Green Charter RCM
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Green Charter Revolutionary Committees Movement

🟢Committees everywhere
🟢No revolutionary outside a revolutionary committee
🟢No revolution without revolutionary ideology

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Do you finally believe us that Q like #Anonymous before it was a #psyop? #Trump the actor to let you focus yet more on putting faith and trust into others to do what you should do? To keep surrendering your power. Keep hoping for a saviour. Instead of spending time to learn how to take #power: a slow but steady process of #study and hard #work. Astute readers will see we’ve been suggesting starting here: instead of placing faith in #political #leaders of any form. Now that the Trumpet has told you to go home may be a good time to start reading to understand the way to People’s power for “representation is fraud”
#Freedom can only be defended if you have the #power. #Study how to do so in The Green Book, #Solution to the #Problem of Power (ThiRd Universal THeory - TRUTH). Those who understand the solutions set forth in The Green Book organize themselves with others into Revolutionary Committees with the task to invite others to embrace the #Rights and Freedoms of the Green Charter and to organize open consensus decision-making (legislative) People's #Conferences which are the #legislature based upon #Natural #Law and into specialised (executive) executive People's #Committees under the supervision of the people's conferences, activated by the revolutionary green charter committees, to replace the defunct anti-people govern-mental structures. Our role as #revolutionary (green charter) committees is not to rule over others nor to allow others to rule over us but to set the #example, to #educate, to #motivate, and to #warn the popular masses and #guide to the path toward #emancipation, bringing about the Dawn of a new era, the Era of the self-governing Freepublics (Jamahiriyas). Share AND JOIN this Channel:
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