Graham Phillips Journalist
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❗️26th May 2014, 10 years ago today, regarded as the start of all-out war in Donbass. Ukrainian forces planned to land en masse at Donetsk Airport in order to storm Donetsk, and on. Donbass militia put up resistance, Ukraine sent in military aviation, opened fire. That day, the road to Donetsk airport became known as the 'Road of Death'.... civilian bodies lay from the airport to the train station, several kilometres away. A dreadful, dark day, and one we must never forget πŸ™πŸ»
Prominent ukrainian 'journalist' and 'super patriot' Illia Ponomarenko tries to entice French soldiers to fight for ukraine with a list of the best things he can think of about ukraine. We all knew things were bad there, but if this is really their best offer.... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
❀️ Thank you for another fantastic reaction to my Rumble reportage - from Mariupol, and more coming up soon, from Mariupol, and more!! πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί
As I go along, working from here in Donbass, doing what I do, there are times I do need to pause for a moment, make a statement. Firstly, are you ok? Ok, but seriously. In recent days across global media there has been a series of articles connected to someone I met a couple of times when he came to Donbass, an American, based in Moscow, and his 'activities'. We take the standard western media personal attacks / attempts to discredit him as a given, but facts are facts, there is no getting away from that, nor should there ever be attempt to.

It is absolutely clear that the person in question has indeed set up multiple fake websites, identities, and generally engaged in a range of improper behaviours, violations of ethics, journalistic codes of conduct. I didn't know this, and although I was never associated with any of this, on any level, I definitely do not support the decisions this person has made in doing this. There is no justification for it, the 'argument' that 'they do it on the western / ukrainian side, so we may as well', is not an argument. If you have to stoop to the lows of your enemy to fight them then you may as well not even bother fighting them - a 'victory' achieved by dishonesty, dark ops, has zero integrity or value.

Although the attempts by western media to 'tar us all with the same brush' are inevitable, they cannot be left unchecked, and left to stand. Having now done a full enquiry into the matter, I can say categorically that the actions of this person are entirely his own actions. They do not represent any country, organisation, entity, group of colleagues, anything. They are entirely the, completely misguided, dishonest, unprofessional, shitty actions of one person. Although he may have believed that this was his way of 'helping the cause', if his evisceration, shaming, exposure across global media were allowed to be associated with any part of his 'cause', he would have done more damage than his worst enemy could even dream of. I write this post so that this person is not associated with any country, 'cause', or colleague, apart from himself.

I support decency, integrity, honesty. The colleagues I know, support, repost, trust, similarly share those values. Due to his own indefensible, self-initiated actions, the person in question has harmed his own reputation beyond any possible rehabilitation. That is for him to deal with, and to be honest the level of disapproval with which I regard his actions negates any sympathy which one could feel towards a person with certain talents making catastrophic life choices, and fucking everything up. I'm not going to name him, because this post is not about doxxing, it is about a point of principle.

Thank you for your time. If you haven't seen any of the stories in question, and have no idea who I'm speaking about, you are free to simply move onto the next post πŸ˜‡
⚑️ Following on from my earlier post, I can now confirm that John Mark Dougan, also known as 'Badvolf' has been dismissed from his every connection and association with all Russian media. Dougan is accused of having 'gone rogue', and suspected of having taken money from western agencies.
πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡° I'm happy to hear that Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is recovering and has been transferred from hospital to his home. In the 2 plus weeks since his shooting, we've seen western leaders acting in an even more aggressive, generally mental way than usual. Fico's voice of reason has been missed, and I'm sure you join me in wishing him a return to full health, and active duties, as soon as possible!
πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Meanwhile in the UK.


Also Rishi Sunak: Pint of lemonade in the pub.

Forwarded from Foreign Agent Intel

It is with deep disappointment and utmost regret that I ask all of you to be vigilant to the fakes and contrivances that originate on websites purporting to be small US news outlets.

Not only did the Western media recently detect and report on a spare of AI websites, but most egregiously, the architect has now set his sights on slandering a journalist who has done valuable work in Donbass and as a result had suffered some of the most serious and outrageous measures taken by a government upon it's own citizen in the absence of a crime.

The perpetrator's behaviour is indefensible.

Ukraine is guilty of enough evil that contriving ridiculous and easily debunked stories is stooping to the gutter level of the forces we are fighting.

We're better than this and those who would undermine the cause MUST be called out and held accountable for their actions.
πŸ™πŸ» June 1st - International Children's Day!

While Poroshenko, and then Zelensky, have been trying to make the lives of Donbass children misery for over 10 years, maim them, kill them, we have stood with them, defended them, done everything so they can enjoy a safe, happy childhood, and future full of hope. β€οΈπŸ™πŸ»

That is the difference between devils, and people πŸ™πŸ»
⚠️ George Clooney, his 'foundation' that is, is trying to get arrest warrants issued for all Russian journalists working in Europe.

Nope, it's still June 1st, not April 1st, and here we are.... πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©
From Russian Mariupol to you my friends, with more reportage from here coming up soon! And may this summer be the best of our lives!!! β˜€οΈβ€οΈπŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί
❗️June 2nd 2014, one of the most shocking incidents of this war, as Ukrainian Nazis hit Lugansk's administrative building with a fighter jet airstrike. 8 people were killed, 5 women and 3 men, several of them dying agonising deaths on the street, 28 were wounded.

We remember πŸ•―