CNN Poll Finds Democratic Party’s Approval Rating At Record Low
Granite Grok
CNN Poll Finds Democratic Party’s Approval Rating At Record Low
The Democratic Party has dropped to a new record low among Americans, reaching only a 29% favorability rating, according to a CNN poll conducted by SSRS.
Gender Isn’t The Only Thing This School Board Is Bending
Granite Grok
Gender Isn't The Only Thing This School Board Is Bending
School districts and boards across the fruited plain are wrestling with a problem. The previous commander in chief, or whoever was running his auto-pen, signed proclamation...
Beef Inflation: Tariffs, Farmers, and Consumers Lock Horns.
Granite Grok
Beef Inflation: Tariffs, Farmers, and Consumers Lock Horns.
Americans love their hamburgers as much as buffalo wings and fried eggs, and all three are increasing in price. Mainstream media headlines suggest President Donald Trump’...
Free Speech, Energy Policy, and School Choice
Granite Grok
Free Speech, Energy Policy, and School Choice
This week on Right Side Up, Mike and his co-host discuss the lack of free speech in Montpelier, Vermont, the Democratic Party's costly and destructive energy policy, and th...
Analysis of EFA Bills Shows Small State Costs, Bigger Local Savings
Granite Grok
Analysis of EFA Bills Shows Small State Costs, Bigger Local Savings
The Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy, in partnership with EdChoice, has released an analysis of the fiscal effects of two Education Freedom Account expansion propos...
Overdue Government “Spring Cleaning”
Granite Grok
Overdue Government "Spring Cleaning"
The term “spring cleaning" refers to a long overdue responsibility that addresses the need—in the case of our government—for a return to its constitutionally mandated...
Are We Witnessing The Right’s March Through the Left’s “Institutions?”
Granite Grok
Are We Witnessing The Right's March Through the Left's "Institutions?"
If Turnabout is Fair Play Sergey Nechayev, the author of "the blueprint for communist revolution," observed in his pamp...
A New Beltway Intrigue: Follow the Biden EPA Money
Granite Grok
A New Beltway Intrigue: Follow the Biden EPA Money
When the Biden administration announced $27 billion in environmental grants last April, it set the clock ticking on a predicament: how to get the unprecedented sums for the...
“Getting to…Zero Emissions May Require a Complete Collapse of So-Called Civilization.”
Granite Grok
“Getting to…Zero Emissions May Require a Complete Collapse of So-Called Civilization.”
Good governance utilizing democratic processes, capitalist economies that feature meritocracy and healthy work ethic, and the Rules of Law and Private Property (among other...
Another Reason to Cancel Gulf Of Maine Wind
Granite Grok
Another Reason to Cancel Gulf Of Maine Wind
While the Gulf of Maine boondoggle is on hold pending review despite existing undeveloped lease sales, we've been stomping on the accelerator to increase public awareness t...
Ask Reps: Oppose Assisted Suicide Before Thursday’s Vote
Granite Grok
Ask Reps: Oppose Assisted Suicide Before Thursday’s Vote
Thursday, March 20th, the House will be voting on
Five Ways Defined Contribution Retirement Plans Would Benefit NH
Granite Grok
Five Ways Defined Contribution Retirement Plans Would Benefit NH
In 2025, the public appetite for cutting unnecessary government expenses, improving efficiency and reducing taxpayer liabilities is enormous. Inflation put tremendous stres...
Dems Are Caught In Their Own Trap
Granite Grok
Dems Are Caught In Their Own Trap
The last few weeks have been devastating for the Democrats. They had an internal explosion when Chuck Schumer broke from the base and voted in favor of the Republican versi...
If Merrimack Doesn’t Do Any DEI or CRT Stuff Stop Paying The DEI/CRT Consultant
Granite Grok
If Merrimack Doesn't Do Any DEI or CRT Stuff Stop Paying The DEI/CRT Consultant
My kids have not been victims of what passes for public education in the town of Merrimack (SAU 26) for a very long time, but now and then, the PTSD shows itself. They than...
President Trump: Stop Bombing Yemen and Exit the Middle East!
Granite Grok
President Trump: Stop Bombing Yemen and Exit the Middle East!
Over the weekend President Trump ordered a massive military operation against the small country of Yemen. Was Yemen in the process of attacking the United States? No. Did t...
Do We Have a Govt That Respects What We Can Afford?
Granite Grok
Do We Have a Govt That Respects What We Can Afford?
I am reminded of my question to Bruce Curry, "Whose money is it FIRST?" Put another way, "Who has the first claim on the money in my wallet"? Curry was an uber-progressive ...