pressure of such a corrupted regime, many comrades were arrested or forced into exile.

Discouragement does not mean that we have given up. As long as there is a need, we will always be there. Being 'valient' isn't a role, but rather, it is a state of mind. As long as you have the courage and will to fight against totalitarianism, everyone of us are 'valiants'. Hongkongers, let us fight till our very last breaths. Hong Kong will be liberated, and we will meet each other at the 'bottom of the pot' (the Legco Building Protest Area).

Summer is back, and so are we.

From: Rainbow Squad"

Source: Stand News #Jun21
#HongKongProtests #RainbowSquad
#OpenLetter #Netflix

The Dilemma with The Social Dilemma

To the creators of The Social Dilemma,

It is understandable to gloss over all the nuances when you only have 90 minutes to talk about a topic as daunting as social engineering through social media. To omit some critical ones seems a bit questionable, though. Perhaps there is a clever nod to internet culture by being meta and subtly trolling your own audience. We are no tech experts and have no experience in the large-scale manipulation of human behaviour. However, we do know that while the images and scenes you used in your documentary are true, the tales you spun with them are not.


Written by: Hong Kong Echo

#FakeNews #SmartLampPost #misinformation

An Open Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau regarding the CCP

//Maybe you believe that criticizing the CCP will be interpreted as racism towards Chinese people. I am part Chinese, and I can tell you this couldn’t be further from the truth.

//Ask yourself: when in the course of human history has appeasement ever stopped the bullying?

//Do you stand for the rights and freedoms enshrined in the charter that your father fought for

//It’s time to stop talking about being a leader, Mr. Trudeau. Be one.

⬇️⬇️⬇️ Watch

Source: Youtube, produced by Canadian comrades

#Canada #Trudeau #CCP

A Personal Letter to my Cousin the Magistrate

by Chan Kwok-kuen

To my cousin the magistrate:

I have been pondering whether I should write, what to write, when to write and how to publish this letter. In the end, I decided to speak my mind and typed out this letter.

Among our many cousins, some are in the catering industry, some work for the media, and there are professionals such as pharmacists and accountants. Frankly speaking, you, being a magistrate, have a role to play in the judiciary and this makes Uncle and Auntie Seven especially proud in front of the relatives. Nevertheless, “news” about you in social media are widely circulating these days which even made headlines with your photo published on the front page. I believe this is the “talk of the town” for the many relatives and friends in your former residence of Macau.

My cousin the magistrate, my mom is the eldest granddaughter and your mother is the seventh among the siblings. The two are more than ten years apart and thus I am also a fair bit elder than you. Now that I am aged, you are still in your prime. In Chinese kin groups, there are cousins of patrilineal and matrilineal lineages which determine the closeness of relationship. In fact, cousins of our matrilineal lineage do not have frequent and close contacts. Gatherings such as tea and dinner are mostly occasion for greetings, socialisation and festivity. As I recall, the last time we met was more than a year ago when Uncle and Auntie Six came back from Australia. We had a meal at Yixin Restaurant in Wanchai.

Continued below
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A Personal Letter to my Cousin the Magistrate

My cousin the magistrate, since the onset of the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement, I have been paying attention to your name and the cases you have tried. Hong Kong’s “rule of law” has been challenged and trashed as the social situation deteriorates and the central government cum party intervenes ruthlessly. And now there are people lamenting that Hong Kong's "rule of law is dead"! Frankly, Hong Kong has lost its unique characteristics and has become one of the mainland cities. In the “reforming” process of mainlandisation, I can hardly imagine how you, as a member of the judiciary, can maintain clearheaded, fair, composed and steadfast as required to defend Hong Kong’s “rule of law”?!

My cousin the magistrate, I have no legal expertise. Hence, with regard to court cases, I form my opinion based on general knowledge and common sense. I read newspaper reports that your verdicts in some cases were “biased and unfair”, including ten months’ imprisonment for a 20-year-old student carrying a spray can and a lighter in his backpack; imprisonment of five-and-a-half months for a real estate agent in possession of 48 six-inch long cable ties; a year’s imprisonment for a 37-year-old lecturer in possession of a homemade crossbow and sharp wooden sticks. Putting aside my pro-democracy stance as much as I can, other than expressing that I sympathise with the guilty protesters. I do understand where they come from and am frustrated at your “harsh sentencing”. I did not accuse you of “passing unfair verdicts” as these cases were substantiated. However, in this case of the 81-year-old man who stabbed and injured a person with an almost foot-long “solid, sharp and heavy duty” chisel, in court he pleaded guilty while “bragging” that “I did this on purpose” … “in the name of heaven”. Expressing no remorse, he even cursed other people and more. To my surprise, you stated that this old man “loves society and committed the crime merely out of differences in political views”. In addition, you granted him bail while waiting to be sentenced. To me, this is “unfathomable”!

My cousin the magistrate, the names of your elder sister and younger brother have the meaning of "shipping and ocean freight”. I believe this is related to Uncle Seven’s work in engine rooms of river vessels when he was young. I know his ambition is to further shipping and freight. However, do you know that Uncle Seven fled to Macau during the Cultural Revolution? He is no stranger to the tyranny of the Communist Party and his personal experience should have been extremely painful. I wonder if he has shared with you his tragic experiences. In the past year or so, I have disconnected from social networks of friends in church, ex-colleagues and friends who have “different values and paths”. On top of that, at dinner or mahjong gatherings with relatives which I could not avoid, we all have an “implicit understanding” to talk about only “healthy eating” and “travel anecdotes”. There was never a word about “current and political affairs” and “rights and wrongs of yellow (pro-democracy) and blue (pro-establishment) camps”, so as not to rock the boat.

My cousin the magistrate, we should understand that the relationship among "cousins" is not our choice. However, whether to maintain the relationship is up to us. In order to avoid embarrassments at meetings, having to socialise reluctantly, and even having to say something not from the heart, I have made a clear choice: I will regretfully decline invitations to any gatherings of my cousins except for celebrations and funerals. My cousin the magistrate, I hope you will understand my decision and I wish Uncle and Auntie Seven good health. You are on your own, good luck!

Cousin Kuen

Source: https://www.thestandnews.com/politics/%E7%B5%A6%E8%A3%81%E5%88%A4%E5%AE%98%E8%A1%A8%E5%BC%9F%E7%9A%84%E4%B8%80%E5%B0%81%E7%A7%81%E5%87%BD/