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Police Shout "Reporters are Rioters!"

0246 Nathan Road, Mongkok
Police demand the press to step back by citing the risk of molotov cocktails. Reporters indicate that there are only police at the scene.

Police arrest at least two people and suddenly toss a hand-throw tear gas grenade.

Police shout, "Reporters are rioters!" and order the press not to "cause any trouble".

Source: Stand News #Nov16
All About Protests in the City': Hongkongers Protest On Their Way to Work

[Editor's note: In addition to joining demonstration during weekend, Hongkongers also protest on their way to work and during lunchtime. After work, people also sing and chant in shopping malls, on the street and at home]

Tai Wai

On November 8, citizens gathered to march to work while chanting slogans "Five Demands, Not One Less", and "Vote for DAB [a pro-Beijing party], Hong Kong will be dead". The crowd then dispersed as they arrived at the New Town Plaza.

Kwun Tong
Citizens gathered at Kwun Tong APM and started walking at 8.10am. Participants raised up their hands and chanted slogans "Five Demands, Not One Less".

They headed to Kowloon Bay via Kwun Tong Road Westbound. As they walked pass the Mut Wah Street intersection, a participant quarreled with a male bystander. The crowd then dispersed when they arrived at Kowloon Bay Station.

Source: Apple Daily, Nov 8
#HongkongProtests #Nov8
Hong Kong Police Arrest Two German Students for Unlawful Assembly and Violating the Anti-Mask Law

Read earlier report: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/11069

[Nov 15] According to the Hong Kong Police, two German students, aged 22 and 23, were arrested at a bus stop on Tuen Wui Street in the night of November 14. Both of them were arrested for unlawful assembly, with the 22-year-old also violatinggl the mask ban.

The police said that the case had been passed to Tuen Mun District Crime Squad. The two students were detained for further investigation.

According to Stand News, the police was looking for black-clad protesters near Tuen Mun Public Library at the time. During the process, two foreigners were intercepted and searched. The two did not resist. Police then tied their hands and took them away.

Source: Stand News
#GlobalSupport #Germany #HongKongPolice
Hospitalized Gunshot Student Worries about Other Arrestees

19 year-old Chow, a student, was shot by a traffic police with a live round in his abdomen by on November 11 in Sai Wan Ho. He is still hospitalized after surgery.

Pro-democracy lawmaker Raymond Chan visited him on November 14 at the hospital. Chow has been transferred from the intensive care unit to the general ward as his condition has improved. He is able to sit up and eat congee at the moment.

While Chow is severely injured, he still cares a lot about the protests in Hong Kong and is concernef about the number of students arrested in the past few days. Chow said the wound is still really painful, and told his dad to not make him laugh which would cause even more pain. He also said he wants to eat Koala's March (a biscuit snack popular in Hong Kong) but that will require the doctor’s permission.

Chow was in critical condition after he was shot, and his right kidney and part of his right liver had to be removed.

Source: Ming Pao, Nov 14
Chemistry Expert: Dioxins come from the Chinese-made tear gas

The following is translated from the comments of Dr. K. Kwong:

"Senior Superintendent Wong Wai Shun claimed it was the protestors' burning plastics and trash that's producing dioxins. Hold on!

First of all, in order to produce dioxins through burning, chlorine, organic matters and high temperatures must be present.

Moving on, what sorts of plastic produce dioxins after burning? The most notable one should be PVC (used mostly for cable coatings and buckets), which is toxic and is composed of chlorine and organic matters. It has been largely replaced by PP and PE(HDPE) nowadays, so it would be difficult for protestors to find PVC on the streets.

Due to low percentage of carbon in PVC(38.4%) versus that of PP and PE(85.7%), PVC is harder to ignite, and produces a choking smell while burnt. Protestors burning PVC is not frequently seen. Perhaps Officer Kong can experiment on PVC products to prove his theory.

The reason why dioxins are produced from burning PVC in garbage incinerators is due to the high operating temperatures of an incinerator. Producing dioxins through burning PVC is very unlikely in an open environment with much lower temperatures than incinerators, such as the streets.

PP and PE are quite flammable and readily available. There is no chlorine in their composition and therefore will not produce dioxins when burnt.

It is also unlikely to find chlorine in garbage normally found in garbage bins, and therefore producing dioxins through burning trash is unlikely.

In conclusion, stop misleading the public, the dioxins come from the Chinese-made tear gas!"

Source: Dr. K. Kwong, Chemistry Expert
According to Hong Kong Police Force’s International standard
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Editor’s note:
Chinese international students may be studying in the liberal West, but some of them fail to appreciate democratic values - from violently interfering protests in support of Hong Kong on campus, to harassing Hong Kong activist, etc. The writer points out that this reflects a failure of the schooling they are receiving in the US: reason, civility, and the free exchange of idea are seemingly lacking in these individuals. One of the main reasons may be that Chinese students felt detached from their American peers and often converse only with other Chinese people in America, or with family back home on their phones and computers. Moreover, a majority also consume mainly Chinese media, which feeds them a steady diet of state propaganda.

Full Article: https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/voices/2019/11/13/chinese-international-students-college-education-hong-kong-column/2575189001/

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Deconstructing “Little Pink” - The Shortest Joke On Earth

During the five consecutive months of the Anti-extradition Bill movement, Hong Kong people abroad have rallied together and held protests in various countries to support the city. Wherever you are does not really matter. And, intimidation from (a group of “Little Pink”) is always present.

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Clockenflap 2019, original scheduled from November 22 to 24, will be cancelled due to the escalating crisis in Hong Kong.

Source: Stand News #Nov15
Hong Kong is at war, and why should the world be worried.

If Hong Kong falls, democracy and civilisation follows. The British might not have given full democracy to Hong Kongers during its colonial rule of over 150 years but at least, the universities established, the spiritual values that cumulated over all these years, are now under threat by the Hong Kong Police Force, which is used as a tool by Carrie Lam, the most unpopular leader in town in the past 22 years.


International Academics and University Administrators’ Appeal to the Hong Kong Government:

Stop Police Attacks on University Campuses 

November 14, 2019.

We are academics and university administrators at universities around the world. We express serious concerns about recent police attacks of university campuses with tear gas, rubber bullets and lead-bead rounds. Without clear targets of arrest nor search warrants, riot police stationed themselves on and around university property, provoking students with accusations of unlawful assembly. In the case of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, riot police stormed into campus and made arrests. The chaos that ensued have completely disrupted and undermined the functions of universities as sites of open inquiry, freedom of expression, and effective teaching.

We urge the Hong Kong Government to exercise restraint in managing the current crisis, ensuring that the Police follow proper protocol in executing their duties. Universities must have the flexibility and autonomy to deal with matters of conduct without police intrusion. Police should only enter campuses with search warrants.   

We urge student protestors to exercise restraint in expressing their opinions and exercising their freedom of expression. We encourage them to envision non-violent means of communication as much as possible.

We have regarded universities in Hong Kong as global partners in academic and student exchanges. What we witness now is incompatible with our expectations of a world university. We may have to reconsider our partnerships with Hong Kong universities in the future if student’s safety is at risk and such blatant violation of academic and intellectual freedom continues.

Source: https://thestandnews.com/politics/近-2-400-國際學者及大學人員聯署-港警公然侵學術知識自由-如持續損與港大學合作關係/

#CUHKMassacre #GlobalSupport
What is being protected is Hong Kongers' Future

On my way to Chinese University of Hong Kong (CU), I saw many people carrying materials and guarding the university. Some of them are CU students or alumni, but many of them, I believe, were not students of CU.... Undeterred by tiresome labour and walking long distance each trip, they worked without complaint and just want to protect the students! Walking into the university campus, I saw many students and supporters resting at the Lady Liberty Square and Lingnan Field. Some people were building defence lines and transporting materials... I had never thought the CU campus that I was so familiar with would turn into a war zone in a turbulent of time....

Source: The Stand News

#CUHK #CUHKMassacre
Pro-CCP Supporter Destroyed the Grave of Former Peking University Head in Hong Kong

A Chinese leftist admitted on Weibo that he destroyed the grave of Cai Yuanpei, the late president of Peking University, in Hong Kong.

As the president of Peking University, Cai pioneered the May Fourth Movement in China in 1919 and was famous of protecting the students. He passed away in 1940 in Hong Kong and was buried in Hong Kong Aberdeen Chinese Permanent Cemetery.

On November 14, the Weibo user, “Ai Ji Wu Lei,” wrote that he went to Hong Kong to “polish” Cai’s tombstone and post the pictures of Wang Shouhua and Zhao Shiyan, who are both early Chinese Communist Party members, on the grave.

The Weibo user also wrote earlier, “it doesn’t matter if they are Rocky Tuan [current head of the Chinese University of Hong Kong] or Cai Yuanpei, they do not always represent social justice under their gentlemanlike appearance.” He also described Hong Kong students in the pro-democracy movement as “useless youth” and claimed, “one can tell how ignorant they are by looking at these useless youth’ slogans.”

Facebook pages, including “Cemetery Study,” condemned this Weibo user for his act of vandalism, which has sabbotaged the inscriptions by Yeh Kung-Ch’o, the Transportation Minister of Beiyang government. According to the Facebook page, Cai’s grave is currently covered by the Hong Kong SAR Government and therefore it cannot be confirmed if the tombstone can be restored.

Source: Stand News, https://thestandnews.com/politics/蔡元培香港墓碑遭破壞-內地微博帳戶承認-打磨了一下/

#Vandalism #DoubleStandards
Pro-CCP Supporter Destroyed the Grave of Former Peking University Head in Hong Kong
Chinese Netizens Suggest to Send the plague patients in China to Hong Kong to “solve two social issues at once"

[Nov 15] People in Beijing, China are getting worried about the recent outbreak of plague as the disease tends to spread quickly. The Chinese government has acknowledged two cases so far. Some people posted in Wechat groups that many floors of the Beijing Children Hospital and the Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University have been closed down.

The plague has also become a hot topic among Chinese netizens, which they linked it to the Hong Kong protests. Some of them suggested to send the plague patients to Hong Kong in order to “solve two social issues at once.” The others connected the dots between the outbreak, the Hong Kong protest, the current swine fever epidemic in China and the Trade War between China and the US, claiming that “the US is targeting China precisely with well-planned attacks one wave after another” and “the US is being too frantic.”

Other netizens however, argued that the Chinese government always blamed their problems on intervention and disruption from foreign countries in order to gain control of China and the enormous Chinese market which creates a never-ending cycle of dogfight between countries.

Liu Ge, a finance commentator from the state-owned broadcaster CCTV, criticized the flaws in the Chinese government’s communication system. He pointed out that there should be no way the plague victims manage to transfer to Beijing hospitals after it was confirmed they contracted the disease in Mongolia.

His weibo account with over 400,000 followers was censored wiped out soon after he posted about the above criticisms of the Chinese government.

Source: Apple Daily

#ChinaThreat #ChinaDream
HK Bar Association rides a steep political swell

(2 Nov) Philip Dykes: We are not anti-government. This is to defend human rights and the rule of law as well as the Basic Law.
The Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement will soon stretch into its sixth month. … "Everyone's attention is no longer restricted to the Extradition Law Amendment Bill. After all, this Bill is unlikely to affect you directly. However, there are some more pressing issues of public concern that have surfaced in this movement," said Philip Dykes, Chairman of Hong Kong Bar Association. …

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#HumanRights #RuleofLaw
Xi Jinping is an unwelcome person in Japan

(15 Nov)The "Alliance to Safeguard the Dignity and Interests of Japan" formed by ruling Liberal Democratic Party adopted a resolution to urge the Prime Minister not to invite Xi Jinping to visit Japan in spring 2020 if China continues the political crackdown and suppresses freedom and human rights.

The Alliance pointed out that the Chinese fishing vessels frequently sail near the Senkaku Islands to insult Japan's dignity and the recent crackdown of Hong Kong pro-democracy movement violate the universal values in Japan. The Chinese government crackdown on freedom, democracy and rule of law is unacceptable.

The resolution wrote that the Japanese government indicates that the China-Japan Relations has resumed normal. The government also expects Xi to visit next year as scheduled. It is merely a diplomatic expression but it cannot demonstrate the true China-Japan Relations.

Chairperson of the Alliance, Shiaoyama, added that "it will be weird if the government neglects the conflicts in Hong Kong and Senkaku Islands and welcome the visit of President Xi" and they will only welcome Xi if the situation improves.

Source: Apple Daily

#Xi #Japan #HumanRights
Hong Kongers in Japan gathered in Tokyo in remembrance of Yin-Lam CHAN Participants Shed Tears:” Hong Kong turning into an authoritarian regime”

(02 Nov) A gathering to show support for Hong Kong was held in Yoyogi Park, Tokyo. Paper cranes were folded in memory of Chan Yin-Lam who passed away merely at the age of 15. Participants also sang "Glory to Hong Kong" together. Many Hong Kong ex-pats in Japan showed their disbelief that Hong Kong has turned into an authoritarian regime.

Mr. and Mrs. Yu had been living in Japan for 40 years said it is saddening to watch Hong Kong news in recent months, "I have lost sleep a lot. I get up early every day to watch the news and feel a lot of pressure. Very unhappy." Mr. Yu pointed out that Hong Kong has become a different place, "a police state. The police are unscrutinized and disrespect the rule of law. The Police belittle random citizens. Not even the Chinese security forces act this unprofessionally." He said he had noticed the sudden increase in photos of police beating the weak and young. "Normal people can't accept this. No way." He sighed and said, Japanese news covered Hong Kong almost every day, but their coverage was not thorough and tended to play down the severity of the situation. "Japanese coverage paints the protesters as rioters, causing the Japanese to have a very different interpretation of the situation in Hong Kong.

Mr. Yu said, according to his understanding of Japan, he believed the Japanese government would follow in the footstep of the U.S. Puting business first and avoid making moves that could upset China, "Someone once questioned Shinzo Abe whether he would ask Xi Jinping about Hong Kong. Abe said he already did but in a very toned-down way... I believe he won't make making any big moves to upset the Chinese." Mr. Yu said the reason why he participated in the event is that both himself and his wife are Hong Kongers. "Our Hong Kong was not like this in the past. Even though we don't live in Hong Kong anymore, however, I would be scared to go out on the streets of Hong Kong."

Excerpt: Apple Daily, 2 November 2019

#GlobalSupport #Japan #ChinaInfluence