Green Exchange Challenge
233 subscribers
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86 000+ holders today
137 000+ holders now. Going to 500k πŸ“ˆ

How to add GREEN Token ERC-20 on Ethereum Trust Wallet custom token

Contact: 0x5e68801a5dda8671051006eb2920ffe9cd553544
Symbol: GREEN
Decimals: 8
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How to add GREEN Token ERC-20 on Ethereum Trust Wallet custom token

Contact: 0x5e68801a5dda8671051006eb2920ffe9cd553544
Symbol: GREEN
Decimals: 8
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How to add GREEN Token ERC-20 on Polygon Trust Wallet custom token

Contact: 0x8a4001fd666be272605c56bb956d11a46200db81
Symbol: GREEN
Decimals: 8
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How to add GrandpaGreen Token ERC-20 on Polygon Trust Wallet custom token

Contact: 0x68caf7335aa11188d9d91e1c9a5ab73a6de827be
Symbol: GGREEN
Decimals: 18
We started new project
A lot of requests regarding "forum" every day users searching. We planning to cover ~400 000 requests with topics on "The Forum". Is good base to build global GREEN community.

Right now each topic you start and each post you made (over 50 symbols) you've got 1000 GrandpaGreen Tokens on your forums balance, that can be withdrawed to Polygon. (Beta testing available)

Join now! Let's build global green community, grow GREEN and GrandpaGreen tokens together.
Green Exchange Challenge
157 000+ holders today
A long time fees on Polygon was high. Right now opened opportunity to continue airdrop GrandpaGreen Tokens. Almost 200 000 token holders at this moment
320 000+ GrandpaGreen token holders on Polygon now.
Login with Metamask now integrated on
Click "Login with Metamask", enter your username and email - Registration and confirming your address done!
Join now, post and earn GrandpaGreen tokens.
Heavy time for our project started 24 of February. Part of our services depend on situation of Russian aggression on Ukraine. Our project still alive. For support leave comments, buy GREEN and GrandpaGreen tokens. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
We started NFT collection regarding russian invasion in Ukraine. You may participate with "favorite" clicks.
Buy any item on our OpenSea collection and receive GrandpaGreen tokens 100% cashback. Make purchase and post your wallet/txid here.
First three buyers will receive 150% cashback, that you may sell in same time. Please be noted, that 12% tax for buy/sell/transfer of each GrandpaGreen tokens are deducted
Hello GREEN Community. A little good news from our project. Past year was hard for us. We got a lot of fails with modification pages of "How to" project on base. This implemetations slow down load page for each user, that was fetched by Google and as result - down in google search results.

Two month ago we cut all databeses with how-to categories and cache, that slow downs load of page. Right now service connected to the external source, that responds on each search query.

As result each page loads faster and we almost recovered or peak daily visits.

Next task is monetization of visitors with focus on page speed.

GREEN - alive.
Hello GREEN Community. A long time there was no news from us. Good news - we are alive and bring more attention to develop and grew our project. We are planning to post few news with current updates, so stay tuned to get informed.

Past Troubles: After abuses we has two migrations from cloud hosting, that makes a lot of stress and pain. Second one was from Vultr. We strongly NOT recommend to use Vultr cloud hosting for your projects. (Got gap with down time without notice for preparation for migration). Also old SEO tools, that was effective before for Green Exchange site not available and also not effective due to war.

Current status: Right now best result has "How-to" section on domain, with 19K daily visits, its ~50% from peak. (Statistics will be published soon).

Google recommends to reduce page speed load for users, so we don't put advertising code on pages, that appeared in search. Users starts monetizing, when they starting to search inside site.

What we have done during past time:
πŸ‘‰ We have implemented search option and published to mainpage:
πŸ‘‰ We have integrated audio to text script, by user click option, where its possible generated content creation option. (Text with time codes under the video.) β€” We have fresh visits with such pages
πŸ‘‰ We made own video player that 10x time faster page loads, than youtubes.
πŸ‘‰ We have integrated ChatGPT AI short answers, by users click (Click AI Answer button, that available on all how-to pages): We paid for each AI generated page, so used right now gradually (2K+ answers already generated). β€” We have fresh visits with such pages
πŸ‘‰ (Fresh) We integrated related queries, that will appeared on each page soon. See block under the video, with "Related suggestions:" links list. (This block actively used by users and increase linked pages visible for Google soon):

What we planning, to reach new peak 50K daily visits (To-Do short list):
πŸ‘†We need to rethink of page generated algo. Each component of page is loaded one-by-one, so server waits for each query-response operation. Need to make all components queries make with one batch query, so it should reduce page load time.
πŸ‘†Put components to: domains/sites
( loose its visits from 200 to 20 daily after cloud hosting migration)
Need help with posting links on this sites from external resources to lift it up. Write, if you are ready to help this work can be rewarded with GREEN token.
πŸ‘†Make javascript component to load more videos on page scroll (will be no needed to click to view more videos.)
πŸ‘†Create generated with added suggestions Sitemaps (right now all of them made manually)
πŸ‘†Build external mirrored resources for future migration risks with down time.

β€” A little info: you should know that from more than 5 Million visits, no one buys GREEN tokens, while its written about in on main page. All token sales is inside crypto community.